
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:26 am

Journalists the correct answer is “YES”! - - - Yes, to press briefly, Hillary Clinton is boxed in!  Yes, to boxers, their bell has been rung - her clock has gotten cleaned - a TKO is pre-called!  Yes, forward, - let me be clear - the Clintons did do it! - It is more all the Clintons’ fault.

Though it is #GivingTuesday & #GivingNewsDay and I am again in #tweets of in world wide trending #hashtags it is pressing more now on the guilt and late guilting of the cons of the Clintons than of that as regards #giving I am a #giver as per #Forbes #Billionaires list #news akin to the inaction & avoidance of issue to pressing out how I by not (yet) objecting to JK Rowling generosity for TBD is holding of for now I have only stipulated a possibility that Jo is just giving from her share of our most successful long collaboration for 7 books on magic.

The Clintons are in a pickle - many pickles - for of mused mass successes is too how to posture forward as a new next safe place for “Harry Potter” readers I did posit & share a calling to (Old School usage: of: ”many are called - but few are chosen” “called”) of that I should pre-remedy #Hogwarts expectations to that fans/readers post matriculation would be neitherwise to an expectation of that society owed them - any of em - a job.  The pickles of the “crooked” Clintons so tag’d is of that the #TheApprentice show idea stemmed from my so postured next media idea advance planning consideration for a synchronicity for economic growth by people like of #Paulist as of economies to grow doth need people to be able to sing together.  The #Apprentice idea was born of thinking with Donald J. Trump, Sr. towards generating media to inoculate #Potterdom from a weakness by posturing their future is not prescribed - but apprenticeships may be available.  The #TRUMP #RealityShow followed as a prophylactic too to #CrookedTogether of in how J.K. Rowling was accepting and performing on 7 books challenged of from muse as - as cloaked intent - to be protection for a new generation from the #HOGAN already known crooked of the Clinton Machine intimate BOGO machinations complicitry.

It seems on the verge of unbelievable that any such as I could have done so much that yet the Clintons afforded a false belief in a believed of as if of their potential - of that what Clintons didn’t do they couldn’t do and yet another, I, could have done and done exceedingly more/better - more broadly.

E.G.:  That is (I.E.) for example I know of a TIME Magazine methodology of “calling” as imagined pre-calling due 2006 POY field had me fielding an early morning “called” sans phonography as to if I would be Person of the Year for being blogger “uc” in DC + media market of year spent pro-actively publicly blogging via NewsBusters.org to argue for of #IraqWar for a #SURGE & to then why and then to defending & supporting such through its effected & to that success much undermined by later President first black executive Commander in Chief Barack H. Obama.

It is that it all fits together that pickles the pickled quandary of the complicity of the crooked.

I, whom did work to make a Democrat electable to President in 1992 and to then forward of such being of teaching specifically Governor Bill Clinton, in old school spiritual spirited “calling” sans phonography methodology , is whom did more than Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton and of that I like did almost mirror how I lead the defeat of #Hillary2008 fall with how I guided with free social media pennies wise defeat of #Hillary2016.

Yes, the magic of Potterdom arose from me as to mass market a prophylactic media to help protect a new generation a next generation from the complicitry of the known & unknown crookedness of he Clintons’ machinations for Power and some of a guilt for having been more successful than I had planned when of Clinton/Gore won in 1992 by trusting how I said & guided along postured of like: IF YOU LEARN TO SOUND LIKE ME YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO WIN.

Enough on the failure of these as prophylactics!

The Clintons did do it!  The Clintons did do it more than any other!  It is lingua facto that is it more the Clintons & all the Clintons’ fault than any #FakeNews #AlternativeFacts yet have sufficed to report.  My defense is it all got outta control due Ross Perot ego got triggered due the synchronicity of #IBM of also working off my choreography synchronized in cloaked methodology for maximizing positive change as the new world order offered maximization potential as of how these united states of the Americas should, by my think, effect forward a forward as sole superpower.  I did fail to account for all the collateral politics of #Perot and the Clintons won despite some postured to give #BUSH #41 someone to run against after Senator Al Gore left country in lurch when he bailed while Democrats heir apparent - A team go to; I did fail to dispense of the crooked Clintons as an exposed single use disposable option due how I wasn’t to also processing the ego of Ross Perot of reacting to changes synchronized of IBM changed to a need of his like to rally on an “I TOLD YOU SO!”.

It truly is amazing now how it really is unbecoming and so diabolical of that “it” of “it is all the Clintons’ fault” fits like a glove of #TREASON - treachery much already confessed to.

The right answer journalists is now much akin “IT WAS ALL THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” as by http://JPHogan.org one can still become learned of that though Barack H. Obama has a complicitry and for economic crimes - conduct unbecoming a President of these united states of the Americas - by “BAILEY WICK(S)?” as also available by links http://ArtOfRivals.com & especially http://LockHerUp.biz of prime as http://CitizenRosebud.org.

These are the days for the froward forward of politics for Justice & “Law and Order” to try how many ways and times as not to render of double jeopardy the known & unknown of the complicitry of the crookedness of which when I am uncloaked there can be an AH HAH! moments to epiphanies from seeing how the Clintons have like only survived by hiding their long bad with my good, - and by misappropriated as immoral & amoral by false witness for coveting mine and stealing mine - intellectual property of origins speciality particularly uniquely fit’n my story/bio.

Though all this may seem unbelievable there is much yet of that you’ve been long mislead to believe others could have done it while their own back stories are contrary to such potential and so are primed to learn another did it and more and to them more tools that disappointed on the truer scope more broadly more equally conceived to maximize positive change at the moments of space-time of these united states of the Americas to adjusting a copacetic to becometh the world’s sole superpower - to effect and affected fit’n the new world order new paradigm.

The caveat to yet a failed likewise is neitherwise can the guilt of the first black President exonerate the crooked of the complicitry of the crooked together Clintons even as per old Bailey there is the diabolical rap just primarily assuaged to lock up #Obama of that as dramatized (Shakespearean old school) of the amoral & immorality of that as a new President he chose not to save the country from the still sliding economy for to effect such per the space-time economic & political reality he, President Obama, would have had to effectively martyr himself and didn’t.

“YES” is the right answer!  Even especially to now lately if just #BillClinton was worse than #RichardNixon, and, too to if #Clintons were so bad they’ll go down in history as a worst first couple EVER. 

#BlackLivesMatter sync’s now to a relativity for #EqualJustice of that it would be wrong - morally wrong - to assuage a complicitry criminal to beyond treason upon the first black President if not primed firstly to how punk’d he was by William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton and of that the crimes prosecutable against Barack H. Obama are firstly of the criminal nature of the NIXON fall cover-ups of that to avoid an injustice we must gird from Bill Clinton as protected by being able to mount a defense firstly of “the black President did it” of the spousal husbandry distracted from while yet of getting away with it so far by holding back the tag’n of “it is all the fault of female leadership of at least woman Hillary doth failed BIG!”


Just say “YES”?

“YES” is the right answer journalists!  Even especially to now lately if just #BillClinton was worse the #DickNixon, and, too to if #Clintons were so bad they’ll go down in history as worst first couple EVER!

NO!  It is wrong and not safe if one ignores the cover-ups significance and paries on as if Barack Obama can be guilted while the first black President broadly firstly due his NIXONIAN of he made clearly criminal the questionable cover-up(s) of the Clintons he did inherit from #BUSH #43. 

YES?  - Or:  “NO! It is/was WRONG!”  Before we can prime the rap on woman Hillary or black President ”Barack” we must say “NO” - “NO MORE” - #ENOUGHALREADY #CROOKEDBILL!

Let the white man go first?  Try #SlickWilly for #CrookedHillary & #44 crimes first?

              *       *       *       JUST SAY YES?       *       *       *        


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