
January 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:27 am

Let me be clear:  As Donald J. Trump, President, brings back “Merry Christmas” for Mormons we have the paradigm of our time’s politics of Hillary Clinton as “Butch” and Barack Obama as “Cassidy” a metaphor.

We have alarms to raise against careers of evil of complicitry to set asunder the pathology of freedom enshrined also of Apostle Paul successes at furthering the work of our Lord.  We must raise enough alarm to ensure their crimes against humanity have a suffice of respondents to encircle and attest with testimonies of motivation of appeared to ensnare and arrest.

Some baby steps around the elementary of the birth of Christ is to sock it to “BUTCH” & “CASSIDY” for wrongful ways to just ways for a short term sun dancing devoid of morals and a core value.

Catholics must be alarmed of New York Presbyterian likewise emboldening of Book of Mormons for reasoning through how worthy a Queens’ Protestant amounts before Truth is the work of everyday - the work of humanity - the work of living moral - the short game of if any can make it a week sans due public shaming in a weekly service accountancy.

“Butch” & “Cassidy” have had careers of evil by being of and for being oh so contrary to the prudence & philosophically reasoned of at least John Jay & Alexander Hamilton;  “Hillary” & “Barack” are two individual souls likewise violate of the humanity of faith by long dedicated to set asunder the pathology of freedom as said of Apostle Paul in furtherance of the education in the way & laws of our Lord.

As a metaphor of ensnared but for the comity of polity for parity we have their too just sun dancing now as crimes against our constituted by the Peoples’ “Order” our Constitution to account them assuaged of careers in evil effectively.

It behoove us, however catholic (worldly), to consider if a New York Presbyterian a Queens’ Protestant a President of these united states of the Americas is yet a topper to Catholics - to even American Catholics - to especially Kennedy Catholics.

I’ve nothing against Donald J. Trump martialing a “Merry Christmas” reset for Mormons.

Forward we must stir our alarms of our consciences & connective metaphysical of that the American founding fathers were not as seems presumed by Democrats of stray from apostolic spectacle and to basely earlier of a blasphemy of being generic of a sun dance primal regression politics.

The metaphor fitting “careers of evil” tag is of “Hillary” as “Butch” & “Barack” as “Cassidy”!

For polity and comity we can affix a parity though seasonal polite now as if we are yet see them as surrounded by peaceful protestors now muscling in on against how they have long wrongly worked to set asunder the mystery of faiths of the pathology of freedom of at least the basics of Apostle Paul furtherance in educating on the ways universal of caring of our Lord. 

In tatters is the Law the Justice of Obama’s reign as related to the endemic of the duration of James Comey for to respect the rule of law each must cotton to the American prudence of innocence held high of protections in the presumption of innocence and at least how so long contrary and evil it has been by careers of leaders of Democrat Party of missing the prejudice & discrimination in their own common core. 

In tatters is the politics of ”tax the rich” Liberalism for the Left elite ruling class is now encircled and to be clowned over until alarms can be quieted by a suffice of worldly arisen to knowledge in their wrongful setting asunder of the essential metaphysics of the pathology of freedom as tied to truth and honesty. 

We must leave Donald J. Trump, New York Presbyterian a Queens’ Protestant, to explain himself on “Merry Christmas” to evidence if actually worldly with his attempts at parochial politics reset. 

In tatters they unite and yet evidence their crooked and as of careers of evil and fraying to frayed of their high fashion long hemmed irreligious.

Let us all ensnare to even clown around with metaphors for crookedness arresting.

At least the basic question of if and how devoid of a philosophy of governance was/is the likes of “Butch” & “Cassidy” for too of just pimp’n out sun dancing of a devolution to a natural state contrary to the ten of seen of the ark of old saws religious & moral written.

This metaphorical isn’t set to be commentary on how to be of a copacetic by self-governance in a shared established morality particular to coexistence of a metaphysical existentialism of particularly the Catholic YUGE family; this is merely an essay on brotherhood & sisterhood as universally governed for a pathology of freedom. 

To maintain order of old saw an adage of old times of “give to Caesar” & of differentiations between that of government from that of Lord’s - that of morals indivisible from of universal humanity and moral of all let us consider taxation of our times and the American creed as constituted of founding fathers not at blaspheme but as yet anew of an apostolic spectacle respecting separations vertical between of under our Lord and of equal in rights to our government.

American civil liberties are of our Union of own indivisible from the universal union however yet keepers of it within a smaller family either the Catholic mass or that Mormon amassed, and or Trump’s of Queens’ Protestants as New York Presbyterian.

The Liberals’ sun dances for taxing the rich & redistribution by claiming power to be redistributors doth as spaketh and martialed betray our common core in the pathology of freedom and by crookery of complicitry forwarded of wrongful by having asked to be entrenched to Power as if just to be prejudice and discriminating against the HAVES - any rich enough to be TAXED - by attacking their civil liberties by assuaging GUILT not INNOCENCE as pre-judged.

“Butch” & “Cassidy” likewise are tag’d for of a BIGOTRY a PREJUDICED an inconsiderate politics un-American and contrary to faiths by working a base endemic for their own sun dance pimp’d for popularity over morality.

And now:  How threatening is “Merry Christmas” to your comfort level American?

How cotton ye to how established the founders’ effected as the Peoples’ Order as the American long game, and, now how doth ye in testimonies sayeth ye selves of how Trump short game arrests the politics of the Left Leftists much fully ensnared and encircled by own so to circular reasoned devoid a philosophical?

“Merry Christmas” is pronounced how?  Mustn’t we face the evil amongst us if to articulate it particularly morally?

Arrest them with the “SHORT GAME” and shed your partisanship to their BIGOTRY & PREJUDICED against the HAVES for HAVE NOTS & HAVES in America must toe to the same morality of it wrong to entrench a structural discrimination against any (class or persons) and so it is in-Constitutional & un-American to posture & govern for any REDISTRIBUTION by TAX THE RICH dictum?

Our “SHORT GAME” is President Trump’s, however personally religious, “LONG GAME” and the over due reset an example American modal now pressing and welcome?

We the People by our Peoples’ “Order” do coexist to govern of religions as first tools for self-governance and now must attest with encircling alarm by testimonials of that we are constituted under our Lord’s Law not a sun dancing blasphemy to that it improper and irregular to entrench a structural bigotry against the taxable for the separations of of Caesar’s from of Lord’s is our separations vertical constituted our more perfect Union “done” “subscribed” in past “Year of our Lord” whence.

The HAVES are established and ordained to equal rights of the HAVE NOTS and to then our “SHORT GAME” the “LONG GAME” constituted American for these united states of the Americas to that “MORALITY” of “INEQUALITY” & “EQUALITY” is not the work of Caesar but that the work of ALL and set dogmatically prudently to be forward of the humanity froward of doth behoove all to redistribution is as of (John Jay and?) Alexander Hamilton as espoused by “PUBLIUS” of constituted for “INDUCEMENTS OF PHILANTHROPY” reasoned as constituted also for “PRESERVATION… OF PROPERTY” so that HAVES shall not be prejudged and discriminated against with any structural bigotry by any TAX THE RICH politics.

For it only is calculable that the presumption of innocence governs and so redistribution is only constitutional where voluntary or of peer pressure by “SHORT GAME” prudence exercised of to now of any separation from of supposed to care for all and of existential community in believing buttress by a weekly test to if any can make it a week (even days) without being due PUBLIC SHAME & SHADE of being singled out for public shaming by participatory democracy in keeping faith in maintaining the PATHOLOGY OF FREEDOM of “each is under our Lord before under any government?” (Your source?  Also of Apostle Paul for any “Merry Christmas” however secular to a faith family particulars.)

No HAVE shall be of HAVES structurally prejudged as if GUILTY due a BIGOTRY of PREJUDICED/PRE-JUDGED!!!

None said a ”HAVE NOT” shall be PRE-JUDGED and PREJUDICED in a STRUCTURAL BIGOTRY to as if presumed to be of “HAVE NOTS” as dictated as if NOT of a “GREEN MINIMALISM” an otherwise living plainly and “CLOSER TO OUR LORD”?

            *       *       *       NOT GUILTY?       *        *        *


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