
October 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:04 pm

Can it be as easy as to prescribe “just change the music!”?

Throughout our countdown to the judgement by the midterms our generational modern conflicts are sure to percolate, and spill over our attempts to comity.  We will surely be introduced to a new polity of partisan politics sketched/drafted by like of zones of ignorance.

As we settle in and brace for the looming battles to a common truth it may be ignorance that falls before souls.  Our partisan divides are to get resolved to repaired to bipartisanship with our work to find, from the partisan political lies, a workable communicable common truth.

Those faith leaders of these united states of the Americas are our go to shepherds drilled to stand up sanctuaries in “the truth shall set you free!”.  It is our/their work we are liberated by - not liberated from - as where peoples stop doing the work of being a moral people no government is affordable.  We have our constituted by our old Peoples’ “Order” in that freedom is a concept of religions of religiousness is firstly tools of self governance - self governing.

We must locate and identify those zones of ignorance and bring masses back to a general common truth so that our originalism of morals is still our primary and general preserved of self-governance.

The perversions, however selfish and firstly self-serving, of the Clintons now can hardly escape a judgement day as their old trump of postured lies of “post-Constitution” now must be of our next generation reared to the understanding of so much of all of such decades of stuff is categorically - to simple stupid - of tag just as “textbook treason.”

Capitalism has defeated the Socialism of Barack Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s vast failures are of she repeated mistakes of Clintons’ of 1993 to 2001 and with Obama’s team only offered American perversions to Socialism while such methods were those of recent years un-American and globally those most rebelled against.

Our Constitution by the Peoples’ “Order” is perverted from a general “innocent until proven guilty.  Our enduring constitution endears as counter to Powers to lawyers in love to laws perverted for graft and emoluments abuse racket schemes as to empower to intimidate with a “presumed guilty” their gestalt - their S.O.P..

The nails in the case to closure of Clintons’ perversions to such un-American self-serving political control are in the public consumption of Robert Galbraith as such of “Strike” is fiction on truths of a modern day Ayn Rand “Atlas Shrugged” ‘on strike’ as worked, and as to in reality - of seekers for common truth - being a historical experience paradigm of such fact does best explain how “Hillary for President” went from thought too powerful and the “inevitable” to defeated twice - two times by the same strike against corruption.

Alexander Hamilton is still great - to best - go to former of agency to our Union as constituted of compassionate originalism of freedom as a concept of religion, and of none therefore can be free “from” religion - as religiousness is firstly self-governance and none is of a separation right from expected to care for all of Creator’s created creatures and stuff.  Hamilton as Publius to counter Governor Clinton’s imperial empire state postured did explain our Constitution in “The Federalist Papers” essay #1 of against ‘Socialism’  and to Federal entitlements to be unconstitutional by that morals are to be the kept voluntary work of free people as caveat “for inducements of philanthropy” with “preservation… of property” anchor the Federalists’ intellectual and genuine opposition to such Clinton - as was earlier the music/beat of revolutionary opposition to British General Clinton.

Alexander Hamilton must not be dismissed as steadfast and articulated against present day Clintons too.  By how our Peoples’ “Order” constitutes our scope of the republic of these united states of the Americas the liberal Left’s ploys to pass small regulations to trump how originalism is compassionate must be recognized as laws not laws for do not trump the Constituted by ratified and/or amended.  We have currently that we need to also articulate a particular likewise common opposition to old Clinton foes and recent perversions premeditated postures to set asunder the Constitution - the essential protections from tyranny, especially, of justice (innocence) as for sale by elite “lawyers”.

The comity of republic is secured by the polity of parity so that now our faith leaders are those expected to shoulder and carry forth the pressing need to find a common truth for bipartisanship restoration from the dissection of partisan lies to now our extant is more a house of cards of two ”histories” - rival historical tales - worked premeditatively to the Constitution some to much to set asunder by the Clintons’ machinations perversions, and too by the seeming naivete of President Barack Obama of seemingly proceeded for his “personality based Presidency” in his arrogance and mistaken postured of with his good looks and modern technology the past failures of Socialism (Communism?) could be transcended/overcome to yet now a victoriousness from his likeness.

Again we may need now just change the music back to such as sung and martialed against each adherence to how constituted actually.

We smith still “Adams” and “Eves” best with originalism of our first self-interests are in community in voluntary morals - of living the American Dream realism from natural law to of the wealth of nations is best from seeing and living first and second liberating self-interests are to choose safety in numbers, and then to be moral in network.

We, barely now, survived to endure as constituted for self governance of religiousness primarily is of for self governing in voluntary morality.

We must endear to endure of Peoples’ songs of innocence - innocent until proven guilty.

Though Alexander Hamilton Federalist essay #1 joined with the Emoluments Clause Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8 does establish that entitlements cannot be nationally constituted by grammar and particular emphasis leave if none are to be ”titled” none then are to be entitled.

The music of originalism preserves to jams to as our best panacea.  Now though we may have to en masse change our music from become popular to be presumed guilty!  

Our work forward now should be of us liberated to repaired to the American Dream and cognizant that our founding fathers’ public oppositions to Clintons of their days are now sadly current and again necessarily of establishments ordained done in that Year of our Lord as our burdens present to again constitute our Union as not in blasphemy - nor an absence for forgiveness secured with “equal justice” for all of “innocent until proven guilty.”

By Hamilton erudite proffered, to mass appeal, we have that to be taxed for “Socialism” or redistribution is not the work of our Federal government by, again, none are to be entitled, and the Constitution is for “inducements of philanthropy” and “preservation… of property.”

Simply these Clintons and Barack Obama, however treasonous, are less showy as against originalism than now exposed as seeming ignorant of the actual plain meaning, - and consistent grammar imported.

To tax for redistribution then and now amounts to contrary - to it of us more of a “presumed guilty” upon haves.

A simple query of voluntary morality remains as if one has a short game - can go day or week not due public shaming.

Alexander Hamilton in our day deserves more credit than Democrats heralding yet amassed newly.

        *     *     *      RIGHT!  MY STRIKE!     *     *     *      

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