
September 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:52 am

Our first order of civic business these days before Halloween is to lately fully account proper number of filled body bags as should be shouldered by the Clintons wherever they go as the number of souls to try to rest as died due Clinton errs as didn’t die in vain.

Tragedies should be exclamated these days near all souls day with political expression in peaceful demonstrative to whenever and wherever Bill Clinton and/or Hillary Clinton appear piles of body bags as TRUTH art should amass towards souls lost in their errs can have peace forward.

Such established let us now move to sad dynamic of Al Gore and his master plan as relates to “black face” politics, and, as Barack Obama as indictable for cover ups worse than Watergate causal to Halloween costumes of BANK ROBBER OBAMA masks.

These days to respect the dead - lost souls - must speak artfully to their mettle and the miraculous.

Body bags as permitted TRUTH art should haunt Clintons as these indictable cover ups amount to Barack Obama as worse than Richard Nixon of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton too set secular and radical coldly of Alinski to as if methodology was shared as ordered to rule by getting control of healthcare and killing the free peoples’ God.

We cannot rightly ignore Al Gore and his master plan.

A primary mood - essence - vibe - of this essay is to generally stand up support forward for Kanye West new black beatings - beats - to bring/rise blacks outta this darkness.

Because of Al Gore at tricks to EARTH FIRSTER demagoguery Power to globally postured as an authoritarian America’s first black President’s legacy is left as Quixotic - Barack Obama for Posterity of legend now as a black Don Quixote, - some just for jousting of windmills.

Whites in “black face” this Halloween mostly would be to disrespecting the dead as politics involved of respectful to understand times in satire of living raising expression by BANK ROBBER OBAMA masks and as a black Don Quixote as justified.

We are not here with these artful to dodge the dark issues of Democrats established dark record nor to no say ’test their mettle’; these Democrats are bad actors with records to account down to each lost soul.

Our civic business in being guardians of our  galaxy forward asks us to now break apart the cons and coy of Democrats darkly at solutions tyranny.

We can NOT, at this moment, know the next Kanye West black beatings but the The Doors old beats of a last whiskey bar may have foretold with dub’s as if of singing of an Obama.

As we build the case for the legend of the first black President, much thanks to Al Gore’s master plan, as our first black Don Quixote we too should see and relate his own side kick Joe Biden on a donkey.

We must be artful to raise and respect all souls while to still working to battle outta past dark days/ages.

He becameth Quixotic also by his cover ups for the Clintons as with trapping absolute to as if Bill Clinton was 100% innocent.

It is Quixotic for of his permanent legacy as to like jousting of windmills his general tag/rap for such cover ups behoove most to little respect for that he just postured as if honorable.

Most lawyers and originalist judges can see the obvious legal trap of he indictable still for his Presidency of cover ups worse than Nixon and Watergate.

It is elementary - simply logical - of the reason chain of his story arrests him in its simple contradictions of that Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama can claim 44 better than 42.

SCOTUS, as per such POTUS, has their records as two of short of miraculous mettle attesting their cover ups reset the bar on why cover ups are and should remain impeachable crimes and as treasonous treacheries.

It is elementary and dark for it raises if so many lost souls from Clinton errs did sadly die in vain.

Simply logical elementary political historical accounting exposes their trapped of neither Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama can legally posture 44 was better than 42.

Mrs. Clinton trapped is of as spouse to Bill Clinton they are not to incriminate the other and so cannot, however an arguable truth, cast a posit to that the American first black President was a better Executive than her husband.

Barack H. Obama is likewise trapped from any real honor as if better than born William Blythe III William J. Clinton as his legal official position of indictable cover ups of an absolute of “all just Bush’s fault” to that any claim to as if Bill Clinton wasn’t 100% innocent effectively legally equates to 44 confessing to he indictable for impeachable cover ups.

As Al Gore the Clintons’ earlier side kick Joe Biden we must get to how Al Gore most settles Barack Obama legacy as a black Don Quixote.

President Donald J. Trump, Sr. with his pledged intent to bring back “Merry Christmas” is set against the old dark days/ages.

The darkest darkness of these dark politics raises with the lies;  it is diabolically dark that Democrats by cover ups of errs of Clintons nearly did greatly set asunder our Constitution to that they did have Power and could stay of Power by that they near first American autocrats by only who enough knew TRUTHS while masses subdued as kept mired from powers by their rule by lies as if real history.

So though People are justly to tricks of treats this Halloween of mired politics to fair to don BANK ROBBER OBAMA masks it behoove our humanity to speak to the deplorable addictive methodology Al Gore punk’d the first black President into as of solutions tyranny of master plan to restore Al Gore to old plantation legacy of masses addicted to Gore fixes sold whence of nicotine.

Side kick Joe Biden is hardly, as of Delaware, the Southern white male more of below the Mason Dixon Line also of Bill Clinton and Al Gore.

Kanye West, hopefully, will not be a left alone black as tries to trumpet rising beats to raise brethren from such darkness.

Barack “Don Quixote” Obama is too, in legacy, of (secular?) in the The Doors last whiskey bar and President Donald Trump as successor is trying to raise “Merry Christmas” from Clintons’ and Obama secular radical as efforts to reset and reestablish room in the Federal Government for respect for miraculous - for Peoples and masses to mettle testing with scope of miracles of faith normal and regular civic.

As to the body count of souls lost due Clinton errs and new “worse than Watergate” accounting wisely to numerically and arithmetically face history of all dead from September 11 attacks on accounting tables our midterms post Halloween of election 2018 with politics best accepted of history suggests that as attacks were planned the world largely expected Al Gore to be President on the day of attacks.

It may be too cynical to ask history to show such and as a former war photojournalist had such been otherwise President Al Gore had Afghanistan set up as a manageable conflict a ‘you provide the pictures and I’ll provide the warring’ made for photojournalism (war?) staged.

But as we are in these days to respecting all souls we must be of moral and civic duty of at least asking whom died maybe in vain and firstly due Democrats dark machinations for Power.

Please rise in assisting to settling, as now allowed again, whom of the fallen died as of miraculous mettle yet otherwise, until now of a just cause corrective, thought to have died in vain.

Our black Don Quixote recent blurb’d of “none in my administration were indicted” comparative is below “Don Quixote” as his whole administration was indicted with the fall of Clinton and his policies as defeated regularly since.  His jousting at his own still indictable is no faux windmill.

Otherwise Al Gore is much, with his master plan (to remain a Southern Authoritarian while white?) of EARTH FIRSTER demagoguery of solutions tyranny greatly responsible to the legacy for America’s first black President as not much more significant than “QUIXOTIC”!

However Barack “Barry” Obama endears as rose of The Doors last whiskey bar Kanye West can dub worse tracks justly on selfish narcissistic secular radical President Obama as President Trump is now not alone at with efforts worked to reestablish respect for miraculous mettle.

Of these days annual with the living with the dead “black face” on any but Don Quixote should rile with disrespect as for now due deplorable cover ups so party broached there are many lost souls whose cause not carried yet as justice for their mettle and sacrifice likely to be damming to souls of more than a few living Democrats said “leaders”!

I do not know specifics on how President Trump is working a civic business to reestablish respect for miraculous - realm of miracles of faith - by these midterms and coming holidays but peaceful assistance can be yet with body bags yet art - traveling TRUTH art.

GLOBAL WARMING ALARMIST Southern Al Gore seems to have historical psychological cats to tag as it seems evident the SOLUTIONS TYRANNY politics in CLIMATE CHANGE that set President Obama as a black Don Quixote of roots in Gore past of tobacco plantations in his worked methodology as a tyranny towards newly addicting masses in nick of time vulnerability to Gore fix.

Whom else but Cervantes? - on drama and dilemma to our first black President legacy as left to be “Quixotic” at best by machinations of Southern white males Bill Clinton and Al Gore of master plans to be globally white authoritarians despite our ratified constituted protections from such of originalism of Peoples’ “Order”?

President Barack H. Obama is at least quixotic by that he inherited his lesser role to firstly servant to Democratic Party Powers deep stated - by that GREEN AGENDA was then an outdated plan over ten years old he, say, was handed - or inherited of hands forced to be so much much ado about windmills.

Forward we must yet be to questioning so other souls can rest how President Obama as so set against miraculous mettle did establish himself as less honorable than Cervantes “Don Quixote”!

SCARY are these days of so many lost souls not allowed by Democrats’ cover ups to rise from the indictable deplorable trapped as not to be understood or freed unless masses do account at least, for now, that diabolical and high number of who died due Clintons’ errs.

Of Al Gore as a DEPLORABLE there is at least his methods to ADDICTING masses and in his SOLUTIONS TYRANNY President Obama was more just a domestic servant to forward established “QUIXOTIC” of he didn’t build a real windmills legacy - of his RECORD attests a lack of mettle to protecting for miraculous - realm of holidays. And, his complicit in new worse WATERGATE?

         *       *       *       #MoralsTrumpHate?       *       *       *

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