
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:46 am

This is a dear Kanye West, JK Rowling, President Trump … letter.

Some sensibilities need to be developed to educate hoards further to be immune to Stockholm Syndrome anew of at least prone to cons by not awares the con’ers have themselves endeared by con’d.

There is phat to ‘new Watergate of Obama as Obama worse than Nixon’ of Obama’s as worse than Watergate.

I have standing to dramatize such for I’ve long known “Deep Throat” was kept secret for real “Deep Throat” was a nick name for a still one I think a minor as a budding Democratic intimidator who sparked concern that Democratic Party Headquarters would need looking into.  Mark Felt was only the “Deep Throat” protector of once a justified investigation was botched Felt took lead in protecting original case subjects from collateral damage from how a yet justified probe was botched to a national scandal.

Jo, as Kanye reaches with BLEXIT there is Donald Trump is associated to Harry Potter with his rise as THE APPRENTICE helped guide Hogwarts fans to a safe place of not expecting a job to be just handed to them.

But as per Nixon and Modern Republicans a sensibility is already established across ranks of maybe only possible for how I expected my challenge of 7 books on a magic school to work intellectually prophylactically does explain Trump rise of globally a next gen took to thinking more and more objectively and morally than the cons of the Clintons and their machinations had ever set up defenses to - had ever been planned to estimate as possible while methodology was to underestimate peoples and mire them in lies so Clintons could have Power by being only who knew truths.

BLEXIT too can raise sensibilities against such as akin to Clintons successfully imbued masses to a new Stockholm Syndrome of being endeared to them even though they were the ones most undermining so much Donald Trump has now established again works by having undone much that they undid.

Kanye, Jo & POTUS may already be read into my bio to sensibilities stirred of accounting of that I’ve known Bill & Hillary since the early 70s of they then just dating Yale Law School co-eds out on a walk in my neighborhood while I was near a first grader after school playing in school yard across the street from my home.  And that I knew of B.O. of Hawaii as interested in Presidential oratory contests as four years older than myself as far back as the 70s and to when I in 7th grade.  And that I met and we kept a connection for months and years in winter of 1987-88 the now famous black woman Michelle Obama while she a 3rd year Harvard Law School student out in Harvard Square at Grendel’s on an evening her brother was visiting from Chicago - right of that I knew Barack’s wife years before he did and yet years after already knowing of him and some of that I at Grendel’s too told her she could be President some day.

But this is of the ghosts of NIXON and as per Modern Republicans and the Republican Movement versus old establishment Republicans while supportive to “Obama’s was worse than Nixon’s Watergate.”

President Trump as the philosopher of Jo’s “The Philosopher’s Stone” this all is relevant for all of it fits to that I was long strategic and to maximize positive change - especially when USA would become a sole superpower - of taking into account a fuller known history of Watergate and of that “Deep Throat” actually started as the offered requested to a “come up with a nickname” for a minor, if I recall correctly, a budding intimidator thinking he was authorized yet with his uncle a Democratic Party power as a head of major metropolitan urban redevelopment efforts at least of New York City Roosevelt Island, and Boston Faneuil Hall Market Place.

BLEXIT is wise to wise to that a top of MADMEN era Madison Avenue profession was Arthur M. Menadier of near retired at age 65 from Young and Rubicam after 25 years of consolidating and then managing wholly the Johnson & Johnson marketing and advertising business.  Arthur M. Menadier is little known as also the historical figure who told Mark Felt that Democratic Party Headquarters would need looking into after he became aware of a budding intimidator thinking he had authority to play with due his uncle’s Power with Kennedy Democrats - the top echelons of HQ.

So though I’ve know of Barack and Michelle for decades and of Presidential coincidence of my own ambitions to maximize positive change by at least being like my paternal & maternal grandfathers as of my dad’s dad’s name much and quite the interests in being able to be a top “Mad Man” - Madison Avenue success like my mom’s dad.

When you take into account “Deep Throat” was the case file opening “nickname” for a minor then not due collateral damage after intimidation budding was being checked by being exposed due a justified investigation was botched Woodward and Bernstein more were journalists of exercised more of like witness protection.

The how and why Watergate became is scandalous and to that it was considered then that maybe Democratic HQ might shall we say be more then of cover-ups worse than Catholic Church was associated to of Kennedy Democrats.

To process a scope of relativity and monetize a balance of value it behoove me to offer that of all the political capital I built up with the Clintons from of that they won in 1992 by learned to sound like me it is that I’ve never collected on maybe even 95% of such political capital and to that in today’s dollars the Clintons maybe owe me near their whole personal net worth.  I did the politics of keeping those I used to help the Clintons yet respected and linked per their value but yet this accounted for I’ve still not drawn down on that of near 95% of political capital earned against the Clintons.

But worse as per “worse than Nixon” is that of I believe John Kerry as per that Barack Obama plagiarized in his 2004 Democratic Party Convention break out speech and by stealing as directed from that mine that made Clintons electable in 1992 also of them to unauthorized regular and repeating misuse after winning on me and mine.  I mean the more serious stuff to of uniting language for bipartisanship as possible more than that Bill Clinton did steal “I tried it once - but didn’t inhale” from me after I thought to how he should answer the pot questions by thinking how I honestly did. His use was never an authorized use by me as I was not trying to con people and not offering to let Clintons actually steal my identity while my process yet of asking myself how I’ld answer myself while yet thinking to how he could morally yet answer forward.

I was viscerally irate while watching the 2004 Democratic Convention of speech by Barack Obama as if put the face to the haunting of knew someone was told to “make the lines yours - put a black face on it” and knew such was to violate my rights in intellectual property of written art and to be plagiarism directed as then appeared live effected.

Of the “worse than Watergate” I have standing to break there is as well of the cover ups much a for general consumption to sensibilities established sad truth to raise of that of such her incidental but not actually coincidence of that much of Clintons successes were of with my material and intellectual property and unauthorized use and that how they later were regularly unable to repeat success attests of that they stole past successes and credits and never even enough understood how such worked to yet manage to repeat successes they yet postured for votes and support by like promised they could and would.

The real Watergate scandal started so of a Democrats scandal enough of budding intimidation to have had a to Madison Avenue marketing and advertising executive tell the FBI Mark Felt that Democratic Party Headquarters would need looking into.

But alas Richard M. Nixon freelanced a justified investigation and botched it.

How this is scandalous does become less scandalous while yet makes current of Barack H. Obama as even more “worse than Watergate” due President Nixon had J. Edgar Hoover, reportedly, as afraid to officially investigate such entrenched Kennedy Democrat realms and out of personal fear did refuse to open an official investigation into such of intimidation being sponsored by HQ.

What is missing from Woodward and Bernstein still is the covering of how they were played more to protect original case persons from collateral damage maybe resultant due J. Edgar Hoover fears of investigating Democratic Powers but also from it may have been Nixonian and to scandalous due original protected real “Deep Throat” last name coincidentally was the same as the classmate at Whittier High School whom defeated Nixon in his first election - his campaign to be class President.

As so many do dress up at Halloween sans knowing thanks can accrue to me for having mused and challenged many artists to characters made world famous there is these are incidental to that I was ambitious, responsible, and self motivated to try to maximize positive change and as like a caboose to the Reagan Revolution.

That I’ve always known Arthur M. Menadier is whom told FBI Mark Felt that Democratic Party Headquarters would need looking into - but not how - is also of after it was botched of knowing he did strongly assert that he advised an official investigation was called for and that Washington had to own up to consequential from having yet botched however an otherwise justified investigation into political intimidation at least exposed by a minor a budding intimidator at toying with how he might be able to abuse power while a nephew and son to Power.

The success of Jo - JK Rowling - was as of that my challenge came with my support, though cloaked much due this complicated history, as yet of I wired her to 7 books on a magic school within the truth and networks I built to improve America at least from these past scandals and with vast networks I developed to be supportive and policing - of civilians sense of morals - and of this also syncs to how I did muse and generate ideas for new media also around Chief Bill Bratton rise with “community policing” to broaden scope and range for tolerance to that I a private citizen was yet able to increase the potential for peace and peace keeping by how networked and developed new entertainment.

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