
October 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:28 am

Not since brave souls of militias of our Northern states marched on the South for an end to slavery has one state more loudly proclaimed they want more free black babies - definitely not fewer - than Alabama has recently with respecting all souls legislation on fetuses.

Vice President Joseph Biden cannot save the soul of our nation.

Governor Chris Christie has better a mantle of authority to manage passions of souls.

Vice President Joe Biden, like Bill Clinton and Al Gore, does hail much as from below the Mason-Dixon line.

“Scranton Joe” has bureaucratic problems with Pennsylvania Catholic hierarchy.

“Scranton Joe” as Vice President is sticky like fly paper to all the leadership scandals of President Barack H. Obama.

“Scranton Joe” as Catholic must carry an albatross of shared Catholic Guilt for the Pennsylvania sexual abuse hierarchy scandals to as far back as he first ran for the highest office in our land - of to when he asked for support and towards being a highest ranking Catholic.

Socialism “Joe” cannot be secular and Constitutional, - let us leave how if in collusion with Rome & Holy See for later discussions.

Socialism “Joe” is he culpable for eight year of not objecting to President Obama’s unjust orders - he could have already President by succession if he had kept his oaths to the actual Constitution and even asked for Congress to impeach the first black President.

Vice President “Joe” to this day - but for inconvenient Bidenisms - remains unjustly silent on President Obama’s unjust orders;  to this day “Joe” remains too silent on that President Obama lied more in just his first year than yet President Donald J. Trump, Sr. is even accused of for his entire Presidency.

Governor Chris Christie and “Bridgegate” present near parable for such Biden dilemmas:

As secular Socialist philosophy of governance goes as per the Obama administration the President was supposed to be revered as if an infallible secular Socialist Supreme Leader.

“Bridgegate” presents as a troubling problem of such as reveals his management style.

Our Constitution - need I remind you - is originally the Peoples’ “Order” and “in/Order/to form/a…done/…in/Year/of/our/Lord” is supposed to owned individually by articulation of “Order” as the noun it is of grammar to it is an order a constitution.

“Bridgegate” can yet be “Joe’s” Waterloo.

The untold story - a parable - of the lane closures of a New Jersey “Traffic Study” is the self apparent conclusion that since the opening of the Department of Homeland Security it became within 12 to 24 hours a failure found of our President and his DHS as asleep at the draw bridge board.

Governor Chris Christie can save the soul of America by telling this bureaucratic truth of how undermined President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are by that after they let a local Mayor play partisan politics out of order of used President Obama to pull rank on his Governor, - of that the Governor and a “Traffic Study” showed that after 12 hours of lane closures of study it was of to end blockage that it was becometh the infallible secular Socialist supreme leader Obama that failed - that failed bureaucratically of then called upon duty to investigate lane closures at least inconvenient to his pal Mayor of the insubordination to New Jersey Governor. - At such time then blockage and congestion was a Federal Emergency unresponded to issue as bottleneck was also near like biggest crisis as major metropolitan major artery blockage was days or weeks ahead of major NYC security event.

So “Joe” is most unqualified maybe due “low IQ” and doesn’t know better but yet more maybe due we are not supposed to ignore his record of at least inaction and avoidance of actions of higher callings of high office.

That the controversial “Bridgegate” “Traffic Study” was a real thing is supposed to be news of how & why President Obama’s Socialism failed by he failed in theory of practiced government supposed to be responsible for everything to have done his duty on a matter in such days lane closures on an interstate was nearly greatest security concern for his Homeland staff - his DHS.

Vice President Joe Biden cannot save the soul of our nation.

Again we must consider if “Joe” is of low IQ and just is ignorant of originalism.

But then “Joe’s” record of inaction seems firstly indicative of ideology trumps IQ as passion seems to have been an also to and of the long worked treachery - textbook treason - of that story of Democrats worked to try to establish a progressive alternative Socialist interpretation actually contrary to Constitution - the ordained and established Constitution an individually owned as a Peoples’ “Order”.

Socialism was prescribed as unconstitutional long before there ever were modern Socialists.  By Alexander Hamilton in Federalist Paper #1 the Constitution is firstly for “inducements to philanthropy” and “preservation… of property”.

By the First Amendment to the body of Peoples’ “Order” “done” in “Year of our Lord” God isn’t just in our founding documents but Creator is set as also above the Government and so secular Socialism is illegal as especially healthcare set recognized as an establishment of religion Congress is to make no law respecting - changing from of the realm of spectacles of faith respectful of the jurisdiction of “in the eyes of the Lord.”

It is “low IQ” to otherwise try to offer an interpretation for secular Socialism for such would ascribe to the Founding Fathers’ work a judgement of it then was necessarily done in blasphemy.

Though “Scranton Joe” has his shared Catholic Guilt problems for not asking or telling of Pennsylvania hierarchy scandals any of those years he sought or held highest offices while Catholic are of his is also a Pilgrims and Puritans learned from story as what is known today as Socialism is what Plymouth was supposed to experiment with to profits to pay their transit debts - of did try - of did fail - of learned from  - and to nation founded wise to how failed.

“Sleepy Joe” also has his party’s Anthony Weiner problem of that his fall began in New York City as soon as his local story went global of bragging that he helped rig ACA - Obamacare - to that the wealthy liberals of NYC could fix it so other state’s person’s taxes would yet be redistributed to cover 5% of Financial Capital’s healthcare costs; he also has the problem of Obamacare was admitted as rigged to that by spending other person’s of other states monies to 5% those liberals were saved from having to do the due real work of fixing all the problems on the cost side - and while moral has it that Financial Capital essentially had to prove it could cover all its own of major metropolitan area if nation yet could proof a national affordability.

“Sleepy Joe” is ill equipped to even try to save the soul of our nation.

Isn’t it a soul crusher to actually think about what secular Socialism is and means to while contrary to Peoples’ “Order” originalism of First Amendment redundant to established separation as vertical of that we are under our Lord - and it is a more perfect Union that we People hold that our Government too is “under” our Lord - and Lord’s Law?

It does seem low IQ to miss this;  “Sleepy Joe” does seem to miss his interpretation for a secular Socialist contrary treasonous interpretation ascribes to Constitution an idea it was done in blasphemy and while originalism respects religions are firstly tools and disciplines for self-governance.

President Trump is not also a “Tea Party Denier”  now trying to end run around how founders’ common sense was of Peoples’ “Order” owned individually by ratified by states conventions of peoples - it seems.

Simply isn’t Socialism disagreeable much before you get to how a President then is supposed to be protected by honored unquestioningly  as if yet an infallible secular Socialist supreme leader?

Simply one needn’t be a genius to see what wanna be future party leaders want you to overlook?

Simply Socialism fails where Obamacare fails of forgets what are “establishments of religion” and how wise founding fathers’ work was as constituted none of a separation right from supposed to care for all of Creator’s created creatures and stuff.

Sins - even deadly sins - are of Lord’s Law realm tenets presented in Bill of Rights redundancy of “establishments of religion”.  You cannot have a healthcare right separated from as in of religious freedom and constituted protections from tyranny by such worked left to be kept as local as possible and of Peoples’ “Order” separation of church and state sets none mandated to be of one worship organization while yet none of a separation right to separated from also under Lord’s Law and that Government not federally allowed to be theocratic.

Isn’t it low IQ for Vice President Joe Biden to also miss his supported secular Socialism perverts Constitution as under Lord’s Law and, brief by that - brevity of Order, our governance is supposed to be limited to secular civil procedures for due process for when Lord’s Laws break down - are breaking down?

Democratic Socialism cannot save the soul of our nation due we are constituted to oppose and bristle at ideas of per neighbor and neighbor sovereignty undermined: - as we are not to firstly think council people or aldermen of next town know better how to rule our lives - nor the next town or city Mayor - nor the next county’s executive - nor next state’s Governor?

Vice President Joe Biden cannot save the soul of our nation.

The real problem with ACA - Obamacare - even a one payer system of a Medicare is the fundamental truth that as soon as healthcare stops being an establishment of organized morals - religions - religiousness - religious liberty - as an “establishment of religion” it also stops being affordable of firstly neighbors caring for neighbors in own neighborhoods and becomes a racket for more people to profit off the illness and diseased of others (coldly).

“Scranton Joe” should never have let slide all the orders of President Barack Obama effected as unjust and treacherous unconstitutional orders affected to effect forward that ‘citizens’ now merely firstly ’subjects’ of Federal Power.

Can your soul survive not being any longer allowed the pathology of freedom of the American Dream of America is supposed to be great by that as per neighbors to neighbors none is supposed to be of a separation right to be then expected not to care about community and neighbors as to care would suppose you to believe your President isn’t an infallible secular Socialist supreme leader?

To be of souls habituated of to great again requires you to doubt your leaders - think of healthcare like “Northern Exposure” and to parishes should grow to raise own committed medical professionals as a part of community, or to import such divinely and justly?

To be of souls habituated of to great again requires one not use Socialism out of like you insult your supreme leader if to think your neighbor is not being perfectly cared for - so much so perfectly cared for so that it would be disloyal to perverted treason to think you as a neighbor have a right to know of any otherwise moral duty to care.

More personally “plagiarist” “Joe” has his fit to President Barack H. Obama administration “Joe” in that of past plagiarism since 2004 Barack H. Obama Democratic Party Convention break out speech was of speaker Obama did plagiarize as ordered of “put a black face on it!” … “make it your own!” of to witnessed with unauthorized use of another’s - mine - intellectual property.

Plagiarism is a soul crusher too and yet a binder between Vice President Joseph Biden and President Barack Obama.

Plagiarism is how 2004 “Obama” sounded too much like me and to remarkably different from his own style evident in his first early memoir.

“Joe” cannot save the soul of our nation?

He has albatrosses of at least Catholic Guilt about his neck?

The Democrats generally all have Anthony Weiner’s problem!

Haven’t you already had enough of ‘your democratic leader can’t be wrong!’?

                   *     *     *     Soul Crusher?     *     *     *

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