
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:24 am

This is not an ‘Adam Schiff and a Trojan Donkey’ success story.

This is not about playing ‘Chicken’ with tanks - of which ever or any gang stripes/colors.

The Pelosi caucus has opened a Pandora’s Box upon itself.  Trump’s trump on impeachment is he actually is getting Ukraine right and inconveniently to Democrats of proving they like always got Ukraine policies wrong.

No career Foreign Service witness can now really help Democrats with their parade of festering insubordination due when duly pressed each should have an intelligent response to detail an understanding of different political currents from different political philosophies over year of Clintons, Gore, & Obama. There cannot have been one policy that fit all - still cannot possibly be.

Oddly, for me, in 1997 I believe, I happened to Cambridge, Massachusetts to the Kennedy School of Government for a public lecture in part due I wanted to finally meet Rep Gephardt in person and incidentally had 12 fully uniformed Ukrainian Generals walk & brush past me leaving their meeting in the front first floor conference room.

Rep Gephardt & I created some history in weeks before the collapse of the Soviet Union in days Charles Koch’s son & George Stephanopoulus were his two equally ranked office assistants.  Out of concern for what messaging I was hearing from President Bush I sent letters to Rep. Gephardt in weeks just before Yeltsin’s August tank stand. Clinton later learned to sound like these letters with Stephanopoulus’ help & too it seemed my old neighbor father of friends Stanley Greenberg. It may be odd to hear I got a quick response though was not a constituent.

But that is only background yet though it develops on my early 1990s deep thinking and writing to how best for USA to become a sole superpower & by my giving and anchoring think to THE NEW WORLD ORDER to set it up as calling in America for a new urban agenda.  Yes and that is why when Clintons ran they so often mentioned my New Haven.  I also coincidentally had in years before lived on Block Island & to helped a B&B called THE WHITE HOUSE be established in the home of septagenarian friends Joe & Violette, and to which as also my summer boarding arrangement, while a rough & finish carpenter for contractors, in my summers from Villanova studies, I did many nights sleep under an autographed by Benito Mussolini photograph of himself as signed for Joseph V. Connolly Sr. then much running Hearst Corp, and too a photo of the WWII Liberty Ship named for JVC Sr. I believe sunk by a U-Boat returning bodies of fallen soldiers home.

But this is more just about Democrats and how I never felt of thought President Obama, and his minions and rivals Clintons were or did get Ukraine policies right.  Again Trump’s trump to Adam Schiff’s impeachment circus of festering insubordinates is to let people study & understand Clintons are new monarchists for totalitarian power, Obama more just a narcissistic Stalinist of thinking his personality enough for Socialism yet to work where it yet had failed before, and Al Gore & Global Warming alarmism of solutions tyranny really firstly a deplorable new Fascism primarily for Authoritarian power - and by strategies to addict masses anew to what Gores were selling.

I don’t remember having problems with President George W. Bush policies towards Ukraine but I also figure I may not have had time to consider them then while less heated.  I was in Bush years of Ukrainian thoughts more of one family tree of Ukrainian Jews related to a Ukrainian American and to if could hold my own with Russian Vodka if forward more familiar ever.

Some bullet points to process and discern upon re how Ukraine no ordinary problem:

* When Soviet Union collapsed I believe Moscow assumed all its former debts even over Ukrainians having been such a large part of USSR.

* Ukraine is analyzed as a nation of 3 separable regions like of equal geographic size yet of the Eastern 1/3 of being religiously historically of the Moscow Orthodox Christian faith, the middle of country as said mostly irreligious, and the western 1/3 as Greek Orthodox Christian historically.

* The was intelligent strategy in how V. Putin dealt with Georgian separatists and of the sorts Sigmund Freud to have lost sleep over.  Due the physical shape of Georgia it was never polite to speak of it but prophylactically as discarded application as a “separatist” state.  That playful of around Assetia or Ossetia worked to reset a phonetic and physical interpretation from a Rorschach easy A test image.

*Note: Secretary Clinton was too elementary making news stories around her wanted War on Women against the Taliban all those days she like tried to use Rorschach shapes of Kandahar Province & Helmand Province (that which much resembles Georgia - but while vertically represented).

*The idea Democrats worked to bring Ukraine into Western organizations and even the EU was a deplorable ingratiousness to Moscow after it assumed debts of the collapsed USSR.

* Note: While FLOTUS Mrs. Bill Clinton she was crusading Hillary Clinton on feminism and into turfs of even radicalized Muslims with dictates imperial of that they should treat their women as she said as an American.  Hillary Clinton feminism crusades and desire to exclamate it with a War on Women against the Taliban should have had chapters and real depth in the 911 Commission 911 reporting. It is simply true that Hillary Clinton as Secretary Clinton did incite and precipitate attacks against the homeland - against America.  It is also true that while she was abroad inciting Bill Clinton counter productively was vastly cutting too much from defense & intelligence, and establishing “walls of separation” at FBI between investigation & enforcement and for “Peace Dividends” before their time.

* President Putin moves on Ukraine & Crimea have to be thought through some as a response to Ukraine even thinking of wholly joining West while yet a nation more distinctly of 3 very different demographical communities. And, too of it plausible in such years Syria would go so down so South that it might become unreasonable & inconvenient to yet try to keep the Russian Naval base at least fully operative in Syrian sovereign territory. And, so it might have been prudent to create back up plans even however of with parts of Ukraine historically religiously of Moscow Orthodoxy its spiritual home.

* Al Gore so of solutions tyranny so simply a new Fascism must be separated from all this somehow as Ukraine future should be intelligent and soulful of its real heritage and of the problem much really being worked better by President Donald Trump Sr is of Ukraine firstly became one more failed Socialist State, like Syria, of somehow crossed an unknown line to being nationally too irreligious - nationally too little of people considering a universal right & wrong & a expectation of religions as firstly for self-governance.

* The Clintons have to be dissected due it is diabolical that it figures they are new MONARCHIST sought TOTALITARIAN POWER and used coy ploy chicanery of popularized POST CONSTITUTION while yet it so anti-Constitution it of textbook TREASON and any lawyer almost just need get indictment & then argue to court(s) hopefully below Supreme Court of that they are GUILTY by that actually our CONSTITUTION never did stop being the law of our land.

* Though an elemental problem of all of Obama Ukraine policies was of working promises of “sovereign state” forward to such a nation thought still had a nationalism that worked it is Trump is working it better and letting globally people realize themselves that somehow in many places a problem is of areas and peoples became too irreligious - to devoid of religions as first tools & needed disciplines of self-governance - a maintenance of a sense of right & wrong. Obama policies were wrong across the board yet in many ways yet of that he thought he, Barack Obama, narcissistic Stalinist, had enough personality for a personality based Presidency that would by his personality have Socialism where long failed in past yet work because of just his personality.

* Clintons did want Hillary to get a War on Women against the Taliban but not in years Bill was supposed to be loved as a Dove to set up she could be feared as a first female President different by being then staged as a Hawk.

* Ukraine problems are that across the populated higher ranks of Democrats there are rival factions that cannot be taken or managed in unison as if one collective correct at all.  We are just learning, especially from Amb. Masha Yovanovitch facial expression while answering of real concern about Hunter Biden dealings, how Ukraine is like the whole global turning point ground zero on where wrong in past may me how to build a copacetic intelligent forward.

* Ukraine should investigate and share even quips on how differently they had to manage around Clintons as by their said of Constitution to that left makes them MONARCHISTS for TOTALITARIAN POWER, and of Obama as narcissistic Stalinist for grand schemes thought to yet work just because of his personality while yet Clintons were of blackmailed, it seemed/seems, the first black President into a team of rivals of then his house so divided they like got to world and he left to be a domestic president firstly.  The amount of emoluments laundering through the Clintons’ foundation is so yuge it like for Posterity sets that Obama cannot claim foreign policy successes not firstly primarily to be yet Clintons’ successes of from how move monies around even as a global new Tammany Hall of a patronage scheme.

* For now let us ponder whom are now are experts and to get Ukraine didn’t belong in West at least until it made amends with Moscow at least for having assumed, as I recall, like all of the past debts of their old Union. - that V. Putin is maybe more right at least than Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton and differently yet with each. - that Trump shouldn’t necessarily trust V. Putin but can’t ignore the Russian President is yet seeming intelligent of working the problem of areas of world of did somehow cross that unknown line to too irreligious.

           *     *     *     GOD BLESS AMERICA?     *     *     *

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