
December 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:21 am

Beware the Tea Party Deniers!

The Americans the real neighbor just next door over may not be nearly whom you believe them to be.

There are ghosts in our machineries of cosmopolitan, rural, and originalism writs.  To breath right as “American” your constitutions (walks) must be exercised of regularity of breathing of each’s rights come from their Creator.  Walk the adage of Golden Rule directives for comity in polity of be towards others as you wish others be of parity and civility towards you.

To exorcised these perversions of our plain language established order by rights from one’s Creator each must breath through constitutions primed defensive against tyrannies over the free state for individualism/humanity.

Fascist movements must be identified and exorcised!

Our established Peoples’ “Order” our ordained a constitution does not allow a right to healthcare that is not yet preserved as of and within religious freedom.  Our Federal Government though of responsibilities as regards “medical” and “medicines” is not for the general welfare by to be in healthcare.  Health and wellness is of local jurisdiction preserved.

Consider none is of your Federal Government is supposed to trump ill at ease from just peer pressure local management for polity and comity - parity can’t be in Federal Government offers an escape in say just a pill.  Where like of Federal crimes jurisdiction there yet of healthcare must be preserved righteous pressures of/for local jurisdiction - a  proprietary right of power through discomfort through pressure - public shame and peer pressure - is localized.  Our Federal Government is not allowed blanket jurisdiction to trump neighbors of others justly of being a headache to them.

Philosophically speaking our Federal Government is constituted by ordained established Peoples’ “Order” to barred from FASCISM - any fountainhead of authoritarianism - campy of authoritarians wanting all to see their face in your’s - your compliance to them as authority more akin government by men than rule by laws.

Presently there are three movements of Left for distinct authoritarian power - there are three movements of Left firstly a new FASCISM.  Such  now in hindsight illuminates why and how so much went wrong.  These three sects of FASCISM are movements of the Left wrongly for authoritarian powers, at least.  The dictionaries defined is outdated where published definitions of FASCISM equate it a “movement of the right for authoritarian power.”

Your rights come from your Creator - walk it - breath it - don’t be taken - don’t be fooled!

Though the Clintons & 90s of maladministration and moral depravity at least with surpluses and “American Abandonment”, and of their “post-Constitution” ploy was/is anti-Constitution simply textbook treason it remains their methods also a movement of Left for authoritarian power - they are principally FASCISTS.

Though Al Gore methods and practices are elitist and he personally from private comforts from masses addicted to Gore tobacco plantations fixes, and his “Global Warming” schemes predominantly a new “Gore Fix” racket fronted in machinations to newly addict masses to his movement of the Left for authoritarian power - his posterity is as a “NEW FASCIST”.

Though our first black president Barack Obama wrongly proffers Constitution as if it yet can be an authoritarian’s tool for “personality based presidency” - rule by man - not governed by laws - we have he has a record as a narcissistic Stalinist of yuge/vast movements of the Left for FASCISM in homeland - and though psycho-babble can illuminate a new “Stalinism” was his likely only emotional safe space for of a broken home youth, and for any hope to reunite his parents - it yet is of standing his presidential methods ordain him a FASCIST.

It is now as of like we need to - must - play a game “PIN THE TRUTH TALE ON THE SCHIFF TAIL”!

Concurrently the Corona Virus pandemic is working it of our Federal Government of duties in “medicine” while not of right to trump freedoms of healthcare rights secured in religious freedoms.

We are not coldly constituted so by founders’ founding works due such were not done in blasphemy!

Though it reasons Congress shall make no laws respecting establishments of religions firstly as tools and disciplines of self-governance, and while of acknowledgement of there are “DEADLY SINS”, our established ordained Peoples’ “Order” is of none of a separation right from supposed to care for all of Creator’s created creatures and created stuff.

Our separations of church and state are vertical; our Federal Government is not allowed powers over neighbors to neighbors of healthcare is supposed to stay judiciously firstly of neighbors caring for neighbors in own neighborhoods.

Our plain language in our constituted Peoples’ “Order” iterates there shall not be a healthcare racket for more to profit off illnesses and phobic of others; originalism respects Americans know better than to allow a social disconnect that happens with that “SOCIALISM” of today; common sense dictates healthcare starts becoming unaffordable as soon as allowed to be just a for profit racket, and, as such creates a real unhealthy social disconnect of neighbors to then more expected to be accepting of FASCISM - which ever pole or flavor - and to abstaining from compassion among community (neighbors).

Our Federal Government though has “medicine” duties cannot legally have healthcare responsibility generally!

It reasons as unconstitutional to put fidelity and prostrating to a FASCIST leader as if an infallible supreme leader as normal/regular - due that would trump each of rights of a free state existentialism for humanity of “rights from their Creator”!

Think it through: - hopefully as party to due new game of “PIN A TRUTH TALE ON SCHIFF’S TAIL” - think it to fathom the reason chain of an unhealthy social disconnect occurs as soon as one is to believe firstly in a rule by man authoritarian a FASCIST as an infallible supreme leader.

Right - to celebrate any FASCIST is wrong and dangerous; Right under FASCISM one insults the infallible supreme authority - authoritarian leader - as soon as to even thinks a compassionate thought needed by their neighbor due such betrays the rule by “infallibility” of governed under with FASCISTS.

As soon as healthcare breaks from of self-governance protections of neighbors do care for neighbors in own neighborhoods compassion and its “healthcare” starts to become unaffordable and a racket.

It doesn’t matter how bad this new FASCISM and how disturbing to party unity and mental health clarity in the party:

Across the variated say spectrum of TRI-POLAR extant in Democrats “Party” each FASCISM is evil otherwise in own unique way.

Per healthcare though all three yet equally bad and a diabolical disturbance of our greatness in each of rights not from a FASCIST or an otherwise authoritarian government.

Our individual Liberty - our existential a free state of humanity - is of our rights are from our Creator - to breath right at your constitutions you are expected to breath Liberty of Prudence with self-governance in acceptance of at least the The Golden Rule.

You are not supposed to obey a FASCIST!

You are secured as a “neighbor”!

The new Schiff game is due!  It is not coincidental that uncovering these of long long of cover-ups of extant of FASCISM, as of movements of the Left, for it truly is, of these crooked of Democrats, Democrats’ real histories actually better fit the narratives of Adam Schiff and as should due tactic was authoritarian strategy of attempted projection and transference of wrongness of Left to onto Right as if their wrong was others’/innocents’ wrong.

Our second great TEA PARTY did stand against all three of these movements of the Left for poles/sects of new FASCISM - to hear any deny - be TEA PARTY DENIERS - is to be called to stand up righteous for the real existential of a free state for individuals our “a free state” as our human condition rights.  President Trump has standing to tag Barack H. Obama as a “most crooked president ever!” due his maladministration record is of illegal & partisan cover-ups to hide these truths from the People.

Our “more perfect Union” is “done” ordered established as ordained by that an order a constitution ratified by the People of is of us constituted a government not above the people and as our separation is vertical to Government is also under our Lord and expected to be moral (too). - It - our Government - is not allowed to be theocratic.

        *     *     *     JUST THINK ABOUT IT!     *     *     *


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