
March 2025
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BRIBERY - 2023?
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:27 am
On January 1, 2024, when you look back on this now the new year 2023, will you be able to define or understand the standards - legal standards - for politicians on bribery - of the Emoluments Clause - of originalism?
2022 closes out now with standards more the issues of the 118th Congress Judiciary Committee than what investigations otherwise should be specifically targeted individual Democrat by individual Democrat.
We as a People can only see bipartisanship return if we can unify on what are at least the original standards as now corporate lawyers much to be near malpractice wherever they might forget to advice employees that the Constitution originalism is the actual law of the land our politicians and civil servants are to be dedicated to in their work.
Corporate lawyers’ guidance must forward advise company that the Supreme Court 6-3 majority establishes that originalism is what the “law” in the constituted of, and that which company policies should be compliant to. 
Our Peoples “Order” “to form” our “Union” “done” in the “Year of our Lord” lives as the structured established and ordained for limited government with many protections from tyranny.
Bipartisanship can only be effected where standards can be understood and agreed upon.  The Supreme Court docket for 2023 is expected to include ruling on defining bribery.  Our new 118th Congress should get ahead of such case load to do duty to legislate from Congress - to avert legislating from the bench.  2023 must be organized to be effectively to defining what are emoluments and what constitutes bribery.
Under the reign of Speaker Pelosi a convenient ceiling was set of a suspension of the constituted protections and prudence to allow a vast and deep bias for Democrats.  Democrats suspended the Constitution to at least protect with cover-ups the Clintons, and with regards to their ploys and chicanery of anti-Constitution “post-Constitution” machinations.
A new sheriff is coming to town - the Hill - Congress House side of Capitol Hill.
The Clintons since taking office in 1993 have made themselves the example of how not to set the example.
There is nowhere now to go but public & thoroughly upon, for starters, the bent of prudent was of the Clintons’ deeply also always selfishly of the old, since law schooled coeds in New Haven, collaborations to become a first husband and wife to get their owned named presidencies.  There is deep and broad work to be done across decades of how for starters the Clintons put selfish gains ahead of governing to be of the people and right for the times.  The model the Clintons’ example endures as is of they firstly tried to make the times fit their selfish ambitions.
The world has suffered as Nancy Pelosi persisted in being derelict of the duties of Congress per the Emoluments Clause and for a partisan bias that allowed the Clintons to bend and bend and break the protections from tyranny that are of vast importance of regulating on emoluments, and collusion “whatever” the benefit.
Fellow Americans, please encourage and enable the new 118th Congress to thoroughly do the work needed to reassert & reaffirm where our protections from tyranny break down as bribery and collusion may trump policing emoluments and idea of the Union as “more perfect” due sans autocracy - is as of there to be “no titles” and each penny to be audited where foreign entanglements can amount to collusion.
A new sheriff is coming to town - the Hill - Congress House side of Capitol Hill.
What may or may not now appear as interesting with the release of tax documents of Donald J. Trump, Sr related affairs must soon pale in comparison to the vast shenanigans our Congress near had partisan sanctioning of - allowance in spirit - wrongly to allow the chicanery of the Clintons - at least particular to matters of the global initiatives of a term limited former President posturing as if an autocrat and of holding court where emoluments expected but for then were hushed up as if just now “charity” while empowerment in gratuities from foreign agents.
Consider after President Obama had the Benghazi disaster in Libya of determined, in essence, that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton failed to have any hot spot US Embassy backed up for a 9/11 anniversary September 11th.  In consideration now also think about how investigations got slow walked the vibe from Secretary Hillary too near to concern that Bill couldn’t be cleared due “emoluments” however called “charity” as maybe indirectly yet being of material support of terrorism.  As Obama’s Secretary of State the “Hillary” State Department was corrupted by at least Mrs. Clinton held the oversight responsibility upon if Bill Clinton’s global meddling, called “initiative” generally, were yet even negligently incidentally to material support of terrorism.
Are you one already aware of the history of the “Clinton Global Initiatives” founding of Bill Clinton, while seeking to be in Carnegie Hall Tower, with rent near a $1 Million/year paid by taxpayers, of also he had to promise the foundation wouldn’t be partisan or used for politics like towards making a rise for Mrs. Clinton to get her own presidency?  Do you also know that when the Government agency said no to such free rent Bill Clinton did ask Big Bank Bankers to pay his foundation rent as thanks for all the money he made them by pushed them into derivatives?  
Do you now get the bad example of the Clintons’ example?  Our country had New York state elect Mrs. Clinton for their business while Bill Clinton was compromising her asking for “charity” much on its face more bribery?
A new sheriff is coming to town - the Hill - Congress House side of Capitol Hill.
By originalism the Emoluments Clause specifies that Congress is to know about every emolument like such and is responsible for approving all “whatever” the miniscule pecuniary value or benefit essence.  Corporate counsel should be avoiding malpractice and offering guidance that it is originalism that is the law of the land - even to making examples of the Clintons for they publicly so confessed were of “post-Constitution” as anti-Constitution that they quite confessed to textbook treason - on how used bias to be allowed more autocratic and tyrannical power - even after President and playing global power broker under guise of “charity” with it some conspiratorial malfeasance with House Democrats.
The Clintons much apparently blackmailed Barack Obama into a “Team of Rivals” of his house divided by after election, and as with his visit to Harlem to the Clinton foundation fallback office location, to that he seemed folded before Clinton wishes to let Bill Clinton of the world as like first President of the World - with Mrs. Clinton set up in State Department to merely more be akin he of still a travel office.  Farfetched?  President Obama started in office with the Clintons fully meaning to rival him internationally and by cloaking illegal emoluments as if just “charity” despite personalities of Clintons more of they had an unnecessary $1 Trillion surplus in lieu of actually caring while in office.
Please, my fellow Americans, do now deeply read the Constitution for the originalism of how we are supposed to be protected from tyranny, and autocracy, and especially by the Emoluments Clause.
The new Congress - the 118th Congrees - should be in a race to clearly and broadly reestablish bars and standards on emolument, collusion, and incidentally bribery, before the Justices of the Supreme Court get to working through 2023 decisions upon even just bribery.  The 2023 jurisprudence schedule needs a deep and quantitative, and investigative, effort to correct the perversions across our protections that have been of the real legacy of Speaker Nancy Pelosi as historically derelict of her duties of office as per sworn oaths.
A new sheriff is coming to town - the Hill - Congress House side of Capitol Hill.
And quantitative now however upon former President Donald J. Trump, Sr. related taxes, and such, now must be paralleled with a standards metric that at least questions how it was #WhitePride of Clintons also as per first black President Barack H. Obama of Bill Clinton set his “charity” fees to foreigners especially as near worth more per day than the first black President was paid per year.  And to how this is complicated and much affirmed of the Clinton server “Hillary Email” scandal of by that Bill Clinton in possession of servers had admin privileges to President Obama’s State Department official materials - even more in real time that Mrs. Clinton as yet Obama’s Secretary abided him.
The Constitution never stopped being the Law of the land.
To prove the Clintons, for starters, are guilty any prosecutor near needs just that in the public record, then presented as of arguments with an assertion to such extent of that while they proudly were anti-Constitution such was quite textbook treason, and of for frauds with personal gain, with their “post-Constitution” ploys, to then conclude it is that such was never legal - that the originalism remained the Law.
A new sheriff is coming to town - the Hill - Congress House side of Capitol Hill. We should hope!  We should help!
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