
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:32 pm

       American first principles of these united states of the Americas ordered liberty for frontier pilgrims; these The United States of America have a constitution a peoples’ Order where one is of democracy with how they self-govern in Lord’s Laws.
       Where with W.E.F. - Washington Emoluments Fraud – there is prescribed civic duty for solidarity versus as Thomas Jefferson wrote “tyrannies over the minds of men”.
       Ethics are to be the walked and talked of citizenry; dishonor and conduct unbecoming are to be of public notice – posts broadly available.
       Our Peoples’ “Order” in Posterity is an Order ordained a constitution “done” in “Year of our Lord” gives cover to “global citizen” - but as still under religious liberty and a deep dependence for our systems of governance, so ordered, in the public morals of the populace. Our writs of government are public morals dependent.
       None is separated from the Kingdom of the Lord.
Our separation of church and state is vertical to that the Federal Government is sans any divine right of monarchs and is fundamentally set to also under our Lord – Creator – Lord’s Laws.
       Each is constituted a global citizen, yes, but as children of God unums of under their Lord before under government.
       By how united pluribus each is an individual an unum of rights from their Creator.
       Frontier pilgrims are to stay protected from taxation without representation by the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE and especially particularly it written of none to be titled; each is to be able to be a traveler a pioneer a pilgrim to self-govern firstly in Lord’s Laws.
       Our modern pledge of allegiance places “indivisible” to modify “under God” to that in each iteration of allegiance a person is accepting and attesting of themselves and others that by our ordered liberty of our established constituted Peoples’ “Order” we are of a union where we are indivisible from being a child of the Lord – a universal citizen.
       Nationalism is of secured checks and balances for a populace effected when Lords’ Laws broke down - seemed to malfunction – broken; our nationalism is ascribed to principles of limited government.
       Washington emoluments are to be policed by Congress in principles of ethics and accountability to value “whatever”!  Each Congress has a duty to approve any emoluments “whatever”!  Emoluments are not presumed to be criminal.
       Washington emoluments frauds are to be prosecuted.  Apparently, Washington emoluments can be of actionable wrongdoing even to a penny in value!  A corrupt soul can be too great a civic risk by crossed the line at all.
       There can be no other “global citizenry” constitutionally than that each is a child of the Lord – and of rights from their Creator – of the Light of the Word of in a joy of Truths. Nationalism much can be a fallacy; nationalism can be fallacious for ordering liberty has more facility in the local of community and the universal - the all-ness.
       No President of this Union of states has the authority to suborn, or/and subjugate citizens under another government.  Alexander Hamilton in article 1 of THE FEDERALIST PAPERS explains our ordered liberty is for “inducements of philanthropy” and “preservation… of property” as of limiting principle.
       Washington emoluments frauds - W.E.F. - must be discovered, dissected, exposed!
       A kingpin corruptor now is necessarily present in machinations political since 1993.
       A Washington “swamp” dragged net now seems populated of smaller fish yet of schooled with this a BIG FISH to headline of too crossed the fine lines for protections from tyranny such are of the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE.
       William Jefferson Clinton – Bill Clinton born William Blythe III - is for Posterity taggable as such a “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR”!
       Washington emoluments frauds forward need to be measured against all the perversions of the constituted Peoples “Order” our CONSTITUTION with the Clintons’ “post-Constitution” machinations.
       Global economics have been perverted and corrupted by this “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR”!
       Whom did he associate with?  When did such know of his anti-Constitution ploys for authoritarian power contrary to limits of especially the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE of none to be “titled”?
       How can present news of dishonorable behavior by Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. as of conduct unbecoming be too as associated to how a “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR” tried to change the rules on emoluments at least for he and his spouse?    Was Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. a bad actor but a sad copycat? Is our current President yet associated with the “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR” back to 1993?
       Is there any global economics not set asunder by having by some to much corrupted by the worked perversions to the Peoples’ written protections from tyrannies over citizens?
       How much did President Biden know and at which moment did he become too jealous?
       We need a solidarity of the children of the Lord across this planet as global economics have become slaved to corrupt influences/influencers; Global citizens of these inalienable universal rights must connect for a reset to ethical standards as seems by an overdue policing of a “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR”!
       How much did Vice President Biden know and at which moment should he have pounded 77 or 911 in a civic & civil service duty?
       Worldwide economics foundations are set asunder!
       Too much was perverted in the name of the Clintons!
       More was perverted in the name of the Clintons than a Biden can compete with in Posterity!
       President Biden cannot be to a BUILD BACK BETTER accolade if building blocks with small r republic baby steps are not a cornerstone to a facility of understanding; as a builder what he is building must be, like brick by brick, comparable to what were structural before.
       American first principles did not allow a former President - however also a term-limited executive - to do what the Clintons effected even just through the CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVES aka THE CLINTON FOUNDATION; our principles of Union do not allow a president to be titled even after office – to thus act as if an authoritarian – to carry on as if able to fund and organize to globally hold court.
       As our standard is “whatever” that President Biden crossed the line is more importantly now of the when – not a by how much or how or why.
       Worldwide economics foundations are set asunder until these particulars are rectified upon.
       Washington emoluments frauds are a greatest of threats to our civil liberties – our freedom secured for democracy in principle to be firstly as each a child of the Lord expected to self-govern in ethics within a community basis.
       He born William Blythe III has been of mutinies on his bounties?  Barack Hussein Obama, a man said of 1 speech, was able to undermine their expected inevitable.  Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. likewise succeeded to a presidency supposed to have been prescribed by perversions as inevitably to be for Mrs. Clinton to call her own.
       William Jefferson Clinton is for Posterity a “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR”!
       What was done in an END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS collusion around the also NEPOTISM worked to effect a thought suffice of collaborations to seat Hillary Rodham Clinton - Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton - to an own named presidency is now defeated.
       Yet?  Washington emoluments frauds snare President Biden in a swamp dragged net with it all.
       President Biden is no President Clinton!  President Biden Justice Department must make that clear.
       Our nation has been in the wrong direction with and since the Clintons changed the retirement package conditions for former Presidents.  Mustn’t we now the world over admit such was too great a perversion of American - the United States of America – principles, and protections from tyranny?
       The devilish haunts in the details of how newly valued former President Clinton got to be to as if worth more per day than even President Obama was, by the same government, valued per year years later.
       Our former Presidents are not to be “titled”!
       The systematic perversion of our EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE and more generally our founding principles is of that President Clinton got so much taxpayers’ monies after office to that it seems enough to have felt promoted from President of the United States to the first President of the World.
       Frauds have been perpetuated over the history of our Union of states - its years of ordered liberty by a Peoples’ Order an order ordained a constitution.  Yet it seems President Biden cannot ever, however also criminal by crossed a fine line, compare to how now for three decades Americans have been in a wrong direction by being in step with President Clinton machinations.
       President Obama, due was a first Harvard Law Review President and later a Constitutional Law professor, should welcome, albeit such to risk self-incrimination, joining discussions on each particular that corrupted worldwide economics foundations too while being firstly of the machinations of the Clintons, point by point, to have fraudulently been allowed to call EMOLUMENT more as if just CHARITY not policed and to be able to themselves live and breath more as if authoritarians yet titled and funded by taxpayers.
       Our former Presidents are not to be “titled”!
       Since the end of the 2nd term of the Clintons their success at having changed the system to have had President Clinton collect more from taxpayers than all past Presidents combined has corrupted maybe all succeeded to President since, and especially market elements of global/world economics foundations.
       Washington emoluments frauds were normal for Democrats of Democrats with the reign of Nancy Patricia Pelosi, in representation of California, and as Speaker of the House.
       Speaker Pelosi was publicly so biased for EMOLUMENTS abuse in her party she allowed the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE duties to be only apparently applied to REPUBLICANS.
       Versus REPUBLICANS we were witness to The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi offering versus Donald John Trump, Sr. while President a biased perverted interpretation to as if the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE did not say “without the consent of Congress”!  Speaker Pelosi is snared in the swamp dragged net!  Speaker Pelosi was for decades of the dereliction of duty to have applied the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE fully upon the Clintons!
       Now how we measure Washington emoluments frauds is involved in measuring President Biden, even upon CLASSIFIED documents when Vice President; the Bidens as bad actors for Posterity seem yet of jealousy upon the vast sums the Clintons managed contrary to our written protections.
       The world over we must discover who are globally ignorant at least of such violations!
       The worldwide economic foundations are still set asunder by how a “KINGPIN CORRUPTOR” held court and expected and collected commitments emoluments while reign of Nancy P. Pelosi looked the other way to let a cloaking occur of abuse of authority of office of conduct unbecoming as if could be just CHARITY while yet the means and methods for a term-limited President to not let go of power.

       Washington emoluments frauds are now essential blocks in what President Biden built, and builds?
       To judge President Biden we must consider each building block and if and how trued to our indivisible unity as to be righteous children of the Lord? We must universally judge, with a common metric, the how and the what of that said being “built” “better”?
       Our first principles are of and in a prudence that our President is beholden to keeping to small r republic baby steps!

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