
October 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 4:37 pm

     The morning after the invasion, about one year ago, the President seemed happy to fatten up Russia.
     Vladimir Putin had started something - not seemingly a monster, as conceived.
     The President of Russia sought, it seems, an inflection point with “Little Russians” - Ukrainians.

     Years before as Russian patriarch otherwise moved in on Crimea I was stirred to use a search engine to query upon Ukrainian demographics.  As a poet I long ago wrote more to be one for to reason why - not to do or die before our times.  Such poetic was before William J. Clinton sworn in and proceeded to get the end of the Cold War figuring wrong.
     I printed out and read the report I believe I discovered as a public on the web CIA report on Ukraine demographics as tri-partial - of an eastern 1/3rd noted as Moscow Christian Orthodox, a middle 1/3rd irreligious, & western 1/3rd Greek Orthodox.
     What was President Vladimir Putin thinking?  Didn’t he spiritually commence with a backing from Orthodox leaders of the Moscow Holiness?  Didn’t he offer suppositions as pretext to that what he was starting, with or versus of at times tag’d “Little Russia” realms, was also a fight against the West Leftists as globally organized with movements for authoritarian powers much akin a new fascism?
     At the time otherwise to consumers of American media content Ukraine so teased with by President Barack H. Obama, in such terms, had seemed less about “DEMOCRACY” and more raw, even corrupt, for opportunism within Democrats upper ranks.  Initially it seemed Ukrainians were where Dems went to embed with known corrupt oligarchs at least to have some plausible deniability but while like unwritten episodes of “THE SOPRANOS” prima facia facility for organizing for windfalls.
     Weren’t President Obama and Vice President Obama, at least with Secretary of State John Kerry, teasing Ukraine towards being intimate in its corruption - even as news seemed of an American Vice President paid off prosecutors in such country for selfish defensive purposes?
     Intelligent discourse upon such times will dissect critical factors, and particularly with curiosity compartmentalized as facts support hypotheses raised around the politics of it likely President Obama got NATO and the European Union engagements wrong - particularly as regards Syria and Ukraine.
     To President Putin whom were the pawns maybe teased, and/or whom were the pimps?
     As long as one does not use the outdated definition of “fascism” still in many dictionaries to that it is defined more as if “movements of the right for authoritarian power” it should be near child’s play to articulate that “Climate Change” politics was of movements in international collusion to more than just bias elections in The United States of America.
     The Left martialed, inartfully, and force marched solutions tyranny much firstly as organized to be even maybe a “Trojan Horse” for a new “fascism” of only the Left allowed a mantle of authority on solving “Global Warming” postured big crises.
     In 2014 with the rebirth of Crimea to once again principally with Moscow there were issues of standing for a Russian patriarchy upon it seemed Ukraine was becoming not truly “woke” but too compromised - too corrupt.  But did the eastern 1/3rd of Ukraine historically of the Moscow Christian Orthodoxy prefer to go “home” to the “Mother Land” with “father” Vladimir Putin?
     President Barack H. Obama seemed, in his “personality presidency” live, to be more of the dreams of his mother while characteristically in governance too near to tag “narcissistic Stalinist”!
     America in Obama/Biden terms was less suffering than some foreign nations of that SOCIALIST nations seemed to be failing where incidentally too many had crossed a line to too irreligious.  As terms of Obama/Biden endured falling in SOCIALISM were only offered an arrogant SOCIALISM as if it had failed in past because it wasn’t Barack H. Obama who was its leader.
     I cannot name nor fix however much misinformation and disinformation became populated deeply globally around so much initiated as if President Obama was infallible - and a rock star POTUS.
     I cannot begin to estimate how much Russia, and Ukraine until a year ago, was firstly of only propaganda believed and to the existential reality was general ignorance of worldly reality.
     President Joseph R. Biden one year ago was the wrong leader needed as times needed a “Reagan”?
     President Joseph R. Biden today is categorically dramatically now ordered as if were Ronald Reagan?
     President Joseph R. Biden as a brother and a patriarch is still too compromised to be for republic?
     President Theodore Roosevelt was the first President to step foot on foreign soil as he did in Panama.
     The “Green Agenda” of “Solutions Tyranny” was built on movements for authoritarian power with “Global Warming” alarmism and as with foreign collusion that amount to a rise of new “fascism”!
     One year later it seems President Vladimir Putin needs to abort.  But what was this patriarch intending to seed?  Was it a small crusade to save the souls, where possible in “Little Russia” realms, with he some a Moscow Orthodox “Templar” riding into to circle the tanks around historically Holy in Moscow spirituality?
     One year later there now so much unanswered and vague it prudent to ask if oligarchs yet not driving the horrible news as yet per protecting Russian vodka spirits commerce and comity.
     As at least Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton wasted Afghanistan moments offering news fodder utterly of Dip Notes porn graphically using Helmand and Kandahar shapes as suggestive pressing images while problems with nation as of narco-terrorism more than Islamic terrorism.  I suggest there sad standing to attest Secretary Clinton had “The Longest War” yet as a war of choice and while no more justified than to have looked south from our borders at other narco-terrorism competition.
     Re:  CORRUPTION with Ukrainian oligarch supposedly engulfing Hunter Biden - John Kerry’s kin up to a point some lesser?
     Where is a Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Pope John Paul II today?
     The scripted for the Ukraine visit for President Joseph R. Biden seems to have hoped to rewrite him from whom apparently a year ago into a new President Ronald W. Reagan.
     One year later it seems President Vladimir Putin needs to abort.
     But?  If President Obama failed SOCIALISTS by only offered them more failed SOCIALISM to that problems remained too many had crossed a line to “too irreligious” how must Ukraine forward “for democracy” address the scope of problems firstly of the European Union and NATO had been of agency towards being more authoritarian, and in reality less of “democracy”?
     One year later is not now just the morning after!  President Biden can be right, or President Obama can be right - both Biden & Obama cannot be right.  And back to 1993 it relates that President William J. Clinton quite got the end of the Cold War wrong.
     As the world may need a new President Ronald W. Reagan, for starters, are rival Presidents proofed to be posers?  Was nothing actually seeded befitting a Holy to Moscow Orthodoxy a year ago? - in 2014?
     “Ours’ is to reason why, not to do and die, least before our time.” - (Poet JP Hogan, “The Charge of New Federalism” circa 1991-92 - shared in 1992 politics - not published.)

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