
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:06 pm

Can you handle the truth?

If you think you can handle the truth where now do you think you have to read it to get it?

Many have walked a line - posed a colorful utterance, more for (Gray) impression than science.

Whether of ankle deep or knee high worries with roaring twenties yelping on agreeing on a bar - metric - histories do befit scrutiny.

Where can uniform standards, even, be ethical?

Twenty somethings’ fight may have to move from any sitting on the fence - twenty somethings may have to rave and march for pushing a broad conscience to resolve that our world has witnessed “Baby Boomers” rendered own a worst gen - a worst generation.

It seems safer to posit there has too long been no ethical fashion in mainstreamed said “ethical fashion” than to reboot thought examples.

Can you name the antagonists?

How can we scientifically measure whom protagonists - worthy and fitting an honorable tag?

To graphically Madden-ize these problem events of have been in a bad way -wrong direction for over thirty years:

Perhaps tweedy proffering is needed using historical methods on the Civil War - even Gettysburg - with maps of force locations, movements, failed charges, and real outcomes.

What is the where today of a field of battle - of this not just theater of war?

Though prudent and necessary to lay out a cast of characters of whom failed science - were bad actors emoting frauds while uttering to “trust the science” dramatically?

If we Madden-ize and repurpose Gettysburg perhaps we can show the raw gore of bad actors as of a “worst gen”.

Now: Imagine you are now reading on the mistakes long of the “Green” climate movement of battles over the past three decades. How it caused inflation will be everywhere.
Let us cast Barack Obama as if General Robert Lee, Bill Clinton as if General George Pickett, and Al Gore as if was President Jefferson Davis.

Imagine the troop positions, not just of these together in a yet common threat to the Union, and work to be of Speaker Kevin McCarthy as if atop Little Round Top as if was General Earl Warren.

This won’t be BGV George Custer’s last stand.

We suppose Barack Obama sought to get control of Cemetery Ridge - metaphorically high ground of defenders of the Union.

We suppose Bill Clinton is known of 1990s of too much moral bankruptcy across his leadership - particularly his worked up two trillions in cuts with a trillion for unneeded surplus affected in lieu of actually caring - in lieu of good leadership - and yet present trying to seem relevant.

It seems Al Gore twas most new Jefferson Davis, President of a confederacy, dictating marching authoritarian solutions tyranny.

To fashion for an ethical on climate we must too work figures on issuances hemmed for reparations.

It seems logical that Speaker Kevin McCarthy should triumph - win the battle.

A full cast of bad actors have long been knowingly or unwittingly dressing the parts needed to party on with such new old South ranks - old Southern attitudes.

Do please recall that “Black Lives Matter” began more as a protest against Barack Obama and on real vibe - essence of issues - that he was at least governing too white. And fathom it got altered serious sadly into firstly a mobile force used to protect a global millions to billions brand of “Obama”.

Why did Barack Obama want control of Cemetery Ridge? Weren’t many of recent historical failures due actually to substandard bad leading of Bill Clinton? - of 90’s and beyond? Clintons are recalled of punk’d Barack Obama all eight years, as from since he had to visit Harlem office of Bill Clinton and accept his would be a divided house of he to have the Clintons admittedly as rivals - to his a “Team of Rivals” by near blackmailed to Hillary as Secretary would be insubordinate & still a Clinton first?

In these trying times re-enacting women were involved - quite badly associated. During the battles of “Green” climate ushering women were also bad actors not merely dolled up to picnic at war overlooks. Some yet were still present and honorable towards doing as much as could for troops trying to save the Union.

Al Gore fits the suits of President Jefferson Davis? And, to find an ethical for contemporary fashion mustn’t we rehash the walk and talk twas his?

Can you, or we generally, afford to ignore how, for discussion, “Green” climate agenda was deeply racist?

Historically the 90s moral bankruptcy of Clintons did set up the banking crisis that $4 gas price fixing by Al Gore, somehow needing collusion, then triggered. This was one of ways much said “done for blacks” by such Democrats was yet set up backdoored to fail. Worse may be if it was mere negligent leadership of such Dems avoided any consideration to how it all would set asunder blacks’ economics especially. It seems twas premeditated oppression while some it may have been incidental and more passive aggressive.

Can you, or we generally, afford to ignore how, for discussion, “Green” climate agenda was deeply racist?

On a presidential level we have problems that relate too of “One China” now versus “One Humanity”! This is where we are and need be as corrective otherwise on other mistakes by Democrats back to 1993.

The Clinton library is skinned in Confederate Gray - as after Clinton cut and extra trillion in lieu of actually caring about “Green” or “Blacks” - in lieu of caring about climate change, even levees, black schools, and even new schoolbooks. His charges luckily mostly failed - and while sadly of great costs.

Where are they in our Madden-ized? What are their darkest aims?

To Madden-ize positions of Al Gore’s authoritarian tyrannical each needs see colors as classed.

Reparations are owed by old Southern plantations patriarchs, and heirs like Al Gore, principally, however the crops were like Gore Plantations long for addicting people to “cancer sticks” or labor intensive elsewhere of cotton for practical and fashionable. Our Constitution expects a case-by-case resolution - not a spreading of guilt nationally to guilty pass the buck to many much innocents.

Gore is heir of family’s business twas for gross profiting from peoples addicted to “cancer sticks” - tobacco nicotine addictive properties. Perhaps graphically it as if you could take Al Gore out of the old South but you can’t get the old Southern out of Gores?

Al Gore as a newly fashioned President Jefferson Davis has been more to strong arming, some jackbooted, for otherwise addicting new masses to his marketed fixes - “Green” solutions tyranny marketed.

By 2006 Al Gore strategies said on climate change - with tyrannical for a “Green” agenda were quite, especially in hindsight, to twas forcing a whitening across employment and newly grand class dividing mastered towards blacks of economics broadly newly set asunder.
Joe Biden - President Joe Biden, presently - was right as new administrator to remark U.S. near in a new civil war while he yet was politically horribly terribly wrong not coloring the new gray as it is Democrats whom are the “REBELS” - them working to set asunder “Liberty for all” values.

However cobbled together these new Southern forces - and coyly of Barack Obama messianic vibe more of a secular essence - and marshalled for Cemetery Ridge as an advantaged higher ground wanted the technical failures of Bill Clinton were decisive.

Females Democrats did more than pick out curtains and fuss over what to wear to picnic at the battles. Women too were bad actors also of blood on their hands working up these rebellions insurgent to constituted order for Liberty for all.

Beware how if Democrats Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and Joe Biden may loudly posture walking a talk of reparations such seems defensive for past Southern offenses to akin attempts to spread the costs of South’s patriarchs’ guilt towards others across our nation more left to whom assuaged to what yet Southern liabilities to blacks.

Beware: Due the worked “Green” tyranny of Al Gore and Hillary Clinton around 2006 our regular gas prices skyrocketed from available near 95 cents per gallon - to somehow fixed through foreign collusion as inflated to near $4.00 per gallon - far more if per liter.

GBV George Custer did thwart Gen. J.E.B. Stuart at Gettysburg.

Today in hindsight, after Madden-izing, it seems most evident we only had bad climate models - Democrats were bad actors lacking any real ethical fashion - Dems were bad role-models.

Barack Obama model - in terms of he wanted a “personality presidency” - seems firstly labeled as was too of a narcissistic Stalinism. His economics was to nothing could be peoples doing Lord’s work as any project was to only fronted as done in his own name.

Over five thousand soldiers were killed in just one day of the battle at Gettysburg of the waring to save our more perfect Union - our constituted by a Peoples’ “Order” where none to be “titled” and there no divine rights of a monarch/authoritarian.

Bill Clinton model - in terms of Clintons postured a “post Constitution” for authoritarian powers - seems firstly twas long of moral bankruptcy. His politics was to there was no accepting blacks as evolved without political factoring to though yet white men of South also pronounced as evolved more simultaneously.

Again: The Clintons cut $2 Trillion with $1 Trillion really really cut in lieu of actually caring. And, thousands died from they, at least in 90s, reportedly waged war against God.

Whom fashionable as a new GBV G. A. Custer - of a cavalry did protect the good of North - good Northern - from being flanked?

Perhaps the good lore of Gen. Earl Warren is good essence of Speaker Kevin McCarthy - is a new vibe for threads on holding “more perfect Union” high ground to at least protect from ranks getting enfiladed.

Al Gore model - in terms of if he wanted masses to be less citizens and more subjects, as mobs, newly addicted to “Gore” retailing - wholesaling addictive fixes too - is of he led movements of the Left for authoritarian power, anti-Constitution like of President Jefferson Davis, and that by definitions today the revised “FASCISM” meaning accurately is as of Left Democrats Progressives are those who are clinically FASCISTS.

The cast of climate models have in common each were of AUTHORITARIAN wants with movements to such theirs as a new FASCISM.

Al Gore is whom is most globally FASCIST? - AUTHORITARIAN of his is only face of correct (trust his “science”) authority?

Bill Clinton is whom is most institutionally FASCIST? - As Clinton foundation is structured collusion and emoluments for reaping AUTHORITARIAN by it a soapbox for as if that his face is the only real AUTHORITY?

Barack Obama is whom offered a third FASCISM - to Democrats more tri-polar than bi-polar, and while “personality” proofed out as more narcissistic Stalinism. Obama, with his imperialism also a new FASCISM, did war against the Constitution to be more an AUTHORITARIAN - seen even as if SOCIALISM had failed in passed because it wasn’t of his “personality” as its guiding AUTHORITY?

Having some Madden-ized the politics this modeling shows across the ranks a lack of ethical fashion with them Democrats with “Tri-Polar Fascism” materials in gross supply.

Gore’s FASCISM is different from Obama’s FASCISM, and both are sufficiently different from Clintons’.

Joe Biden, presently a President more a “REBEL” to “more perfect Union” as a Peoples’ “Order” … “done” in “Year of our Lord” essence, seems incapable of his own FASCISM and yet must choose a FAVORITE FASCIST, and either Gore, Obama, or Clinton as his ONE TRUE AUTHORITARIAN?

Joe Biden presently seems too contrary as Catholic of Catholics to yet be boxed in - labeled - tagged - decreed fashionable as a tool of THE HOLY SEE - and agent of Roman Catholic orders?

The Democrats are the REBELS!

Though term-limited Clinton still tried to advance AUTHORITARIAN ends yet rival to under President Obama - Obama/Biden - still presently under President Joe Biden. In many ways the whole lot of these REBELS have been trapped by 90s moral bankruptcy real histories of Clintons. More Madden-izing though to be needed to dissect and dramatize how we have been saved yet by 80% of their bad was much defeated without being generally known of - saved yet by we are only trying to reconstruct from all the bad in what may have only been near of 20% of charges attempted.

We are necessarily now in a era that must be CORRECTIVE to the 90s and much the Clintons did actually get wrong - especially as per they much globally got the end of the Cold War wrong as yet of how and now we are of a new “Civil War” event.

Gore’s FASCISM is different from Obama’s FASCISM, and both are sufficiently different from Clintons’.

Who, we need ask, is President Joe Biden’s favorite FASCIST.

Again: The Democrats are the “REBELS”!

Though term limited Clinton tried to advance AUTHORITARIAN ends yet under Obama - like Pickett under Lee?

An Al Gore model can have no ethical fashion. Solutions tyranny by and AUTHORITARIAN is real FASCISM, - too a “Mao Chic”!

General Earl Warren held a little round top - a strategic high ground.

BGV George Custer held off flanking cavalry with volunteers for Liberty for all.

The North under command of General George Meade managed the unity and focus to save the “more perfect Union” for Liberty for all.

In hindsight the all Southern, all white, all male, Clinton-Gore ticket became apparently a greatest threat to the Union - the constituted by a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) … “to form” a “more perfect Union” as not AUTHORITARIAN - as without a divine right of monarch.

Clinton-Gore became a “greatest threat” in the history of our Union - Clinton & Gore rival now as who was greatest threat to our republic. And now too Obama & Biden.

There is no shortage of material though now available to also rank Nancy Pelosi.

Is McCarthy - isn’t Kevin McCarthy - a new model of HOPE?

In hindsight Barack Obama seems twas always punk’d by Al Gore, and the Clintons, and in ways Vice President Joe Biden didn’t muster a viable defense.

Graphically the truth is there is a “Tri-Polar Fascism” - three distinctive FASCISTS camps across the Democrats ranks, and existentially. Many of each’s inflection points provide evidence - reveal each pole as unworkable anti-Constitution campy fashioned, and now needing real efforts corrective across most domestic and foreign lines.

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