
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:08 pm

Is it time to sweat the stones?

Working with the dead who were a part of Jack’s and Jackie’s celebrations, in district life, of Jesus, means raising the patron saint of stonemasons.

The Kennedys Catholic regularity was normative, in Washington DC, around one also the patron saint of deacons.

As a cornerstone setting is akin to Albert Einstein “Theory of Relativity”, applied to a “Trust the Science” logical origin, to that a spiritual life begins when particular matter of two bodies collide, and becometh in union conceived, to forward measurable in common time, to Saint Stephen likewise a building starts living spiritually as the first material seed is set?

In our Federal City our nation’s capital such church of the martyr Stephen is near eight blocks from the White House while an earlier earliest church for Catholics Saint Patrick’s is near just six blocks away. Saint Patrick’s Church was first founded for the flocking Irish Catholics laboring in the creation – the stone-by-stone erecting - of the structures for governing.

How far have we fallen since the chivalry and honor of Camelot? From King Arthur to King James to King George and now to the early times of a new King Charles?

America’s first state is religious liberty – “a free state” as the human condition of liberty ordered secured to a pluribus of each unum as respected as a child of the Lord Creator – as of their rights are from their Creator – as it inalienable each conceived as equal and destined to be scored to if, amongst community peers, hopefully as has achieved an enlightened moral authority above the 3/5th 6/10ths 60% FAIL grade threshold.

The Kennedy’s Saint Stephen respects a Catholic practice of that buildings built as conceived are not able to be renamed due of that all the souls and spirits sweated the development – especially from the first cornerstone, live on – may live on - to spiritually from first intent the life stays respected – it thus to an education “Trust the Science” degree therefore life begins at the big bang – the kick-off cornerstone engagement – or either wise the big conjoining of particles that is of knowing – as regards seeding sets sizeable - sequences spiritually significantly soulful.

Thomas Jefferson wasn’t present. Jefferson can’t save the Bidens?

Jefferson was living in Paris France as the Union of states became ordered more perfect by a vertical separation of church and state established by a Peoples’ “Order” an order ordained a constitution.

Doubting Thomases were too set by a Peoples’ “Order” “to form” a “Union” for each unum allowed a constitution as by how pluribus each is under their Lord before under government as set also to a “more perfect” existentialism as there no divine right of monarch. As ordered doubters could question “God” while yet Lord’s Laws were set respected as establishments of religion Government was not allowed to change.

Thomas Jefferson though abroad, while founding ordering was to a Peoples’ “Order” ordained a constitution, seems was yet with the “Order” as not in blasphemy.

The principle core to fundamental individual liberty foundation is “a free state” is real woke of wokism truly each is equal by created each from moments of seeding to be spiritually equally conceived.

Washington – George Washington – forward instructed the world with his words put to paper in his historic letter to the Jews then concerned of Newport Rhode Island.

The first President respecting the true nature of the developments in the American northern continental since the first colonies of first pilgrims en masse, and settlers in Jamestown, inked an explanation on separation of church and state as vertical.

To the concerns of the Jews of Newport Rhode Island the States’ first Union leader wrote presidentially to the states are constituted ordered under Lord’s Laws – a perfection standard of establishments – where “a free state” to reign as akin an “A Promised Land” sans sanction of bigotry – due to a perfect God bigotry is not to be – as each is to be of the questioning - of it thus un-Christian for a Christian to be bigoted.

The ifs and whens to take up arms perchance versus troubled tides is for those common and neighbors – not of nobles – nobility – divine said superiority – nor a presumed uber authoritarian.

Now presently on public enemies: How Shakespearean the Education “Doctor”?

Where did the education of Hunter Biden FAIL – come up short – miss its mark?

Did he flub a First State comprehending of the Constitution is a Peoples’ “Order” “to form” a “Union” without titles, and sans any stacking assembling for structured order as to if a human leader is prescribed to be presumed infallible?

However Hamlet and Lady Macbeth predate Hunter Biden fallen existentialism raps a portrait of Hunter should abide “Dr. Jill” is the named First Lady as in education so Dr. Biden – and now to haunt, and haunt.

To artfully and critically now score Hunter Biden any must reach to some very basic elementary complexity – akin like: Do not pass over the simple facts.

Can Hunter Biden be now scored as fallen causally from ignorance?

Is that First Lady Biden is too “Dr. Jill” an albatross about President Biden’s neck?

Isn’t a Doctor in Education presumed to be sworn to telling/teaching the truths?

Where 42 & 44 had intimate allegiance with say Devil’s Advocates – whom were lawyers, some think, as in a profession of lies – Liberalism taken too far – 46 has self-selected First Lady to be a model of propriety towards charged to be to the truths, and as to not arrest development of youths.

And thus by our Peoples’ “Order” we are as conceived to by how pluribus each, to be scored and graded an unum on if achieve beyond a 3/5ths 6/10ths 60% FAILING - on if earned a common moral authority, it therefore to yet now seems the Bidens are quite contrary – short of measuring up to PASSING scores on moral authority.

The story of the union of states respects that since King James the Biblical became available in the English generally accessible to masses, and to how constituted established liberty for religious freedom respecting frontiers pilgrims empowerment to have Democracy firstly in locally English speakers could self-govern in communities with own interpretated yet from English language editions of Lord’s establishments commandments scriptural.

Of due noting: The BILL OF RIGHTS is instructive especially to Article 6 of our Peoples’ “Order” as by amending it reiterates however Federal Laws to have “supreme” status such is of much ado about how limited a Federal Government is constituted as by 1st Amendment it spelled out Congress is not allowed to change Lord’s Laws. What is left to the states is far greater than what is allowed to be federal – the 10th Amendment resounds upon so much is not of Federal jurisdiction – is left to states and within scope of religious freedom.

Hunter “Public Enemy #1” Biden seems of a Kennedy “Camelot” and Catholic dilemma. And “Dr. Jill” and education conundrum an albatross about President “Joe” Biden’s neck.

An American “Camelot” as lived on since the murder of “Jack” – President Kennedy - is more contrary to “a free state” core and arguably unconstitutional.

The knightly of Kennedy’s was more Catholic than Lordly of titles? Since the passing due assassination of President “Jack” Kennedy even other Catholics have betrayed “JFK” – “Jack”?

The “albatross” is much ado about an education “Trust the Science” mantle of “Dr. Jill” “Joe” self-selected to be in union wholly with until death. Hunter Biden too is stuck to be scored by First Lady “Jill’s” profession – professionalism.

There is no real comparison in present time rational between a “Contempt of Congress” grade – score – measurement of Hunter Biden if opines for a parity to Representative “Jim” Jordan.

Rep. Jordan is innocent of “Contempt of Congress” structurally by when a newly sworn executive President Biden uttered official remarks asserting the Union is “in a new Civil War” - for thus by such Democrat did frame the issues to there thus are two sides, and one side is necessarily more the rebels anti-Constitution.

The House of Representatives is seated with swearing – sworn oaths – into regular order of limited government constituted. Again akin Article 6 is defined away from loose language of “supreme” by the BILL OF RIGHTS resounding upon how limited our federal government is yet supposed to be.

Republican Representatives – Representative Jordan, yes, - versus past Democrats’ issuances had basic rights to ignore subpoenas written in anti-Constitution rebellious tones by Democrats illegally much whom insurgents as those of the side (of Biden’s “Civil War”) particularly anti-Constitution.

Hunter Biden’s “Hamlet” is more of a rap vibe essence of real deep beats of CONTEMPT attitude viscerally self-evident due a public enemy #1 now caught, and stewing? Smartly, a Doctor of Education professionally must likewise concur?

While the Doctor of “Dr. Jill” indicts “Joe” in principle, with son, the SNARED existentialism roots of “Hunter” statements – theater in the defensive – miss also that past administrations, at least on oversight obligations to check for even incidental material support of terrorism, and past Congresses “Emoluments Clause” auditing duties, have essentially that Hunter’s father “Joe” – however “The Big Guy” – had a sworn duty to know the details of his son’s business just to clear it. Right! Hunter’s father was supposed to be all over his son’s business, and is more impeachable if yet proofed as was derelict in such “oversight” professional duties.

Oh Shakespeare? – Oh Shakespeare?

Tis it the House of Biden fell? Tisn’t it too many others knew – should have known too – and for far too long? And fallen likewise, after clearly in Ukraine “Hunter” (and pals) got in bed with the “a known most corrupt” Ukrainian oligarch? And by definitions of “collusion” & “emoluments” as regards with Chinese as more of selling out – than railroading with abuse of powers?

However Catholic “Camelot” may too have fallen due other Catholics ignored the protections from tyranny of the Emoluments Clause to as if more entitled – set titled – despite prudence ordered by scoring established to even family not titled and any “emoluments” “whatever” must be approved by Congress.

However Catholics Doctor Biden defeats President Biden as his self-selected metric with which to be scored/graded truthfully? As Catholics it even more so?

Past administrations too had duty to fully know Hunter Biden’s foreign entanglements/engagements down to the first penny.

“Jack” and “Jackie” worshipped at Saint Stephen’s Church.

“Hunter’s” practicing seems yet eons apart from moralism - moralistic – while yet first gray areas/realms materially.

By the Kennedy’s honors on whom can be Saint – saintly – Hunter Biden fallen is unfit for martyrdom claims?

From Camelot to presently seeing the tree from the trees of the forest where can rest the “PUBLIC ENEMY #1” to be sweated of honest prosecution due?

Perhaps due we are to rap first more dire that grades due the Clintons & Al Gore? - even eventually just Barack Obama’s own score?

As, again, Representative Jim Jordan was of “Contempt of Congress” slung by those real rebels to regular order – the actual constituted by the Peoples’ “Order” - he was quite politically cast stones upon unjustly as sweated the truths of partisan discord from Democrats oh so very very contrary.

Yet again: What are the roots of Hunter “Public Enemy #1” Biden’s fallen?
Any Doctor in Education should professionally fully consider how Shakespearean – uber dramatic – it is comparatively that it is simply teachable that the Clintons, in their proud anti-Constitution “Post-Constitution” schemes, have proofed themselves even DIABLOLICAL – even DEPLORABLES – for decades devilishly working to set asunder the CONSTITUTION – so busily that now compared to founding days of British General Clintons, and then New York Governor Clinton it is now that Bill and Hillary score as the most ANTI-CONSTITUTION of 3 Clintons of American History.

Al Gore, however indivisible from was of professional obligations to have turned in Bill and Hillary, is of he personally may have represented a greater threat to the ideas of America of our established constituted order. Al Gore as a private citizen has done tons and tons of material affecting towards forcing presidents’ hands on foreign, and domestic, policies. Al Gore may have taken violating the Logan Act to a level some still might consider due indictments with capital punishment – modern stoning a fair judgement – on the table.

Joe Biden failed his son?

Hunter “Public Enemy #1” Biden – however of education fails – failed his father?

The self-selected Education professional standard – as for TRUTH – convicts?

Any equal justice must yet rest on comparisons now particularly to Bill and Hillary for parity in judgements, however in lieu of sweating a stoning, and as it near self-evident their “Post-Constitution” schemes involved perverting the Emoluments Clause to, though becameth term-limited, they were facilitated to rake in emoluments as if just now called “charity” to be endowed to violate the Logan Act - as banked to be global power brokers – even play about as if autocrats – at least to Bill was supported, quite contrary to ORIGINALISM, to posture as like titled – to posture too as if a first unelected President of the World – to even hold court annually as if more a monarch to which other world leaders were obligated to prostrate.

Again, while Clintons can be convicted by prosecutions asserting that the Constitution never stopped being the law of the land, the house of Bidens is beset as snared by a real CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS – by their own self-selected, and elected to standards.

As Joe Biden ‘Catholic Guilt’ long seems triggered regular “Biden Gaffes” where is a moral score - a #TRUTH ESG - a Kennedy & post-Camelot Catholics judgement/grade?

Can ‘Bidens sold out some!’ be mitigated by perhaps ‘The Bidens sold out but a mere fraction of apparently what the Clintons did?

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