
January 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:49 pm
Whomever may be the chef of your ratatouille – delight and rejoice for that justice may be served.

Whence upon those times the orphaned Oliver dared ask for more, reflecting, apportioning due measures tis best meted elementary.

Worldly wise service is a drum major’s beat.

Today what may appear rude and rough may yet be an “A.I.” written under algorithms barring plagiarism; artificial intelligence, if too must live by the rules, may also be beset to be a bad copycat – of bad copy.

As English tomorrows in Annie’s of the rising sun to days clear – of shadows cast – American Phil’s may bode a longer winter.

Perhaps, still forward, we are best soled to preamble regular with the normative immaculate of Mary; it seems a soulful can be reaped best where souls well sown.

Perhaps, still forward, ladies and gentlemen can walk and talk a constitution orderly.

Perhaps, still forward, what is consummated – of songs of songs? – can mete a copacetic establishment of prudent commandments.

Sans worldly wise service there’s been betrayal.

Grief may be reaping where grievous sowed deep.

Forward, perhaps, drum majors must resound alarming new bodings foretelling discordance.

Quite charming still is that old sworn hostility by Thomas Jefferson to all “tyrannies over the minds of men.”

Rats!!! We’ve becometh an age of a SWAMP full of rats. Packrats of the caucus of Nancy Pelosi have cooked up some things awful – of a political stench – frightfully horrible.

It doth behoove no human to want a seconds – any further discombobulations – any backsliding to the errors of those her political eras – sad repeats of a “first woman…” did render partisan phats now massed as publicly scandalous in how not just the Biden’s wrongfully fattened up.

Rats!!! Can it all be just the stench of a “first woman…” composed?

Grief may be reaping where grievous sowed deep.

Rats!!! She is of the red sauce of Macbeth; Nancy Pelosi is bloodied – blood is on her hands.

Far from charming is of fattened Hunter Biden – that Hunter came up in the eras of Nancy Pelosi with her like a godmother or special aunt?

Constitutionally speaking nothing cooked up by the Bidens – in their scandalous – was by law allowed to be seen as not also of Pelosi’s kitchen.

Delight and rejoice for that justice may be served.

Our founding fathers put forth a spectacle in how conceived a republic not in blasphemy.

By the time our BILL OF RIGHTS became ratified clarity spread about resounding on revolutionary original beats for accord reiterated to more assuredly affirm a living conundrum of that though laws passed in prescribed regular order prudence by the federal government is to be honored as “supreme law of the land” and any understanding must thus too therefore abide such government is so truly limited by it shall not make any law to respectacle/change Lord’s Laws.

What can’t achieve any clarification – as was what Pelosi’s Democrats cooked up for partisan phats – is now to be judged of the fattened Bidens’ murky and rotten gray areas.

All roads lead to Nancy Pelosi!!!

All roads lead to Nancy Pelosi!!!

Forward, perhaps, drum majors’ beats were for “Crooked Hillary” of a “SWAMP” of nepotism through the 90s of the “Deep State”.

All roads lead to Nancy Pelosi; - her “weaponization” of our government has been of real “tyrannies over the minds of men” Jefferson sworn hostility upon.

A fair critical review of all the bad stuff cooked up with Nancy Pelosi’s packrats – with her leadership – would take volumes.

To be brief: Let me be clear:

Many many Democrats are due perp walks.

The haunting beats echo with a stench.

About Pelosi’s wrought – sent – sent forth – due forensics can discern the particulars of and parties to.

For the innocent hopes of Olivers and Annies across our lands the modern Republicans are offering duly measured regularity.

A more woke is with the charming still of Mary’s orderly – written original beats?

As when any nowadays asked “What caused the Civil War?” a first right answer is a questioning “Which U.S. Civil War?”.

Forward perhaps ladies and gentlemen can walk and talk a constitution orderly.

We all now must table and prioritize a dissection of Pelosi’s phat – a thorough breaking down of how she cooked up/reigned over great and vast perversions to our Peoples’ Order our order ordained our Constitution.

How so ever Nancy Pelosi personally cooked up wretched perversions to our constituted prudent regular order, or set forth others with beats towards such:

Hunter Biden didn’t “CLEAN UP” in a political vacuum. The fattening of the HOUSE OF BIDENS could only have proceeded as within the duties the scope of the caucuses leader’s reigning.

Much of the wretched of the earthly missing of the marks, of Mary’s conceived jurisprudence inalienable, and how BIDENOMICS reaping inflation – BIDENFLATION – roots of pathways from Nancy Pelosi’s seeded perversions, and sent forth, with beats coyly insurrectionist, while orders marched to set asunder the constitutional.

Delight and rejoice that justice may be served.

Her wrought in the rear-view mirror of life is deplorable – deeply rebellious – soundingly contrary with particular perversions of constituted prudence.

Worldly wise service is a drum major’s beat.

Now even an artificial intelligence, allowed sufficient data sets, would concur.

Our founding fathers put forth a spectacle in how conceived a republic not in blasphemy.

Forward, importantly, we much purge or shun her harvests of fruits of poisoned trees.

Her’s has not been Mary’s of His way?

Politically we need to stew on what grew from and is still growing of her so so very very contrary.

In of her sent became much wretched:

In of truths can save and refreshen:

In of parity and comity of polity to abide:

See the table! Help prioritize!

However facts to dictate of Hunter’s just partly as enabled by her like a godmother, or special aunt:

She, Nancy Pelosi, has been a partisan witch of many sorts. A snared is growing.

The fall of the HOUSE OF BIDENS is to haunt and haunt as was only made possible by a sponsor an enabler a “first woman…” abuser of the powers of her highest office – with dereliction upon her EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE duties, for starters.

An inconvenient truth is that her perverted interpretations of the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE are in the public records – archived as sent forth.

Though written is the prudence on pecuniary and foreign relations is of Congress must approve all emoluments “whatever” – she’s been – Nancy Pelosi has been - oh very contrary to His – our Lord Creator’s - by biased perversions to phat okay for D’s – but “illegal” if of for R’s.

Rats!!! We’ve becometh an age of a SWAMP full of rats.

Proper measures otherwise stay a bulwark of democracy of by our Peoples’ “Order” (noun) “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by limited the Federal Government from theocracy – from playing God – from divine right of monarchs we are constituted Biblical as under our Lord Creator before under especially was the missing of the marks of the perpetuated false reading of originalism, and textualism still revolutionary – quite a supreme woke – superior WOKISM.

The WEAPONIZATION of our Government has been of real “tyrannies over the minds of men” Jefferson sworn hostility upon.

For the trash heaps of history:


Truths are to haunt for it is a “First Woman Speaker” was whom cooked up the sent out!

What happened, also contrary, in the HOUSE OF BIDENS did also happen in SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI’S kitchen!


For the Clintons the rules were mothballed in enabling of “post-Constitution”!

For the Obama Administration a partisan divisiveness became standard!

For the Trump term she cooked up old mothballed for the Clintons phat reaping a potpourri of contrariness to that laws long said no longer laws were reprocessed and reprocessed to concocted case loads versus Donald Trump by layering and layering unbecoming misinterpretations and perversions of the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE, for starters.

For Nancy Pelosi it is convicting; – Hunter Biden’s must now be tabled with discussant parity to laws reversed once defended Clintons as then becameth weaponized, as served toxic, politically, of proofed hoaxes at the expense of Donald Trump, for the real originalism and textualism of the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE, as with “no titles” spirited and written, imports that family of agents of our republic offices are also necessary and essential suspects – are whom too much there be full and regular knowing oversight.


Joe Biden should have known – down to every penny “whatever” - and, too should at least the FIRST WOMAN SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES!!!

Hunter’s business was the Peoples’ – the taxpayers, at least – business!!! Whatever!!!

Hunter’s is now more like Bill Clinton’s unredacted - far from FAIRY TALE, and much ado shades of gray!!!

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