
September 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:29 am

A promised land, perhaps.

A literate promise also of 2024.

We are near the semi-quintennial.

Writer Barack Obama cannot now well be President Biden’s drum major. We do now need score one of Obama’s books more than any other. His tome is contrarian.

President Joseph Biden’s administration is due shade – judgement on his apparently formed – vocal criticisms.

We are by “Order” into a “more perfect Union” as better than of parting ways with of the United Kingdom.

We are formed as Ordered to our government is seriously limited by it is set separated from the in the eyes of the Lord jurisdiction of all commandments of a promised land under alike “God Is Love = God is Laws”!

We are formed “more perfect” with a holy riddle as by “done” “subscribed” in the “Year of our Lord” the federal government is separated vertically from any authority to respectacle/change the commandments scripture the establishments fo religion.

Our riddle has confused and confounded countless masses since it originally appeared for the ratification of a suffice of thirteen new states.

The riddle must now be taught as an antidote to unruly now from the Biden administration.

It seems more puzzling our nation near a 250th anniversary has “A Promised Land” authored by one a former president now still seemingly a misreader of the Constitution – even some Biblical.

Please amass your own local experts.

Our formative riddle is of the moral grammar in our Peoples’ “Order” and how ratified as in the “Year of our Lord”.

Riddle: On originalism textualism:

Lord God is in our Constitution – signed under Christian calendar Lord – but grammatically to God then is not in the Constitution?

By how composed God is respected in the Constitution by humble not committing blasphemy but to structurally recognized as above government.

By how composed God is respected to recognized as of a Lord’s jurisdiction where for the eyes of the Lord the Peoples and the government are all equal ordered more perfectly as subscribed to ratified – under God.

These anew are days for understanding in promised what should be most elementary.

Please ask amongst yourselves a suffice of queries to dissect especially how President Obama earlier must have even proffered on Con Law very errantly.

Many are due tagging amongst the epoch – 100 plus years era – of has been of Democrats seeking to fabricate an equal standing for their contrary secular Socialism.

For a rational textualism each should be scored – even on essays due – upon resolving an originalism with a moral grammar that constructed a Union where that today often described of “Socialism” is yet firstly under U.S. religious freedom.

Grammatically “Socialism” is unconstitutional – but the high hopes for solutions are preserved to as of the works as religious – of work re: legions – your chosen local associations.

A promised land, perhaps?

These united states separated from a less perfect united Kingdom which did not respect each is an UNUM as under God before under a King?

We are by “Order” “to form” “Union” as constitutional republic to each is due to respect another as also of their rights come from Lord – as Creator’s is promised – as ordered way in Laws.

Consider textualism in:

“Blessed is he whose way is blameless.”

Do you read it as with a perfect blameless Lord – one whose way is the Lord’s way is whom to be blessed?

The promise of our land is Ordered as under Lord’s universal inalienable is cleverly in the Second Amendment.

Consider textualism in:

To maintain “a free state” a militia can be activated against the Peoples’ government if it is unresponsive to grievances of it became too tyrannical.

Constitution 101 should resolve to elementary moral grammar of use of “a free state” is as for the human condition of Liberty in religious freedom.

Lest one be deemed not worthy for forty years alike earlier apocryphal era it is since July 4, 1776 Peoples of these states were to be lawful if respectful to each another to a promise of rights are inalienable and each thought and action shall be to protect “a free state” as each to self-govern disciplined in Laws of the Lord.

Elementary politics explain George Washington letter to the Jews of Newport, RI expounded on such cleverly to if of Lord then of a shared perfection (blameless?) standard – thus therefore it would be unchristian for Christians to be bigoted – to be sans tolerance.

A literate promise anew of 2024?

Consider textualism in:

Jesus authorized he 12 disciples to go forth to sow and reap for a bountiful of a Lord’s harvest.

And then progressed with 72 others one town at a time – presenting as ordered two by two – to fish for believers.

Now do you yourself find that of books of Matthew and Luke to resolve with fresh minds.

How did Jesus proceed with 72 “two by two”?

Do you see troop formation?

A flock of lambs – believers off to cold call and visitations to help reap a great harvesting of kindred souls? – perhaps?

Our Constitution is not in blasphemy and has a moral grammar.

President Biden FAILS as scored on “IDEA OF AMERICA” basics.

President Obama FAILS as errant from textualism – only partially with intent to help wrongly bias politics - to as if Socialism isn’t actually Ordered as of the jurisdiction for religiousness – the morality supposedly of Socialists is indivisible from separations vertical that affirm such matters are our religious freedom protected matters.

Our promised land can at any time be of persons maybe still of some of forty years from worthy?

Troope Jesus – was double files 36 deep – in flocking unity as friendlies?

Troope Jesus – progressed as Jesus a shepherd behind a column of 72 lambs/believers flocking into wolves regions one town by one town?

Lord’s Laws are our Peoples’ trump?

We are near the semi-quintennial – really!

After 250 years isn’t the Union now still “more perfect” by government is set not above the People – is set equally under Lord’s Laws – is set to our federal government is sans divine rights – theocracy power – evens sans a right to say THERE IS NO GOD?

After 250 years are we still each an UNUM by how PLURIBUS united to each, and each to another, is cognizant and disciplined principally of they are under God before under government – and the supreme law of land is firstly inalienable of rights from Creator – and then, as Bill of Rights amends Article 6 powers, of government very limited by it shall make no law to respectacle/change Lord’s Laws our establishments of religion?

Isn’t it a liberalism must exist if just to facilitate tolerance and forgiveness – a methodology for having sanctuaries – safe spaces for managing voices & trespasses – and that bearing false witness can be from taking liberalism too far?

Of our riddle of while “Lord” is in our Peoples’ “Order” as to God is not in our constitutional lesser limited laws just of the land – but separated as above with a universal inalienable authority – ties to George Washington motivations towards his penned famous letter on Union is in there to be no “bigotry” of “tolerance”?

Ordered as we are from founding we have Jesus still to consider near 250th while with the puzzling on Union standard is at least of it unchristian for Christians to be bigoted.

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