
September 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:59 pm

As history may repeat itself to effect equally bad or worse outcomes what tumblers of time may be ominously clicking into place?

Imagine yourself present in real-time in Washington DC as near the 250th anniversary of 13 states independence declared, and commenced.

Are you inclined towards Psalm 92:10 for a pressing praying for your horn/powers to be blessed?

Is your first visceral emote on the forming 2024 Presidential race an evoked thought of Edvard Munch for his “The Scream”?

As Munch’s was of post-Civil War arts and President Biden uttered thoughts on that these united states of America are in a new civil war who is Munchy now is alarming and scary.

The California homeless may be praying already for relief from change as now seems as if too de facto under the reigns of the Vice President – of Governor Newsom can’t be acting independently – with a war against the homeless.

Democrats now seem to be screaming alarms against Democrats.

A pop image for reality if caricatured of VP Kamala Harris seems of a scream a war cry as if yet a helmeted head sticking out of a tank in mobilizations across California, with her Governor, for a “California Miracle” more successfully marshalled than whence of Massachusetts by old Governor Dukakis.

Like: Tank Commander Harris routs out all homelessness – all homeless pop-up encampments!

Glimpses of examples of German arts have been available at the National Gallery of Art. – Artworks of the years of the rise of fascism.

Our arts and specifically artists may be failing civilization too much.

These are dark times of black arts – arts noir – needing new moralists.

It is ominous that Governor Newsom’s war to rout out pop-up homeless encampments seems was a first real political news of the self-subjugation by President Biden, with apparent due cause, effected to anoint Kamala Harris.

To what degree can “Howard” now, from inside the beltway, endear or endure as once Irish and Celtic as a tag in honors as “high guardian”?

A Kamala Harris candidacy as if firstly the new party “SCREAMER” Howard Dean is dramatically fraught.

Such a Kamala Harris would near have to thematically be like an antagonist to any protagonist black panther.

Sound effects too would be much inconvenienced as should evoke concerns of old beaten overtones stirring up consciences to now should be deeply known warning notes echoes of disasters stemmed from Bill Clinton staged to seem “dovish” so later Hillary Clinton could seem “hawkish”.

Howard and the unicorn are now inflection points two of our Union’s greatest concerns.

All hopes that a Howard could propagate to future leaders at the ready to triumph from a purity - innocence a power – S.O.P. – to a legacy of legends by many became “high guardians” seems washed out.

The “Dean Scream” of the 2004 Presidential campaign seems spiritually recurring.

To candidate Kamala Harris, however more Indian or black, seems anti-unicorns – except as if are rhinoceros.

Are there even enough black doctors in DC for a containment of seems old – art noir – dark arts newly recurrent?

Is there anywhere an innocent enough “Howard” as “high guardian” potential to be towards finding a virgin to catch a needed mythical being even if a black unicorn more a horse than a rhinoceros?

Can there be any Harris & Newsom “California Miracle”?

If too many even once Kennedy Democrats are now much also mere “Cafeteria Catholics” as Joseph R. Biden, Sr. was Holy tag’d isn’t primal screaming to be expected as coincident to crossroads for devolutions from civilized to more barbarian? – thresholds crossed?

Are the apparent “SCREAMS” like from candidate Harris evidence of devolution?

The mobilization against California homeless is suggestive of psyche bipolar? – a beast two headed? Kamala as a Jekyll and a Hyde?

“Howard and the Unicorn” seems can only fit a law-and-order narrative.

Albeit alas if not yet a wolf in sheep’s clothing horror dramatic.

Yes, German art during the rise of fascism still evokes a “TROUBLED”.

Democrats’ nominee reasonably cannot be the virgin thought needed to catch a unicorn?

Her “Dean Scream” as set with context may shift more from Kennedy Democrats?

I recall Dr. Howard Dean admitted apparently to he amidst his campaign did “run afoul” of the profession’s MENTAL HEALTH CLARITY LAWS. I recall he fessed up to admitting his loss some was from he missed the mark on especially his professional standards – of he did harm by lying.

Once A.C.A. – Obamacare – became law – however it much firstly from thinking from The Heritage Foundation focus for healthcare reforms – presidents and lawyers or candidates, as of administration duties forward, like doctors, should also not be knowingly lying to win.

Washington DC divisions and partisan gridlock now some figure as from changes did occur before the laws were modernized to a suffice. Politicians changed practices, as were a convenience by different, newness didn’t have enough a due deeper modernization of laws to keep up our constitutional protections from even tyranny by our government. Like even in “Climate Change” politics legal liability can be now asserted versus Al Gore, it seems, for global initiatives that set asunder regular order and due process that in old days kept a farmer or rancher from damming up a waterway about their property. Proud “Prosecutor” Harris can’t run from that our laws have not kept up with the changes of our times – from that Democrats abused democratic regular order while apparently seeking more authoritarian to fascist control.

As I write to alarm and share, hopefully in time, please process Bill and Hillary did not try to be “right for their times” over attempted selfish schemes, even with a deep state facility, to just try to make the times fit their ambitions.

In the late years of the Clintons’ administration I was a self-employed general contractor in Washington DC, some Maryland, and some also Virginia, - even of built out skateboard stores – and after of earlier at 2833 Georgia Ave NW of months with a DEMO permit working on a ground floor across Gresham Street from “The Buffalo’s” Howard University gymnasium for “THE BISON”. I much was a contractor by day and a independent politics writer by night.

Bill Clinton much won 1992, after a late entry after Carville and Begala tested messaging with Harris Wofford, as he learned to sound like me – my volunteered political thinking to turn the phrase “NEW WORLD ORDER” into a call for urban agendas.

Bill Clinton also stole “I TRIED IT ONCE – BUT DIDN’T INHALE” from me.

Still others also lied – fibbed too much – as politicians.

Howard Dean, himself, stole from me, sadly likewise with gall, for his talks – townhalls? – with black – with black communities – to, can you believe it, politic a posture his message to that IT IS WRONG TO STEAL.

Kamala Harris and Joseph Biden likewise during just the 2020 election could both have been exposed of unbecoming for lies frauds also violate of MENTAL HEALTH CLARITY laws.

I am related, btw, in Cody family to he was “Buffalo Bill” Cody.

In 2004 Democrat Party convention break-out speech Barack Obama plagiarized me to yet sound like/own being of, while black, what Clintons stole from me since 1993 inauguration for much of their seen as popular. Much of the recession and economics problems near the end of the Persian Gulf War had the fixes begun before the Clintons even entered the 1992 race, and such likely were mostly locked in before November to even George H. W. Bush would have had a recovery with which to govern forward in a 2nd term.

Candidate Harris problems are old and complex. And, however a political chameleon, she seems lacking a necessary personality dynamism for any legendary or bare minimum democratic republic suffice.

Candidate Harris’ politics as long some to much Democrats have lost when fraudulently took credit for what another owns as intellectual property – deeper story of “FALL OF CLINTONS” due theft by fakes – far before a lost in a FEMINISM.
Hillary was much defeated as unworthy by a creative strike that shut her out from further misappropriations/uses of what long had been working essentially by them stealing a large part yet of a larger a grand scheme for innovation – which could be then blocked because they failed to know how they stole something vast was yet controllable to originator as really part of larger broader movements for maximizing positive change.

Likewise, even if not of kryptonite to Clark, Kamala Harris doth cannot possibly be of a legend of a virgin needed to catch a unicorn. She seems to long merely more a chameleon a climber willing to be the party enforcer even of Democrats “structural racism” in California. “Harris vs Homeless” now is unsettling as like too unpredictable change/news.

What though is her politics of the one horned rhinoceros?

Are Democrats seem long too beset to naturalism of a “unicorn” story as if just of the sexual prowess of the male rhino?

Decades ago David Quammen, in OUTSIDE magazine, storied the male rhino ejaculatory prowess as told of for an hour mounted upon mate was near at 56 produced ejections in 60 minutes.

The Clintons did since 1993 much wage war against God – as of the 9/11 Report published incidentally as causal to Al Qaeda – and for a politics of “The Natural State” too global for naturalism.

She, her candidate Kamala Harris, of new interview style suggesting a “co-president Walz” dependency, seems devolved to also beset to primal screaming – too akin the specious emoting whence of Dr. Howard “The Scream” Dean.

She, her an anointed fall back nominee, is already quite late and absent on providing an intelligent rendition for politics in context with history on Israel and Gaza – on Gaza War – to a reasonable position of it smartly opined in a joint session as a struggle between civilization and barbarism.

Again, sadly, there seems no “high guardian” in Democrats – a sober “Howard” not too just a SCREAMER.

Perhaps, other than I did DEMO on Gresham Street near Howard University years ago for what had been ground floor offices of neighborhood physicians’ practices, I will see even of such a HOWARD rise up in open-eyed realism to that especially the GREEN AGENDA has long been marshalled as of movements of the LEFT for AUTHORITARIAN powers.

We may have a SWAMP of no mythical unicorns – and now too long of perversions from CONSTITUTION originalism for inventive interpretations yet lacking a “reasonable” standing – and now hopefully not too long from ORIGINALISM in rational textualism – but maybe there are still some “high guardians” in our midst able to stop such by definition essentially a new FASCISM – beyond inflection points of beginner AUTHORITARIANISM.

The long near a new FASCISM – even ushered of “CLIMATE CHANGE” near a “TROJAN HORSE” for LEFT’S strong-armed over-marching of their actual authority – intellectual score – now haunts from seemed framed for AUTHORITARIAN powers.

Her party is of the real story is DEMOCRATS have been undermining DEMOCRACY.

However now near a de facto President, by Joseph R. Biden, Sr. especially self-cancelled by anointed his Vice President as a back-up candidate, Kamala Harris, who seems needs a co-president for interviews, is at least a packrat to how “CLIMATE CHANGE” was long framed for AUTHORITARIAN powers – and how such now greatly undermines “CIVILIZATION” and “DEMOCRACY” with postured uttered for “GREEN AGENDA” as if it a new religion – while secular and even devolutionary as too for naturalism – a natural state devoid even a suffice of natural law.

It is a SWAMP to many.

Haven’t these radicals too long been marching of old secular guidance to “GET CONTROL OF HEALTHCARE – AND KILL THEIR GOD!”?

Oddly, perhaps too obviously an inflection point, is it seems her pack is to natural and sans mythical – her she is too long of Munchies – of a new SCREAM of Howard – and to even a biblical unicorn shall forward only be but a rhino.

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