
February 2025
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1787 - PLAN B?
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:53 pm

A smash up for “Swifties” – perhaps:

And the song goes on of “We the People…in Order to form” of our “more perfect Union” established by that the People have divine rights, each, and the union of states is sans a monarch of divine rights.

Our origins song is still revolutionary; the plain language of our founding is much of the essence of the English version in print of the KJV – King James Bible – to thus though Americans are under their Lord Creator before under government – especially liberated from as under a King’s “Order” (noun).

Authoritarians across the globe are torturing our poetic for constituted liberated, and it seems to bring back powers for tyrants to enslave. Our beautiful original plain language cannot be abided in the authoritarians’ marshalling machinations as it as for “a free state” as human condition in Liberty still threatens any dictator’s preference that any is a subject – not a free citizen.

Please, carefully & methodically, give deep consideration to “Plan A” as of your rights from your Creator this Constitution Day 2024, and to what it may mean to sing anew of “I AM AN AMERICAN” with an intellectual learned voice.

Our founding in 1787 was likewise of a high standard that dared not any blasphemy.

When you sing, please sing of the logic for the passions of by constituted “E PLURIBUS UNUM” by how united pluribus each is an unum an individual of responsibilities with rights from their Lord Creator.

George Washington was not a prude.

The Washingtons practiced prudence of their era of weekly most were responsible to be present in their family pews for hours of morals ministering – a truly “original” exercise in democracy of self-governing in religious freedoms.

Our founding THINK - BEAT - is that each is inalienable from the realm of Lord’s Laws.

“Swifties” shouldn’t need a “Plan B”?

Deep care and methods shouldn’t have been dissed?

There is no right in the CONSTITUTION to violate Lord’s Laws.

George Washington spoke of prudence in a general’s humor in his 1st Inaugural but with a humorist’s twist of metaphorically spoke of “impregnable fortitude” vigilance as a part of “vicissitudes incident to life” at the birth of a new nation.

Our nation so conceived was inaugurated by a first president speaking of he and his wife having been like “repaired from retired” by becoming the first first-couple like of the responsibilities abiding in a vigilance to maintain the prophylactics of those days to have chance of “Plan A” prevention of unexpected inseminations – to have “impregnable fortitude” by proper care and maintenance. George and Martha are said to did inherit her parents books on sex.

Care and methodologies are required. A swift reading of our plain language in our Peoples’ “Order” (noun, religious) an order ordained the constituted is unwise.

The 14th Amendment re-established the 2/3rds usage as important governance rests at where any may fail a 60% PASS/FAIL bar on public morals. The abolition of slavery by the first Republican Abraham Lincoln stayed true to originalism – the plain language yet firstly a liberating ordered.

Can you fathom this Republican’s republican adherence to common sense? Lincoln won as of the original righteousness as a new champion of it was established for “a free state” as the human condition of Liberty in religious freedom.

There is no 100% abortion in the ending of a life – even a conceived incidentally of backslid to naturalism from due an individual conscience as each indivisible from created a child of the Lord.

We are still each, and all, of bodies electric and biological, with the spiritual duties around each the intended civic responsibility of each.

A successful seeding is from a sown was while connected yet to all – as indivisible from all.

An aborting of a successfully seeded doesn’t kill the HOPE that was shared for of the energies exercised towards “future leaders” may be what we need even if not for which we asked.

This Constitution Day it is more acceptable to read the intent as of the language and import/prudence of the revolution, and especially as the 250th anniversary of our independence approaches, as of the divine right is shouldered to upon each individual, and removed from being a “divine right” of a monarch.

Perhaps just not swiftly considering Jeremiah 1:5 of KJV will trigger a civic reboot:

“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto nations.”

Swift, or Swifties?

Isn’t this as WOKE as it can get? Isn’t originalism of “thee” – “thou” as each a child of the Lord?

Our democracy is so thus established fundamentally to be principally and firstly of self-governing with disciplines of religious practice locally. You are each a child of the Lord and in America to under your Creator before government.

Vice President Kamala Harris, sadly, seems yet another in a long line of said “Democrats” now over a hundred years towards trying to set asunder originalism of “a free state” for secular SOCIALISM of each more a subject, scored and graded – more a caste system than ordered a free citizen – if yet can score 60% on public morals in own community.

Our separation of church and state is more vertical – the old “wall of separation” is too confused - is too perverted to as if could stand equal status for secular SOCIALISM.

Vertically, and as rationally grammatically, the textualism has us ordered by a Peoples’ “Order” (noun, religious inalienable) that form our “more perfect Union” as without a “divine right” of a monarch as the constituted is the established “done” “subscribed” in “the Year of our Lord”.

With Jeremiah 1:10 perhaps:

“See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.”

A deep and learned oration should be erudite if as to still proffered as if learned during our revolutionary spirit to the dynamism of a dynamic where each if of their own divine rights.

Our constituted vein is for glory in the inalienable and indivisible of each from being a child fo the Lord.

Any potential conceived new life starts a universal sharing of a whom a future thou as if could be already a thee to be a new “Golden Child” – future good shepherd. An aborting doesn’t also kill the HOPE while will haunt a never-ending doubt if CREATION had been blessed of that the needed FUTURE LEADER so conceived was but washed away.

Any bloodline in America is of the “I AM AN AMERICAN” civil responsibilities for of each action has an equal and opposite reaction where if life can be it may yet have been that life created due a star was calling.

In 2024 on CONSTITUTION DAY what was in 1787 is still leading & prudent.

There is no separation right from each is to be a neighbor to their neighbors.

As it takes 2 to tango the creation of a new life we yet are constituted as in a Peoples’ religious “Order” of each of individual responsibility of each is of their rights from their Creator – each is of divine rights and to be presumed innocent, and firstly potentially a more Holy.

Our CONSTITUTION is still most WOKE; To properly, not too swiftly cursorily just scan, our founding ordering trust it as an EDUCATION standard in common sense of for Posterity it has prescriptions for when any may be less than 3/5ths moral – of a below 60% PASS score of grading for “MORAL AUTHORITY”.

As since the tablets of MOSES there have been the if then what thens for where any could be reverted to enslaved if and when they were too in a naturalism or otherwise too much a disturbance in the ordered of civility that is the liberation from enslavement in THE WORD.

“In the beginning was the WORD…”?

The WORD and our founding are of each is not an animal – each is a child of God – each forever may become confused on yet thou how respectful and prudent any can be when a son or a daughter is also but a child of the Lord’s as per also their parent, their parents.

As the 250th anniversary of our Declaration of Independence nears it would be awful to lose all the seeded that could have been the gift from God of a needed future leader – yet not then asked for burden.

The forces of our nature are yet ordered for a Peoples’ “Order” sans a “national religion” to that each might be that new mutt – mixed blooded – a conceived in spirit – constituted for “a free state” as the human condition of liberty in religious freedom – a freedom “of” religion, not a freedom “from” religion.

There are no rights to violates the Lord’s establishments of religion in our ordered for each an unum an individual to be related with as “A FREE PERSON” so much as by if of walk and talk a truth as one of achieved a moral authority – a learned civic demeanor.

Do not get lost in a rash rushed quick take of the CONSTITUTION use of “A FREE PERSON”.

As an EDUCATION STANDARD it fits with the times for those who had a proven achieved level of practiced disciplined MORAL AUTHORITY.

The abolition of slavery by the first Republican Abraham Lincoln was of a civic correction was needed due peoples in states, some near 100 years later, wanted children of God to be prejudged of a FAIL grade – of a score at 3/5ths MORAL or lower – based on the color of their skin. The 14th Amendment keeps originalism as of shepherds and over-watchers likely needed where any about whom scores less than 60% moral.

A native American was also projected while not prejudged for being moral in originalism was of meeting people at whom they were. As Washington letter to the Jews of Newport served as notice of meaning it is basically essentially un-Christian for a Christian to be bigoted.

We are ordered of a Peoples’ Order of there is above our nation and the government that PERFECTION standard of what is religious.

George Washington did jest and joke around the birth of our nation and did reference safe-sex and the care & methods minding prophylactics required.

Our founding though was not in blasphemy, did preserved for local and community nearness our self-governing in religious liberty.

Vice President Kamala Harris is now just another in a long line of “DEMOCRATS” long attempting to set asunder the most WOKE liberating constituted order of mankind.

“We the People…in Order to form” puts the fear of God first – calls each to become free by becoming achieved to even scored as a thee can walk and talk of a MORAL AUTHORITY.

A “Plan B” shouldn’t be needed with “Plan A” not sub-human.

Having a “QUICKY” for a “SWIFTIE” - however of the “Hook-up Generation” – has a dominos effect even more dynamically now as many wake assaulting global consciences “on-line” just with rash memes, and imprudent posts.

By constituted with an established ordained for a Peoples’ “Order” the fraternity is familial to all in essence and the vibe on creation activities is there is no “OFF-LINE” from inalienable individual responsibility – from civil endowment as each a thee a child of God.

The responsibilities for any “PLAN B” are of thou a thee must try to un-ring the “we” “share” bell.

As many get 3/5ths clause wrong it also that the 14th Amendment erred using “male” where “A FREE PERSON” as an EDUCATION standard allowed the original plain language to be of achievement that could be reached by any a child of God.

Persons who FAIL are due at least more regular shepherding. Our 3/5ths a 60%, in grammar, is color-blind. Killing off seeded potential future leaders should not be race-based as we all sing the body electric and could not possibly out-smart God?

To Washington, thou, would thee in a quicky with a “Swiftie” be yet in a “Marriage Act”?

To Vice President Kamala Harris what is yet still just “fornication” and “pleasures of the flesh” for local house of worship to be facilities for tolerance and forgiveness as of the Christian calling per trespasses?

To “Swifties” what is “climate change” new versus “acts of God” old?

As in “the beginning” was “THE WORD” the definitions are the establishments of religion our Congress shall make no law respecting – our Congress shall not re-spectacle/change.

In the eyes of the Lord – whom each a thee the thou a child of God – is who is to be responsible and more free the more they achieved applicable MORAL AUTHORITY.


I know to each I meet they are to be encountered firstly as a child of the Lord, inalienable so also!

Your national government is not to be your neighbor of first resort – by “PLAN A” even “PLAN B”!

As a citizen a “Swiftie” in 2024 you could be a new “class” limited to 3/5th status if graded/scored on if are FREE by achieved 60% or better PASSABLE.practicable MORAL AUTHORITY.

Grouping by race - skin colors - were abolished while a reality is we kept constituted there are grounds for voters to have vote be adjusted from 5/5th down to 3/5ths.

More importantly this 3/5ths, an allowed scoring on public morals sans being a religious test on if of the right organization, yet shall need the 2/3rds ar of amending regular order to change.

More blacks in 2024 may score as “A FREE PERSON” than caucasians maybe more stepped out on faith.

As a class blacks may be due - may have earned - may quantitatively score more moral than “Swifties” and rate more free.

Our originalism plain language is dependent on public morals - on smaller bands of folk locally self-governing their universal world in the Laws of the Lord Creator.

God is in the CONSTITUTION as more not in the Peoples’ Order - due respected as above it - as a vertical separation sets the government also under God - as “done” “subscribed” in “the Year of our Lord” without a hint of blasphemy.

George and Martha were also “repaired from retired” by became the first couple birthing our Union - as of their greatest fear/worry if still stayed retired was there is no plan “B” for ups and downs - “vicissitudes incident” to life.

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