
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:35 am

So yesterday July 4 in the Year of our Lord two thousand ten and Two I hoped a new Metro North commuter train car with a bagged lunch - dinner and snacks.  For the day I took two PB&J sandwiches, Lays chips, sliced carrots and mixed nuts with raisins.  I drew some attention it seems for use of Igloo freezer packs the way they are marketed - I drew attention for drinking from my ice packs as the ice to protect my food melted.  I did have many opportunities throughout the day to refill packs with new water from free drinking fountains while much ice was still present.

Yes I was in New York City yesterday for nearly eight hours of constant walking about.  I saw old sailing vessels and some of the newest and fleetest - I saw cops galore along the Hudson waterfront and the most interesting “beach” across from their staging area near their repair center.  I don’t have to imagine two bikini clad gals lying upon a sidewalk as if a beach with 300 in blue standing huddled just a New York City small side street width away.

In light of the recent pal that has started befalling our “country” I did see New York City yesterday as it may not be for quite a while now - I don’t know how much longer “Mayor Mike’s” money will hold out. 

It seems times have changed for “CITIZEN ROSEBUD” — It seems instead of Puerto Rico loosing its “Protectorate” status and become a newly also loose state in our Union our fifty otherwise once loose states are now more now “PROTECTORATES” full of “subject” more than “citizens” and as if more to “of a distant see of Obamalands.”  “SUBJECT ROSEBUD” just isn’t catchy!

What did the first day of the first DARK AGES look like - feel like?

I have blisters on the soles of my feet - not diamonds.  Did I tell you I packed a bagged lunch and dinner and with five dollars as well was able to return home with the old standard 1/2 a “saw buck” still at least looking the same and still mine?  But then they didn’t have the beer carts operating in Grand Central Station on this now passed Wednesday in early July.

We are all ‘SUBJECTS’ now not just of new TAXING power - but of a new over-reaching system more as if of a distant political see of us bound not even as free New Yorkers but as of their ‘PROTECTORATE’ and whim.

As goes a motivation for CITIZEN ROSEBUD and with “SUBJECT ROSEBUD” not catchy I am busy now making changes to my blogs and attitude to fit what seems now commenced as a new DARK AGES.  WWW.JPHOGAN.ORG with a limited selection for the few soles that may brave a visit to it maybe a e-breastwork for a lost “democratic era” is now “NEW AND IMPROVED” also with less for more, supposedly.  All my domain roads - e-roads - may now in a day or so lead you just to that which I choose to share or not share at www.jphogan.org.  If you miss “CITIZEN ROSEBUD” from freer days take it up with Washington - with your new “protectors”. 

I don’t know how long “Mayor Mike’s” money will hold out - I don’t know how long it will be before signage once proud as of “CITY OF NEW YORK” or “Borough of …” go dark to Precinct # __ of the Protector of the See of _______________.

If you haven’t considered that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton now of bureaucratic duties ruining another travel office can only be running our State Department to “Political” ends - you are likely not awake to simple and endearing truths of a complicated times - these times.   With “It is a TAX” we may now be best to ask that our local drivers licenses be sufficient to supersede and need for New Nationalism PASSPORTs.  It seems our Passports are now necessarily “political” documents and so we likely better under likewise “It is a tax” military or police powers to attempts to assert that our local drivers licenses be acceptable for international travels in lieu of documentation by a Protectorate “political” state (See?).

What did the first day of the first DARK AGES look like - feel like?

I can wait ten years or more to “publish” my political works here or so blogged in e-ways for years.  I know the Clintons are most responsible even for claims of “It is all Bush’s fault” and yet insult upon earlier asserted stupidities to dumb down and bend compliant a general mass of subjects regardless of international border distinctions.   I don’t need to fight to tell the story - I know it to be so and have no motivation now to tell it yet another way.  I don’t know what “motivation” I might be tempted with to decide otherwise from a wisdom as of maybe I should wait ten years or more to “publish”.

See it is now personal in ways that it was never supposed to be - and could only get because the Clintons misappropriated use and intent and portent of my intellectual property in ways contrary to the intended preventionals and protectionals writ there in.

It seems yesterday was celebration of the birth and the passing of our United States - a:  THEY CALLED IT INDEPENDENCE DAY ONCE - LIKE.

And so with confidence today as I busy myself wisely to hiding most of my past columns but from a limited selection to be maintained for now at http://jphogan.org I do so with confidence that I am right now to have little confidence in either side of 2012 contestations (political)!  From where I sit in a town called Milford knowing newly as of yesterday that a Biden driver lives on a Milford Street in another borough of the new “Protectorate” See of Obamaland - with sympathies to all those in uniforms that now may at least deserve more honest patchworks.

“Joe” and I go back at least as far as New Haven encounter at the Joseph Slifka Jewish Center at Yale when his son Beau was still a Yale Law Student.  I don’t know if this is what he was speaking to when as I remember he concluded:  “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING.”  I do know and remember he while presenting asking me while accepting I was “waving him off” from a line of thinking to he of:  “Do you know what it means to wave me off?”

“Joe” and I go back at least to that time with he of “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING” and me for having missed the first day of such symposium asking for an “evolving or devolving” conclusion to knowing the full context of this remembered “Joe” conclusion that sounds as if it can be a great thing and then oppositely a terrible thing, equally.  He did the “Joe’s” right hand on my left shoulder “Senator Joeism” and I warned with a “watch out for sisters.” 

“Joe” and I actually go back further and more specifically to a regards however for our Supreme Court.  “Joe” and I were of earlier moments of me “waving him off” from a line of political thinking during the Clarence Thomas hearings.  He seemed ready to go with thoughts that America was not a great country and I was while still then of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM spin doctoring to work a better possibility forwards of enough intellectual stature to “suggest” he speak otherwise than planned to a “this great country of ours” - like.

I still have no idea what “Joe” meant by “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING” as a conclusion after participating in the Yale Law hosted symposium:  FEDERALISM - EVOLVING OR DEVOLVING subjected then whence in the mid 90s when Beau Biden was maybe a third year law student and public were invited.

It does seem that with “it is a tax” upholding even your small hamlet or shire of the North American continent at least is now more a “protectorate” in a too political New Nationalism in a new DARK AGES now of a POST CONSTITUTIONAL ERA.

I don’t know how long “Mayor Mike’s” money can hold out for citizens of New York as a fog of denial of a new situation for all as first “protected” and “federal” before “neighbor”!

Again, I so know the Clintons are most at fault and even for most of the fault that they have acquiesced or initiated as if projecting or of a grand false transference.  Again, I know this and now don’t feel a desire to be famous for telling whomever newly or again.  It has shifted to mostly personal for me and with “it is a TAX” too much to CITIZEN ROSEBUD as if expected to be a smiling SUBJECT ROSEBUD or whatever (not whomever - that implies individuality).

What did the first day of the first DARK AGES look like - feel like?

Yes, I have blisters on the soles of my feet - not diamonds.  Yesterday besides the walking of New York City from 9:30 am until arrival in Grand Central Terminal for later departures near 6:30 pm but with maybe one hour plus off my feet and all those miles my day after packing my bagged lunch, snacks, and dinner and 1/2 a “sawbuck” started with a three mile walk to the Milford Train Station and then about 8:30 pm the commencing to the three mile walk home from the Milford Train Station.

Don’t forget to consider “cause and effect” intellectual honesty or “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

{To find a newest column now more irregularly and however you will have to avoid “via” “citizenrosebud” links and look directly to http://hogan.jphogan.org — “Citizen Rosebud” links will now act more dormantly as if to cryogenic “on ice” or as a tear jerking prefacing to a full and revealing but limited selection of honest truths more than partisan politics as is what is available via citizenrosebud links to content sited at http://jphogan.org — I don’t want to confuse what I know with what others want to be “just politics”!!!}

PS:  Did I finish that thought that I am confident from my past two decades of political assistance and such as per our economy that I am right to have little confidence in either party now - and yes but so stipulated with far less confidence in Obama and his Clinton hold overs?

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