Originally posted at http://2012us.jphogan.org 11/29/11
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Reminds me, I was thinking you all should realize that if you set my blog as your homepage at least on your Ipad you then can go afterwards to Facebook or Twitter login with two fewer moves - that if you set my http://citizenrosebud.org URL as your homepage and then to history showing “2012us” a click on my bold typed Facebook and Twitter pages will offer you a faster way to get to your own identity.If California is to separate into two and yet preserve that of it
“californication” state with “sacraments” homage of Sacramento should Palm Springs become the southern capital? I have no idea how your state is marketed or maintained.These are days and months that have left some untried with souls not litigated or fairly questioned.Today is a day fit for digging through my archived columns via month(s) in left margin as “archived” - today is fair day to look back and reflect and find the dozen or so songs/poems/lyrics posted and shared - especially my “OUR GREEN SUBMARINE” & “UNDER THE PEAR TREE” (however it is there actually titled).I don’t know how deserted you may be or feel or if fully embraced and cheered as holidays rapidly approach, and, again: I have no idea how your state is marketed or maintained.Take my state as another Constitutional wonderment established around a “Charter Oak” storification as THE CONSTITUTION STATE and now with a Malloy it donned or danned Governor. I have no idea why our Constitution’s current threatened state of a Statism unsubscribed originally to it now has existent within it loosely an state of CONSTITUTION STATE with a Governor Dan Malloy. I have no idea how my own state is now being marketed or maintained. I know of First unionized Governor Jonathan Trumbull and second a Federalist Governor Matthew Griswold - but how did we manage to today with a “MALLOY” donning - is a great question I have yet barely asked - asked myself. Wikipedia has Trumbull listed as our 16th Governor and Griswold so our 17th - this seems very relevant since they are also the
first and second to many.Is Connecticut so governed with a representation of their fears that their identity and personal powers are being redesignated “State” rather than “state” Powers? Why and how to a “MALLOY” donning now?So as Massachusetts’ Pilgrims planted and harvested many moons into their own continental Americana to a more pure interpretation of holy scripts and hymns where they came from originally amassed anew to a constitution accepting of Oliver Cromwell while where they left from gave shelter some to Rene Descartes and his proofs of and too separations, from Holland. This is all nearly as related necessarily as that at least our
GANG OF 50 or the International Criminal Courts are now of a
coincidental times, and, equally to a “complicated” historical where now our courts - “our courts” now inclusive of the jurisdiction of some International Courts - are maybe of jurisdiction to study the Clintons and Clintonomics of the Clinton 8 for financial fraud, willful and admitted (maybe), and a governance negligence.Did you know that our Connecticut capital is also known historically as THE INSURANCE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD?It may be best that our GANG OF 50 move now expeditiously and to pre-empt a claim of original jurisdiction by Greece or International Criminal Courts - it may be best now in these trying times of not litigated negligence maybe of already admitted financial fraud by specific and willful irresponsible and knowing governance of the Clinton 8. The Clintons are both in a new world of jurisprudence and while specifically taggable for a fault and purposeful deception with their “economics” of SURPLUS actually too much a gaming and scheming of selfish politics and popularity hunting that can clearly be highlighted with them spotlighted as having hung so many out to all this with it fair to claim it more the fault of their representatives than themselves.We have these days, months and years of this CRISIS OF VALUATION such that President Clintons new book is nearly a joke for it of suggestions that it would be fairer to have banks claim a paper ownership of half people’s troubled property. The Clinton economics set so many up to fail with its clear attempts to have a housing growth as an unfunded federal social program, and so with negligence and forethought a priori and willful. Our current problema is a ‘Problema Of The Clintons 8′ - we have that they did ask banks to find a way to play with and gamble away global financial checks and balances and basically just to buy them unexpected and thought impossible popularity. They did set most of suffering on this path of failing - they did it knowing they were playing with such risks, really.I don’t know if your state or my state has marketed itself well enough or maintained itself well enough to now pursue a litigation about years of CRISIS OF VALUATION against “State” powerful - one or both Clintons. Has our Congress already taken too many rights and protections onto itself so that a fair prosecution of more evidently guilty parties is no longer a protected Constitutional right of states?We may already as well be in the reach of the jurisdiction of THE
INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT though not as much for a willful governance negligence or intentional financial fraud as at least President William Jefferson Clinton, already, maybe.We do now seem maybe better to a GANG OF 51 and a constitutional convention for ourselves - but can we or our representatives defend or ignore or protect a past so condemnable and now ever present for its specific workings to hang so many out to dry just because they were high naturally on chasing a thought impossible and lasting popularity that
can be seen now better by some others as too near a financial fraud and governance negligence? Can we argue well enough to motives while means seem already covered and entered - can we or other establish they were purposefully willful to this that seems they don’t deserve to belittle or blame our GANG OF 50 however now political or united for faults theirs with a known effecting expecting it could set so many up to fail?In college and for a philosophy class I did have to read Franz Fanon’s THE WRETCHED OF THE EARTH and work it into a paper — I did so and to my considerated think with a presentation as CAPITALISM - THE PATH TO WORLD PEACE. For another class in a different area I did type out on an IBM Selectric in my college room a paper in economic thought maybe for a class in Urban Economics so as NEW HAVEN AND ITS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.
I don’t know if we are ready and better to see California now with a half sister government as equal and with may Palm Springs a proper and equally poetic tag - I don’t know - I don’t know. And why should we let Obamacare and its administering as if states are court eunuchs of fifty to be railroaded whimsically whenever now or forever by State in or from Washington. I don’t know how at risk of a reach of the courts this all is today and as well of the current and developing reach of THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT.
Stand with your Governor - stand now - stand up for your Constitution preservation of rights from your creator - we deserve to have our Governors all as visible and proud as our President and as well any and all other sovereign state’s leaders. Stand now before a ruling to supreme dominance for Presidents can be confused as supremely right and not as it more would be to an essential titling and crowning of non-American powers onto future holder(s) of our executive representation. Save yourself - save your Governor - save our history and our Constitution and secured protections. It may not be too late.