The ACA - Obamacare flow chart must go,
Romney teases and off to a good start.
Romney is for lovers - Romney is for lovers,
Mitt down and low - no “Buckner Tunnel” to ruin a series.
Wisconsin’s big guns were “present” and showing,
Who is on first - where is your team?
Where is your Monitor - how is your Wisconsin?
Whose Naval archives are you freed by?
Whose your Governor?
How’s your Parks and Recreation?
Are your sewers kept clear Mr. Binks?
Ja Ja Binks too - he quite a Gunga Din?
By the Virginia of Jefferson,
A Madison and Washington,
A District of Columbia - A Columbia of Columbus,
What team is yours - Where is your Governor?
Virginia Is For Lovers,
Wisconsin too!
Who is on first,
How is your team?
Florida is for Romney -
The ACA - Obamacare flow chart must go?
How is your Monitor - where is your Wisconsin -
Cat scratch voters - Romney is for lovers?
Phone tag for Floridians?
These are the times anew to dial up -
To dial up your Parks and Rec before your Prez -
To dial up your Mayor of Governor not your Prez?
Cat Scratch Voters,
Romney and Ryan -
They are for you,
Virginia Is For Lovers…
Who is on first?
ACA - Obamacare - struck out?
Who is your Governor?
Which is your team?
The ACA - Obamacare flow chart must go,
Romney teases and off to a good start.
Romney is for lovers - Romney is for lovers,
Mitt down and low - no “Buckner Tunnel” to ruin a series.
From the shores of Tripoli
To the halls of Montezuma…
How about your Monitor - Your Wisconsin -
Romney Is For Lovers - Romney Is For Lovers?
Of the pig skin battles - civilly fought,
Who is your Mayor - Have you got “Community”?
Is Mitt Romney just a referee in stripes -
A: Call your Governor or Parks and Rec - First?
How now Floridians - do Floridians know best -
What is Federalism - have you got a team -
Where is your Governor - what about the Monitor -
We’ve seen “Socialism” - we so “NO” to centralization?
Cat scratch voters,
Cat scratch voters,
Cat scratch voters,
Cat scratch voters.
Born free,
By nature and creator,
A Constitutional Confederate Republic -
A flow chart of freedoms unlike - unlike:
An American Socialist Society.
ACA - Obamacare flow chart must go!
Oh Maryland - THE FREE STATE?
How about Saint Mary’s and Solomon?
Are you a state that reads?
Baltimore reads - Baltimore is for lovers, and Poe?
From the houses of Babe - Mitt is down and low,
Who is on first - Have you got “Community”?
Who covers the pig skin - the civil American battles,
And, swish and swish of “PIG” or “air ball”?
The ACA - Obamacare flow chart must go,
Romney teases and off to a good start.
Romney Is For Lovers? - Cat scratch voters?
Mitt down and low - no “Buckner Tunnel” to ruin your state?