
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:17 am



Rarely in the regular course of daily living of our history do we
get just five minutes to twenty minutes, let alone four hours to a whole
day entirely available for righting wrongs of historical record falsely
held in political opinions.

Today is such a rare occurrence.  How much, how much of today
available for ”social justice” not yet certain nor if til tomorrow’s eve
its rendition.   Justice is in the air!

I don’t have children, but I can sympathize and empathize. 
Mommy this, mommy that, mommy dad say I could have ten pieces of
candy…and stay up until 11pm…

The greatest problem, at least with 2008 elections, was how
uniformed or misinformed most of America still was around both the
Clinton and Bush years, especially regarding Middle East and Iraq
policies and politics.

You could surmise much of problems of Bush’s eight years also like
“all the fault of the past eight years” and maybe be closer to “truths”
than most even now want to consider.

You could bring up differences between Bush years and Clintons’
“two-fer” years and compare and contrast, and yes all the while with a
sense of wonderment and feeling like a pioneer with such
discussion/consideration.  We still haven’t litigated the Clinton
“two-fer” years let alone don’t the “re-litigating” President Obama
played fast and loose with so orating to suggest a “litigating” had
actually happened, satisfactorily if not “thoroughly”.

Well 2010 is not 2008 - many fifth graders have more knowledge now than most voters in 2008, and now maybe their parents do too.

Yes, it was an acting in many intentional acts by Democrats to keep
the discussions around 2008 electorate to the dumbed down and way
over-simplified presentations they heralded as whole truths.

You can, today, think that Bush was a bad president and didn’t know
how to run Operation Iraqi Freedom and was ill prepared for what he

You can also look at Bush 43 and say he was the proud son of a proud
father, President Bush 41, willing to take up the charge and its
prudence of the policies and politics abandoned by Clintons so once of
Reagan and Bush and then Bush and Quayle.

You might still ponder if Republicans were behind 9/11 as an excuse
to go into Afghanistan for oil and pipeline reasons, even though
Bush/Cheney pursued policies around Afghanistan more specific to just
prosecuting a group called Al Qaeda that started near Iraq, in Saudi
Arabia persons, in response to Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait.

You can still though compare and contrast Bush years and Clinton
“two-fer” years and see how Clintons politicized and polarized thinking
in Middle East and let Iraq fester and fester in growing feelings of
abandonment by United States after Persian Gulf War.

You can still though compare and contrast these two as few have done
near new elections and wonder, perplexed, still, on how Afghanistan
during Clinton “two-fer” years was also festering in similar atmosphere
of abandonment by United States.

Seems Democrats now in trouble - seems more than five minutes available for “social justice” with justice in the electoral air.

Cost of war?  A war that Clintons Bush had no
entrance or exit strategy for?  No plans to help other Ba’athists just
quietly replace Saddam Hussein and quite nearly just continue in his
governance style?   A war that Clintons Bush felt
justified because Clintons had kept santions on Saddam Hussein for all
of their eight years?   A war that Clintons left President Bush as
“necessary” but without leaving an entrance or exit strategy and after
having spent past eight years proclaiming to PEACE DIVIDENDS that left
United States with new “wars” but without even funding for body armor in
budgets for our troops in such new era of expectations to such new
“urban” conflicts?

It is worse that a couple years ago, or maybe just about a year ago,
that a TV show hosted a panel discussion around healthcare reform and
with a doctor reportedly a friend of Clintons oddly of mentioning that
if the United States of America could get back to average personal
weights on record for before Clintons became first couple that we
Americans could save a trillion dollars in healthcare costs nationally?

Yes you could maybe decide Bush didn’t know how to run Operation
Iraqi Freedom and that it took longer and cost more.   But, you cannot
say so without it a fact that many Democrats after voting to support
Operation Iraqi Freedom and President Bush with such were of “pulling
the rug of confidence” out from under such operations nearly as soon as
President had committed our troops and with coalition troops.  But you
cannot judge Operation Iraqi Freedom simply without so noting that
Democrats actions so soon after voting to “support” did undermine
confidence in Iraq such that many Iraqis became afraid to cooperate out
of fear that Dems would succeed in effecting a sudden cutting and
running again leaving them at mercy of Saddam’s revenge.

How much to blame the Clinton “two-fer” and still for not just
objecting then but to years and years of helping perpetuate lies and
over simplifications much in CYA mode?

Seems justice may be in the air around here a while, and even well
past tomorrow’s decisions.   Have you asked yourself how much longer
Operation Iraqi Freedom took because Democrats were so quick to
undermine confidence in America with Iraqi people wanting to help but
then too afraid to risk it?

Have you asked yourself:  Are we there yet?

Have you even just asked how is it Clintons seem still the only
American politicians that truely benefited from 9/11 attacks that made
their new home of offices globally more relevant and with them necessary
still on world stage?

I am just of reading A MATTER OF CHARACTER and DEAD CERTAIN myself while wondering what opportunities to greater “social justice” and
educating may be in the air.  I don’t remember being aware that Senator
Clinton was of knowingly lying on 9/11 about her daughter with
reported telling of a tall tale that Chelsea had been out jogging at
time of attacks near towers and Battery Park and nearly had buildings
fall on her, all the while actually comfy at friends on Park Ave.

Don’t believe how A MATTER OF CHARACTER ends with last paragraph(s) - I for one was of concern for such when helping Clintons become electable towards 1992, it is even partly in my title for such collection - THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM - a collection of letters & political poetry.

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