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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:45 am

We have heard from the wonderful and dynamic Condoleezza Rice, Professor of Political Science(s). 

I have acted for two days as an extra from a cattle call screening with Morgan Freeman for Steven Spielberg’s production of court room scenes in AMISTAD.  If you go to imdb.com and AMISTAD credits page I am in the photo on the left about five people away from seated Cecil B. DeMille award winner Freeman - just up the isle in the middle of the isle at the end of the isle next to a lady in a bonnet.

But when it comes to fertility and Oscars and forgiveness I have to think more of Freeman’s side kick Clint Eastwood.

To be as dramatic as the moment was now years after the actual experience may seem to be too dramatic — As Condoleezza Rice spoke last night at the 2012 Republican Convention and to the very moments of her aid walking in and telling her of a plane and then another plane I have the memory of her that may have been her morning thought from just before such.  On the morning of September 11, 2001 I woke thinking I must have been wrong to think our government was missing a threat and since the first term of the Clintons and decided to drive up 17th Street by the Old Executive Office building on my way to Georgetown area to install new doors - new front door and storm door for another client.  I had already installed new closet doors for NSA Rice in her Watergate condo months before.  This was months after I had started faxing the NSC under the Clinton admin and to the attention of Philip Bobbitt whom I had met in New Haven and with some of above concerns spoken to whence.

It may be too dramatic to dramatize that I remember that as I drove up 17th Street by the White House on the morning of 9/11 I had my former client NSA Rice on line in my thoughts of professional relationship as if a reference for today’s client with “you took the heat” and as it turns out very nearly at the very moment the first plane struck first.

Yes I guess I am lucky the first strike wasn’t first on the White House and at that hour or moment.

By 9/12/2001 it seemed I had faxed most of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM newly to the National Security Council and via the number given as a fax number whence for Philip Bobbitt of the Clinton Administrations National Security Council.  And, to then thoughts from Secretary Donald Rumsfeld seemingly in a Cabinet gathering of concern of:  “is he trying to pull rank on me?”  My and there answer appropriately was “NO.”  I had faxed over such as TCONF with thoughts penned somewhere of nearly:  ‘It worked in the early nineties to balance political thoughts - it should now be ready to work again.’

By the time I left DC after nearly 10 full years a resident there I had also by then been to building a doll shelf for Secretary Rumsfeld’s Chief of Staff Da Rita and as well to installing a new bathroom door and some cabinet doors for shelves which I made from scratch to be raised panel cabinet doors.  But, really it was his wife our then former Ambassador to Taiwan that was most affecting the “client.”

So yesterday I via Facebook.com/jpeterhogan and Twitter did share a:  Nixon lives — “DEEP THROAT” explained truthfully NOTE with notes.

But as to fertility and MILLION DOLLAR BABY and as well the dramatization of the only other film Clint Eastwood in such a category has an Oscar for >> I do remember having concern and reasoning as cause to have asked him to make those movies by not asking for those movies but by asking him to make movies to handle such issues.  UNFORGIVEN was asked for more as I realized in 90s that I should need help holding to a position more responsible and safe of a consideration that IBM and its former CFO Metz were to be kept in thoughts as “unforgiven.”   Unforgiving due as a state of “forward” proceeded still each day as it shouldn’t have by my thinking and fuller knowledge of facts related to such worked to be kept from being too dramatic or out of place and/or out of times.  This Metz did host me as the member for the only dinner I have had at his exclusive dining club that Nixon was also among membership of - President Richard M. Nixon, and as well as far as I recall Anne Hearst and members of her larger family.

I have already blogged about Akin controversies and 2012 as for women the year of Republicans of a TAMPA X  FACTOR maybe more dramatic if titled a TAMPA XX  FACTOR.   But I haven’t yet summed the cause for MILLION DOLLAR BABY movie making for silver screen dramatized magic as it was to and for my sister who may have while climbing professionally as a somewhat liberated woman was witness at times more viscerally than others of moments of like cursing away her fertility as too inconvenient for her “professional” soul.  Something happened of my sister when finally in her mid forties of her late efforts to have the children she always wanted, and, from such I realized I should be pulling strings or asking favors for stuff she usually didn’t see as necessary - I realized I should ask someone to make a movie to help her “get her fight back.”

Her “Hillary ’swank’” had to be reset and reworked by Hillary Swank and not by Democrat Party regular think or preparedness.  I did so as when I usually would attempt magic or wizardry be to following on to assure a proper and fit mood fully communicated in the spirit(s) to which it should be received.   There are times though when I might say something and then let go and let it live or die on the merits of itself as picked up by others however.

While viewing CNN hour plus on the life of Governor Mitt Romney it dawned on me I haven’t yet figured out just how long we were moving together sympathetic and united in care and concerns political for Republicans.  I did realize it much predates my having considered many times asking him for a job with the 2002 Olympics - to build some on my earlier years with games organizing in New Haven and otherwise about Connecticut with Connecticut Special Olympic Games events but yet I have not yet figured out the bain of all that of Bain days and how I was about Boston some during his Bain days.

Yes, I remember being sympathetic and purposeful in my thinking when of news of someone running as a Republican against Senator Edward Kennedy.  That may be where and when it started. 

Though it seems from the above I could be tagged as an elitist - that would be incorrect.  If you are aware that I did muse the challenge for seven books for seven years of magic curriculum to JK Rowling than you likely have enough to realize I was usually considering good for good sake and working to market to the masses, to global citizens everywhere.

RIP Robert Urich of SPENCER FOR HIRE >>> Where is “HAWK” today - would he be a better “surprise” speaker for tonight at the GOP Convention?  Would the late actor Robert Urich have been?  Gotta wonder - what a wonder that Boston based cop & private detecting show was.

I have to make this some about my sister Joan Hogan Gillman now a President of Media Sales at least at Time Warner Cable.  For of my story is that I was in a family much “locally” of  party loyal Democrats while me a dedicated Nixon Republican however so closeted as a Reagan Democrat or Connecticut Independent.  I would tire of trying to explain better ways to my sister especially during her near ten years working for Senator Dodd and be then to spiriting at times in the maintained auro of Title IX to Sarah Palin of Alaska whom I had since she was just another Sarah Heath known to be conservative been to tagging only as nick-named “Title IX.” 

You see I have known of Barack Obama since the late seventies and since a classmate asked me if my “readiness” to compete in school oratory contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s DAY OF INFAMY speech was also a “readiness” to compete against any or all oratory challengers so asked of Hawaii?  You see I buffered the query and catching of a named older challenger with initials “B.O.” of Hawaii and parlayed the “Hi” from him as an older classman to my older sister who was more his age and had two years earlier competed as well in such schools oratory contests.  You see I didn’t mean for my sister to then like her new distant friend and to give him safe harbor from her brother who meant to get to that challenge another day - another year.  My sister did more ally (wrongly) with this distant friend those years she would rather work with someone older that admit to having needed her younger brother’s help.  I did in the mid nineties warn Senator Joseph Biden when we met at the Joseph Slifka center as he participated in the Yale Law hosted symposium on an evolution or devolution of federalism to be aware and wary of sisters - meaning my sister Joan. 

Some have already been witness to my recent comments that Democrats were left by me to be as good as they thought they were while prohibited from using my works as theirs again - again as if a gravy train they could own and ride on but yet so still without an understanding of how or why it was actually working.  My sister isn’t as much a part of this political machine that failed to understand the “machine” so of their “gravy train.”

I believe my sister Joan Gillman keeps her personally autographed copy of a picture of Condoleezza Rice, my former client and my first client known to be a member of standing with Augusta upon her desk at Time Warner Cable.  I don’t know if my sister Joan is now a Republican or considering finally changing parties.

I did ask Clint Eastwood for a movie to be produced and directed with enough energy in production at least to help my sister, this sister, get her fight back to try again to become the mother of the children she wanted, and so so late in life.  I am the proud uncle of her two children - my only niece and her son my fifth or sixth nephew.

And, well if you like MAD MEN - that has a conception from another family in cable company tax ID status.  I have an old friend also a “TAD” like my brother otherwise is also named “TAD” and was to this friend upon our last reunion on Block Island was to our future and best feet forward to consideration the best way to celebrate our friendship forward would be to base it more on my grandfather’s era at Young & Rubicam but not on accounts for Madison Avenue men quite as serious has his were.  This Tad is family to the Dolan family of Cablevision - we started out more humbly together, much so and as old volleyball and mountain biking pals summers on Block Island of Rhode Island.   I don’t know how or when he met his bride Dolan, specifically.  I did suggest a retro show for Madison Avenue ad business as that was still most where I was heading or professionally focused though wrapped up in so much more of political crisi of our days.

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