
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:20 pm

Recently I asked:  How did we get from the Six Million Dollar Man to the 16 Trillion Dollar Women?

To read Maureen Dowd today one seems to be asked to forget President Obama Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance speech and its admonition of the “avoidance” and “inaction” of the Clintons’ Presidency as it seemed about women’s rights and their talking it but not walking it at least as per Afghanistan. 

We have now just to see Ground Zero and even with all the beautiful restoration about it and the splendor planned to be to an instinctive reaction to a pronouncement thought at least that our 90s must have been a mess - that the Clintons’ 90 were really a mess.

President Obama now persists with his attempt to cover-up for the Clintons inaction and avoidance yet when he actually did seem to so admonish them so.  We have historically that Obama’s Iraq position though oddly unchanged as history more revealed begets a contrariness as per Madam Sec Mrs. Clinton and feminism.  As per Clintons’ 90s and feminism we have that now by President Obama’s own edicts that we should have helped women of Afghanistan but ignored the women of Iraq.

We have that the Clintons’ “globalism” now is to spreading the big “D” not the small “d” and with their big “D” for Democrats and all the while President Bush’s Operation Iraqi Freedom was about spreading small “d” democracy, and as well his trading of school and road construction for permission in Afghanistan to trespass their sovereignty in our chase of about 50 Al Qaeda members thought to be camping in their country.

We have, looking to Tampa Convening, that even Candidate Mitt Romney is running to be a better democrat than the Obama administration has been and the Clintons’ administration actually was.

There was not majority representation in Iraq until after President Bush stayed the course, and, stayed the course some more.  President Obama still today held to his cobbled “foundation” on his own otherwise shifting sands that is his dedication to an elementary premise his, about Saddam Hussein and the regional geo-politics involving Iraq.

As per Thomas Friedman and his waxing about capitalism and communism it is still plausible that we are now engaged in the last battles of the “Capitalism v. Communism” entanglements as those at “home” have been teased/drawn out as Obamacrats too socialistic.  We seem amidst the battle between the “Communists” sympathies thought about our sixties and seventies at “home” and the survival of the “capitalist” free market traditions now still kickin’ it quite well.

The Clintons’ 90s must have actually have been a mess!  By Tampa their “X” factor likely to be on parade as much as the for being of an entirely separate school of thinking as Obamanomics is from economic direction Republicans are of a new promise.

We have a simple allegorical to suggest Obama has problems with Saddam Hussein still:  If Saddam Hussein were a Chicago crack lord as much a tyrant to his turf he too then under Obama likely would be as deserving to escape justice.

We are now to a Democrat suggestion that the Clintons were right to avoid Iraq and Afghanistan even though their intelligence estimates likely defied their public messaging suggestive that we of America were to a moral right to have PEACE DIVIDENDS.  We have by the suggestion that Iraq was a war of choice that Obama’s choice to war on Afghanistan more than just in Afghanistan belies the Clintons’ avoidance and inaction and raises queries as to how or why we should be fighting for the women under the Taliban and not have for the women under Saddam Hussein?

And we have the “feminism” example of “rouge” Sarah H. Palin too as Tampa X  Factors rear near.  We don’t have an all or nothing hit the roads with “Hillary” or just hit the road - we have striking comparisons just between “Sarah” and “Hillary” as per feminism and action, family values and politics, Title IX & Title X, and, two parties with different foreign policies and economic options separable as two remarkably different schools of thinking.

It may help that so many men are still contesting for the Republican nomination since it seems the Tampa 2012 Convention could be much or mostly about women.  And, why President Obama was willing to try to cover-up for the Clintons with his elementary white paper speak suggestive that Saddam Hussein was to be allowed to fully escape justice from his subjects.

As I recall, this now may be part of “rogue” Sarah H. Palin’s Southern Strategy.  And WOW I really still cannot believe that we have Madam Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton our first or last line of defense and over-sight over Mr. Clinton, former President, and his global initiatives and mass money moving efforts that to some at least somewhere are likely considered “material support of terrorism” and all the while it seems the Bush administration pushed small “d” democracy and the Clintons both more to pushing a global partisan spread even with US tax dollars of big “D” Democrat machinations to global partisan political support and development of Clinton power.

Separating Saddam Hussein from crimes against his people and war crimes is like separating either Clinton from PARTISAN politics.  I still hold to my complex thinking about Operation Iraqi Freedom and that where it was a Bush Freedom Agenda that such was to spreading equal rights more equally and without it being “religious” or “partisan” as per American Republicans or Democrats.

 I was though back in 2007 maybe that I did explain it best and as that Operation Iraqi Freedom was necessary like because the Middle East could be having a democratic awakening that if we were not to first having attempted to remedy our past entanglements with Saddam Hussein could have US forever on the wrong side of Middle East peoples wanting as much freedom as we claimed for ourselves.  But this memory is of my conversation with Ivan Vujacic, Serbian Ambassador to the US after he sat down next to me at an American Enterprise Institute lecture and we got talking over lunch and with me to offering this as applicable for Serbian interests too.

Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton (born William Blythe III) was to official first days as President Obama’s Cabinet ranked official for diplomacy to saying near:  “We won’t be making human rights a priority.”

I don’t know where this “Hillary” has come from - and I have been wondering if she were dressing herself.

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