ORIGINAL TO 12/27/11
Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 1:39 pm
These days that start anew short like all the rest in this Year of our Lord 2011 we try to go back to sleep each morning un-alarmed and yet with concerns due for a lost generation redux.
We wake as challenged Americans and anew, as it lies, some many as Christians and even Catholics, we wake worried about Mother Mary and milk for young Jesus, we try to rise later especially when naturally of days so short.
To be alarmed unnecessarily - or not to be, not to be too early stirred — he must crawl before he can walk, luckily.
Bells do tell, then and now, they tolled for some more than others, to some more in keeping for pace and grace, and dining/meals.
From whence I sat and from where, now, some Knights are regular and near their original intents - their founding halls, and many papers. For from where I am now near is near a Columbus enclave of Knights and their original founding parish. I don’t know what should be said of me now or later, and wonder though on the “already” but it seems my Grampa Hogan was indeed a Knight, a Knight of Knights of Columbus - I can remember his passing and his wake and the presence of compadres or brethren.
From where I write now so four years “global” yet “local” and four years so since henceforth from whence the where of near then years so hence as whence near the realm of Capitol Hill and its original parchments — I can bike, bus, or even walk just ten miles to be near the Saint Mary’s Church of Hillhouse with memories of such the officialdom for my sisters marriages. I am but so few miles even if afoot to be near the base and bulwarks, as they may be of the “court” of my Grampa Hogan’s Knightness in Columbus of Saint Mary’s Church. Yale School of Management is now just up the street and a Yale Museum for musical instruments and the Henry Luce Institute. I did crawl first a little nearer yet far enough so to be of a more local parish originally.
Are we now fearful and cautious - are we guarded enough now to fears reasonable that we may be of a new generation born already and to a political concern, at least, as a new “lost” generation? We must crawl before we walk - we carry still a standard of/for Columbus however a story told - Americans have parchments long of history and Christian crawling.
Where has Joe gone - is Mary now too forsaken - has Jesus GOT MILK? I am of a story of parish first of Saint Joseph’s and then a family anchoring more of Saint Mary’s - Has Jesus GOT MILK? Oh, for due to matters of timing and grace - grace kept for a story telling foundational more in wizardry and witchcraft arts and such as related to America’s “Watergate” personalities - I did but visit Saint Peter’s Parish Church on Capitol Hill while there so localized near ten years. This internet stuff is confusing enough when trying to live and write for multiple parchments follow on entertainments, a single parish participation when a muse for magic curriculumizing of seven years thought possible in five that then took nearer 12 - I was doing an American time warp, and not a Knight myself.
Does Jesus have shoes - are these of Christian crawl storification standard then to just swaddled feet? Will yours be over swaddled and over coddled now?
Was Jesus swaddled and coddled enough as born in a manger and then to days …
His Metachlorian count must have been sky high - but do we now have to worry of a lost generation anew - a new batch to crawl Christian and American before they walk? Mother Mary must have done something right - at least to quench the thirst - to negotiate the manger and then …
A Global we now reset around our shortest days - a “Christian Crawl” now at least rolled out - a grand thirst soon afoot?
These are not the ways of a “FORCE” to RACE TO THE TOP — this is at least a crawl for Christians, yet for many parched out as American as well — We have differing original intents - we have original crawls from abroad more once of mere swaddling of coddling. We have a prescribed “details matter” spouting anew - we have happenstance retro to a redux - we have an American “RESET” now much afoot.
Our states can do “an” or “the” CHRISTIAN CRAWL and yet our Congress cannot itself “establishment”!
Our states can adjust its “FORCES” to a better and slower more massive hike!
Our states can be beholden less to a slim and light RACE TO THE TOP parsed meant of ECONOMIC “SUPPRESSION.”
His Metachlorian count must have been sky high!
My Grampa Hogan became a Knight - I know not of which order, but know the Order of Knights of Columbus existent so as his order but not his “rank” or “standing” - his own “ordered” order in such order. I bore witness at his wake - he had brethren - he had Knights also witness in their regalia.
I have less cause now myself to be of a time warp, the musing near twice as long as considered or expected where whence then nearer some I did - I did muse a challenge for seven books of seven years of magic and wizardry curriculum. An entertainment endeavor now scientific and to developmental and for me and J.K. to a life of its own, as yet before impossible.
This is a new world to me, and for many just now born hopefully swaddled enough and not over coddled and not to now a new “LOST GENERATION.”