ORIGINAL TO 10/08/11
Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 1:18 pm
Keynes for one a player out of his league and times for these days.
When a silent treatment of a “mob” may be better than “a mob”
How to gallop - how to cant - how to decant these spirits a party divided?
E - rich now a foot when not a sleep - E - poor though maybe “e - rich” too?
How now old Keynesian - Keynesians anew?
“TRUTH WILL OUT” a conundrum - a beat of yours.
“TRUTH WILL OUT” a beat of yours - discordant and rude.
We have a party divided - we have no choice.
We have a party divided - we must reboot.
We have a party divided - labor will be dead if we don’t
We have a party divided - Washington is falling - our mobs on the rise.
Oh my Democrats who are you now?
Oh my Democrats what have you undone?
Oh my Democrats where haven’t you seen your divisions?
Oh my Democrats when can we the new labor movement have the reigns from you?
Oh my Democrats how soon - we need to be saving you from you?
Some are milking camels
Some are milking sunshine
Some are milking firsts and “CRISIS”
Some are milking monopolies on good.
Oh my Democrats is Clintons’ Global Iniative a MONOPOLY?
Oh my Democrats why does Bill get all our glory
Oh my Democrats remembering Steve Jobs
Oh my Democrats why doe Bill get all the altruistic Ipodishness for good?
Oh my Democrats why did NewYorker put Keynes tense on the balls of his feet?
Once upon a time in America
Once upon a time in America
Once upon a time in America
Perchance to dream the impossible dreams again - anew.
Oh poor Keynes and all his modern misguided Keynsians
I cannot condone being a Hogaian - too bad “Heros” of “Hogan’s Heros” taken.
Truth will out against mobs now more for “something for nothing” if so.
Truth will out against mobs now more “race to the top” and unprepared.
Truth will out against mobs not more against “too much” and “excessiveness”.
Truth will out against mobs against the same mob and its messaging.
Truth will out remembrances of liberal institutions shorting their endowments.
Truth will out remembrances not more of protest anew of nothing for something.
Oh my Democrats of Washington why is a NEW LABOR DEMOCRAT MOB about so?
Oh my Democrats oh too Keynesian - this is your dance - you caused it.
E Cantor if you must - they are acting against themselves
E Cantor if you must - They are putting Dem Americans against Dem Americans.
E Cantor if you must - Others might just anew go silent.
E Cantor if you must - Do they have any where else to go?
E Cantor if you must - Keynsians are up against “TRUTH WILL OUT”
E Cantor if you must - Mobs are working for themselves and for you - too - much.
TRUTH WILL OUT even as mobs stir and sleep.
TRUTH WILL OUT even as Obama reaches anew for yet another “new foundation.”
TRUTH WILL OUT even now especially as it has no place else to go.
TRUTH WILL OUT but who what and which party first?
TRUTH WILL OUT - Oh my Democrats why are you so now a Party divided and dividing?
J. P. Hogan - little acknowledged political poet known to the New York Press in early nineties especially the then op-ed staff of The New York Times - still writing about economics some but with little reason if any to help the Democrats again, really. Oh, and yes blogging while doing laundry.