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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:37 am

ORIGINAL TO 12/07/11
Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 10:42 pm

Not every day is a Pearl Harbor day.  What will long live in infamy now may be a commission report that …

A first strike if to a new world war likely would be with multiple and seeming unrelated EMP incidents and…

If a small yield nuclear device hidden on drones detonates if/when opened the wrong way are we to blame if…

And, how was it that our 9/11 Commission decided it was responsible - responsible with a decision to look back only ten years?

It does seem that President Clinton preceded this - this new unexpected tack by President Obama - “Teddy” Obama - when recently with his envy on parade and with his book his tool and trade while “political” again, much, with near:  “I should be allowed to have a third term.”  I don’t know what or whom was served with our 9/11 Commission self limiting history to a ten year window of relevance.

What do you say when a President wants a third term?

What do you say when a President wants a third term if not even likely to get a second term?

What do you say when PBC seemed to be channeling TR a week or more before PBO?

It does seem odd that President Clinton didn’t insist that the 9/11 Commission at least look far enough back to include Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi invasion of neighbor Kuwait - of neighbor Kuwait with many “friend” by treaties of declared united ends.  It does seem odd that even Senator Clinton of “Ground Zero Senator” instant extreme personal and political makeover didn’t as well insist on behalf of New York that Congress and 9/11 Commission at least look back farther than 10 year self imposed historical window limit and back far enough to consider at least the early days that were of the conception and original unifying for Al Qaeda.

I guess we have to assume that another world war is possible.

I guess we have to allow that we should have back ups for most of our “connectedness” and new media.

I guess we have to articulate that we could be surprised with lasers in the sky and EMP suitcase stored.

It does still seem odd that both Clintons didn’t raise cain early and often after 9/11.  Where were their calls to probe publicly and transparently questions at least about why Saddam Hussein must have thought he would be able to keep Kuwait?  Where are now their explanations that there could be no “real bite” in any international sanctions if we only had their eight years of “enforcement” about them?  I mean it has been a while since I remembered being in seventh grade and being entered in schools oratory contest to present President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s DAY OF INFAMY speech - I mean it has been a while since I could remember with certainty that Al Qaeda original formation did date back longer than ten years from surprise attacks of 9/11/2001.

Sometimes you learn about warring surprises festering in time.

Sometimes you learn from a book not until 70 years after the fact.

Sometimes you can not learn for thirty years or some plus a new thirty of protection as if anew to President Clinton.

You don’t always have to read an entire book - sometimes a “cover to cover” of just book jacket enough to be surprise.  Take inside front cover of Edmund Morris’ COLONEL ROOSEVELT and its first paragraph as:

“Of all our great Presidents, Theodore Roosevelt is the only one whose greatness increased out of office. When he toured Europe in 1910 as plain ‘Colonel Roosevelt’ he was hailed as the most famous man in the world.  Crowned heads vied to put him up in their palaces.  ‘If I see another king,’ he joked, ‘I think I shall bit him.’”

And then:

“Had TR won his historic “Bull Moose” campaign in 1912 (when he outpolled the sitting president, William Howard Taft), he might have averted World War I, so great was his international influence.”

Due to unforeseen erudition around Colonel Roosevelt I may not get past the second chapter that seems to have already warned “Teddy” or plainly as “Colonel Roosevelt” already past two terms in office and his huge British East Africa predatory mass killings while on largest safari ever set about by man, and from minds about Europe that America of 1910 era was likely on a path to war with Japan.  Or was it Japan was seemingly already then on a path towards eventual war against the United States of America.

And, again, I don’t know how our 9/11 Commission set out historically with a ten year window presumption agreed.  And, I really don’t know how either former President Clinton or Senator Clinton let such slide, and still.

Not every day is a Pearl Harbor day - that day is not alone in infamy, now.

Not every day is a Pearl Harbor day - I did take second place with “INFAMY” in the seventies - I didn’t want 1st for “WAR!”.

Not every day is a Pearl Harbor day - and I don’t recall classmate next to me who wondered if a Hawaiian could compete, so.

But now we have President Barack “Teddy” Obama who better could have taken such Rooseveltianism to the HQ of the National Rifle Association as such commemorates “plain ‘Colonel Roosevelt’” it seems, so far, for being predatory most of 1909, and so to a “Bull Moose” “New Nationalism” a spin around America for hunters and gun totters to celebrate his hunts and haunts locally in chase - in chase of American moose.  Was it accidental or did he get punked by President Clinton?  How did a sitting Democrat President come out so exactingly for furs and hunting?  How can “Bull Moose” not been a progressive argument for gun ownership and hunting of moose, of American moose, of local moose, of hopefully that US trophy bull moose?

A first strike if too a new world war likely would be with multiple and seeming unrelated EMP incidents and…

Not every day is a Pearl Harbor day - I think a Hawaiian did think they could compete.

If a small yield nuclear device hidden on a drone detonates if/when opened the wrong way are we to blame if…

PEACE is possible if…

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