
September 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:37 am

As we move through today realizing that we might have to move to impeach at least President Obama are we so to it that we might have a President John Boehner in lieu of a President Joe Biden for interim months before a new representative and informed electorate moves with decisions?


Remember yesterday was the eleventh anniversary of 9/11 and the news today seems to most be that the Obama Administration at least of its State Department charge was too far inadequate securing of our embassies and our personnel in regions of known conflict on what should have been the calender day of the year when such are likely most at risk.

REMEMBER TO THINK - this is what I thought this morning and shared as my Facebook.com/jpeterhogan updates that also re-post automatically as tweets with first 140 characters or nearly and a bitty link to the rest available at Facebook link:

>Could America have looked any worse abroad during the Dem Convention?  Take just Egypt - how did it go over to have power hungry Bill Clinton too clinging to attempts to have thirty years of too real power after eight of paling with their Hosni Mubarak?  And with promises of that appearance to be loudly around about race for a while?  And with Mrs. C of State but oddly actually looking too comfy with meetings with China and Russia in China and Russia?  Just seems that the message of the Dem Convention has to have been heavy with an almost pining for days of old when Clintons could just embrace likes of Qadhaffi and Mubarak.  What message are we letting slip out to the world letting Clintons be so visibly to attempts to be in power maybe for forty years despite them having little history of making things better?

>Before we go and all start talking about Egypt like we know anything about it because Hillary was happy to be recently sitting down with China and Russia >> Are we all better informed or just wrong now?  Do Muslims as a practice tend not to tell outsiders or opposition what the real reason they are doing something as like a check and balance by them towards seeing if they really have cause to be doing what they won’t tell you they are really doing?  Is this whole cloth home spun that as regards the Middle East we have to be able to divine the real whole reason they are doing something and not respond as if the reason they give is the real reason as for them are they checking us to see if a Holy War or protest is needed just because we cannot see the real reason they are to such?  Just seems now Sec Clinton is about the worst person that we could have as our Top Diplomat - how say you?  Do we have to find a way just to be more wholly about a understanding that will only be teased out and not explained simply as if to simpletons?

>Are we at that President Obama isn’t Muslim enough - not nearly as skilled in “Muslim” as he thinks he is cleverly?  How do you see his Convention set and styling so much of a FORWARD but with a RESET with his chariot podium and DWS’s female Ramses II simple ware to a ruler of Egypt attitude maybe though of days before Ramses II started chasing Moses to get back his labor force?  Just seems we may underestimate the import but can Egyptians afford underestimating President Obama of that Cairo speech I gave an “F” to years ago?  Can they escape that he said FORWARD but went back so far to seem to try to RESET the stage as if he were the supreme ruler of lands of Egypt?

>Are we now at that we are better to be globally allied with our much Catholic brethren of Central and South America than visibly in bed against Middle Eastern freedom with secular socialist states like Russia or China, however so?  Not to be about religion but not to not be about common values and shared energies of faith and ways?  And, really where did Saddam’s WMD disappear to and does Iran already have a bomb?  And how are we not to publicly condemn our Clintons - both of intimate political “two-fer” for they didn’t just get along with Hosni Mubarak and Muamar Qadhaffi they nearly were so with Saddam Hussein as the best to keep leading Iraq that they nearly left him be free to start what likely would have soon become a nuclear power and weapons race against Iran.  ???

How do we discern an “attack on America” from an “attack on religious freedom”?  If the later might there sooner be a great Mexican - Libyan War than an USA v. Muslim showdown?  It we are attacked for “religious” reasons there are many others that might respond first that are not even American - goes to figure?


>Simply it may be Un-Constitutional by our 1st Amendment for our Congress to declare HOLY WAR as such would be a making of a law respecting establishment of religion.  So we are though allowed to share a common defense with other countries against threats to life and limb and freedoms - so we are maybe now of a time where we help other nations also threatened by religious conflict have more autonomy about their defense and globally?  Are the armed forces of our southern Americas brethren large enough?  Are they constitutionally allowed to defend their own values?

>And so last week too many failed to report the end of the world as we know it of/for Bill Clinton and his thought non-partisan and non-political global charm.  With his appearance at Dem Convention he did kill his global charm and undermine both our Department of State and our Executive Branch.  He by choosing to be most political and partisan an of a greedy hungry game of old Clinton politics did himself set us up for an official request for our Government to shut down his CGI and all global meddling he has been about under the guise that he was being charming in a non-partisan and non-political way.  ????

>How bad is it that we can sit back and just think we should let Obama respond consistent with his record and that all we need for a response is more indiscriminate remote operated drones for bombing or strafing fire?  I mean due process went out the door nearly as early as when Hillary walked through, right?

>Can we sit by and let the un-elected “President of the World” Bill Clinton carry on so with the likes of a private State Department while the real State Department in such global disrepair under Obama regardless of whom his lacky running State?

>If we are to preserve our two party protections and our representative checks and balances - we essentially have to no bring an end to the efforts of both Clintons long to effecting a global one party rule under them?  Remember to think?

>How can President Obama now respond and also keep his prime Sunday tee times? And, morning beer tasting?

>What did I say yesterday - where did I say it?  How can I have a day with one visit from a .edu domain and yet have this page showing such otherwise as first - most busiest domain of visits to http://jphogan.org on September 12, 2012 as recorded with most from “.ru” (Russia) domain - and that of over three hundred visits?

>Has Sec. Clinton been too busy with her “JOBS DIPLOMACY” agenda attempts to usurp historic powers of our Commerce and Treasury departments of their over seas charges to have paid enough attention to the otherwise standard and necessary work/charge of just her own cabinet level department?

>I guess I could write a new column to refresh my nearly unique understanding of the Clintons and their ambitions and how it dates back to me polled one day in a school yard by them while single law students while they were walking by.  See because Bill asked me to lie to back up his lie to be like a wing man to him with her smitten even with him having lied about what my honest youthful innocent answer had been and he then to asking me to lie about his lie and so lie about what I thought was truthful from me as I was that remembered iconic “charming boy in the school yard” carried by them for years like a circuit breaker for their plotting and so that I remember these two for years as mostly distant invisible friends I am still of my memories of them when they thought they may have been going “too far” and “plotting against our Constitution” with too much thinking of bending it but not breaking it as so as so as they would check like for another youthful innocent iconic opinion from me as of if they were to go that far could they both become President some day.  And, since Bill asked me to lie from our first meeting and I to thinking we would be safer if I could learn how fully dastardly and diabolic their plotting might be I did regularly tell them from afar a “yes” again though really a “no.”  And so Hillary and Bill may today have a misplaced confidence that they hadn’t plotted to bend our Constitution so far and that their decades of plotting and scheming were of misleading false truths offered in the spirit of the standards of their first impression.  Oh, boy did I think with 1992 race that they were perfectly set up to be campaign foils and as one time use disposable politicians that we were best to throw out forever after that exposure.  Yes, they have a confidence that they had the smartest plan and were the smartest that were plotting -but…???


>How can President Obama explain or now apologize for Sec. Clinton not having thought to have had sufficient security for our Embassies across such conflicted areas on an anniversary of 9/11?  NOW:  Mrs. Clinton you are FIRED?

REMEMBER TO THINK - and these were some of my thoughts on 11th Anniversary of 9/11:

>>It is the 11th year since 9/11 attacks.  The Clinton are scum in my mind for trying to cling to power these years since instead of having faded away.   See, from my perspective and with all I have already shared and shared officially with the appropriate authorities of the Bush Administration following the attacks it is that then and now I should be sharing that on the morning of 9/11 when I finally learned of the attacks I realized that I had been right not wrong about a threat since a move by Clintons nearly seven to eight years before.  It seems what I knew was that when the Clintons decided a perspective or point of view didn’t need consideration or shouldn’t be considered or was of them not seen as apparently there for consideration back whence though such was a consideration of the integrated strategizing that launched them >>  I was left with but if they ignore that consideration we will get attacked.  On 9/10/01 I was as it were thinking finally that I must after seven plus years and even after having asked Philip Bobbitt “What about the threats we don’t see?” except that I had been wrong and that our government must have covered it all somehow.  But on the morning of 9/11 I became a rare person then able to help the President and the media through that day and week and the months and years that followed for on that day I found out I had been right and that I had had a sense of what two targets were to be.  This I had been trying to warn about but not with a knowing that these two “targets” weren’t actually two complexes that I shouldn’t have needed to waste a thought thinking about being secure and as informed.  On 9/11 it made sense to me even though the night before and that morning I was wrong in thinking I must have been wrong.  We know the Clintons are “BIG LIARS” and we should be looking at them and their years now thoroughly for the next ten years at least for thinking a whole consideration didn’t need to be considered whence.  I seem to have known two of the targets for seven years and been of attempts to alert officials without so much energy to have had my little awareness be too noticed so that new targets and strategies would be employed to better work their plans.  And, I did think DC had ways to defend from air from movies and didn’t think WTC would need amateur me.  I do now have a coffee mug for Bush’s Air Force One - I traded with Rumsfeld’s chief of staff and his wife for one of my American Egg coffee mugs.  Yes, I have spent these past 11 years helping in my own way as much as I could but for the Clintons about undermining progress and understanding in a necessary defensiveness of themselves.  It seems what I knew was that if the targets I suspected for seven years were know other targets I couldn’t have figured would be selected and that maybe their “luck” would have them thinking more than two might be blessed.  And this is probably the smartest way to pass the 11th year - especially since the Clintons are still holding on where and how they shouldn’t be.   This does all go back to decisions they made seemingly together and some much of thinking considerations in the global political air didn’t need their consideration though they were being prompted to consider them, and while they had been considered in the thinking that launched the Clintons not original to the Clintons.

>>We have that after 9/11 those of the Admin. of the Clintons were of blaming red states and blue states and claiming innocence upon themselves quite ridiculous considering the nearness to their 8 years of questionable worked governance abroad and at home - and of claiming of innocence upon themselves with a blaming on Americans themselves with posits near “we just did what the people asked us to do.”  And so how does a country survive after letting a past First Couple go on like this with their years those that preceded and most likely arose a “motivation”?  Are we stuck trying to believe just lies and stuck economically for such from them hardly actually provides a working explanation for our down times?  And, wait, didn’t they ask to be elected because they were so smart that they would know what to do and wouldn’t have to just be knee jerk figureheads at the top with all its spoils and perks just doing what the people asked them today - without any study, any real committees, or actual work and homework?  Yes I do think I may want an office in new World Trade Tower so that I can look out and be about better to remembering what a mess our 90s really were.  Yes we are now of days when it isn’t too late to look back and realize that very early the Clintons did, on their own, without being asked, did completely change our foreign relations path in the Middle East and so that for the rest of their administration there was no way back from such of them doing what they wanted to do for partisan political convenience.  Yes, Bush was right to let the country heal before we looked to justly at the Clintons and the Administration by the Clintons’ “two-fer” — Now at eleven years past it is starting to seem long over due though.

>>The attacks of 9/11 were unnecessary - there were political avenues still open for grievances to be settled - there were as long as we were willing to look at Clintons at least for ignorance or negligence.

>>The attacks of 9/11 Hogan still holds as unnecessary as it seemed against one party of American politics not both and so room for settling grievances still was about and secured.


>>A JOE(SEPHINE) WILSON >> This may help stir the necessary long overdue thinking for the “before” 9/11.  We have that our “PARTY OF NO” that I encouraged from like its day one is also maybe essential for our restoration of our USA along these lines as it was maybe that we had two different party lines before 9/11 and one necessary better for being more thorough and more globally compassionate.  Our “PARTY OF NO” also stands against President Obama but in ways that can be said to be standing for justice and civility and against an ignorance and/or negligence by those he chose to associate with not of any “inheritance.”  To preserve that 9/11 attacks were unnecessary we do still need to prove that grievances at least against the Presidency of the Clintons could have been or be still aired/heard and to an ignorance and/or negligence of them and just one of our two parties.  The Clintons are remembered for one of their first foreign policy steps abroad of having been polarizing in new kind of extreme partisan politics by their asking Middle East leaders to like just blame all they wanted or felt just in a blame with upon just American Republicans.  I don’t know how to label President Obama for his embrace of the Clintons but at least as of a political ignorance and naivete.

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