There comes a time when a water carrier too need be judged as if prepackaged to be a holy surprise in an essential existential as if destined to be a first female Pontius Pilate. Whom do you see to follow as if on a donkey at the gate - on a donkey as if pre-destined to be your Queen or King - Empress or Emperor?
Under the reign of the wanna be King there is still his “Queen” Hillary Clinton. A married soul is indivisible by definition - old dogs too are said not to be able to learn new tricks — Can Bill Clinton learn to be other than how his wife has preferred him all these years - all these decades she has put him first and as his chief enabler?
You are a very VIP; you, as Poor Richard rooted, are of a USA with its USC of the USG are a VIP & due this ICYMI, FYI per the FA, of the highest realm of SCOTUS, and DOJ, to question freely and doubt a holiness of ACA. You may need a legal PAC to fight their (said legal) PACS - it is that Benjamin, per Benjamins, however set by Poor Richard, are today a fire with which to fight fire.
It is not a good morning these mornings, still so trying, of waking to Afghanistan as a new Vietnam; Hillary Clinton lied - soldiers died — There was no Afghanistan SURGE; President Obama changed the mission, so to have the desired for governance, by Mrs. Clinton, war of choice against the too misogynistic Taliban.
Are you today FAT to the phat of the PAC of Democrats as Donkeys, and how it is more reasonable, than that President Obama is a new “Messiah”, that he is too Napoleon and to Putinesque, as one more of a new gloominess as said like of Tiberius, however a Julian or Claudian? Was his inaugruation his Waterloo - was his first week his Gettysburg?
What is FREEDOM? What is freedom in a nation Constituted as ordained and established as by the Order of the People through the Founding Fathers as done so subscribed unanimously as “a more perfect Union” so of a freedom of religion that doesn’t expect to be a freedom from religion? What is TOLERANCE? What are pastoral exceptions? What is COMMUNITY if not like as if: OF PARISH?
Can his “Queen” be an independent; Can she be better than a Peter or Judas while seeming pre-established to be of wants of Pontius Pilate powers? Has she already been too much, and in unison with her spouse, a Peter to Barack Hussein Obama, her President and Party Leader? Could the once said “Messiah” Obama now be so a walking crucified if not so betrayed, likewise, by those set so close to him, and expectantly as though close so kept close as known rivals? Can a “Queen” as an “Empress” so such as she be of the Bible and not as if of the non-Christian Romans?
Where does the story start?
You are a very VIP; you, as Poor Richard rooted, are of a USA with its USC of the USG are a VIP & due this ICYMI, FYI per the FA, of the highest realm of SCOTUS, and DOJ, to question freely and doubt a holiness of PACS, & FOB as “IT’S ALIVE!” Whether a 501 (c) 3 or 501 (c) 4 - perchance to dream as if of powers to rival CGI as a PAC (in practice?) or yet that PAC of FOB however now (covertly) constituted! Perchance to dream - perchance to dream the AMERICAN DREAM.
Where does the story start? Oh Pilgrims my Pilgrims how weren’t you like papered to be first socialist in Plymouth? How, Pilgrims, how now did you come to capitalism from the contracted papering to be a social experiment like nowadays as if Socialists? Oh PACS and PACS - what ever is a 501 Common - a 501(c)19 or (c)7 - a 3,4,5 or 6? — When did common sense cease to suffice? Can she only be his “Queen” or “Empress” if the USA DOJ by USG collusion be accepting of the US as if said, of their wants, as if of a post-USC new world order (more convenient to Americans like them as global autocrats)?
Where are we in the story?
You are a very VIP; you, as Poor Richard rooted, are of a USA with its USC of the USG! The founding fathers unanimously subscribed it so as ordained and established by the People’s Order to effect it as done as so ordered to be said a “more perfect Union” Constituted that day of that year of “the Year of our Lord” of the USA so as a governance established in the God of the New Testament.
Perchance to dream - perchance to dream the AMERICAN DREAM.
A Tea Party so anewly is but a party; the Tea Party anewly suffices, now at five, as if more a Sons & Daughters of Liberty, freshly, to as if a Party, while still civilly mischevious again of a rightful disobedience so as if a tea party as but a party.
Aren’t we now gathered in Constitution still preserved as set against autocrats, at least? Are we as pilgrims of Pilgrims grains not too corny yet for shedding that once so as papered of colonies as if better if to Socialism? Aren’t we best as a people as of huddle masses, however, when of heeding the credence even of deist Thomas Jefferson by: “I HAVE SWORN UPON THE ALTER OF GOD ETERNAL HOSTILITY AGAINST EVERY FORM OF TYRANNY OVER THE MIND OF MAN.”?
Where, though, again, are we in the story; Can his “Queen” however an “Empress” yet be but a water carrier, and of an indivisible soul of his FOB PACish, however now so freshly as by a WWW so BC as WJC & HC of CGI?