
March 2014
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:56 pm

Storms are as old and older than the Bible.  Some old platonic electron colliding have been of past “big bang” metaphorical significant events in creationisms. Distant bodies can have platonic e-intercoursing and still have been of no inceptions passed of a creative from such colliding and sharing.  Where there are sparks there may be yet no embodiment extra-electical of biologicals also entangled to new life.

This will eventually fall itself to a class categorical within the works of http://JPHogan.org as fittingly of AUTO-BIO’D of #CitRB.

J.K. Rowling and myself are within 7 days of the others biological flooding of the wombs breaching to us each more than lively swimmers so seated and at times kicking of our mothers’ bosomed beingnesses.  It is more than Socratic that J.K. Rowling and I are the parents of Hermione and now it seems the extra-Biblical “Ila” as though so of a sparked only platonic distant e-colliding in collusion to that which seems magical.  It is that by Aronofsky’s “NOAH” “Hermione” as “Ila” is yet a new virgin birthed of the Bible stories as so that a platonic e-colliding in a non-biological creativity off-sprung so.

Right, I am an American of the Northern American continental and baptized a Catholic and so familial to Pope Francis as the first American Pope.  Right, I am he as such that in a distant e-colliding did spark a directed blessed birthing by musings platonic of that which J.K. Rowling did so mother like as a surrogate.  Right, J.K. Rowling was unable to get published as I first instructed in the distant kept platonic directiveness of mused challenge to 7 books as of 7 separate years in curriculum of magic studies as I hoped as without even her publisher informed as to the origin of its creative conception.  Right, it is of the story that she did only find a publisher in her storied trespassing upon publishers when I agreed she could inform of our platonic conceptions and distant colliding in creative electron sparking as though as yet not generally informed of such publisher once of an also shared knowing of a promise to keep the wizardry source, myself, hidden as less than anonymous.

But to boats and vessel of the seas set of Russell Crowe, and how we did meet over crossing paths of BODY OF LIES in Washington, D.C.:  I do not know, with any certainty, if yet how when I took up boat building in DC, Annapolis and ports otherwise of the Chesapeake and was to musing too in a kept habit of mined in sparking shared humanity floating in arts if how I was to thinking Hollywood should be good and profitable if to a new Tall Ship tales and so of seamanship captaining how such otherwise while earlier than a known as for of the production of MASTER AND COMMANDER.  I have built and rebuilt boats, and I have thought of what new for Hollywood could be prophetic to future rewards in proofed profits through art at least of Russell Crowe.

But to boats and vessels we should broaden our strokes at least in a keep for a kept heel of the poetic keel about such passages.  It is that though I (naively) thought J.K. Rowling so accepting of the challenge for birthing seven books and each of such character, and specifically a “Hermione” as of the one of two conundrum of situational originality could then carry and deliver all seven in less than seven years I did even as about my years in Washington, D.C. struggle to keep while deeply years passed seven to finding ways in new ways of learning new things to develop and apropos air for newness, and, too as with my boat building while still a political thinker/writer getting by as self employed as a carpenter contractor, mostly.

I know Hermione like few know Hermione - I know how & why I worked a platonic distant e-colliding to spark the Big Bang of Harry Potter of her of a posse so mainly set, and heroic.  Right, J.K. Rowling, though older actually than myself by mere days of our 1965 biological vintage as pedestrian beings more than just earlier born swimmers is of this now also Biblical storification as parents like of “Ila” as the actual in like a virgin birth of “Hermione.”  The story of the Big Bang of Harry Potter so distant and platonic in the sparking so of e-colliding is as it originated directionally to her as the daughter of the late patriarch Rowling - Peter Rowling - as I sent out the message from a Scotch bottle, like, of looking for an unknown wanna bee writer willing to accept a 7 book challenge centered around a magic student character with black hair and round glasses as yet a only considered so far as “Peter Rowe-ling” character with a posse of a her my one and a blond male classmate as the original situational to such from me of it seeming better than to also have two star heroines as it better to have one of a “her my one choice of two.”

So to be brief as NOAH like sets sails anew and as if of a pathology of “Ila” as from “Hermione” so as with “Hermione” like now a new Biblical as of a virgin birth but more platonic just sparking to the Big Bang of Harry Potter e-colliding carried long together conception.  There is a long story in how many years I kept finding new things to do and learn about and professionally as to be to new useful musable passable instructive energy for the realm of out of the air creating of J.K. Rowling.

So to be brief, and as I really hope you go and see and so experience a physicality with others of your own species with the trip that NOAH is still promising, please consider your roots and others.  Please consider that every business is a “religious business” though some “religious businesses” are more specifically and particularly “Religious businesses.”  And, as per “Ila” so born both of the Bible and Harry Potter it is literally that her creation about the vessel of the Ark doth protect Noah’s son from be cast of a lot of a Jobian struggle as one otherwise possibly only lined to be (new) OEDIPUS REX’S of an Oedipal.

                                             *     *     *

I do wonder now if Emma Watson as of NOAH refreshments isn’t as also nearly done with university at Brown won’t find herself so blessed to be by so many dramatic circumstances to a future as one more a new J.K. Rowling as a creator of original characters more than otherwise to being yet a tool just of others’ minds and bodies as an actress of others’ words and words smithing.

Mightn’t it be better for Emma Watson that she be of, at best she may, at the pre-selection of terminology potentially to be influential, where variable, to her fate?

Note:  History is that the first time I saw a copy of the last book of the seven I was in DC and in a court yard outside the Hart Senate Office building on a rest from a contemplative long walk about the Mall and DC generally.  History is that all of this just partly here shared was of a consideration that there was too much to spill out if I approached the young female Capitol Hill staffer with a queriousness about Harry Potter as she seemed engorged in the last of the new fiction.  It, as I recall, almost seemed like she had the book less than a day and was like on her cell phone reading it to her mother.

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