
April 2014
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:04 pm

We are gathered now at a congested crossroads in the evolving of The United States of America of President William Jefferson Clinton’s innocence a great danger - a clear (hardly) and present (really) danger.  There are hazards in any “sport” of WJC.  There are traps and boundaries of enervated Americana violated in a ‘moral hazard’ of the innocence of WJC.

Though this has to be of his displacement of blacks from Harlem by gentrification it must be more essentially more global and even of the Ukraine so undermined by the old shifty economics of WJC as by “Clintonomics.”  It seems for President Barack Hussein Obama to escape what seems an inevitable tagging by the Clintons’ new political machinations as by prejudiced IT IS ALL OBAMA’S FAULT he too must now be willing to flex some push back against rising dangers of a WJC innocence.

It is possible that WJC has driven more blacks from Harlem than any past selective service politics of a draft did.  As it has been reported his gentrification of Harlem has affected a near doubling of rental rates his efforts may be yet more permanent to some than however removed from home by government drafts.  Yes if we have to discuss an errant innocence for any as of a culpability for the Crimea & Ukraine ‘economics’ it should be to flush out WJC as if an American Putin.  It is yet a presumption of innocence for WJC and his times as the Constitutional top decider that now obstructs an necessary understanding of the roots of the Ukraine dilemma as in the failure of his guidance and national administering.

It doesn’t help the current congested civic mindedness to be however at a “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” exclusivity as it really is hardly reasonable that Bush’s “fault” can but be more than near half of the real story with it that WJC at least must not be of the innocence his, oddly still.  Though BHO did in his 2nd Inuagural actually take the USA USC Constituted oath of office again for the office of the President, and then orate an addendum lacking a fidelity, we are of trying crossroads now for thinking too much of a WJC innocence, even though the roots of BHO’s 2nd’s addendum like as “I WON’T FEEL BEHOLDEN TO THE OATH OF OFFICE I JUST SWORE I WOULD” are of the politics and economics of the Clintons’ Presidency.

WJC like invented the infidelity to the Constitution that BHO now postures still as the moral hazards rot the games of life possible by fidelity and honesty to freedom at least of the jurisdiction of the Constitution.  WJC’s greatest Constitutional infidelity likely has to be in the still too untold story of the scope of the trials of his monkey business about Saddam Hussein and Iraq.  The Crimea is nearly a neighbor of Saddam Hussein’s old Iraq;  The global economic collapses were set up by selfish partisan politics of WJC during the Clintons’ Presidency;  The current day problems with the Ukraine economy likely wouldn’t now exist if not for how WJC rowed and waded in with derivatives like his own bastard child & as to gamble away known risks of his politics at economics by having a surplus from cuts when spending was needed to make his housing bubble viable.

WJC greatest infidelity has to be, it still seems - still seems as since like 1993, to the First Amendment prudence and so to the Constitution as per his foreign policies and interpretive renditions of a post-Consitutional rationalized.  It seems our moral hazards have us already of civil congestions and new crossroads dangers growing.  It seems we are now of growing dangers now so specifically of a President William Jefferson Clinton innocence.  It seems we are running out of time as the low information voters are now maybe too long seated and stilled believing it even possible that “it” could have been all of GWB’s fault even though there are still the eight years before GWB of WJC and his many great infidelities that better assuage a guilt to his ship of state tacks.  Yes even though BHO pledged a fidelity to the oath, and then pulled a Clinton, as if his swearing wasn’t legally a swearing, it is now still too much that WJC innocence is the infidelity to be arrested - arrested firstly.

When foreign orations arose after 9/11 attacks about “American Infidel” too few considered a mass of citizens were being tagged as guilty by association unawares mostly with the WJC monkey business scope of his infidelity to just the Constitution of The United States of America and with just his decidings about Iraq and Saddam Hussein.  It is hard to render that the WJC innocence can long endure now unless innocent Americans don’t defend themselves from guilt by association with the years of the Clintons’ Presidency of the leader WJC as an “American Infidel.”  The Cold War geo-political justifications for engagements in Iraq changed when Kuwait was invaded as more like a secular crime, but really they became more dangerously left to be more about sectarianisms and religiousity when Afghanistan became the Gettysburg turning point of The Cold War with its defeat of expansionist Soviet communism.  The Clintons were the new USA administration so firstly to having to handle Iraq and the Middle East otherwise than as of Cold War secular geo-politics and as to a new engagements more respective of the USA USC establishments ordained for matters of Law pertaining to religiosity.

The WJC deciding was, it seems, mostly of the dangerous infidelity to the Constitution as if rightly an “American Infidel” by personal and selfish choice;  President William Jefferson Clinton is remembered for like whining about President George H.W. Bush having like “left him a war - left him the Bosnia - Herzegovina War” and then to having played loose with the imports of the Constitution and the First Amendment so that he could decide as of a ‘I don’t want to so won’t’ per Saddam Hussein and not row a due wade prophylactically in a ’should/shouldn’t’ conscious consciousness.

Poor BHO, as now with Mrs. WJC on his tail, and on the trail, she, so as WJC’s spouse, isn’t spousally supposed to incriminate her spouse, and nor so their deciding days as the Clintons’ Presidency.  It seems Mrs. WJC now has to run of cover as if it like “ALL OBAMA’S FAULT” and much because she really quite is hardly allowed to posture any other bias as near any other claims would be like violate of her marriage union and their oath to be one together forever to like have and hold so no government can set asunder until death.  It seems Mrs. WJC must still posture the above aforementioned WJC “innocence” even though such hides truths of the public ways so as not to incriminate herself, unnecessarily, nor her spouse. 

Poor BHO, as it seems Mrs. WJC must run, as if it wasn’t all her fault, and even, however, she whined before Congress of a “what difference does it make…”, and postured that she should accept some culpability for her following her President boss’s orders.  It seems Ukraine now cannot be explained but with a full rendition of the Clinton “two-fer” however they seem to have their eight years like out of the way as like a “the missing years 1993-2001.  However the Clintons’ innocence now is a late congested politics we are on this infidelity necessarily as though it may be that per Iraq and Saddam Hussein there is the “greatest” of WJC deciding we must fathom how it is twained and marked that their economics were failures that best mark an understanding of these crossroads in politics of Crimea as risen from the failures economic and political of the moral hazards in Clintonomics.

Poor BHO, as really Mrs. WJC has a simple case at a righteousness basis in his example to it more his fault than her fault for she and Mr. WJC didn’t make him attempt the failed cover-up rewrite of history that they seemed to necessarily yet have asked him civilly enough to attempt to drive over truth and greater truths.  I don’t know if BHO should think he owes black Americans more truth and specifically, and now so lately, an explanation to how it was the Clintons, besides the gentrification of Harlem and its displacement of blacks, whom through too political and selfish ‘economics’ did both set up the housing collapse in the years of the Clintons’ Presidency, and then trigger it, with their Vice President Al Gore, as Hillary and Al were like synchronized, and as domestic insurgents both at undermining GWB, and, as globally at imprisoning GWB, and most Republicans, in false insinuations of improper guilt.

Long they seemed at such complicated efforts to camouflage the “American Infidel” President William Jefferson Clinton with an all powerful cloaking as if a new suit of innocence.  But, mustn’t it be the failure of President William Jefferson Clinton so taggable as an “American Infidel” for his too effecting and too selfish political decidings in foreign policies pertaining to a jurisdiction around Saddam Hussein that should be his “GREATEST INFIDELITY”?  We now are too stuck and so BHO for of the:

‘If he had been more to “should/shouldn’t” and away from a wrongly convenient seeming “don’t want to so won’t” so much could have been remedied more civilly with less global economic congestion, and worse, by ways some how otherwise more prudently of a Constitutional fidelity albeit if so then to a new Nuremberg Trials for the criminal Saddam Hussein!’

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