
April 2014
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:35 am

Despite the fallen President Barack Hussein Obama it should live in an eternal that his election did say a lot good about the people People’d of The United States of America.  There seems no way out! for either he or Mrs. Clinton a trapped! though 2008 brought a rising around the Obama the Obama has brought a fall about The Obama! he can only blame Mrs. Clinton so much!

How it yet can be reasoned or intelligible that the first election of President Obama should forever speak well in its extant as a People’s act will so remain, if to accomplishments, to be pared and disputed - for accolade - for discernations - for judgements! at the core of “The Obama” will live a storied in contrast between a fallen messianic and a risen messiah! as an Obama by the color of his election rises a nation, a People, in voluminous said of them at a good! as a The Obama by the color of his administering Obama has let it be done and written - into the records - his Law is a lesser Law!

A starting point to any “making an example” of Mrs. Clinton, however, tis at the black & white - at the good & bad - at a fallen Obama at these times refreshed of a risen Lordly.  These are not the times to be at making the record in a praising or burying of “women” of “Mary.”  A brutality can be judiciously writ lay at the “man” of “Obama” - The Obama - a honest can be so scribed presumptuously at the feminisms.

To get to any common core of the fallen and risen apropos The Obama messianic (lost) needn’t these days, after the Sunday of Easter wrap of Lenten, be fore cast in a retro interpretive as if a new prophetic? apropos these days newly prudent to considerate interpretives of just the meanings of some of the Word of the words of 1Corinthians? apropos these days to yet mark a conscious twain of the depths of Corinthians and so Christianity in the risen? apropos these days to discern a smartly & rightly core understanding of peculiarities in speciality’s usage of just “fornicators” and “prophets”? apropos these days to decide a catholic v Catholic, however parochial, to a meant of “prophecy”?

We should not negatively judge or prejudge The Obama for the color of President Barack Hussein Obama but in the safe general Welfare as that the act of the People so as the act of the election of a first black will forever, despite any judgements to a lack of later sufficiency in character, forward forever as the save rule for the people of the People that such act will forever speak well of the People’d people secured so Constituted.  It would not be well predicated to reason forward if now any rash in prejudgement of The Obama as by a prima facia black while it remains still too much possibly of a great untold more reasoned about how Mrs. Clinton is just a white female Obama and his he so too like just a male black Mrs. Clinton.  It is too soon to proceed to any crucifying of the Black of The Obama as the fallen still may be for poorly shod footings of the wheeling and heeling of politics more of the legs of Mrs. Clinton - more of a culpability in the White - a negative and a feminine more Clinton!

There is still an “honor thy father” aspect “it’s complicated” about any The Obama and too here of myself in a discourse masculine and historical at the Hogan feminisms inter-yarned in any timely associating of a political example being made of just Mrs. Clinton.  To honor my father betwixt this attempt at a lasting parity I need to pine diamonds and averages of humanity pass-times of The Union of the U.S.C. constituted! to broached a feminisms I can honor my father by speaking of his shortcomings in “modern” albeit “inventive” feminisms with his oldest his first daughter born!

I can and should honor my father, too, and respect the honest truths of shortcomings witnessed his while he as of attempts to a good at bat average as a progressive Christian People’d person - and as a father of (liberated) eldest a daughter yet with his oldest son of the male of Corinthians writs as his oldest born also to be of the head of Christ!  There is an interesting trinity just in how since the late 70s due my own competitive in a Presidential oratory my father, my oldest sister, and myself have all three known of the Obama of Hawaii now know as The Obama of the Obama, and as nearer the age of my oldest sister than myself (though of my same birth date but four years precedently), and for too then as one of an interest in the airs about (Presidential?) oratory.

To make a due example of the flaws of Mrs. Clinton as of the “Mary” and “feminisms” I should avoid a discoursing here at any “honor thy father” of the The Obama The Obama per father and son - due a general ignorance - due too great a need to be if so at so such of assumptions and presumptions, too much.  But for myself these are the days to speak to honoring my father by assessing his at bat average of the “masculine” & “father” at feminisms and Mary! and for myself it seems associated to baseball as too about human expectations and too of Corinthians - its “fornicators” and “prophecy” suggestives preparatory for a scoring about the Risen!

And for myself, it is I am, as to honor my father, that I should celebrate his attempts to be good, modern, and of the Risen, albeit with an oldest a daughter! it is I am, and yet his oldest son, so named too of his name, as his father’s name - too! and for myself as per a study of The Obama and any “Mary” and/or “feminisms” of his he and his Mrs. Clinton I necessarily must parse a parity and relativity to honor my dad for his good average and yet with a discussion of mishits and fouls, at least! and to honor my father there is a duality here necessarily of me his son a writer duly at explainatives best not to be over-simplified - I best, it seems, need be to a personal attempt at erudity familial about the “Mary” and any “feminisms” while her prudently to timely airing of The Obama, irrespective of the color of his skin.

And so in a humility of the keep of the past-times of baseball it is I while prudently to a making an example of the flaws of the Clintons as evidence against a pure guilt for The Obama it is that I here tee-up a sport of honoring my father not to a “what he got wrong” for here I try at a uniformity apropos Christianity yet of a duality where I attempt to be at “what he didn’t also get right!” - and still so at the “Mary” the “feminisms” the “fornicators” the “prophet” the “prophecy” of at least Corinthians structured recipe writ for homing it of Risen.

When my oldest sister so was born President of The Obama was already born of his father and mother - of his black & white - of his good & bad - of his ebony & ivory yet of the romance as a Soviet Studies love child spice’d of his Kenyan’ patriarchal.  When my oldest sister was born President John F. Kennedy Jr. and his Attorney General brother Robert Kennedy were risen of the Catholic Risen and yet still alive as their pedestrian People’d office holdings.  When my oldest sister was born men still had Camelot and women had the Mary of The Jackie and chauvinisms were more alive than feminisms.  Things did change! things really did change, say since Barack Hussein Obama was born!  When my sister was born I yet, however appropriately, hadn’t also been born in the old fashioned as the Christian oldest son of the oldest son also of the name of the father of the father.

This to me has some potential in a comedic extant though of years too Jobian - more Jobian of struggles - more of times at times needing 2x to 3x the energy and dedication of/with my “individual” “individuality” - my separate “purpose” - because!  It seems that “fornication” by Corinthians is meant more of an existential comparative in contrast to “prophecy” and so to a structure to built a complexity in the Risen of a pedestrian consciousness about “man” and “woman” and sex versus love - of sex versus love as of living of temptations or tricks of the moment of the flesh and that in a spiritual forward concerned shared contemplation between men and women - as of man and women equal but yet of the man thee of the head of Christ.

And, of the head of the woman the head of her man, married, as her head as the head of Christ we have to now too discuss the apropos of the fallen of Obama at The Obama as of his at a Mary and feminisms! he too would be of attempts to be prudent, seems, if to taking swings too at making an example of Mrs. Clinton by an attempt at reasoning her of any feminisms and however of her of a Mary! the Obama has a fallen The Obama it seems for of a partisan political selective secularism too akin to writs in socialisms contrary just to Corinthians structured of a neighbor wrong if to the police or Saints over a neighbor “neighborly” dispute if to them before firstly attempting a “neighborly” resolute with such neighbor so of conflict.

What is something my dad and sister may have not also gotten right in the decades since Camelot and chauvinism still reigned even for “Barry” of his father and too of Hawaii is some what may help explain his rise and his fall as of them of a trinity that conflicted the Trinity of the family of father and son!  How my dad tried to be modern of the at bats for the new feminisms for my sister - et al professionally in the plying of Law - is of the partisan of the Democrat Party divide between just the The Obama and the The Clinton!

It is of this that I am familiar to those also of a kept memory of the extant Hawaiian B.O. of oratory crossroads passions in speechifying as a father yet progressive in their politics as also of the Democrat Party as he of The Obama of the Obama all the while yet myself since the earlier 70s of having taken to the structured more reasonable problem solving potential yet of Republicans.  It was too late when I realized Senator Obama at 2008 was yet he kept welcome in the family intra-party hopes for a better Union so many decades and of a compromised strategy for protecting People’d people not from one of his color but from one of his Democrat Party “character”! it was too late into 2008 contest at the Presidential selective process before I properly associated the long known “B.O.” of Hawaii whence as he then as a convenient alternative to the known of the Clintons The Clinton of its experienced flaws.

Motion Picture Association head Christopher Dodd did for ten years rule as my sister’s, so, boss, while he a Connecticut Senator! this is historically of my politics and powers at contemplative politics as a “prophecy” as basically as in Corinthians - as it seems (now) - and of that of the 1992 & 1994 specificities about my guidance by poetic forward and backward renditions of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM pro-active attempts at national and local problem solving! as that I struck home uns with my #TCONF in its private and strategic limited sharing is of my average maybe an honor to my father and yet while at least for that decade as a better average than his at progressive feminisms - not just of the Mary! my sister is of a complex “it’s complicated” intermixed past politics tale of times of profiting with Senator Dodd from my marketing at bats in attempts to be good at needed “prophecy” - at pro-active political and language problem solving.

There is to be separated from my making the due example of the The Clinton when while at least to the due making an example historically of the experienced Mrs. Clinton! separate from the fall of Obama as from team work with the Clintons is yet a Mary of the feminisms I am familial of and original about while as a Rosebud Architect of the pre-Clinton Clinton 90s recovery! there is that I was (unnecessarily) of a need to be 2x to 3x of the effort to a better “average” in “prophecy” so akin too and so for the complexity of being progressive too for my sisters in a Mary and the People’d Union about feminisms while masculine and as it when told more fully, also of an honoring of my father, yet to be of discussing a political need like for Senator Dodd to let my sister be liberated from politics as like of a “Peter Principle” for such progressions in equality so that I could keep working greater improvements for her than she so was proving able to work while I had gotten to working them so well, and firstly, more broadly precedently!

To honor my father in the Risen and the Mary I will necessarily be to discussing the fall of The Obama still while the rising of the Obama eternally to speak well of the people of the People’d Ordered Union! it for now is premature for me to while making the due example of Mrs. Clinton in her negatives, and, while so in the spirit of judging The Obama not for the color of the inherited skin from his father but for explainables due his character and her character, and, while so in a historical still confused of a thought progressiveness in feminism as if it had become time for an oldest daughter to get to be the senior head of Christ in a family hierarchy and to a right to profits actually accruable from the (progressive) (general) (general Welfare) of the worked at prophecying only some in its whole as of the Politics of a younger brother - a brother still born named of the father of his father!

Of my Corinthians recent reading I am puzzled still and of the Risen even of these of their rising and falling! I am still he that has watched his sister be able to profit since liberated from a Peter Principle like time best to have parted from Senator Dodd’s politics respects yet however in accruing as so many too have profits from my original endeavors even so when more at timely worked “federalisms” more secular in yet a pro-active akin to what seems a “prophecy” common of Corinthians!

So it seems we are all now predicated some to a preparedness to discuss the fallen of the Obama of The Obama and objectively and even spiritually without confusing the Clinton WHITE with the Obama BLACK, and specifically as we are prudent to gird ourselves (in our faith) for the duration forward in making the due example of the The Clinton of Mrs. Clinton - the The Clinton endemic of the The Obama - of the The Obama now politically passed at bats remaining, effectively, and a political or historical save by righteous hails at Mary! it is apropos (and of a proper) actually such is far more complicated of the feminisms I am so akin yet while honoring my father, and in speaking to his averaging about Marys as of the Union and Law - progressive!


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