
December 2016
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:05 pm

What would Christmas be sans political sincerity as the concerns of the resultant accounted of the New York metropolitan area abide a due note to chime that maybe such realm has been devolving. 

What can Christians amount to if devoid of the higher realms relativity now to be appreciated post denial as regards the fall of Hillary R. Clinton. 

What questions must be asked.

If we are to ask and then attempt to answer some querious ticklish present but not clearly enough seen as of dangers as per the constituents amassed rabble as accounted for as for Hillary R. Clinton as first tool may be necessarily a mirror held outward for those queried to alight in as asked if their activities of 2016 doth not confirm an appreciable devolution.

There is heft, mass, and gravity in the propositioned of 2016 of that Hillary R. Clinton, for Posterity and History, was the “most corrupt candidate” ever entered upon such field of democracy meant for a process akin to a draining of a swamp to flush out the monstrous lurking dangers.

As the less than obvious becomes flushed out it is seemingly becoming apparent that what mass of constituents just accounted of the major metropolitan areas is presenting to needing a lifting spirit and committed souls willing to show compassion and a willingness to help raise the “Clinton wool” from over their eyes - to lend a hand to counter and possibly reverse what devolutions had been effected towards corralling subjects to as delivered (zombies?) to votage.

We needn’t name Donald J. Trump to associate a great and worrisome concern endemic at least to the major metropolitan areas as associable to as if the Christmas spirit was corrupted and such best explains the corralled subjects counted as for “Crooked Clintons”. 

We needn’t name Donald J. Trump to raise the alarm bells with the Christmas tolled and chimed;  Donald J. Trump is firstly just one of many that was of 2016 of many called whom might have still been a chosen one more innocent and of honest potential than she of the vast machinations to put “crooked” ahead of sincerity.

Isn’t it now with Christian charity that we address these concerns of as if the votage amassed as corralled for “Crooked Clintons” was due a top down worked “devolution” and not of presently of a sincerity to notation as “crooked voters”?

If we are to answer these just some of the biggest questions of our times and as quite specifically local to major metropolitan areas what is to suffice to liberate and educate so so so many somehow delivered in a “popular” vote for one to endure of a reputation as a “most corrupt candidate” ever?

Can Christmas in 2016 rise to the expectant levels of grace if those corralled subjects amassed as counted as “popular” votage to the party of Clintons cannot now look in the mirrors beggard of a concern to query if it isn’t that they have devolved?

President Bill Clinton near always had apparent trouble expressing “God Bless America”!

Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton presidential aspirations were also base and compromised to such endemic to her “crooked” core;  Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton persisted by machinations to sell a devolved state to city’s masses as if sincerity should not be considered;  Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton skulduggery remained of her old threatened sans a pleading of innocence to that near “if you take me down I won’t go down alone.”

The Christmas spirit now as so many have been essentially saved from further “crooked” machinations and affronts to sincerity from “leadership” of the Clintons isn’t yet that we must be thankful and grateful that we have now Donald J. Trump our President-Elect as ’tis the season to consider how many were called to stand sincerely against Hillary R. Clinton and how now many of these still endure as of others whom could have yet been our chosen one!

If we even begin to ask some of the questions, of the vibe and essence around that those amassed as “popular” for Hillary R. Clinton can be accounted for as by lots of whoms, it is considerable that a reduction in spirit so equates to an effected devolution!

What were those asked to vote for Hillary R. Clinton actually propositioned to be supporting?

It wasn’t the Christmas spirit as for a heaven on earth by a rule in truth and sincerity and potential from honesty; - Votage corralled and amass for Hillary R. Clinton was more akin to a devilish of a the “The Crooked Show Must Go On” headlined kept off/out of the news pressed.

What were those asked to vote for Hillary R. Clinton actually propositioned to be supporting?

Deplorable votes were counted somehow raised ignorantly as if a votes against others as the deplorables!

She is a deplorable she of a deplorable crooked lot at least as broad as “Crooked Clintons” is vast!

For Christmas to endure and still endear we must ask if we haven’t devolved the realm of HOPE too low to be still of potential for shared humanity as by togetherness in an embrace for truth and sincerity to trump and rule?

If we now do ask the hard questions, and if we especially posture to those somehow at least seeming devolved or brainwashed as counted as “popular” yet in the states majorities trumpeting to toll grander and truer, and as citizens reacquainted from suppressed, by recent years too tyrannical and contrary to the actually constituted, to more like just subjects, we must probe at her “deplorable” and “deplorables” for the machinations, theirs, did, years on, attempt to bury prudence of sagacity.

What were those asked to vote for Hillary R. Clinton actually propositioned to be supporting?

Many were called and now we have it accredited to that Donald J. Trump was/is the chosen one;  Our plights challenges may be mediated from the worser case of stuck under a “DEPLORABLE SHE” as yet to devolve from grace even further;  Ours now is that which is ahead and for morals restored to anew in prudence of sagacious transparency!

God bless America and may Christians not be alone to restorative business at resecuring our realms for truth and transparency!

We have been saved!  - Yes that seems like an understatement considering how threatening the real Hillary R. Clinton was!

We have been saved!  - Yes we must still seek the grace and defend the sanctity of sagacity the trump to machinations!

We have been saved!  - We are not alone!  There are some to many somehow now seeming needy as devolved and counted!

God bless America!  Merry Christmas to ye committed to grace and sincerity!  Let us not be blind to “crooked” extant!

      *       *       *       LET TRUTH YET REIGN?       *       *       *

[The story of the Clintons is much rendered and scrollable here as of http://CitizenRosebud.com and my perspective is phat and rich with rigor for truth and sincerity and datable to that I have known Bill & Hillary since the early 1970s when they were Yale Law School co-eds just out for a walk through my New Haven, CT neighborhood.  The kicker for those who care to ask it that the “Crooked Hillary” shouldn’t have endured for Bill and Hillary should have had to at least answer to whom I am and how I am of so much now shared as “Citizen Rosebud”.  It is deplorable to me that election day in 2016 occurred sans the querious as to how I as “Poet JP Hogan” was of the rise of the Clintons in 1992 and the fall in 2008 and 2016.  The Clintons’ machinations have been of running for cover to continue burying their culpability and of such as from since 1993 of putting lining up a Presidency for Hillary R. Clinton as a selfish sold “good” to trump the “greater good” morality expected of offices of Trust.]

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