
December 2021
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:03 pm

     Writing now, this 6th of December in the year 2021, from a DC Public Library, I caution each and all that these are the times to consider which histories of some leaders are due grade limits for dark realities. A free public education on just the contrariness of one leader relative to former leaders now currently presents of our President seems need remedial education.

     Our President “Build Back Better” trumpeting is a beat of discord to his own existentialism of seems won’t utter an intelligent dictum to define “idea of America” in historical context - of a regular old plain language simplicity.
     As he postures newly as if on a soap box, or a stump to speak, he yet sets asunder his own structural elements.
     He is being beaten by beats for understanding & passions to be citizens ready for civic duty in our fundamental constituted to maintain a peoples’ governance expecting processes for advising and consent by the populace.
     President Biden words seem hollow to near he too light on his feet to effect real base notes in a deep historical connection.
     This President needs remedial education towards understanding our “a free state” is that of individual liberty in religious liberty - of GOD the realm of citizens self-governing in Lord’s Laws - or correction.
     Can we agree that “Better” cannot be We the People to somehow of living as if just some of Lord’s Laws can be ignored by a President of oath to govern as under our Lord?  Our republic is constituted by a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) to preserve each, by how united pluribus, to each an unum and individual of rights from their Creator. Our institution of the Presidency is not allowed to be theocratic - to play God. Our people are secured to “a free state” as the human condition of liberty in “rights from your Creator” by a vertical separation to our 3 branches of federal governance are set as also under Lord’s Laws, & not above the people.
     It appears President Biden coddles Communists and towards seeking respect by waging a war on God, while yet of Catholic roots.  There is no historical Irish Catholic prudence now of “ask not what your country can do for you…” and nor even a real biblical proffering to being five building blocks short to 10 commandments of Lord’s Laws is structurally deficient.
     There can only be submission to expansionist China.  President Obama failures were elementary and grossly missed the core existentialism in how our constitution is structured with formative values & to our Peoples’ “Order” (noun) is of processes for civil procedures for when Lord’s Law broken - break down.
     President Biden is at least repeating elementary mistakes of President Obama. We are hearing as if “Build Back Better” can be American if yet our President bending to Communists has any utterances to as if just 5 of the building blocks of Lord’s Laws can suffice instead of ten.
     Thou we are in times of great concern as seems President Biden represents an existential threat to national security just by such almost ignorant undisciplined stumping on “building” - which misses critical elements of designs in our core constituted self-governance of our democracy, and as yet firstly for local over federal for priority to neighbors to stay committed to the real work of community of being neighbors. Our republic is constituted dependent on the expectations that each is to reach for a higher standard of moral authority by firstly as in self-governing in Lord’s Laws.
     Our constitution is more a set of structural elements to have a fixed formed “Order” to have civil procedures & due processes set done & established for when scriptures & commandments as more the “living documents” have short falls.
    We at least now need tether up on which ever shore to discussions on President Biden vs China.
     We can’t afford another sham report like the 911 Commission Report now seems also President Biden is repeating of dangers in 90s from President Clinton earlier essentially in premeditated attempts, akin being at war against God, to chop out some of Lord’s Laws inconvenient to his selfish ambitions for power in global collusion by selling a regression to “natural state” more wild states. You do realize the 911 Report starts explaining Al Qaeda says they attacks America due it was of “war against God” and then did not develop for an understanding of motive that even near intelligently discussed the specifics of President Clinton as of a moral depravity in executive decisions at least for fewer of Lord’s Laws to some a regression to “natural state” more wild states? Or that the Clintons’ “post Constitution” was legal war a war against words to yet be in a war against God?
     President Obama too coddled up to Socialists and even Communists as if was too a President could nullify his constituted duty to protect our Peoples’ “Order” (noun) by even more posturing as if there could be more than one Lord - even to contrary to Jews, Christians, Muslims have the same Lord & respect the 10 Commandments.  President Obama with Vice President Biden did get NATO and most of Middle East issues wrong. A concept to consider while indisputable facts can build up basically that they only offered failed Socialist states more failed Socialism, it is fundamentally also an existential problem they missed the core problem of seems Socialist countries failed when somehow crossed a line somewhere to too irreligious - to too few persons in their country still self-governing in faiths.
    It seems an impossible course for President Biden to now explain a Catholic - however personally to a #CatholicYang vs #CatholicYing - as he cannot seem to even field or settle the needed number of 10 basic building blocks for our “a free state” as our “idea of America” that endures from the birthing of the colonies & the republic such nurtured to fully Ordered by an Order our established and ordained a constitution.
    President Biden is adrift and untethered, of a stump beat of discord a big fundamental conundrum. As Catholics must wonder and lament this advent season can any hope for any clarity across his very contrary? It cannot be for Catholic if the President is nullifying prudence by weak postures in as if five of Lord’s Laws - 5 building blocks - can be missing from his verbal constructs - and worse any national security constitutional duty?
     Consider how firstly it can be critically debated that President Obama and Vice President Biden missed, in their got NATO and Middle East affairs wrong, how Socialism countries are seen to have failed as crossed the line - a line somewhere - to a nation too irreligious.  That now currently the biggest threat is yet that President Biden is even accidentally newly stumping repeating mistakes of the 90s that were of President Clinton in coy wars of words as to had America in a war against God. And that the Democrats generally by akin to Saul Alinsky “Rules for Radicals” have otherwise been diabolically also with “get control of healthcare - and kill their God” radical textualism boldly also a war on God.
     Our freedom in our republic as a democracy is as dependent on individuals of a spiritual higher calling to reach for freedom from achieved moral authority by self-governing in Lord’s Laws yet as our real constituted “living document” so ordered & ratified to be.
     President Bidens beats however stumping now resoundingly confound. It seems worse than conundrum of our times on China of a new expansionist Communism real threat to now Chinese pride is tied to proving, like with Uyghurs, that it can yet run all of Persian Gulf or at least the nation of Iran soon as if one yuge concentrated re-education camp to assimilate all Irani.
     Mr. President where is the Lord - the adherence to Lord’s Laws existentialism - in your building “better”?
     Mr. President where should the Lord - the fidelity to self-governance in Lord’s Laws - be indivisible still?
     For our advise & consent by the People: To understand threats needn’t we study Al Qaeda claim they attacked us due President Clinton, however coyly, did have Americans in his war against God - and to explain such down to safe age - youngest age we can educate early on real dangers in undermining real liberty?
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