
December 2021
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:50 pm

     As we journey together temporally for a short game a daily keep or 7 days stretch concern our primary cognitive needs a pathology for if one if of a kingdom then one is of rules - if in a garden as an old metaphorical it is more than a philosopher’s whimsy and copacetic as an Eden of guidelines. I am now writing thru an undisclosed public wi-fi now overcoming an ignorance on homeless shelters - night & day shelters - and support systems across a major US city.

     Again, as I persist while engaged in transitional processes for career development to eventually include endeavoring to be shifted to traditional & e-book mediums, I am putting writing newly on par with efforts to become now employed thrice in now relocated to DC.
     My Go Fund Me appeal hasn’t amount to even a livable $50 per day minimum I have long managed of a self-disciplined green minimalism a safe lifestyle for when writing my politics blogs. Too few likely even have seen my appealing links, however, I still have global readers via social media. I expect to be sheltering through the holidays while finding new short-term earnings again can rectify a temporary in-between financial need. 
     The year two thousand twenty & two now near upon us brings need to focus for us to any temporal togetherness and to the how & the possible for compassion in the new year. Jesus rules still rules - like a good copyright even against plagiarism & misappropriation in the haunts of politicians.
     The pop & the social - even metropolitan sheik - can barely clad, in our metaphor, the President of any “Emperor’s” “new suit” per the state of the Executive’s affairs. President Joe Biden firstly forward must be of a study of contrast - studies of his contrary - his contrariness. President Joe Biden is hardly a child in just a sandbox, yet his BUILD BACK BETTER is so devoid of structural building blocks there seems near no safe foundation to establish a cladding upon.
     In our garden - like of a concept for a kingdom of LOVE is ruled to possible beyond a natural state to each of a pathology & commitment to self-govern in MORALS.  LOVE is a concept of MORALS - for a MORAL society - a civilized Union/hood/community.
     Consider the “CRITICAL RACE THEORY” & “1619 PROJECT” both need 1776 fundamentalism better refigured & reset as by law the laws are still the laws & it even arguable the plain language of originalism in the Constitution, as a Peoples’ “Order” (noun), as to scriptures - in spirit of each of rights from their Creator & under their Lord before under any Government - offers better solutions & easier common ground than the movements of the Left for authoritarian powers now much sadly synonymous to a new FASCISM.
     Blacks can, if allowed to learn from the many mistakes of President Barack Obama, rise to a black youth now can grow up to be America’s first good black President.
     No labels:  It is an odd situation that we now have our first black President as one arguably did leave office after 8 years two terms as simply a person who misreads the Constitution.  There is a case - cases - to be offered on Barack Obama, despite a first black President of the Harvard Law Review at Harvard College Harvard Law School, and then a University of Chicago Constitutional Law Professor, did pervert the plain language knowingly with premeditation to try to work out from its grammar otherwise a yet case for SOCIALISM to be said constitutional. Yet it seems firstly elementary that President Obama has long clearly simply misread the plain language, & to made “garden” work that wasn’t ever needed or fruitful.
     Legally there may be no tie down to how his Chicago home properties amassed by like an emolument a clever gift to he bought the primary lot & then incidentally allowed use of the next-door lot as if own as if a tax dodge like when Delaware long of corporation tax safe havens.  This misreading though may be a hundred year plus error general to the Democrats Party since when President Theodore Roosevelt after his terms, after his yuge safari, after toasted across Europe in the parlors of the new FASCISTS was back in our United States & wondering how if he could win a 3rd term maybe by bringing FASCISM to homeland.
     Though the Clintons before him publicly postured to as if our Laws of Constitution were dead & they could bring autocracy in their names about more regressed to a natural state, with their “post-Constitution” ploys this is now more primarily otherwise about how President Obama postures too few rules for our “garden” to be a workable “kingdom” in compassion by adherence with disciplines to rule by laws.
     President Obama cannot stay popular if people actually seek a foundation for law and order - a governing for “a free state” as of a moral higher calling for those most free to be those most achieved a moral authority. Our 2nd Amendment “a free state” is the human condition of Liberty in individual freedom from being responsibly self-governing in Religious Liberty - in Lord’s Laws & with them in each step they take to always still in spirit a consciously neighbor to neighbors.
     Our garden may be only of a temporal journey around “together” which traverses but 7 days - even daily disciplines yet not checked & balanced.
     That Americans were ready for America to elect its first Black President says a lot good about our country that yet means now even our gardens should see stirred intelligent discussions on the merits beyond the color & too specifically the character lacking at least in one did profess to want to be judged for having had a “personality-based presidency” tenure.
     There is no escaping his fate. President Obama legacy must be front & center as the worst education model for any curriculums is if even just black youths are kept from being allowed to study the many mistakes - especially constitutional deviance - made by the “First Black President” of the United States of America.
     My perspective is competitive on racism vs Barack Obama as it I who sparked development for “DIFF’RENT STROKES” & to offered, unlike my sole black cousin sit rep, that show better if had 2 adopted sons & to names could work as ARNOLD & WILLIS as around my youth years shoe store ARNOLD’S where picking sneakers for WHERE THERE A WILL IS WAY - “WILL IS” to “WILLIS” characterization. And in 1970s I became aware of a B.O. in Hawaii four years older interested in competing in presidential oratory as I prepared for my 7th grade school wide Oratory Contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “DAY OF INFAMY” Declaration of War speech. And too I met Michelle Robinson Obama out in Harvard Square at Grendel’s as she hosting her brother visiting her in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School of 1987-88 school year. I also did the think wrote a lead for how Clintons learned to sound in 1992 to follow my guidance to shift phrase “NEW WORLD ORDER” to a call nationally for urban agendas & community policing advancement out of having institutionally gotten to centralized & to a bunker mentality.
     We need a new back to basics with a support process essence for republic baby steps to newly organized to how each has no original constitutional right - like in blasphemy - to be separated from supposed to care for all of Creator’s created & created stuff and near be not to being taking any steps not kept in a local copacetic responsibility as neighbor to neighbors.
     President Obama liked his misreading of the Constitution and seemed to balk at any corrective efforts to bring him to the legal establishments of it scriptures of Lord’s Laws firstly our living documents & our Constitution as a Peoples’ “Order” “done” as an ordered for civil procedures and due process for when Lord’s Laws broken or broke down.  Democrats have confused our “garden” scapes by posturing to as if Lawyers were above the Law & a President is just a secular leader allowed a narcissism to govern more by “personality” than by governance in Laws.  Such is beyond a “Bully Pulpit” to contrary to our separation of church and state as vertical to our “more perfect Union” figures plainly as firstly to that our Federal Government is not allowed to be theocratic, play God, respectacle the establishments/tenets/scriptures of in the eyes of the Lord jurisdiction our kingdom’s garden rules.
     President Obama misreads “in Order to” as “in order to” as loophole with “more perfect Union” to as if the constituted Peoples’ Order is nullified if just a lawyer argues for narcissism & government not by laws but by person - a personality - is of standing suffice for Executive yet sworn to our ratified ordained a constitution.
     Our constituted established as a Peoples’ Order is of “in/Order/to form” & “more/perfect/Union to “done” subscribed in the “Year/of/our/Lord” whence. Such sets up a set of civil procedures & due process of a Order done - not a loosy goosy loophole for tyranny by personality of an executive over prudence - jurisprudence.
     The Democrat Party is regressed to natural state extra-constitutionalism at best while arguably the Clintons with “post-Constitution” & Obama with “personality presidency” & now President Joseph Biden beyond a bi-polar to a tri-polar that confuses even across our Mental Health Clarity standards for that which amounts to unbecoming.  There are at least three poles of the current Democrats “community” to there can be no intelligent concord in our gardens.
     The worst education core curriculum now for Barack Obama studies is if any becometh of preventions from especially black youths allowed to study the many mistakes of the first black President. His misreading of our Constitution is so elementary it baffles. How any misread “Order” from “in/Order/to form” to as if a loophole for tyranny & narcissism as if just “in order to” confounds. The Clintons’ “post-Constitution” ploy to as if protections from tyranny nullified has largely failed while Obama’s remain puzzling as President Biden now knee deep in confusion much establishing just discordance to our garden state - our kingdom - our Holidays vibes of Lord’s Laws really still matter profoundly.
     Beyond my decades as white & anti-racism I yet too am he the patron US muse did challenge JK Rowling to write 7 books on a Magic School. I too instructed she halt further books as I started a creative strike to block the rising of “Crooked Hillary” while politely allowed it, from me to JKR, to not forced cold turkey off me her muse, generously cloaked but of leading energies & focus for next books, by I did forward offer she could write more off the real me than the imagineer in me - that she could write of a STRIKE as a protest of economics too corrupted by politicians - a robbing Galbraith like instead of John Kenneth Galbraith. 
     How I was decades a thinking and writer to philosopher of philosophy as reason for cloaking is too now fundamentally linked to I have a need to share that I know Democrats have regressed from a suffice of rules.  I am more responsible possibly for that HOGWARTS of HARRY POTTER stirred a global reading pop than Jo’s actual writing as it was my concepts worked, & in already established networks for maximizing change, & that my mused direction was to its core COUNTER CULTURE to these points of concern of Democrats regressed & at least perverted our plain language of our Peoples’ “Order” in our established ordained an order a constitution.
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