As these eves to February move to dawns to realities also to Marches Obama II is staged as if a SMOKEY IS THE BANDIT.
There are many conundrums to yet be settled about your civil rights and general Welfare consistently across different trafficking in “change” by President Barack H. Obama. His new conservationism contradicts his new nationalism economic growth pimp’n - he is as much a punk rock poet for his due process stomp’n trip’n.
We may not be yet any more safe as a nation than when we were before he became President; we do not know or know if we can be certain if he has stopped smoking. As our President is his a “Smokey” - as President Barack H. Obama is he also a “bandit”?
We have been of four years for foreign policy quite different than that which was necessary to keep our United States of America from having been like punk’d by the peoples otherwise of the world to be the world’s police at our own expense. Has President Obama, however of delegating these past four years, been to a giving away of the game (for popularity) before it was wise or safe?
It can be driven now for the next four years that the foreign policy of Obama I was able to build upon the Bush years in ways it and such wasn’t able to build upon the earlier years of the Administration of the Clintons. That our President has trafficked in falsities taggable as a cover-up for a negligence of the Clintons doesn’t remove the logic of so much now as of a building upon much disciplined and difficult hard work of the Bush FREEDOM AGENDA. The years of Obama I has been of saying Bush was wrong and all at fault while fronting the Clintons as oddly completely innocent. The first term - Obama I - can only have been possible as a building on the Bush’s years for what was more right and developmental than that inherently too much of the Clintons.
I am not saying President George W. Bush was closely supporting a French underground as if in a real CASA BLANCA. I am trying to make light of years inherited from the Clintons and so now with there being “old” and “new” Clintons contrary to themselves in many ways quite concerning.
Is ACA Obamacare just Hillarycare II - a rebooted Clintons’ politics and now late win? Are you aware of how Obamacare can rob you of your thought kept civil liberties, some? Have you asked if it isn’t now set up to allow spying here at home? And to using doctors like Pakistan Doctor now hung out to dry by President Barack H. Obama?
Have you asked yourself yet - have you sat down publicly and people watched and asked yourself or another: How bad must our Governor be - our Mayor - our community with Obamacare now a stain upon our communities of an institutionalization about our federal government fixed to a need to help our neighbors because our neighbors were not helping our neighbors as a working or workable “community”?
Have you asked yourself what it may be that you don’t want your Doctor to ask you as now his records as your records are now set to be analyzable Big Brother Big Government centralized and sortable medical records of personal medical facts, however incriminating or suspect? Did you know by Obamacare that Libertarians are at least concerned that ACA now allows and likely expects your Doctor to ask you: Do you own a gun? and while collecting all your specimen records for their systematic perusal?
A real bandit just for a endemic trampling of due process at home and abroad - right? A real “Smokey” now with extraordinary new powers to sort and statistically analyze so much once kept preserved as “private” and untouchable - right?
You are now just a number - just a zip code - a zip code odd or even with a street name and a ward however your address odd or even or your lifestyle - and your doctor expected to help his Government spy even as to your Second Amendment Protections exercising. You will be nameless to a Googleable front door - street view - back alley intimate view - but a very searchable numbered “identity” for ward based political analysis of wrongs about a Congressional district - right?
As you wake up to more challenges due in 2013 of Obamacare regardless of it however a Hillarycare II will you be joining the revolution to restore your civil liberties to “free” or “freer”? Will you doctor have “emergency” samples for you from unscheduled Emergency Room visits that hadn’t been figured to your questionable consumption to nearly about to have flushed through to “undetectable” “evidence” of “criminality”?
Will Obama II be as much as Obama I as the good guy a “Smokey” a bad guy “bandit”? If you are robbed of your privacy and your due process or party to others having their yanked knowingly - will you be able to abide such trafficking to trackable assimilation and overreaching? Will you wonder now how bad your community must really be that your Federal Government had to step in so to just care for your neighbors? And, how bad your Mayor, County Execs and/or Governor must be that such a cold and systematic assimilating central body had to essentially invade your “community” space?
I mean it figures that your United States Congress Representatives staff will be able to order up “medical” “ward based” analytical reports from Obamacare ACA IMAC centralized systematizing to an effectual Big Brother computing towards “cost consciousness” and so that “keyword” “healthcare” “searches” with “parameters” a grand and vast realm of “variables” will be to being able to discern “cost saving” factoids down to house numbers as odd or even and by street name, ward and zip code - right?
Who can the usual suspects now be at least just in a new world set “official” for People long otherwise of plausible deniability and presumption to innocence? I mean with Obamacare aren’t politicians now in your blood and urine and stool to stay with “Smokey” duties too easily to checking their wards for “healthcare” “indicators” of personal medical records now Nationalized and Centralized per their designs like say “evidence” of “stress reducing” “medicines” i “samples” yet/but no evidence of “prescription” nor “necessary” diagnosis?
With Obamacare like a “Smokey” a bandit as a bad “Smokey” of over-reaching vastly sublime to “official” use of doctors as if Domestic Federal spies - whom will be willing of so many uncovered to acquiesce to “samples” so likely unavoidably “officially” and “permanently” trackable coyly as self incriminating? Can Obamacare but scare away those it supposed to care for and increase costs because of its invasive “governance” so Big Brother statistically yet computer trackable for all as locatable numbers?
Won’t your political representatives of such powers to request and gather “ward” based medical “findings” by residence number, street name, race, age, height, hair color, eye color,sex and even gun ownership be now as well to a “knowing” where “plausible deniability” used to reign safely?
And how much a “bandit” while fronted as a “Smokey” for trafficking in violations of civil liberties by statistical frauds, like?
And, yes this is just asking you to think about how you feel while your due process is being diminished maybe less though so than so many foreigners about Obama I and now to Obama II, and the foreign assaults on due process!
As it seems Obamacare is to be fully set up and to an IMAC clearing center of and for political ward based “health” reports how can we or any be certain or even expecting that the inputs won’t be skewed if “services” used and by black market manipulations to establish official “innocence”?
And yet this is while we wait to see if Congress won’t be asked to affirm a duty or right to insist that all Americans submit to complete biological work ups of blood and urine and stools at least twice a year towards the Government need to reason a possible way to reduce medical care costs - right?
Aren’t we now to Liberal social program of Obamacare, however just a Hillarycare II, to being as ineffective as gun rights lobbyists insists gun control legislation is to keeping guns from those to mischief but to a establishment of healthcare reform in ways that will turn off many now said to be turned away?