Please don’t be so vain to think, by the end too, that this isn’t in some way also about you. We’re of a days an epoch fit for hecklings to help assuage and discern gradients of culpability, and for years all the way back at least to 1993. I have no intention of insulting my great readers, unless of course they are thee meant to be critically reviewed.
To set the stage to how the sets can be staged for a greatest modernity in modern media interactivity for the ecosystems of representative democracy and freedom of expression and participation rights in free assembly let me strongly recommend a new bipartisanship can be possible if a united goal can be tabled and agreed to. A most illuminating potential for a new bipartisanship likely needs an agreed about “common enemy” or “common cause” - we seem to have that available in Bill & Hillary Clinton.
With the stage so now set for a real potential in the possibility of a public dissection of all things “post-Presidency” and at least as “global,” it is our initiative, not to be lost now, to restore the republic with forensic lay pathology, at least, while any ambitious Democrat too can benefit from a rendering of the Clintons as corporate, and evil money grubbing globalists.
There is a party to divide by their personal and state ambitions and the Clintons as a “common enemy” or “common cause” is already primed and topped off of greased by as if by a real McCoy. Really the post-Presidency of the Clintons is representative quite also of executive over-reaching and too to imperial wants in autocratic powers. It isn’t a question of the Congress lacking Constitutional power to roll the Clintons out as if committed to public shame by stocks fit for old chicken thieves; The Congress is sufficiently endowed to arrest and account for all things foreign of the Clintons’ global initiatives at least by their Constitutional specific duty and charged by Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph eight for any so exercised of offices of profit.
How to parry a comity for a “FORWARD” with a “common enemy” Duty as with the Clintons together rolled in and tabled?
We must have it convenient as if they are rolled in with their fate already known now as if ducks in a barrel in duck hunting season.
We must have it convenient and focused as so not to be of so so many like caught also in a net indiscernibly from justice due to be a mob a blob indiscriminatable from itself. President Obama is seemingly such an “ambitious Democrat” and maybe a whom singularly most to be politically to some benefit from a Congressional Constitutional Duty to a public dissection of at least the top executives of the Clintons’ Global Initiative. It is hard to imagine President Obama could yet be a fence sitter to such of an opportunity knocking that could clean up his own post-Presidency ambitions.
There is real political science to consider at how the failings of President Obama have been because neither he nor the represented as the People’d people knew enough about many mistakes of the Administration of the Clintons. We can be gathered at least in an interactive ecosystem for a new bipartisanship as suggested - as it seems such of a Constitutional Duty that the Congress but for same party controls should have been at by 2009. President Obama is of his idealism and as reckless and disastrous as such has been with its effecting executive direction yet still he has made mistakes while of his ideologicals, however mismatched to real conditions, solely for he made mistakes of repeating history for not knowing enough the real history of substantial culpability and excessive grandstanding in false credits of the Clintons. It is for the scientists and historians to eventually get it all righted yet we must act and soon somehow to return to a politics more of truths and a workable bipartisanship. It is hardly yet considered that some of how the Dems ideological “governance” failed was for it was exercised as timely while at least 20 years too early for the real conditions, and, otherwise discerned it was yet about ten to fifteen years too soon after something so similar was set about at least for the republic to it mostly of an extant established before the Clintons yet caught it as the train that best explains their unexpected upstart election in 1992.
Right, I am one to raise the issue of culpability for President Obama and the “Bill and Hillary” and maybe too any an of an executive level also culpable association due to sharing the Clintons’ offices of profit of their global initiatives. It is that maybe President Obama must be discernible from a mob a blob also caught in a net deployed at the Clintons and also too associated and due at least a common suing by the same Congress. It is though considerable that both these Presidencies somehow have been together wrong to many errs in errors from repeating a history we all should have learned of and from; it is considerable that the Obama “revolution” was so too soon upon the revolution more a renaissance and figured in national security prudence related to transitioning from the Persian Gulf War, and so as suggested for science as at least twenty years too soon upon an earlier proven effective one. Right, I am speaking to new ideas seeming cheap for seeming more as if borrowed and used than new and revolutionary - it was just dumb that the Democrats proceeded as if smartly to such so too soon after that which yet can be explained to explaining the Clintons unexpected election was far less of their doing than yet published and known.
We must look to Congress and maybe nudge them to a like very convenient and bipartisan tabling of the “Bill and Hillary” at least as a common enemy however lately to such Constitutional defense. It can get interesting if to how President John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s CAMELOT may have been legal as a spun metaphor for a new chivalry and yet now is to be defeated for being as practiced in a CLINTONS’ CAMELOT in a post-Presidency it yet is unconstitutional as violate at least of the anti-titling anti-nobility protections of mentioned Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8 of the USA USC. President Obama may not be as free to benefit from the Clintons as, however lately, to being like litigated and relitigated at least for improprieties in a corporate imperialism by global initiatives set up as if chartered to be an AMERICAN CAMELOT - or just a CLINTONS’ GLOBAL CAMELOT. To look at the plight of President Obama in his post-Presidency years it behoove all to just try to understand how the Constitutional dilemmas to be real if the Clintons are not first publicly dissected and for much of every day of every week of every month of each year at least back to when President George H. W. Bush worked his transitioning to closing down the Persian Gulf War.
There is no place to go for President Barack Hussein Obama to a post-Presidency even if he can’t go home to Chicago. President Clinton as the market locked up still from it reasonable for there to be an equal a peer in a post-Presidency, and likely especially his rival of said “BLOOD FEUD” concurrently President. If the Clintons and their meddling global initiatives are not at least arrested by the end of the Obama Administration really the Obamas’ best option may be to accept Executive Vice President positions at the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES offices of profit and however humiliatingly if it so with Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton their incorporated and fixed superior officer. It really was a problem that the Obama “revolution” was ignorant of problems from being so only too few years after a most effective renaissance rebirthing and so as well of a dumb (party wide) for yet being nearly twenty years too soon. It may have been of dangers from pride in an over-confidence in “personality” and yet of new technological potential to firstly be of a real possibility to fool nearly every and fool them all at once.
Please write your favorite media and interact likewise with your national representation. There is much to learn of what we already should have learned of and learn about so not to dumbly make mistakes at least from ignorance.
The words escape me to how to best title the predicament President Obama must at least sense himself as towards while he at least is considering if he too shouldn’t go home and must otherwise try to make it to New York City. It must be dumb or yet will be dumb for him to consider he can rival the Clintons and their CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES at least while he is supposed to be a competent defender of the Constitution and of the office as of tens years whence his as a Constitutional Law Professor. It seems he must be thinking he too shouldn’t or can’t go home - but yet how can New York City offer him hope if the Clintons are not soon yet seen as a “common enemy”? The Country cannot survive two past-Presidents as corporate giants battling each other for dominance on the world stage as if allowed by the People to be both imperial as titled and quite as if first American autocrats.
The KENNEDY CAMELOT yet may have been of Constitutional chivalry whence while now at least for the Clintons such is too akin as if un-American. The Congress has already been suffering for the meddling so global of the post-Presidency of the Clintons - it and WE THE PEOPLE cannot abide an OBAMA GLOBAL INITIATIVES now seeming the train wreck ahead as the only manly option maybe available for President Barack Hussein Obama, however also quite too titled and un-Constitutional.
The founders were no dummies - by the wrap of article one they had set the USA to be essentially protected yet from such. Really any ambitious Democrat must by now see opportunity for themselves in a new “common enemy” of the “Bill and Hillary” at least as too corporate and evil examples of dangers in greed. Our best hope now, as a republic, seems to be in yet discerning and assuaging all the culpability of all the days of the Clintons on the national stage since they caught the train and got “blessed” unduly to the Presidency they still may yet not be of any readiness.
There is history to be learned yet that can explain how such much went wrong and how it is sadly ironic to dastardly that such is a truer history to explain the unexpected election so of the Clintons in 1992. There seems no way out now for President Obama and especially in any post-Presidency unless the Clintons reign is now finally, however so lately, checked and balanced. Irregardless of if it all was twenty years too early: It was all at least near ten years too early! It is harder now to remember such with enough specifics to yet maybe fix all their known mistakes.