A plain dealer to a common sense broadside of Yankee ingenuity, of these days, is beset to be pressed of a New England prudence to be of the Democrats austerity to green minimalism. Long Live President Barack “Green” Obama!
Democrats, however of New England, are the sherpas of the party “messianic” of the base campy beaten way to less is more, of the race to the top, especially. New Hampshire has been directed to be more from LIVE FREE OR DIE to a new politics of a new nationalism more of LIVE WITH LESS OR BE ASSIMILATED TO OBEDIENCE OF “GREEN IS GOOD.”
Whomever is a Democrat now is beholden to the Party of Obama as in/of the somber nationalized guilting from excess, and from the hyper-consumerism of the Clinton Democrats, to these days of greater efficiencies of the new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY dictates.
Despite how native and rugged a “New Englander” a Democrat Party loyalist may yet pan out isn’t it that between President Barack “Green” Obama and Mrs. Clinton, however, are two among the lot whom likely couldn’t make it two to three days in New Hampshire mountains - on New Hampshire trails? Right! I imply such as if it to be considered as them without their Secret Service details they have long been dependent upon. Really, if either heard “LOON! LOON! LOON!” in the woods, or on the waters, wouldn’t they be too thin skinned and ignorant and to thinking they were being called names?
Can there, in a Granite State concord, be any concordance for the gaggles of Clinton Democrats and Obama Democrats as birds of a feather, at least of an above the surface, of their flocking? Isn’t there a general discordance, really of the established rivalry, quite of a blood feud of attempts to reset and reset and reset the pecking order?
I can remember how easy it was to bring candidate for President Senator Mrs. Clinton to her New Hampshire tears. I had blogged and blogged to press and press to her so then so visibly on the ropes and quite disturbed/beaten. Her “New Hampshire tears” shouldn’t have been so generously wiped away as if nothing - nothing telling. Her “New Hampshire tears” were shed when on the ropes and pressured to a old manly standard of an equal standard progressive with a made general queriousness to if she was at all well rounded and actually of any hobby/hobbies. Mrs. Clinton’s tears were shed due to a quite soft-balled 4th Estate pitched fair question to discern if she wasn’t just a workaholic in a bad and too limited way.
President Barack “Green” Obama may be the first American black to be such a hero to the Green Mountains state of Vermont with it so differentiated from its across the Connecticut River sister state New Hampshire as so generally a “most white” and “most Socialist” however sovereign state. I do not know Vermont’s history of or with black heroes. I have hiked a week in the White Mountains without yet being then in the 70s of being also in the Presidential Range. I have not climbed by foot or car that peak of the range Mount Washington. I was a camper of the Massachusetts’ Y.M.C.A. system of Camp Becket in the Berkshires whence. We could see the Presidential Range but yet we couldn’t touch it from where we were.
If I have ever water skied but on “Golden Pond” it wasn’t memorable enough to be of a memory of having ever water skied but that week spent on and around Squam Lake. I have lived in the Boston area and too on Block Island of the Town of New Shoreham of The Ocean State of Rhode Island, and off course my mother state Connecticut, and too yes I lived near ten full years on Capitol Hill near Eastern Market in Washington DC and those years about Philadelphia of Pennsylvania as were of my four years at Villanova University on the Main Line. I have know Bill and Hillary since they were in Yale Law School and they polled me as a “charming young boy” at play after school in the school yard across the street from my home then while I was near just a first grader. My answer remains for “Hillary” that if she married “Bill” and let him be to a Presidency first then the answer was “NO” - my God’s honest answer was nearly: “No! You will not be able to become President if you let him go first.”
As the rival Democrat gaggles stir these days per New Hampshire isn’t it that it is anathema to ‘LIVE FREE OR DIE’ beats that President Barack “Green” Obama has marched and marched for an obedience in new nationalism to an assimilation more as the People’d people forward more as subjects than citizens? As the gaggle roosts of discordance towards 2014 and beyond mustn’t more press a restorative common sense Yankee prudence? There is so much that is anti-coal that otherwise is as much or more to raping mother earth by abusive mining otherwise for “GREEN” for it necessary to, in lieu of coal, be yet to harvesting vast amounts of rare earth minerals. The processes for a said “progressive” of the Green Agenda seem at least as destructive, and while, at least for now, quite more expensive and costly to jobs and growth economics.
Fellow People’d people, however of New Hampshire, have you heard the one about how besides austerity the roots in the new New Deal New Nationalism it is that the economics common sense is plain and concordant that Obamanomics sets asunder Obamanomics for the politics, if too growth, needed Republicans (and Independents) to not do as President Barack “Green” Obama said but to yet persist in being, as he said they were, bad and at still being however industrious? Have you yet twained how what has hurt the Green Agenda most is that the Republicans have complied - that Republicans (and Independents) have led the way in an obedience about the general concern of the alarmism that the world as we know it was going to end? President Barack “Green” Obama to have otherwise succeeded in some economic recovery to growth has been long impossible for the Republicans (and Independents) were complying and being more of such as GOOD and NECESSARY as “proffered” by the President.
The gaggles of Democrats now however discernible of a rivalry more a “blood feud” are yet of defeating themselves faster that the Republicans (and Independents) could yet of defeated them if they otherwise had persisted in being as BAD as tagged, and so not as GOOD in obedient “GREEN” new leading conservatisms compliance. And, too there is yet that if the Republicans (and Independents) yet weren’t also so patriotic and industriously of the prior administrations guidance towards energy independence any of the flocks of Clinton Democrats and Obama Democrats quite should be hunted akin of a hen pecking reset of wings of New England prudence and Yankee common sense to any plain dealing wised to it that that which has been of “economic growth” during the flights of Obama on point with Obamanomics has mostly and primarily been of Republicans (and Independents) so in compliance to ‘GREEN’ and progressive in “ENERGY INDEPENDENCE”!
Frankly it seems any New Hampshire Democrat “goose” must now be of ducking and running or being quite cooked.
Frankly it seems the so “messianic” of the Obama Democrats must have meant for an austerity Franciscan for it still seems that his “economics” were so likely to lead to such for his new New Deal Nationalism that he must have meant, however “robed” or “sandaled” to have brought us to these so beaten paths, and faster if not for the Republicans so of being so leading in practice to compliance, short of assimilation, about the so pressed towards saving the planet first from that “proffered” of a doom and alarmism of those notes so of shots of concord about an end of the world as we know it near.
Frankly it seems any of a gaggle of either Obama Democrats or Clinton Democrats, however of New Hampshire, must be firstly or primarily considered a bird more for the table(s) than for any parading. It is quite true in an economic pathological that an economic fattening however unlikely with a new New Deal New Nationalism Austerity was even less possible for the Republicans (and Independents) so complied in practice and so as by doing what the President said should be done of any of private or public industriousness.
President Barack “Green” Obama and his gaggle, at least, is of the irony that his austerity has worked too well because the Republicans (and Independents?) proved themselves not to be as bad as they were feathered as a flock (too generally) as. But can the rivalry so a “blood feud” separate the economics of Obamanomics from of those its “experts” firstly (loyally) while so also yet the Clintonomics “experts”?
It seems quite ironic as of a truth now contrary to the messaging long of the “messianic” that so many People’d people impressed more as if subjects of new nationalism than preserved as free citizens that President Barack “Green” Obama has with his “messianic” austerity brought a nation to so many flats as if more basically communal in a sandaled new Franciscan.
Is it now safe or prudent to presume or assume that this new “flocking” isn’t of necessity due to the “messianic” however paraded of a pride in a fan tailed Obamanomics otherwise as if for economic growth good for a middle class, at least?