
July 2014
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:50 am

Now that President B.H.O. has established his tone as discordant in lies as did white President William Jefferson Clinton the beatings must continue in lieu of a tonalism for economic recovery;  for so many of such a keyed in lies each day we wake anew of the economy of politics of us united daily in smarting starts yet still more as if of reboot in diagnostic mode restrictions.

President B.H.O. has established himself mostly in a harmony as a liar in beats and steps mostly with the lies of the white Clintons long of cover-ups corruptive to a full and lively portfolio of common syncopathy forward.  There is no music or soul for recovery as long as we are stuck daily in a reboot in diagnostic mode restrictive basics due to so many viral intrusions in the shared societal as from lies now know of President B.H.O. as if as bad or worse (more dangerous) than of white President William Jefferson Clinton.

Democrats protested when the Republicans tried a save in time by remixing the metaphorical beats of liberal sets by offering examples of how they too yet move when in conventions to beatings so yet scored by “artists” of a Democrat persuasion.  The Democrats so as a lot did undermine the economy and beats for growth in shared humanity when they try to prohibit music beats from the Republicans.  We do wake still of President B.H.O. and still of how the music for growth has been dead or of beatings in discordance only, and, now with less hope as it is established that he has become known to be nearly as much of lies as white President William Jefferson Clinton.

King James was much of the rap of the founders and a tonalist to the keyed in their renditions from his edition.  President B.H.O. seems more protestant in Martin Luther, but for lacking clear and written dictates, than pure and Puritanical.  Republican rap may now be our best hope forward to any new post diagnostic growth beating.  There is no “work ethic” now in the Democrat green minimalism.  They are not being constructive in their beatings - just deconstructive and austere while set chorded, however, to class warfare.

Republican rap may be our best hope to new constitutionals in Constitutionals.  Taxed - taxed enough - taxed enough already - taxed now nationally with even less representation?  Are those of the drum beats major of the Tea Party now drum majors forward now already most keyed for republican rap to a new growth tone?  Who can be a new drum major forward if and when we can recover from daily restarts of reboots necessary as to be of anti-viral diagnostics basic cautions?  Democrat music may have killed the growth beats and all of so many beatings now so suffered for their “music” became partisan and so necessarily corrupt from a shared soul republican and to be now probed and even of rendition for a base clef clarity for what likely might be wrongful in a quid pro quo by creative artists.

Despite the spiffs intra-Republican now between Governor Perry and Senator Paul their is together they should be tagging the Democrats to show their house divided, firstly, and to how the “music” of President B.H.O. per economic harmony is different from the beatings by white President William Jefferson Clinton, and too the beatings, however scaled feminine, by white Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton.  There is in Senator Paul’s foreign policy ramparts to a more at home celebration that it echoes to it that Senator McCain if elected was yet tuned to beat and beat and beat as a drum major an economic recovery within just a couple years.  Senator Paul has in his homely beats a federalism that echoes how President McCain was ready to lead a resounding recovery within just a couple years.  Senator Paul’s said homely beats can be said to be noted and keyed yet in an American celebration of freedom and federalism prudence to be an example while also a best defensive posture as of a song of PROUD TO BE FREE.

There is too much to the spiff between sects of republican so Republican between Governor Perry and Senator Paul for a full scoring in this scripting.  Governor Romney is a tri- to this so bi-partite - Governor Romney may rock again and better if a common shared soul beating can be measured and coalesced, but, he for the sake of this beating propounding isn’t that whom President McCain was well endowed in measured federalism Constitutional to be a drum major for recovery generally. Governor Romney may now be a good option if he can find a shared soul beat but these are days now trying that would be not of the President McCain developments to also a song of PROUD TO BE FREE homely, however pre-Paul, but to a consideration that a recovery specialist may now be the type of drum major the united states now need for the republic.

Any “music” as beating by white President William Jefferson Clinton or by any feminist also different by white Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, however, now can only be a beating on the backs of black and of the red of the country so in the red.  The music as differentiable between the white Mr. male Clinton and white Mrs. female Clinton is wholly of the derivative mess and keyed major in the beset discord so necessarily each day of a nation a republic anew in a repairing reboot in anti-Clinton partisan feuding and intra-partisan feuding as if restarts only in basic mode as by REBOOT IN DIAGNOSTIC MODE economics of limited operations while undergoing repairs.  The Clintons as differentiable are yet each of sufficient discordance such that the Republican drum majors have them firstly to take apart and rap for a recovery to a republican of growth.

The Clintons tolerated a musical boycott of republican Republicans such as it may have cost the economy by beating “President B.H.O.” as if of a soul for harmony more so than the Grand Old Party postured for “President McCain.”!  The Clintons though now quite differentiable are yet each fit to be tagged as per “music” bias as of tolerable of bigotry in politics if/when it meant they could march a cacophony en masse more global than republican.  The Clintons beatings since white President William Jefferson Clinton first seductions of media and music people has rendered too many of redded, and however once black or otherwise to a back in black greater potential of that which could have been of a white President McCain.  The Clintons’ political and partisan keying and grouping for “music” have wrecked the economy by setting asunder Constitutionals.

The white Clintons’ hackery now is political for so much beating has corrupted black President B.H.O. to also being known as a big liar of discord not harmony or soul.  The beatings from black to so many and so much in the red so redded is of the marching of the Clintons firstly, and even however differentiable from black President B.H.O., is yet secondly of the marching dictates of black President B.H.O. secondly.  The beatings were preventable much for that echoed by Senator Paul that was to be constructive and harmonic for growth if whence Senator McCain became President McCain.  Governor Romney may now be back in the mix but not as a Senator McCain nor Senator Paul - he can offer beatings forward for of a resume as a recovery specialist.

The white Clitnons’ hackery now is political and diabolical for music and creative artists, however fodder for comedians.  Now forward it is to the People’d people to discern the “different” and “separate” between white Mr. male Clinton and white Mrs. female Clinton as at least to marching beatings more global than constitutional in Constitutional as republican.  The hackery of the Clintons’ has corrupted the media and musical as now to discern them for renditions we as a united people must be to officially probing deeply how their “politics” of “musical” biased has it that at least musical artists are now among a class of creative artists that need be look at long and hard for a disparity for democracy as too much of a quid pro quo accountable measured scored.

Today we are best to ask, of so much also of black beating:  What by a musician, and any creative artist, if not for all souls, is actually an improperly yet gifted propaganda, in kind, of campaign influence, and not as if a clear contribution, and so as a yet inappropriate and less accounted quid pro quo?  We cannot abide, however, that we/any now avoid looking at the well established scores of the character of President B.H.O. yet because of the color of his skin and he half-blooded as “black”!

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