
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:06 pm

For starter let us set the scene as of a contested ship and with President Obama no better than Christian Fletcher as but long duped and punk’d by William Blygh, Captain, as by Christian born William Blythe III of Arkansas of the old South.

A “USS PHILLY” is of the now and near future and well dramatized by juxtaposing the post Revolution “HMS BOUNTY” of the storied of a Captain and underlings tasked in United Kingdom commerce to traverse the high sees as of activities of the crown but then commenced but months after the rise of the colonies, - the loss of our “colonial”.

The Democrat Party Convention is set in many ways as to be of an invasion of Philadelphia.  When Barack Hussein Obama was to be inaugurated he departed from Philly and with an irregular new adage of near “America needs a new declaration of independence more now contrary and otherwise as more a Declaration of Interdependence.”

The Democrat Party Convention is set of an opposing side much beyond George Washington and Alexander Hamilton “Federalism” as yet constitutional to of an antagonism to the constituted quite recognizable as now “anti-Constitution”.  President William (Blythe III) Clinton cannot be allowed to arrive in Philadelphia unmolested due his record also so as “anti-Constitution”.  Mrs. Clinton must only arrive as of status accepted when to being Number 2 at the Clinton Foundation as to then being a women who was satisfied with a billing rate but near half per hour that her male spouse, - that as like speaking fees to $1/2 Million per hour for President Clinton and only near a $1/4 Million per hour for Obama’s Secretary of State.

The scheduled Democrat Party convening of Philly for #DNC2016 amounts to as seems as necessarily a planned days of assault upon our actual Constitution.  These Democrats of Power in recent years have shown disdain and antagonism to any swearing to fidelity to the Peoples’ Order - President Obama and at least Mrs. Clinton have both been to proclamations as if their taking of the oaths of offices was a “swearing of Oath” as like less agreed to than if of fingers crossed behind back to negate by gesticulation.  What is amassing for Philadelphia is of leaders who are known to be of proclaiming that they are not beholden to the Constitution and any oath sworn for fidelity to the constituted by the People’s Order done, and amended.

President Obama can be no better than “Christian Fletcher” while likewise of some time on Pacific Islands as if more his home than that of his birth.  What has been quite mutinous these years so of their antagonism to constituted Powers, as limited, is yet to that come convention time what will be yet on display is that President Obama must have never been out from under “William Blygh” - Captain of the HMS BOUNTY - and to it showing how Christian born William Blythe III is long of superior rank exercised over a newer President to that the how President Obama has been punk’d by the Clintons (as sworn rivals) and yet not able to muster a “Fletcher” move as if to overcome how President Clinton has kept him under him from day one.

I don’t know how to place Mrs. Clinton on this as if of the historic mutiny of the HMS BOUNTY so then of setting sail on its commercial mission of the crown near soon after even British General Clinton was to finally departing from the independent republic of thirteen united former colonies.  Yes, the British General Clinton, whom I recall, is storied of at least trying at one plan for an assassination of Thomas Jefferson.

This now so relates to Afghanistan and Iraq and very much so all business of NATO as regards so so much global.

Can a Democrat Party nominee Mrs. Clinton yet posture as if she wasn’t mutinous against President “Christian Fletcher” Obama and yet as if she, despite that having agreed to a valuation as worth half as much as her spouse on matters of what she was the highest American ranked for Diplomacy and International Relations, can yet seem as if but also duped and also punk’d by President “William Blygh” Clinton?  A mutiny seems necessary now just to get to a post-Obama way forward as “William Blygh” is such an as if crowned “proud nail” he is whom has most tripped up any, even his spouse, from yet managing, so far, to establish a posture - a temporary position even - as if em can still be better than more than 1/2 him to even if for Mrs. Clinton if she as a nominee can yet be packaged as even 3/5ths as much a Power as William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton.

Enter an ALL ABOARD attempt for a USS PHILLY to now trumpet DANGERS still present, clear and unclear, of as if come the invasion of Philadelphia by ranks of Clintons there is yet that such will necessarily be for an attack on the CONSTITUTION and as if Christian born William Blythe III blithely as “Bill Clinton” is yet firstly “Captain William Blygh” and to that mutiny at least against the country - the constitution as Union constituted by such People’s Order - will much also necessarily have to rise to mutiny against President William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton.

The missions are complicated to sort out by the scheduled “invasion of PHILLY” - however intra-party mutiny is apparently a requisite if to establish that Mrs. Clinton, however scandalous and reduced, can yet rise to be enough her own person.

NATO has made many mistakes and today is faced with complications of the CHILTON REPORT to attest that in many ways so much is still not adequately understood in historical context because the lies of the Clintons since 1993 have been primarily always self serving firstly, and as if every decision since 1993 was slept on until “Bill and Hillary” could work through what half measures were necessary for “William Blygh” to play a “DOVE” and to that a passage for Mrs. Clinton to rise to President “Captain” Clinton was secured to then as recalled planned to that Mrs. Clinton could be packaged as two as one but different as cast to be “HAWK” - a THE HAWKISH CLINTON.

Such under “Christian Fletcher” Mrs. Clinton has had many albatross fall to then about her neck, due inhumane treatment worked upon innocent so God’s creatures.  The “USS PHILLY” is fitting premonitions set and for scenes of many “albatross” about presumptive nominee Mrs. Clinton’s neck.

We should not blame NATO nor Tony Blair now if ignorant of mistakes President “Captain Blygh” “William Blythe III” Clinton made in 1993 that then set asunder rational and reasonable possibilities for pro-active and effective deterrents from so much that is to some as yet of been of rising predictably from the areas political environments and so to it so contrary to Mrs. Clinton’s long postured defense of like “good enough for government work” and as her mediocrity acceptable for like said it as if true “no one saw this coming.”  President “William Blythe III” Clinton did, as recalled like of a God’s honest truth, did in 1993 set asunder a possibility for solutions by pro-active diplomacy for he set the GULF COUNTRIES COUNCIL - #GCC - forward as committed to lying for the Clintons to partisan renditions as waxed from truth to like always for the entirety of the 1993 to 2001 of being on their HONOR in the ISLAMIC TRADITIONS to be to keeping a promise, despite the facts, to “just blame the Republicans for any or all anti-American sentiments - impositions - injustices.”

We should never underestimate the value - even a real bipartisan value - in President “Christian Fletcher” Obama Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech as to smacking the Clintons for 1993 to 2001 every time he spoke as he did of a core new political message of “DANGERS from INACTION and AVOIDANCE.”  Today’s vast unsettled to greatly established troubled are yet now firstly of what and when to blame as to roots much to that President “William Blygh” Clinton avoided justifiable new actions in Iraq and Afghanistan - and like because for there to be a passage to “USS PHILLY” for “Hillary Clinton” Mrs. Clinton needed to get to play the “HAWK” so in 1993 to 2001 President “William Blygh” Clinton had to be to avoidance and inaction to only present as if the “DOVE” of as if PEACE DIVIDENDS were not irrational and unreasonable (even to “Reasonable Prosecutors”) considering, even in hindsight now, that the claims of justifying “PEACE” for to be a “DOVE” were always “extremely careless” and quite by definition at least to rate/rank as “GROSS NEGLIGENCE”.

Please now busy yourselves with http://CitizenRosebud.com categories for #CATS especially as #KERRY that can some be gotten to via http://bit.ly/KerryByHogan.  [Due how links open to sorted by subject this very column now presents yet again as now newest to such an assorted queued to scroll collection.]

Again some mutiny must be expected and not just by TRUTH SEEKERS of “FEEL THE BERN” as much others than this yet of Philadelphia for Philly in 2016 convening as yet of “democratic socialists” as yet philosophically able to abide legally within actually constituted scope and breadth of the People’s Order that formed the “more perfect” “Union”.

Senator Bernie Sanders is maybe like a Thomas Paine to the mutinies necessary to adjust ranks of the sworn rivals of the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” to the authority of the “THE HOUSE OF OBAMA”.  Senator Bernie Sanders has Alexander Hamilton on his “democratic socialist” side in how FEDERALIST PAPERS “Federalist #1″ has a living conundrum as the purpose spelled out of the constitution the People’s Order to that the constituted, besides Paulist as to like the founding fathers were of an apostolic spectacle to the more perfect Union formed as to that like in Paul’s letters every person is under the Lord before ever under a government.  Hamilton justifies Senator Bernie Sanders movement for “Federalist #1″ conundrum is of the CONSTITUTION is for “INDUCEMENTS TO PHILANTHROPY”… and “FOR PRESERVATION… OF PROPERTY”.

Seeming beset but still already crowned as if inevitable as the Democrat Party presumptive nominee Mrs. Clinton is yet of mutiny paradigm and to jeopardy for eventual Justice under the written Laws.  There is mutiny may be the only course for true democratic Democrats as to Senator Bernie Sanders and businessman Donald Trump it seems agreed to and established enough that tag #CrookedHillary is here to stay - an “our flag that still stands”.

To such though if any can find JUSTICE on President “Christian Fletcher” Obama diplomatic records there yet the historical that Senator John Kerry did more to set asunder OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM to that no blaming of Tony Blair nor President George W. Bush should be extant where blame not laid out to how from day 2 Senator John Kerry so with his populism by an “ANTI-WAR REVIVAL” so set asunder the potential for success (as planned) for IRAQ WAR that it he first to be considered diabolically to blame for how the coalition countries from day 2 were faced by IRAQI thought to be to speedily joined for the LIBERATION, and late prosecution of Saddam Hussein, by how “CUT AND RUN” became palpable and believable and to fearing that AMERICANS would leave them ABANDONED all over again - quite again like CLINTONS did from 1993 to 2001.

Further to mark and twain the “albatross” extant there are also bitly sorted available of http://jphogan.org ”THE ELEPHANTS” of via http://bit.ly/DonkeyGong queued to the important sets especially of http://bit.ly/TwoHistories and http://bit.ly/AlQaeda_Hogan and http://bit.ly/MadamSecretary and http://bit.ly/IRAQbyJPHogan.

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[Column as it is is unfinished and a work in progress to be finished by mid or late afternoon on this first Wednesday in the month of July in this year the Year of our Lord two thousand ten and six.  Please check back as often as necessary until finished.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:30 pm

Reflections on #FITN:

Ms. Hillary Clinton may need her own #TrampStamp if to struttin’ a winning of Sin City Las Vegas!

The Strip may bare #GrampStamps, in high fashion, as Senator Bernie Sanders stands tall for Nevada, independently.

The dust-up is of Clintons, quite deserted, as now, satirically, as if “LOSER” chalky on their foreheads.

Senator Bernie Sanders can be an Iowa Phoenix risen from the ashes to new caucuses lively risen, of Clintons beaten.

Ms. Hillary Clinton can only arrive under clouds of controversies with really, really, a lot of baggage racked & stacked.

Ms. Hillary Clinton is so ESTABLISHMENT she is taggable as INSTITUTIONALIZED! e.g.: “Institution of First Ladies”!

Reflections on #WTF (Whiskey Tango Foxtrot):

How many “shining” cities on hills are there in Ohio?  Wasn’t Ohioans to establishments “Paulist” as if Bible metaphors for governance of government of places of purpose akin to the phonetic of their named? Is Governor John Kasich a “Holy Roller” to Nevada as O-high-o for high rollers as if say Cincinnati is a new Galatia, and Dayton a new Corinth, and Warren maybe a new Rome, at least as for Romans?

Sin City is calling!  There a high noon throw down for the deserted from Clintons of “Feel The Bern” where it seems Governor John Kasich may have the advantage of the sun at his back, and low enough to bring a “bright lights” to the spectacle of #Bernie and the big city.  A biblical showdown is booked.  Not a #TrampStamp for #MrsC can likely be of a revenant due the odds against the Clintons’ machine as Nevada slots up of them like a #Sanders fresh kill of a new Beaver Wars.

Oy!  Can Senator Bernie Sanders take the stage on the strip without Democrats generally losing as out will be that the Clintons’ “balanced the budget” is for all times more accurately accounted by “Kasich balanced the budget”?  Is Sin City yet of weak hands seemingly the foretold odds for Donald Trump as if to headline against Governor John Kasich and his budgeting legacy? Governor John Kasich can say across Nevada, quite honestly, like BEEN THERE! DONE THAT! The high ground #TRUTH attests twas more #Kasich than #Clintons.

Reflections on Ash Wednesday 2016:

The house of Clintons has fallen! “…”! - - - Ms. Hillary Clinton doesn’t have the legs for a Sin City Phoenix. #FallOfClintons!

Her chips are down!  Her hands seem bad!  Her lady luck a politics barren, and with the dust-up humbling!  #HellishClinton?

ESTABLISHMENT ~ No hiding she arrives in trappings afforded the “Institution of First Ladies” - guns holstered, #READY!

Ohio established how? why?  Are the bombastic of Donald Trump excessive while a prudence and experience of Governor John Kasich a, #Election2016 tested and offered?  If a Republican President can only be so if born of an Ohio victorious to triumphant how keen must the lot be to seeing if #Kasich has better hands than #Trump?  Nevada, due Ohio, must be to that 2 of Galatians will transgress how Cincinnati may be ordered to be foundational like Galatia was to Paul’s letters on governance?

Too Corinthians’ and as if each state, say like Ohio, has a Dayton, as a new Corinth, if not a ready Springfield?

It is just that a great exodus has begun - that many are already running from Ms. Hillary Clinton! #Bernie of #DemsDitchinHillary!

The bite of Sin City will likely leave a greater mark on the struttin’ of Ms. Hillary Clinton, - - - Nevada suffered when President Obama offered a dictum like “People should not go to Las Vegas!”! The bark, barking of Ms. Hillary Clinton is contrary and confused to what the legacy of President Obama can be as to successful at new establishments, while Clintons’ machinations beat forked tongues to foggy renditions to try to stand up an innocence for themselves by an assuaging of culpability upon only the desk of the President in of the Obama Administration.  The tail wags the President and in keeping with how (racist?) it was that the Clintons insisted they be treated not as subordinates to the new Democrat Party administration, but to Powers in a “Team Of Rivals” where they could be of regular acts in insubordination by flexing their initiatives as the business of “RIVALS”!

Many are now reading as if Ms. Hillary Clinton isn’t alone in having like a guaranteed reservation in Hell.  It has been Hellish where should have been Hellenic, - - - the legacy of the Clintons must firstly be as like insurgents as rivals to administrations, all, since they were pressed and packed outta the White House.  The assortment at http://hogan.jphogan.org/index.php?s=PROUD+NAIL barely suffices to broach the heeled machinations of the Clintons’ machine politics of at an unprecedented (to Public Corruption?) swindling of the People of these united states of the Americas.  The Clintons have been self proclaimed “rivals”!

As rivals - THE CLINTONS AS RIVALS - is the HEADLINING for SIN CITY that Senator Bernie Sanders must caucus to defeat. Presidents Bush & Obama have not themselves fared well against the propped up faux postured innocence by machinations long that have kept Ms. Hillary Clinton standing long past her due - long past a due for pressed probatives.

As rivals - THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS may be fallen and falling, as so many deserting her struttin’ it is like Nevada too is to experience an EXODUS - a FLIGHT TO SANDERS.  Mrs. Clinton cannot be NOT “establishment” and also creditable for a resume of experience - if her times in “office” of “duty” are not of that “work” as to “established meants” by actual talent or skills in her tilled then the odds are more will plainly see #HRC isn’t of “HARD CHOICES” of “good choices” rendered but as if just an act and really much of just holding jokers.

Reflections on prudence:

The winning hands have seen to a fallen lot of the particular of #Hillary2016 souls, and to yet that Ms. Hillary Clinton did much take down #Jeb2016 in first in the nation primary (#FITN) of Granite State voted to the cast of New Hampshire.  It is inescapable that #Jeb has been defeated if #HillaryClinton has been defeated! - The roots of a Clintons routed bind the Bush in the #Jeb too, - too to the core like of songs of Corinth as of two Corinthians like so close they are brother & sister, indivisible.

Nevada must face the odds?  A #OhioStamp may trump a #TrampStamp and too a #GrampStamp if #TRUMP hand must endure of that Governor John Kasich did the good the Clintons long have falsely claimed - cashed in on - as if their deeds done?

Nevada must face the odds?  The Ohio of #Kasich is a barrier to #DonaldTrump even as #SinCity #LasVegas calls #Republicans in mass to ante up and put their cards on the tables of democracy’s judgement days.  Mustn’t Nevada respect that Govern John Kasich to fix’n the embattled economies is he that better knows like “where the bodies are buried”?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:43 am

Pencils down!!!  How say you Hillary Rodham Clinton?

As we seem past a politik of “lipstick on a pig” we yet are not “out of the mud”! What we have here concurrent to our seeming early deciding is a pressing problema for timely meditations for prudence in a “stitch in time saves nine” cautionary.  How we are all gathered as so around Mrs. C. is pre-set in a near self evident that our perspectives seem of looking down on #Hillary2016 without a need for stools.  How do you speak - say, as say - of Hillary Rodham Clinton? How is your own prosaic already pressed to hash out the throw-down to #HILARYworstSecStateEVER?

This has already reached SERIOUS - these times are already CRITICAL!

A cementitious walk of HRC talk disturbs to recollections of the days before cell phones of people in public alone talking knowing without wireless earbuds.  A seventh floor perspective can too seem ridiculous - to a worst case, and easily evident.

Please play along, now.  Please imagine you are standing at a pre-podium with too a pencil at the ready.

First to a most serious, and old:  There was a made for TV event with living current and past Secretaries of State paired for two by two projections where Secretary HRC was balanced by Secretary Henry Alfred Kissinger.  There was this of a ridiculous as from any ever a Secretary of State whence then as like the HRC opening tease.  Secretary HRC espoused/blurted (defensively?) a proposition that America has like “passed power peacefully Secretary to Secretary” over the recent years.  No, that/this was/is BAD!  It is in the archived where ever of Secretary HAK of his jaw like dropping to his toes.  As a defensive in a necessary, though to a ridiculous, it may have been necessary fictionalizing in rationalizing from the truths of what the Clintons’ Secretary Madeleine Jana Korbel Albright so like passed to the 9/11 Secretary Colin Luther Powell.

To bookend to a closing auto-bio’d from the Stately seventh floor there too is the problematic of Secretary HRC to self incrimination in her first official statement on Benghazi consulate tragedy, as witnessed of her office area.  Secretary HRC, before to a clean up for the Rose Garden ceremonial with President Barack Hussein Obama, was self damnably to espousing/blurting near “I did not believe this could happen in a country I had liberated.”  #OMG - That was/is BAD!

Candidate Donald John Trump, Sr. is not alone in propositions discriminate to whom a WORST SECRETARY OF STATE EVER tag best to be pinned upon. Candidate DJT, Sr., in spirit of full disclosure, did get the APPRENTICE idea from me, freely, but as so with reservations, mine, due his excessive enthusiasm, such that I let go so that I didn’t undermine my ongoing THINK still to national security, and/or presidential voluntary dedications to writable, and written (, and faxed to The White House via a NSC dedicated line.). (I do not remember the exact year I was on the road and to TRUMP APPRENTICE thoughts - I recall it timed to my driving north back towards Connecticut from relocated to the District of Columbia as to my apartment on Capitol Hill across from Eastern Market - on 7th St SE @ Independence Ave.)  I have written over these past years to such a pronouncement upon the float of the reputations of for Secretary HRC, and too at least nearly wrote specifically so critically of her in her own times, so.

There is a madness in the methodologies of Secretary HRC “work” that beg conscience of if dereliction of duty while yet of burning energy as on the clock “busy”!  The diplomatic was set asunder by Secretary HRC supposing a modernization reset to a JOBS DIPLOMACY.  To just basically tag a long conditional fitting a full dialectic dissection discoursing debate let us set up the contrary in her suppositions:  Secretary of State HRC seems to have spent too much time trying to usurp Power from the Treasury and Commerce Departments legacy global charges in a reflexive denial more of wanting her Secretariat to seem more like a Her  Presidency.  Secretary HRC at a JOBS DIPLOMACY showed a lack of sympathy for “diplomacy” and a corrupted view upon what is “economics” (not of a Socialist State planned economy)!  Secretary HRC may be evidently derelict as regards Benghazi negligence for she was at a personal angst busy work of trying, wrongly, to USURP the realms of global legacy charges the duties set long as for TREASURY and COMMERCE Departments.

(Note: For later: Too:  As titled by me as to a compilation maybe soon as “ART OF RIVAL” there too is subterfuge to consider in the working THE CLINTON to the affected extant as President PBO “Rivals” in his/their TEAM OF RIVALS.)

There are to be considered as if Secretary HRC, now more running as Candidate Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton to be introduced by title of her last job, and for it too her highest “paying” charge, — now running as like “Mrs. C. First Mate of the THE CLINTON FOUNDATION, is of shades of gray, — of degrees of denial — forensically of having not been able to have TRUTH as an option so in it necessary but not proper that lies and denial were her only yeast.  Mrs. Clinton, especially while Secretary HRC, was bound up - locked up - beholden spousally firstly - to as away from TRUTH in service to the President for her “politics” were of her “personal” (”mail”) her primary contracted charge to Union, — forensically Mrs. C. had to be the janitor/maintenance professional to keeping and cleaning up the THE CLINTON structural “alternatives” to historicals. Mrs. C. especially while “Secretary” to “The President” was firstly beholden to “Former President” charge as spouse in marriage duty supposed long to it that a spouse, regardless of sex, is not to be “public” of airing “dirty laundry” of their Union, — a spouse is not, officially expectant, to rat - to incriminate the other spouse. 

ALL BUSH FAULT is so such an impossible truth that it is for the grandness of it a lie for cover-up that it works, yes forensically, to suggest, due its vast left gen’d scope, a grandness of great crimes to need be covered up, - an IT MUST BE ACTUALLY REALLY BAD OF THE CLINTON for their only defense was propositioning themselves as having been PERFECT.  This was at least one BIG lie that attests to TRUTH WAS NOT AN OPTION.

This has already reached CRITICAL - These times now @: CRIMINAL?

Occasionally some have read of a SHUTTER ISLAND escaped “patient” #RedCoatHRC aka #Patient86.  To this let us just amass regarding the tags being pinned upon Secretary HRC that she does present as of delusions of innocence and of future usefulness.  These times are of such as a real and present danger however such writ conditional.

Of the rest of them, many of them as to trump Trump attitudes, again to full disclosure: There is that the need to stay to my seriousness whence of my generation of the APPRENTICE idea sharing was later to may post 2008 advising to DC conservatives that they should position themselves as a PARTY OF NO, and to as I was considering if to like “repair” to “retired”, from solo constitution to Constitutionals, to teamwork at CNBC, as was, let me be clear, I should disclose I did too ask CNBC, in such attitude, to please have one of theirs already staff to broadcast like AMERICA COULD USE A NEW TEA PARTY.  So about the madness of “Patient 86″ specific to the throw-down as to Secretary HRC fig’s #HILLARYworstSecStateEVER is yet my separations from that of so many also running these are those I worked my “stay serious” with to clean up “Washington” and by setting up a clear differentiation between the two parties so that the seeming present discussed ‘criminality” would not be of so much collusion that there wasn’t a clean hands Party able to carry its charges to duty to at least fully dissect and investigate a CRIMINALITY of parties to the other Party.

The prognosis of our current prolegomena et femme of le’ THE CLINTON is beggard to there a bastardization of the Constitutional in the known “work” of Secretary HRC and too as seems readily evident, and even confessed to, of times when so cornered, they doth espoused proudful ownership, in defensives too clever attempts to ride out the impropriety, by hiding in plain sight their improper, as badges of honor, by like confessing, in a braggadocio, that they stole, and but it was right to steal.

How say you HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON? Do you say, with pencils ready your opinion of Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton is alarming even for a patient of SHUTTER ISLAND, - as #Patient86 aka #RedCoatHRC?

How dangerous do you consider a freed THE CLINTON while so many charged in duty to charge her/them (in conspiracy to…) officially as if only so far evident for DELUSIONS OF INNOCENCE, & FUTURE USEFULNESS?

Of my disclosures there is to the contrary to the THE CLINTON defense as if NO ONE SAW … COMING for my story is enough written and shared, to shared publicly so that that lie doesn’t work if and when generally press’d.  Forward it is that these of the 2016 contestations may yet be so efficient in their charge to duty as just fellow citizens to it that they will be rendering US all to our next President as from Ohio, but as to 2016 for ELECT APPOINTED BY SUCCESSION PRESIDENT JOHN BOEHNER PRESIDENT OF THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  The down and dirty is out and public with experts across fields of bellows at “TREASON” & “CRIMINAL” so that a resignation if forced of President PBO now is only reasonable to be too of a fall of the THE BIDEN, likewise.

The Republicans and Independents should, maybe, be feeling good about the GOP forward for this above is so demonstrably true to it that those running against the THE DONALD are creditable for having already worked and worked and worked to our solutions present and ready, once we yet nail up/down the “others” that enough political separation has been constructed between to a them bad vs an us good, — a republican we’ve been right, and, yes, they have been wrong even and especially when saying they were right, — generally, but not exclusively to every issue particulars.

Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton (Of her chosen name her spouse’s born as William Blythe III later taken chose’d name) did confess from the seventh floor in first statements official regarding the fall of the Libyan Benghazi Consulate an unrecoverable from ignorance so when to closing postured “I DID NOT THINK IT COULD…”!

The conditions upon which any are to review “Patient 86″ are of bit.ly/TwoHistories least to it REAL that of course she should have considered, after Iraq precedent, that such was at least possible, however yet to if probable whence as an epilogue to the THE CLINTON of yet too a: “9/11 II” tag’d.

Though Hillary Rodham Clinton, “Patient 86″, is now so isolated, do FOLLOW THE HONEY!!! It is critical that her spouse is too isolated “follows to”, — separated for Justice!

I now leave the greater duty to that of charges upon the elected officials and any a candidate for high office to that which has legs as to an apparent CRIMINALITY extant in the THE CLINTON !!! And, to lawyers, and judges, everywhere!

New to #Patient86, and already learned well read of #BlackLivesMatter, there are particulars already particularly press’d of “Patient 86″ as of a BLACK PROBLEM, however sufficiently corralled via bit.ly/BLACKPROBLEM #HOGAN mashable!!

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[New column in an art of politics punditry commenced - Check back hourly as it progresses - Deadline only a should be done before each 16 Republicans now candidates for President pen there own essay as to #HILLARYworstSecStateEVER throw down by Donald Trump - In the spirit of Fox News could be better to paring down to ten if by an essay contest as to be effected actually in the hands of the candidates.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:17 am

*As I start today’s satire/punditry on heavy issues about a/the real Hillary Clinton, and so live, here is a link to SUMMER FARE oldie as of SAMPLER of JPHogan.org @ http://jphogan.org/113201.html.


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There are times for comparative political literature and then there are TIMES for critical political literature.  If and/or how what now may transpire can be said (at all) to be literature is for you and others - not me - to wax upon, figuratively.

We all have our temptations.  Fewer of us of a global we though have equal freedoms.  Discretion and prudence may be a better part of democratic politics than Democrats like Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton may care to admit.

Well WORLD today is First Lady Michelle Obama’s 50th Birthday, and today is the first day I have considered the it isn’t too timely a stretch to assuage a shared historical as now:  Michelle Obama and I spent near a year in Cambridge together. For now this is here as a memory trick — I had been lax in thinking President Obama had a thing for an earlier graduate of Harvard Law School as a thing for an older woman - I have now realized that like myself she was in the Boston and Cambridge area before her husband, as was I.  It may be that we were actually together even in Grendel’s Den a time or two and maybe even socially flirtive.

But more seriously, today we should be vigilant to the lingering and haunting husbandry of Secretary Hillary Clinton, firstly.

It is more biographical if I can be objective or accurate in an auto’d bio’d to offer that the me/I of 1987-1988 year of Suffolk University Law School was like most of my years of a white guy just under 5′ 9″ whom though athletic still was generally not of a fear of black women (any more than women of other colors) while to a trepidation though (maybe of insecurity) albeit about tall/taller women.  Though First Lady Mrs. Obama and I can nearly be said to have spent a year in Cambridge together I cannot profess to know her politics, and nor will I presume to.  I did leave law school the spring before her husband started at Harvard and so the same spring she did graduate.  I did leave law school after confirming with one year that I was correct that I wanted to stay more creative and not barred at lawyering.  I did leave law school to creatively and originally be to setting myself up with experiences to be the best caboose to the Reagan Revolution that I could manage.

My story that supports my critical writing about even just Hillary Clinton is especially of such year and my reasons for leaving law school to be a marketing and politics caboose to Reagan’s Revolution freedom train.  I have know NYPD Commissioner/Chief William Bratton since such year in the Boston area.  Again, I have known of Barack Obama since the late 70s, Sarah Palin since about 1982, and the Clintons since the early 70s.  I have not been able to support the politics of President Obama because of his choice of Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton for any spot in his cabinet, and especially for her selection to be his top diplomat.

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So more seriously:  Today we should be vigilant to the lingering and haunting husbandry of Secretary Hillary Clinton, firstly.

I welcome and applaud the Senate’s recent rebuke of the Clinton State Department per Secretary Hillary Clinton, her admitted culpability, and a general diligence due for the tragedy of Benghazi.  I welcome the new politics from such by the Senate that now should work as a better political check on President Obama as a Senate willing to rebuke the Clinton State Department is a Senate not to be presumed still as if unwilling to consider a possibility that an impeachment might be prudent.

For now while all of so much tragic is yet so fresh anew it behoove us to consider that at least First Lady Michelle Obama knows that her husband’s first Secretary of State can be blamed for most of his global failings.  You can say there is beauty - political beauty in this concept.  A historical Hillary Clinton is a dangerous political Clinton.  She doesn’t really come in many colors - her legacy is black with tragedies, and darkness.

All Americans of the northern continent Constituted in united states of a measured federalism prudence as a confederate republic have still (if Democrats) the Clintons firstly and mostly to blame for Vice President Al Gore 2000 loss.  A lesson for today is that the Clintons cannot likewise be trusted to not turn on the Obamas at least towards 2016.

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First Lady Michelle, it seems I still recall a flirtatious glance to a pretty black coed whence thence of a rendezvous at Grendel’s with other law school singles and yet until today had consider it as impossible that it could have been timely as of with you.  In any smile from me then at or near Harvard would have been that I was of inner city public schooling of New Haven, CT; that William Stringfellow whom recently likely had passed had been a client of mine; that when I was about five I shook hands with one whom still is likely both the tallest person I have shaken hands with and as well the tallest black person —and as Augustus A. White M.D. is most certainly the tallest doctor, however then when met quite still the renowned physician of the Black Panthers; and that I was thinking to be a great caboose to all and a outside facilitator for improvements in civility for law enforcement.  As it is I have known Dr. White since about age five and as socially introduced on the New Haven green in a happenstance reunion of he and my dad as “friends.”  Of my year so nearly spent about Cambridge with Michelle Obama of 1987-1988 it has been that I have recalled a casual flirtatious smile at Grendel’s thence whence with a black coed however of a different law school maybe that was abridged when such rose from seated to standing, and yet have until today never really considered that such could or might have been she.

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Dear readers this is becoming bulleted about Hillary Clinton even though originally meant to be more bulleted about Hillary Clinton critically — this is not supposed to be a beating about a bush of Mrs. Clinton but a beating at a/the real Mrs. Clinton.

Again:  I will not even now after five years of the administration of President Barack Hussein Obama yet presume to know the politics of First Lady Michelle Obama.

I will not underestimate Mrs. Obama as per a rivaling First Lady Mrs. Clinton nor soon forget how the Clintons in politics even turned on the quite familial postured real friendship bosomed by the Bush clan and with dark back stabbing when politically convenient for the First Couple’d Clintons.  I don’t see how any Democrat can expect anything if a support of the Clintons towards 2016 as anything but severely guarded and restrained if by the First Couple’d Obamas.

To Mrs. Clinton, despite her spun propaganda for feminism, President Clinton is still too much her “Russian Bear” too over-coddled as if too meant to be like an American Putin of a return to the Power of the Presidency even as a Constitution seemed dead set writ against such.  It just seems a/the real Hillary Rodham Clinton is still of her personal and professional story of like always of having been to a predilection at wanting her “Bill” on top.

It is dark politics to delve into a depth of a/the real Hillary Clinton as one whom it seems has worked to undermine a Presidency for Al Gore and as well did work to undermine the Presidency of George Bush.  It seems simply clear that Secretary Hillary is supposed to reign as being a rival to the Presidency of Barack Obama and as yet still one whom politically can try to claim that those successes he did have were really of a pathology of her skill and not any really of his.

I will not underestimate Mrs. Obama or her ability to check an expected smack from Mrs. Clinton if she enters 2016 officially.

Giving such a confidence in a political and legal acumen for First Lady Michelle Obama I will now try to wrap this up albeit with less brevity than the brevity I did firstly intend.

Looking back to 1993 it is arguable that there hasn’t been a disaster or a tragedy that doesn’t have Hillary Clinton some at the heart of it.  There are too many political and historical layers caked upon Mrs. Clinton, however, for her to be to 2016 as a natural beauty.  A/the real Hillary Rodham Clinton is to be discerned best maybe by understanding Vice President Al Gore’s failed 2000 campaign as principally due to the betrayal by the Clintons towards a selfish husbandry to protecting themselves over their own Party towards a securing of more terms as Hillary’s terms.  It is that only if you like tragedy can you possible see a visible historical darkness of a/the real Hillary Rodham Clinton anyhow as beautious.

There is a beauty in the rivalry between the Clintons and the Obamas - but then you know by now today is First Lady Michelle Obama’s anniversary of her 29th birthday.  She shines bright today and as a darkness and doom lingers over Mrs. Clinton, however.  I do welcome and applaud the Senate’s recent rebuke of the Clinton State Department, REALLY!  It helps it be crystal clear that Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State was no gem.  It seems she didn’t even master being a master of part of the house of Obama.  There seems an unflattering dirt and blood of many beneath the political nails of Obama’s first Secretary of State, and, yes, it seems some of it of stains she hasn’t been able to wash away from the first term hers of 1993-1997.

It seems Congress can do itself one better by First Lady Michelle Obama and now be of its Constitutional right and duty at checking more than just 2016 political smack by the Clintons - it seems Congress now by two houses bicameral can be to a very public investigating intrusion into the Clintons and their political machinations by ways of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives CGI, both by foreign and domestic jurisdiction.  The Clintons are in jeopardy by the Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 8 of the Constitution or by the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Courts — they are either now of the jurisdiction of one or both, and especially for a consideration of what could or can not be “legal” as per the months between their departure from the Executive plantation and that of September of 2001 of 9/11 I.  It is that the Clintons are likely still “legally” in reach of Congress, however bicameral, as by the Constitution bar of titling and checks on all whom can be said to be “agents” of The United States of America.

But to be brief it is a beauty how simply the Clintons can and should be now publicly dissected LIVE.

You do not need to be a lawyer to fathom that by the 22nd Amendment all People have a right and a duty to assert that the Clintons if to a Presidential campaign are in violation of the yet undecided Law of the term limits amendment and so taggable as criminal/un-Constitutional/treasonous.  As long as the 22nd Amendment is still undecided Law it is open to an original interpretation that its language of heralding in holding of office as if inseparable from a holding of a spouse is meant to be of an accounting prudence akin to petty cash safeties as also barred from an electing to the Presidency.  As a spouse has a right in marriage to hold their spouse the 22nd Amendment by the 80th Congress set with Richard Nixon an election of a spouse after a term limiting would simply in a logical be of a barred returning by election of the other to the barred holding.

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Happy Birthday First Lady Michelle Obama.  It seems a simple truth quite beautiful that you have it in your power to easily check the threat of the Clintons to all the People and to defend your legacy - you and your husband’s yet still possibly net positive Presidential legacy.

People it is that the President and First Lady can still blame Iraq and Afghanistan failures most recently on a failure to measure up by First Lady Senator Secretary Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  It seems as per our longest war that President Obama just had a top diplomat not capable of a diplomatic solution alternative to war, and likewise it is that it seems the President Obama’s early departure as a retreat from Iraq is likely historical as of a Secretary of State of having over estimated and under delivered on any promise that she with her “personality” could handle it all.

And simply there seems hope again as the Senate has proudly stood up dutifully and rendered a rebuke on the Clinton State Department - I mean at least for now the Clinton State Department of the Obama administration.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:30 am

It is not a simple political task to establish conclusively that President Clinton had a role in the Benghazi scandalous;  President Bill Clinton has been, as like a proud nail since the rise of President Barack Obama, as one that has had the President fumbling or stumbling causally much since day one.

Bill Clinton has been ever present in an unprecedented as a former President whom just won’t recede - that won’t stand down;  President Barack Obama has been, you can say, of a recidivism to a politics unexpectedly too much of returning to what were the bad and avoidable of the Clintons.

At least Bill Clinton as the spouse of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton while of a his global initiatives and United Nations stature has been too proud and as if he was effectively operating a private Diplomacy while his wife was supposedly loyally operating the Obama Diplomacy;  President Bill Clinton is inseparable from the still unsettled realm of issues as per Benghazi and as a former President of the same Party of the current President as well as for the complicatedness spousal of the State husbandry of Mrs. Clinton as President Obama’s Secretary.

R.I.P. THE BENGHAZI FOUR & best wishes for a full recovery to all whom may have been injured on the 9/11 II.  Mrs. Clinton as now more a First Mate as a First Lady of The Clintons’ Global Initiative is yet compromised for her days as their days of global meddling while spousally embedded with many lines quite or too blurred.  The Clintons’ silence after the 9/11 II attacks are quite suggestive of them of a defensive posture, and, the Clintons’ tend to be a “two-fer” that likes to talk their walk and yet as per 9/11 II really seemed quite in a defensiveness.  Really it has to be an open committee item that Obama’s Secretary may have been hesitant or fearing of open dialogue much because she is President Clinton’s wife.  Benghazi is just one example of a problem of a former administration being tasked at being so intimately involved in a new administration.

Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton while however now more as if First Lady Clinton again and yet as a non government organized meddler seemed unable to speak freely after Benghazi in some for it so was an event that opened minds to how if President Obama could be this wrong about Al Qaeda wasn’t it / isn’t it that then he must have been that wrong and incidentally then wrong about Iraq nearly all along?  It is simpler to establish to a conclusiveness that 9/11 I attacks were an inheritance left for either a President Al Gore or so as witnessed and suffered to President George Bush, and as an inheritance that was of knowing hands on manipulations by the co-Administering of global initiatives by the Clintons while of their co-Presidency.

President Barack Hussein Obama has been stumbling and fumbling since near day one and much for having to navigate even just in his own Party platforms about the Clintons with President Clinton too much a still present proud nail.

It is quite unprecedented how President Clinton has been a former President that just has refused to recede and/or fade away.  It is considerable how he so as a proud nail was of the first days of the first black President of The United States of America to a politics with such of that seen on TV of having it seemed demanded that however elected Barack Obama must prostrate himself with a visit to former President Bill Clinton’s Harlem offices and be to a permanent record made at least digitally of bowing to a superiority in Clinton and as if he wouldn’t have a chance to pass him (safely).  I hope I am not alone both in remembering that as elected President he so a first black President did it seems have to visit President Clinton of his own Party in his offices in Harlem and be to calling President Clinton quite “The President.”  However this is for Posterity it is remembered as politically odd and as if President Clinton was saying he was expecting the first black President Barack Hussein Obama to consider him superior and still of enough global political power to be bowed to and brown nosed.

As per the Clintons and Benghazi it seemed that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton however of a husbandry of the tragedy maybe more of the mind and hands of her boss President Obama was afterwards and since unable to speak freely for the mistakes made did open up the politics beyond a State diabolical to a strictly partisan posterity then too tilted of an apparent compromised complexity of a guilt rooted in the diplomacy and foreign policies of President Clinton.  It seemed that after 9/11 II it became considerable that it seemed simply suggestible that the Clintons seemed together to have made the same types of proud mistakes before 9/11 I & 9/11 II.

President Barack Hussein Obama was stirring for many as if a new Messiah and as well a new President John F. Kennedy.  It is considerable how much President Obama has been doing incidentally and accidentally to reset a renaissance or restoration in family values, and it seems a refreshing Catholicism for even Americans.  It is considerable and quite concludable that President Obama has been being good for religion in The United States of America and the old standards of family values of the Republican (other) party and mostly accidentally by his politics of having an opposite outcome than he and his experts seemed to proffer and attempt to effect.  It may be that President Obama is currently on a path to do more for American Catholics than President Kennedy ever was able to during his life on earth.

Historically speaking President Barack Hussein Obama is remembered for having been of early days in his earliest first months of a government/leadership opportunity to stem or stop the economy sliding to full depressionary collapse.  It was that much of the down economy was of market meddling as campaign expression like as by liberal institutions of shorting endowments when it seemed their success at spiking gas prices wasn’t yet maybe enough to tag all Republicans as bad Bush Oil Republicans as per electoral November Democrat Party favoring.  If President Obama is now actually though accidentally responsible for doing more for Christians and faith across The United States of America than President Kennedy was able to it is still considerable that when he as the new President of The United States of America and of those days or weeks of an ability to stem or stop the economic sliding he didn’t for he would have had to martyr himself politically with self incriminating admittances as to how he and his party had actually intentionally set up the collapse, mostly, as for November 2008 electoral advantage, and be to explaining that they had arrogantly thought anything that was that easy to start would be just as easy to stop.

There is enough blame and fault to go around between President Barack H. Obama and the Clinton “two-fer” like a now First Couple anew yet more just globally as by the CGI of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives.  It is considerable that President Obama has regularly been to barely avoiding the unprecedented global meddling of President Clinton or to visibly fumbling or stumbling over a still too present and too proud politics of at least President William Jefferson Clinton.

Right!  As per the whole like PRESIDENT OBAMA COULD HAVE STOPPED THE RECESSION IN HIS FIRST MONTHS “MARTYR ISSUE” it is considerable that such was it seems originally the plot and coy plans of the Clinton political machine as a winning strategy to have gotten Mrs. Clinton elected from a most junior Senator seat lacking in seniority like suddenly to the highest office in the land.

It isn’t now that we have to ask whom of the Democrat Party to blame - but quite more now of whom to blame first and blame mostly and if it isn’t now during the Presidency of the first black President that we have the white Clintons whom let people tag them as if Bill Clinton were the first black President now conclusively to blame the most.  It is considerable that firstly we may have even among just Democrats a need to new ordering politically of President Clinton firstly at fault, Mrs. Clinton of CGI (as First Mate or newly First Lady) secondly in guilt, and then and only then to a parity and fair assessment of guilt even just for Benghazi as the 9/11 II for President Barack H. Obama.

President Barack H. Obama may have been long of a shared ideological with at least Mrs. Clinton now of CGI yet it is irreconcilable that spousally there is a husbandry of the Clintons that has been causally and historically so of being in an unprecedented for The United States of America of President William J. Clinton as a proud nail - a too proud still politically meddling former President.

It is no joke or gift of the American People that the Clinton First Couple arranged a post-office support allowance that nearly suggests that they both become American TITLED and as if they were to be forever the first First Couple promoted from the highest office of The United States of America to a yet higher political position even as too autocratic and not democratic as of President Clinton more than an Ambassador to the World as at least a self proclaimed first President of the World.

At least as per the Constitution and Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8 it seems Constitutionally that at least President William Jefferson Clinton is un-Constitutionally set up too much as if titled and of emoluments and pecuniary quite selfishly rendered and quite in a Posterity that has been dangerous to American Tranquility as with him a too proud nail like and quite unprecedentally and especially by the Clintons as transgressors of the example of President George & First Lady Martha Washington.

R.I.P. THE BENGHAZI FOUR - toward 2016 Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton of the CGI seems to have a “roadkill” smell of death politically about her.  It may be soon concluded that 9/11 I & 9/11 II happened by a causal both times as of faulting to a guilt for at least a similar negligence or gross negligence upon the shoulders of the Clintons.

But as per President William Jefferson Clinton it seems that they did manage to get a substantial enough post-office tax payers allotted “allowance” so that he can keep himself convinced that he by the dollars so cumulative must have been promoted from the office of the president of The United States of America to be freely (yet still an “agent” as per the Constitution Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8) of international meddling, however of accounted for pecuniary and “political.”

But as per President William Jefferson Clinton it is still that Harlem has been saving him and that he firstly hoped to now be otherwise high above Time Square in the media hub as well regally set high above The Russian Tea Room in a penthouse near leasehold in the luxurious Carnegie Hall Tower.  It is considerable that before he was dragged up to the Harlem zippiness that has endeared him politically as an unearned camouflage he/they did try to get the Big Bank Friends of Bill to provide annual pecuniaries in emoluments to cover gratuitously the higher and too high rents for such nearly a penthouse suite high above Time Square.  Harlem was owed more by the Clintons than Harlem owed the Clintons and yet Harlem now has been covering and/or saving the Clintons’ public image, at least.

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[Somewhere there is video of that fateful Harlem office too prostrated newly elected President Barack Hussein Obama as of a politics of having it seemed been required to visit President William Jefferson Clinton on his “turf” and be so to such posturing of like calling Bill Clinton then “The President.”]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:39 am

Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: JP HOGAN @ 1:13 pm

Alive still at eight three Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is likely rolling over in his grave - tossing and turning with news of today maybe his second or third worst nightmare scenario.

We can imagine that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would have been an early and proud supporter of this our still “present” and voting “Congress of NO!” as tagged.  There is a moral clarity offered by such.  We have those not of the “party of NO!” more to a “fog of war” and reach for eternal grayness.

Welcome to this new century - ALL!  As Martin Luther wasn’t born Michael nor as a “King” he did rise above his lot himself and to a construct of civility about forgiveness, and even such to a bought moral new clarity, it seems.  Martin Luther King Jr. and Martin Luther must be now if of today, physically and metaphysically, of wondering about Jobs and jobs - JOBS AND JOBS.

The half breed President now with a job too Jobian for some more than others may be one of the worst overdramatizations Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. might have ever imagined.  A black American, yes, but still too black but not enough a “black Irish” specifically — A son of a father and his dreams yet raised by the hard toil and work of a single mother, white.

The “Party of NO!” stands still with a real moral clarity quite inconvenient for President Obama and his JOB.  President Barack Hussein Obama can now only run towards 2012 elections to ask for a repeat - for a “new and improved” just not reasonable - just not “re-elect” “mandate” quality.  This Party of spend, spend, spend — spend, spend, spend again that is our modern Democrat Party has President BO stinking up faith and community and most race religions with its divisiveness and grayness.

We have a morality more fitting to even just Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Cheney for the championing and passage of much of the core of our current civil rights legislation. (You have all read their memoirs, yes?)  We have the storification of years of civil rights struggles with many Republicans of a Lincolnesque and of long Jobian struggles excessive to their jobs just for the obstructive behavior and politics of many Democrats of those days.  We have that President BO to stink up 2012 elections with his grayness up against contrast of “Party of NO!” moral clarity so that we are at a rare time where truth is to be flushed out for all and more of an equality with a “re-election” only to offering an option to “repeat” not to “new and improved.”

It is simple that half breed President Barack Hussein Obama could be today the worst possible truth for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his life’s work - his ministry.  We have him Jobian, yes, and a hallmark figure for a Jobian life for all black men - but was massive unemployment and so more Jobianism as promise of “JOB” really what Dr. King was preaching?

President Obama with his ECONOMIC SUPPRESSION (not “recession” nor “depression” but design over-government “suppression” of economies.) has been an equal opportunity unemployer.  He has not been bigoted while to his Jobian for all.  He is hardly separable from the “mother figure” “Hillary” he keeps close - he keeps so close that it demeans his Lady Michelle, and looks like necessary compensation/compensating.

Critical to Democrat Party “grand” strategy was that there be some “bipartisan” history in any first term about so much top down torrent or trickles to so much forced “Jobian” for so many.  To be “re-electable” to a better future and not just a threat of a dangerous “repeat” they needed a corruption and complicity that a “Party of NO!” moral clarity does prevent.  It is a “dandy” - he has been quite a “Political Dandy.”

To be a man “Jobian” is to have a “job” even though you may not know it - right?  President Barack Hussein Obama with his “green” energy incivility and sans bipartisan has done more than Dr. King may have imagined to give every black man a “JOB.”

We have a half breed black man with a job - a holding of office of our President but with a keeping of a white mother figure a former master of such house close - too close - REALLY.

Really, you should have read KNOWN AND UNKNOWN, &, IN MY TIME by now - and not need a remedial educating now about how Rumsfeld and Cheney did as Republicans historically champion so much of our new civility.

Richard Milhous Nixon would have made a better Secretary of State than “Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton ever might, even in her own dreams - her dreaming of getting away with being “Nixonian” without any calling her out on such presentations inadequately dramatic or timely considered.

We could make the case that “Hillary” is more “Jobian” as of a job and struggle she doesn’t understand - a real job challenge - too challenging.

Maybe Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would today be having his first laugh, and a real belly laugh — at all these now “Jobian”.

It can be said that President Barack Hussein Obama is “BLACK IRISH” and his Irishness his secret - but I don’t think he is at all Spanish - so the Irish may be safe.  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today would either being crying or laughing - really hard to nail up today, you could say.

And so we have Democrat Party and their long worked ECONOMIC SUPPRESSION they prefer to dress up as a new GREAT DEPRESSION though really much worked less of a “Jobian” unawareness than a purposeful and dedicated socialism, as spoken indirectly and at time directly to.  We have that the SUPPRESSION got its first real political legs with “Hillary for President” announcement and that which soon followed as a partisan and very political polarizing declaration against capitalism and market principles as it was near:  “I will seize all oil company profits.”

It is hard to say how aware President Obama is about his existence in a world “Jobian” much the specific handiwork and plotting of the Clinton “two-fer.”  He may be too “Jobian” in his job - due to an unawareness of his politics.

I myself may be of a “Jobian” with wishful thinking that it isn’t actually all the Irish black half of President Obama.

We have that the old lower fuel economies was a job hog - a massive somewhat hidden private - public socialism.  We have that the Democrat Party acted without balance or bias condemning what had been one of Industrial Era greatest job saver and creator.  We have that President Obama was quite “Spanish” in his “greenness” with all his marches to whiter energy (cleaner?)  done with prior and full knowledge that such by Spanish did kill two jobs, about, for every new politically correct job it created.  We have that President Obama whether “Jobian” in such as his petty handiwork did overcome “Spanish” with such a rare dedication to partisan and polarizing politics was to, it seems, a march that killed three jobs for each of his ideological existentialism.


I am being “Jobian” writing about JOB - I am not the person best to discuss with scholarship Dr. King’s “JOB” or “JOB”.  I have no idea how he meant thought:   A JOB FOR EVERY BLACK MAN.  I don’t know if it was as “white” a condition consideration where a finding of a Holy purpose above savagery and isolation his specific ideological existentialism, and or metaphysical consideration.

It seems irrefutable that Clinton “two-fer” enough in the know to have known they would kill two jobs with every one of these new partisan and polarizing politically correct agendas otherwise effected — it may actually be “Jobian” for first black President, the more black “First Black President” than President Clintons “two-fer” was in their “8? and that we may still yet have a “First Black President” with exclamations more American and historically fulfilling with one not a half-breed but directly up and out of savagery they way they once were more democratically considered.

And as now on review for consideration to a “repeat” President Obama knowingly or not, or not yet, approaches the steps anew to such free markets, such less free markets, historically.   President Obama is now up for sale with his labors what they be for our consideration of “p’s & q’s”.   He is set up now to be of lashings better meant or deserved by “Hillary” and yet may consider it his “JOB” to just suffer the fool.

Because Democrat Party “grand” strategy needed a corrupted and cooperative bi-partisanship to effect a new think to cover-up their own decades of malfeasance and misconduct and inadequate laboring - our Republicans are set now to run not “against” President Obama but FOR OUR GOVERNORS & WE THE PEOPLE.  President Obama is so left the scraps of his partisan politics to run against the Republicans running for what he has been long against.

I don’t know whether Dr. King would be laughing finally or crying today.  President Obama can be said to be one of the worst imaginable evolutions of his ministry, though black.

The grayness of the partisan polarizing political agenda of this sect of Democrat Party leadership has the “Party of NO!” set to 2012 elections with a clearer moral clarity.  They can stand for clean energy and proudly as we all bare witness now to miracles of science to new higher mileage economies that can only have been from their decades of careful job saving politics kept long supported as well in research and development so that when JOB’s less significant “new and improved” could be ushered in carefully and scientifically without it being a rash partisan knee jerk political a devastation upon a rather socialized private and public jobs construct in our free markets with lower mileage standards long a JOB saver and creator.

We have it obvious that President Bush must have been a “green” equal opportunity employer and leader as otherwise we couldn’t possibly be now witness to so many fast mileage improvements so quickly - we could be here today after Democrat Party rash political market meddling unless Republicans had long purposefully supported all the research and development that was ready so before it was prudent or necessary - unless purpose was to JOB killing.

Yes President Obama’s suffering may date primarily to “Hillary for President” announcement and effecting that had her of embodiment of a “socialism” with her declaration near exactly of “I WILL SEIZE ALL OIL COMPANY PROFITS.”

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