
June 2014
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:35 am

How is it in these troubled times that all roads seem to lead to William J. Clinton?  How cowed now, so it seems, have been tread upon long and hard while WJC a head of a snake of Hillary R. Clinton so convincingly as a new Marie Antoinette - even without her hats?  How can it be that in these of the banner “Clinton Democrats” there lay no real standard in old glory?  How, in these troubled times, is it that as the head of such snake, on all these roads long suffered, WJC, yet, is more a dog than so far accepted?

She wears her houses like Marie wore her hats - she strutted herself so doggedly it dogs them how they raised themselves to such a self evident “out of touch.”  She/they destroyed the middle class and lower eschewed social ranks.  She/they had Albert A. Gore as either just a Don Quixote or a side-kick like a Sancho Panza. She/they as the titular of the “Clinton Democrats” have how they are at windmills, with gas pumps the antagonists, in how they poor out to the People of the suffrage so much to suffer for their GREEN insurgency of forced inflation across the carbon monsters.  She/they did spear and poke and spear and poke at oiled profits while the more common known of fixed income Americana had no place to yet go when so much about them became so inflated.

Her chivalry and chauvinism is beyond Camelot and hardly, in a good way, yet of Penelope or of Penelope’s monster slayer hero protagonist Odysseus.  She is, it seems, while of such jousting at the carbon monsters, yet of a house devoid of the old glory of the old Ironsides original Constitutional intents and logic/rationality.  She has been both the bad actor and a Penelope not a Helen nor a Penelope while quite a new Marie Antoinette so out of touch, or worse to diabolical of callous intents, as evidentially in how her/their coat-tails hemmed the pathological to how their tagging for GREEN insurgency GREEN AGENDA wanton GREEN ENERGY price inflation were of direct and premeditated strikes at the middle class and lower eschewed social ranks.  It is she whom most led, albeit with AAG along side however, the near quadrupling inflation about the carbon monsters for a gross vanity in greeness partisan politics - she/they spiked the valuations through too subjective campaigning so that all those on fixed incomes, despite their ranks, were caught up in her hardly thoroughly considered - unless her intents were always just diabolical.

She persists and persists in an oddity so devoid of old glory and with theatrics too dramatic, fallen, and falling. She persists and persists in oddities as her standard so devoid is evidently too imperialistic - too new nationalistic - too globally anti-Constitution.  WJC seems more the more a dog and as embedded in the HRC new Marie Antoinette separations that show her/them rivaling the old for how out of touch they are in their own times.  WJC does dog the issues concurrently, and yet as it seems, even of HRC prima facia at booked parading, as if of a new too vanglorious campaign, as the real head of the snake to which the forensic pathologies seem logically free highways barely still for a common defense.

She/they of the House of Clinton Democrats, so evidently devoid of old glory, have to answer for if intently callous in a diabolical cold calculus it was when they were firstly at HILLARY 4 PRESIDENT, and as such times Barack H. Obama was so a nobody to her/them his SURPRISE was a SURPRISE too to them, and, were then so firstly to their forced inflation vast and radical left partisan politics trodding by ways at a realm of “carbon monsters”.  Their force inflation wasn’t alone in their saddled bags of tricks as it was as 2008 November neared fear was in their ranks so soundly rabble roused to market shorting in a common insurgency too on high.  What did she know?  When did she know it?

What did she/they know?  When did she/they know it?  Was it with pure innocence of a deluded greater good fog of vanity with which the Clinton Democrats with the titular HRC so raised the costs of living too radically and rashly across any ranks of those stuck over-extended on fixed incomes?  Wasn’t it otherwise and really diabolical?  Mustn’t she/they of the House of Clinton Democrats partisan polarizing politicking have been aware that they would trap and ruin so many by forcing the inflation by tales of carbon monsters so that People’d peoples and peoples everywhere of the known world wouldn’t be able forward to afford the new GREEN prices, even just their inflated prices for gasoline, and still afford their keeps?

How criminal were/are these so seemingly rightly taggable as of a “criminal intent” by at least the standard of Old Glory as actually Constituted?

How can it really matter now whom between WJC and HRC is more the more the dog, politically speaking, as so compromised while as if thee the head of the snake of betrayals?

How can’t it be now exposed, debated, countered, debated, probed again, and prosecuted yet, and by Congress too, how the Clinton Democrats however of collusions of others too embedded in a carbon insurgency (too imperialistic) that the Clintons are titular to the collapses so global. 

How can’t it be now so rendered by the People’d peoples and worldly where ever, and with the Congress of The United States of America, that the Clinton Democrats most had the means, motive, and opportunity and most clearly have a pathology evidently that affirms it was they, however, at their purported “monsters” most now and forward primarily culpable?

She/they now drone on, and drone on.  The glory of the U.S.A. Bill of Rights has been more than poked at by them at their House of Clinton Democrats’ too imperialistic ideological escapades parading.  WJC is in jeopardy as a head of a snake so of such dogging in his dogged “Top Dog” rivalry for he has expressed enough to affirm he has long known it was mostly his&her fault while yet believing, it seems still, that he had, was, and would keep be GETTING AWAY WITH IT(S).

And, yet it is his first lady HRC now of her battling at carbon monsters still whom may best rest the cases when justice looms nearer.  It is his first lady HRC now whom is firstly of the poking at the troubled suffraged sufferings.  It is he first lady HRC so now showing herself more clearly as too really a historical rival to Marie Antoinette and her own legend as out of touch.

Whom is she but the she of the sordid sorted set collated by “ENABLER” at Citizen Rosebud dot com gallery of artful exposes to catch and/or tag the artful and inartful dodgers?  Whom is she but the she of the legends in http://bit.ly/TheEnabler?  There is the common tale of a union of two so intimate in them self-proclaimed a “two-fer” also so as exposed and metered by the sordid sorted set yet of http://bit.ly/ChubbyHubby.  And too much to see more clearly in the shared economics realities of those treatments a SAMPLER at http://CitizenRosebud.net and too so as anchored for news parying at http://JPHogan.org.

“IT A SIMPLE & APPROPRIATE CATEGORY FOR SO MUCH NOW AWRY:   “THINGS BILL CLINTON @: THOUGHT I GOT AWAY WITH THAT!” // #USA“  {See;  http://Facebook.com/jpeterhogan and http://CitizenRosebud.mobi for social media context of quote.}

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