
June 2014
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OBAMA’S 2014
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 4:12 am

There are four people whom I still hope never to be in the same room with even if of a 500 person plus capacity and to be FULL.  The first is Al Gore; the second is Hillary Clinton; the third is Bill Clinton; the forth is George Stephanopoulus.

This is one of my most historical and informed positions and so as full of reasons dating back at least as far as 1991.  There isn’t much gap between these four and for how Al Gore is first speaks to how much as the others are deserving he is more deserving and historically.  This is a depressing year - 2014 is a depressing year and President Obama isn’t in the top four because these four may be more responsible than he for his inadequacies.

Authors David Boise & Ted Olson helped refresh how reviling I find these four, and how historically, with their appearance caught in reran of Charlie Rose.  These four are not despise for their “positions” as this is much of my informed perspective while of helping make them better and for positive change I saw possible.  For example it is now easier to support gay marriage by contrasting the good sought by parties to it as contrasted to the bad “marriage” postured by the Clintons for “maximum” person political allowances.  It is quite easy to point to the ideal of marriage as sought as if “equality” by those of LGBT as a GOOD if one is to relate it to the Clinton affected “interpretations” for their own as a BAD.  A simple legal lay perspective is that the Clintons posture their own marriage as if it has no soul - that it is just two lawyers in a maximized legal construct.

Poor George Stephanopoulus is so despised by me that when he got his job at ABC I ceased having any interest in working anywhere at ABC - even as it seems recalled:  anywhere within the parent company that owned ABC.  I have been “political” with George S. since before the Clintons surprised so many with their very late entry into the 1992 campaign as it was in letters to Representative Richard Gephardt’s office where he worked with a Charles Koch son that I offered that a Democrat could win if they were to learn to sound like me as I postured sounding for 1992 in my letters.  Again, as with George S. my despising so is hardly based on the policies of the politics but on the people and character of the historicals.

Al Gore deserved the The Supreme Court of The United States of America Bush v. Gore decision as it was karma payback for his vacuous ‘leadership” when the supposed A Team of the Democrats and the to be expected challenger to President George H. W. Bush (#41).  We are of too few in the know of proper considerations in historicals of the ill fatedness much solely of a despicable political as the shoes that fit Al Gore from the months before the Clintons stepped in in his place.  2014, despite how Paul Krugman is also despised, and yet not worthy while so to be yet in such company, is hardly seemingly possibly to be a good year for President Barack Obama.

We largely wouldn’t be in much of these messes if George S. with his platform at ABC hadn’t been so easy of the lies as if to be allowed “political” “perspectives.”  From my historical perspective I knew the lies building even when set up to mostly be lies by omissions.  And, so it is that I yet though have nearly never watched George S. shows but for those first seconds when I was to realizing what channel I had on at a time I didn’t care to have such channel on.  President Obama is also trapped by the Clintons and their machinations so soul-less in their idea of “marriage” for his loyalty seems yet always to their propositions that Bill Clinton’s Presidency was rightly supposed to be as, and still, in allowances that every decision then could and should be moderated to use all those eight years to set up an as planned as possible succession to such in the name of Hillary Clinton.

President Obama has no where to go in 2014.  He is essentially, like George S. too compromised already by the Clintons.  Once he started his first term in its first hours with tag line lying of ALL BUSH’S FAULT in his oratory he was already across a threshold for impeachability.  As a trained lawyer he should be wise at least to dangers from absolutes like “ALL…”!  Al Gore though is so much worse in my paragon of considerations of worst four that for the most part I have found him too depressing to even include in my writing.  What he set up so to a dangerous vacuous when the supposed Democrat A Team front runner for 1992 is no greater exposed than if and when one is fully to considering the 9/11 and post 9/11 politics and how we are, it seems, to only expect that President Albert A. Gore would only have used such events an excuse for warring in Afghanistan and too, it seems, as yet a war of a totality more against all of Afghanistan.  There are dangers still too present from so much avoidance and inaction much akin to dangers from broadcasting of lies by omissions.

I have to despise Al Gore the most for it is from his vacuous leadership that I felt it necessary in an imminent dire to stop my business and begin writing to arrest his short-comings as perceived possible collateral damage.  I personally put on a happy face with penned offerings to even Representative Gephardt’s office of a happier way forward just because I feared so much what seemed risks of a global that seemed devoid of other company at considerations.  On election day & night of 2000 contest between Governor Bush & Vice President Gore I was in the West 23rd eatery proprietored by James & Mary and to telling James Carville around lunch time that if Al Gore was elected I expected I would move out of the country so not to be here when the crap was expected to hit the fan, and, too how I wasn’t sure Governor Bush was yet ready to be President himself with my tone that he though would be safer when the crap did get to hitting the fan.

The greatest risk to The United States of America in the 1992 race era was still too much how in 1990 and 1991 it had been largely that the Democrat “leaders” were so predictable that one like Saddam Hussein could play them like puppets by their predictability.  It seems that the Democrats of this era were actually the greatest threat to the U.S.A..  My despising these four is of my experience of such fears and for the years so quite of confirming each and every one of the significant parts of such fears.  The story of course is complicated for I saw in my “Mad Man” covert future ambitiousness of my quite intended career path that the best way to reduce such apparent risks was to offer to much be to trying to save the Democrats from themselves.  I despise these four in a TOPS for having seen them as of the danger and then of having helped them seem better than themselves and enough for the election in 1992 that President Bush whom I did respect and vote for was then defeated by attempts to save his policies and progress however oddly in such a seeming necessary.

2014 is the year President Obama is clearly stuck due to ill advised to just stupid absolutes.  Due to his early and kept politics of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” he was of an impeachable cover-up for the Clintons as such was to suppose a People’d people pre-disposition that it was possible that after eight years of the Clintons “it” could be of an “it” as “NONE OF THE FAULT OF THE CLINTONS.”  2014 is the year now where all are seeing it was preposterous that “it” was and “it” of NONE OF THE CLINTONS FAULT and soon better to how Benghazi became a Gettysburg of cover-up warring as their loss a turning point for truths of the Republicans for once a second 9/11 happened the lies needed new lies to cover-up that the earlier lies were no longer working and workable. 

2014 is the year of the cover-ups!  President Obama has been impeachable like for not firing Secretary of State Clinton for many years and too for his partisan politics of lies before truth so that she could be acceptable as a cabinet officer despite her earned defeat by a near nobody yet a peer.  I was there in a postured standing where ever for the truth during the Obama First Inaugural and to the exercising of Posterity that his lies so spoken shouldn’t stand nor long endure.  President Obama yet may be the only President of The United States of America to have become impeachable within the first hour after his oath of office.

To now proceed as we must at all the cover-up scandals now under way we are behooved to be stirrups ready however saddling is made difficult by so many so muddied and rutted routings.  We should be behooved to be at the reigns for restorations to a minimum necessary level of truth in government, and now more as if of a new romantic age than when such would have more befit the new renaissance spirit of the 1992 course corrections away from then such being a time too much too civilly supposedly anew as if a time of RECONSTRUCTION.  We’ld be wise to fully consider it seems 9/11 was planned to be operational on September 11, 2001 when it was widely supposed and even thought accepted that those were to be the days of a Presidency of Albert A. Gore.

I don’t yet know how I can shift to being paid for these historical insights and offerings in my artful blogging even as when poetry of me as Poet J.P. Hogan without myself being expected to violate my kept Posterity of a visceral basis about despising not just the thought of having to be in the same room, however large and full, with Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and George Stephanopoulus.  These are at least four whom people should harangue upon the times more of the world learn of my story and the depths of history and understanding of its effectings, and, harangue as for it should seem that they are tops among a greater to be churned when to mashing about the sentiments of how wrong it is that at least these didn’t tell people generally about me, and for so long.

To be brief and of the consideration that if you are finding this you already know a necessary some to much of the telling that relates to such.  It is though that how I have avoided Al Gore with so much already written is speaking quietly to the proposition that historically he is so bad he has been too depressing to include.

There is now way out now finally in 2014 for President Barack Hussein Obama.  He has told and pimp’d the BIG LIE that “it” was and “it” of NONE OF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT since his first hour when he wrongly trespassed campaign rhetoric in slights into the body politick as if a new TRUTH established.  This lie is as big as it gets as cover-ups go for the size of the cover-up largely suggests the necessity for a cover-up and really there is hardly a bigger cover-up possible than to stand up a irrational too simple revisionist history as the only TRUTH by ways of suggesting an “it” otherwise as only an “it” of his “it” as unraveling of those IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT.  At least one cover-up minor to such COVER-UP has been unearthed and now 2014 is much ado about the somethings of how a cover-up is the worse case scenario to be avoided unless a cover-up is needed.

There is now that President Obama in his first hour didn’t need to cover-up for the Clintons as he could have championed cleaning up Washington DC for a new Hope in Change with a bipartisan call to start by cleaning up the BAD in his own party at least simultaneously from the start.  President Barack Hussein Obama didn’t need to risk his own Presidency from the start as he did by lying in an impeachable from his first hour to satisfy the Clintons’ need for a cover-up of their real culpabilities and how at least to be considered diabolical in a gross negligence if allowed to be for public consumption.

Al Gore is still a very depressing subject.  I still know what I know from thinking at and through my offered solutions at saving Democrats from Democrats - Democrats from themselves - as by my years of tiring philosophizing and marketing wizardry considerates that fit in my reduced instruction set computed as poetry of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM so consolidated.  2014 is a year too when it does behoove any saddled so for TRUTHS to be stirrups ready and muddy ways alert to how it also ridiculous to proffer IT ALL BUSH’S FAULT, however, while it seems a simple and inconvenient truth that Albert Gore was expected to be the President at the time of the long planed attacks of September 11, 2001.

These are the days of revitalized FAITH & FREEDOM voters.  Too to the despising of these four is yet a historical consideration that my efforts to so be of such as it seems of my having pulled the Clintons into the1992 race and via letters read by George S. while then in Representative Gephardt’s offices that the TRUTHS are darker for as bad as this has worked out it may be that this wasn’t the worst case scenario so motivational to my redirection of my entrepreneurial efforts and expediting of some of my personal career path plans so for others.  Now that we all should be at how much we need to look at Al Gore as a problem and historically so 2014, however Krugman over writes low excuses, is the year President Obama must answer to why at cover-ups and while cover-ups are supposed to be presumed to be the known worse case scenario to be at only when much need be hidden (at least to protect in a too partisan of party politics playing politics as politics put ahead of governance.).

Yes, I would welcome being in the same room with David Boise and Theodore Olson however as lawyers or authors.  I have since whence been sympatico with progress and governance in reasoned equality around a species at civilly singing songs of the “body electric”.  Of the Clintons yet it seems they saw 3.8% as fit for a politics of convenient rabble rousing while yet as per Iraq of not seeing or hearing the cries of abandonment of a majority of a nation.  Was President Gore too to be so pro Sunni to be still officially bigoted as the Administration of the Clintons agains the Iraqi Shia as said to be inferior people “unable to govern themselves”?  I would welcome being in a room with Boise and Olson to yet discuss to where yet we may have differences of opinion as to processes and Constitutional interpretation as to what is written law and what new writings may be prudent.

Forward:  Now you know I really, really, have no interest in ever being in the same room with Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and nor George Stephanopoulus.  This is a very informed position/opinion.  I haven’t yet gone to the whole of it fully.

Forward:  Due to the laws of absolutes once a cover-up has been determined to have actually have been running a year like 2014 must go down in history as a win for absolute basics as only a little lie need be proven for the whole Party/House of the COVER-UP to fall.  In the specific of a 2014 for President Obama it seems now there are multiple cover-ups passed such basic and resolute absolute intolerance.  Again, for Posterity, President Obama once elected was not necessarily to his desicion to so be engaged in these now more apparent attempts to cover up for the Clintons and at least their eight years of the Administration conjoined of the Clintons. 

Forward:  For such maybe I should despise him as much as Al Gore - I am not there yet.

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