
June 2014
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:00 am



Like a dog to a bone?  Like a cat to a mouse?  Like a anteater to ants?  Like a crocodile to pray?  Like a bluefish to bunker?

The political beast that is Bill Clinton is not separable from his “beast” now so eyes on Barack Obama.  How sweet it is - - -  WOOPS!!! - - - I mean:  How sweet is it?

How hasn’t Bill postured as the dominant even/ever since Barack so got over (politically) on his Mrs.?  Can it be L-O-V-E-?

The ring of his power is yet on Hillary’s finger - his ring is her - is her M-Y   P-R-E-C-I-O-U-S - - - her MY PRECIOUS!.  She has described her troubles at times of “careening” haphazardly in a like uncontrollable back and forth.  Her ring’s power may be explanatory as having been thought sufficient but determined time and again to be yet insufficient.  Is it really, or only, just the Power of the Presidency she wants back?

Can it be that Bill is just trying to stare down Barack - one too still as if a peer?  Mustn’t it be more personal than that - than if Bill can control his “beast”?  Its seems current events that there is incivility in the intra-party Democrat Party “politics” - - - that it is that Bill is strutting (too much) as if he, and he alone, now again, is the only titular head of the Democrats.

Really?  Isn’t he being so obvious?  Isn’t he being too proud and politically (at least) assertive at least while the traditions favor Barack as still the main man proper dictate of all things Democrat Party as its head for its pourage?

There are woman issues in these days so much of an apparent weakness of President Obama - of the “The Barack”!  Despite the aspirations of Bill and how it seems he is supposed to be an indispensable former President for the world to thank and praise for he willing to suffer the imperial of having a CGI and a CGI America - - - for women of the known world, and yes in Clintons’ America, these are of moons in their own times for a querious probative interogatory to at least this:

“In a progressive feminism proffer isn’t it if #HillaryClinton seen of IT ALL HER FAULT credit it as much progress as if she elected Prez?

We are in a new world of new human potential for greater humanity and civility more due to mysteries of faith having been reduced to bits and bytes and rams - - - of faith’s mysteries being computable as just as real however the world seems to be getting smaller and smaller.  That the internet and social media was rising to the Arab Spring long before Operation Iraqi Freedom is CONTEXT & TEXTURE to how “GAY” Bill can be said to be seemingly now.

How querious now to so much trans-political in the “THE BILL”?  What is “THIS MEANS WAR” and/or “THIS IS WAR” and what is just Bill wanting to dominate Barack - the “THE BARACK” - at least?  Can this become more comely and civil or only (due to politics and human nature) just more comely and less civil?

Whatever his - the “THE BILL’S” - positions are, and of hopes to be, when is a FIRST ALERT supposed to alert the “THE BARACK” to it at least violate of a “frenemy” of a hostility while becoming, when firstly, a pain in his rear?  How and when is the President to be notified or conditioned to a violate and to stay clear eyed especially while his ranks had been fogged with a “spouse” of an aggressor rival in his “house”?

It seems however happy he may have been with her around it too can be confused as “gay” to be welcoming of her man?  “GAY” still seems in a legend of protest lingua - in protest language - and much these days when normalizing is of the pride and the other worldly of the CGI America provincial.  Is there now a greater normalized/normalization tone for a clearer less foggy civility in a post-protest lingua where what it is is what it is called more specifically and with pride as if “HEWS” for “HAPPY EVEN WHEN SODOMIZED” as like ‘HETEROSEXUAL” for “HETEROSEXUAL”?  “GAY” is a risky misnomer as the story of “BILL CLINTON IS GAY” lights - it seems a risky misnomer that can fade away as “protest language” no longer civilly most appropriate for any copacetics.

Just airing an intellectual proffer attempt can not now be sufficient or like equanimous if of dictates or bullying.  A question can be tabled now as just a question while the answers may prudently take some time.  But, really, how is the “THE BILL” now posturing despite his Mrs. “careening” confessed in her culpability of short comings as his Secretary - as the “THE BARACK’S” Secretary - to be dominant and now already the “TOP DOG” of the pack mentality of the Democrat Party?

If Bill isn’t actually of KICKING BUTT AND TAKING NAMES per an insurgency of the rivalry to Barack isn’t it that the “THE BARACK” should be daily waking cautious and defensive anew to worries of a party violate of his “See” and to flexing however a “BACK OFF” at least to the “THE BILL” however fronted as if of the bosom of his Mrs.?

There may be an out for Barack - for President Barack Hussein Obama.  Feminism and its pride may be an out for the “THE BARACK”.  Feminism shouldn’t miss the obvious and clear “POLITICAL” in how:

“In a progressive feminism proffer isn’t it if #HillaryClinton seen of IT ALL HER FAULT credit it as much progress as if she elected Prez?

IF Bill isn’t a “HEWS” if acceptable as a post-protest normalized more proud and specific “GAY” than what and how is his “business” with his trying now again to so parade himself as if rightly taller - taller even in the saddle - than Barack?  Peer to peer as if Bill to Barack is still “POLITICAL” and “PERSONAL” as DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT to DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT and LEADER OF THE DEMOCRATS to LEADER OF THE DEMOCRATS.

Concurrently we are very publicly at Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton is so bad besides her many admissions in ignorance and incompetence while of “accpeting” “responsibility” and come “culpability” she has yet attempted a proffer in a passing the buck to where the buck supposedly stops.  Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, while parading of a #HardChoices book pride, is yet of a false or improper “proud” when suggesting it was of a “getting the job done” by her of her (defensive) parries with her view voiced of that she like:  delegated the decisions to the experts since she wasn’t expert enough for her office and well the buck stops with the President so it was either his rear on the line or her experts - NOT HERS.

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton can make women proud for being so accomplished as if now a new WORST of the femmes of history.  But, so yet, where is Bill? and what are his feelings? what are his intentions? what would be his unbridaled?

If the buck is so?  If the buck is so to be for Posterity and Tranquility at least as stoppable in a resolute civil at the desk of the President of The United States of America when is a buck a buck and a buck firstly to be like stopped if frisky - too frisky for a proper and prudent greater civility?  How is it that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is so publicly of a pride just of her own being as a officer of the Cabinet of the “THE BARACK” yet as one so regularly of passing the bucks?

{readers:  I think I mean to find other earlier thoughts for this treatment and essay that now escape - I will break away now to consider and discern per this context what else I thought to embed here that yet is here as probative.  Please check back later, and then maybe later again to this as DAS FEMME SMEAGOL.}

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