
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:28 am

This issuance is intended to be a global guilting, - none free from anywhere, - not an Alicia, Ashley, Emma, Madonna, Scarlett nor #WomanJaneDoe.

Women are having trouble with their messaging of the good news - their message, proper. Utterances, so past POTUS of eve, uttered of confusions.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of clay:

Faith, not state, nor “citizen”, is all’s “global citizen” - - - religion is the state of the universal spirit - there no global citizen sans religious - ’tis a defined.

Women have trouble with Donald J. Trump that now must be explained - however troubling to easy.  As seems the ‘protests’ measure out coincidentally enduring as if endear as like a “FLOTUS” “Slovene Slumbered Parties’d” as it doth not register true that women of the world can actually be anti-Trump as anti-Freedom & anti-Liberation.

Women have trouble with “Women’s March” as is seems em doth hath protested “FREE AT LAST” and been gathered in a “solidarity” in protestation, to at least to Americans, of “America is yours again” in the attitude of ‘YOU’VE BEEN LIBERATED’! Perhaps #FreeWithMilania!

An utterly comical precedent to the yin and yang of “Republican Movement” karma & balance is illuminated by listing Donald J. Trump business acumen of a daily regimen of timely accordance & attention to that fish and eggs - even Champagne - was, where ever of his properties scopes of arriving and time in the development for “grace” in service.

But utterly comical precedent in a historical is more of that Donald J. Trump is less a charming Benjamin Franklin than stout & steeled akin President George Washington & his general humor in his first inaugural.  Do you have any idea how prescient and froward our first President was with such erudite & common oration?  Do you accept even a President can have general humor akin a former General still besot to speak prophylactically to the moral of his troops?

So utterly literate and literary and more humorous that what is sold as comedy these Saturday nights live is that as imbued & imported by George and as of a prudence to recall to “wash & re-use” practiced while of a mores affirmed of that his spouse his bride his wife his Martha was the essence of all the pecuniary emoluments he hath need and want of froward.

Do yourselves all a favor and make time for citation studious of such Washington humor and now as laid out convenient with a bitly shortcut here: http://bit.ly/1stInaugural.  You cannot ignore our start as of “Among the vicissitudes incident to life…”! Nor word for “ups & downs”!

We together can celebrate the preparatory prudence in “wash & re-use” preface of that “impregnable fortitude” is like what “George” had to be “repaired from retired” as not then like what George’s & Martha’s biggest worry as homebodies froward was to be. 

George & Martha are biographied of having inherited from Martha’s parents their library of books on sex and sexuality. 

“George” as General Washington consummating the birth of the nation as the first President most certainly set condom precedence by implying worrying of skins prophylactics of such day were a common vein each beseeched to attend to diligently for maintenance of “impregnable fortitude” facility.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of ribbing:

Material of my unique kinship to your sisterhood, - bear with me I am no cum laude - is a coming clean on how J.K. Rowling has since our moments over the famous napkins somehow got to her literal spite due the platonic core of holding a double edge sword to me as a safety net.

At times she protesteth that I pushed her too hard - of that I hath over charged her to be to committing to perform to seven books - in that she had her heated moments at beseeched to if five books could suffice, - and yet after complaints heard of “you haven’t even given me enough for five books yet!”

Ladies and gentlemen the start of “HARRY POTTER” of coverage in “HOGWARTS” is her literal double edged sword a sharp safety net for though mission was to write so that core youths didn’t grow up from like wards to be yet like dirt under the skin and Hogan warts.

J.K. Rowling in performance on charge to seven books yet developed appropriate of task to write as like of a mother’s perspective for a character basis in my end as set of as a “Pete Rowe-ling”.  J.K. Rowling had her safety net for a chance I wasn’t right about such if to seven as charged would “make her very rich, - if she stuck to how outlined” as covered for if such by how “HOGWARTS” failed/bombed she had it bound as ready to import of like “OH IT FAILED NOT BECAUSE OF ME BUT FOR IT SO HOGAN’S WARTS!”.

Ladies and gentlemen readers of the known & unknown world let me share I have since barring further “HARRY POTTER” books and allowing my muse energy to yet still flow but around STRIKE and economics sadly less of John Kenneth Galbraith as times needing guarding from Bill & Hillary Clinton crooked were known more to as if of ROBBING ECONOMICS fit’n her cloaked productions and performance on Rob “Galbraith” release dictum from stitching together more bounded voluminous of “HOGWARTS” and specifically as pressed and sent of yet an idea for a trilogy to be also furthered of patron o’ US conscience but as to years apart as different school years era particularly then of 7 girl wonders and of one of each of each a top study from each of the seven continents, and, as these 7 girl wonders were also particularly studied to the specific important of Dante’s INFERNO.

J.K. Rowling such has seemed covered and worked to if not even near as specifically this time around as outlined.

Readers of the vast world of unknown fans it is from “but you have not even given me enough for five books” protest that “Harry Potter” became of a godfather figure a “SERIOUS BLACK” and of volts dangers prudence due national electrical standard yugely vary, and as of PATRONUS another play on spelling, - though righteous as “patron US” - in that my circle of friends and local athletic compatriots in ULTIMATE FRISBEE leagues were of the architecture firms of the design, and construction management of the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, and, yes my own godfather, the late “Uncle Charlie” Hogan was serious about black wires as his career was as a union electrician knowingly prepared for volts of more dangers, and racially sensitive in diversity quite as a serious fan of serious black pugilist “Smokin’ Joe” Joe Frazier.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of clay:

Of the old adage “knowledge is power” I grant thee access to http://bit.ly/BEAVERWARShttp://bit.ly/PetersRabbits for since “TITANIC” I was not an idle muse otherwise to Potterdom commitments and as Leonardo Di Caprio of REVENANT was a performance on suggestion he could help preface a HOGAN new “LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE” tv series as on “BEATRICE BOXER & THE BEAVER WARS” by developing silver screen prologue on the epic era of the THE BEAVER WARS. I regret the inconvenience of such series also a ready to go Poet JP Hogan children series for popular books mass appeal of that any now considerate enough to be curious will yet find these links are to what was written chronological to regular readers of “Citizen Rosebud” in series and so present as linked now but in reverse chronological order. {As is problematic with old series thou ripe & popular links to such may present now with this current squip as the leading in otherwise old scroll/thread, and, but #BeaverWars link takes many back to earlier days of http://myblog.jphogan.org art of archived of the month of November in the year 2010.}

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of scribed for TV & books, at least:

For the proper respect to divinity and coincidence of John Adams & Thomas Jefferson of dying on the same Fourth of July there now is a “Potter World” likewise for my basis for “Harry Potter” godfather in my own of the Brotherhood of Electricians is of that the date November 7, 2011 likewise shall live in infamy as such is the day the New York Times published David Brooks hit piece op-ed “THE SERIOUS ONE” and too somehow the same day that Joe “Smokin’ Joe” Frazier died and my own godfather “Uncle Charlie” Hogan of the brotherhood died suddenly about yard work in retirement though his union brethren were all call to duty as such day is of record as a “Greatest BlackOut in Connecticut History”.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of new media social media facebook media shares:

I.E.: E.G.: Yesterday’s of http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan “PUBLIC” share comment:

JKRowling @JK_Rowling J.K. Rowling ~ I am not studied nor read in on specifics — an American take thou from long known me for our collaborative successes is yet to read #Hamilton as #Publius in #FederalistPapers #Federalist #1 for #AlexanderHamilton spells out that the #Constitution is for “INDUCEMENTS TO PHILANTHROPY” & “PRESERVATION OF… PROPERTY” so it wrong for USG to be so monied while yet USA is expected to be of COMPASSION and engagement via #CHARITY & #PHILANTHROPY - even as by #ReligiousLiberty of the religions the institutions & bureaucracies expectant to such adherence.  #PoetJPHogan

Yes!  Quid ditch did stem from J.K. Rowling prudence to ask if our books on magic should have a flying broom, and to that my answered was “Yes! Go big! Make it a team sport!” and to that I put about her the energy then of my recreation & sport in area ULTIMATE FRISBEE leagues.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of old school broadcast sharing methods in of reading with openness to Lord & peeps (as “meek shall inherit” meaning those strong in the Lord who “wait upon the Lord” by being open and patient for the guidance by the Holy Spirit) by at least being cotton’d to Old Testament of the Bible of that to the “chief Musician” akin the connectivity & interconnected eco-system of religions of the PSLAMS.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of clay, or a good ribbing?

A Psalms conundrum is “meek” in Psalm 37 as meaneth not weak or feeble but those strong in the Lord as open to a “meek” as open & patient to receive the Holy Spirit hook-up?  (Divined import by reading of Barnes & Noble collectors classic printing bound of King James edition.)

                   *       *       *       GRACE?       *       *       *

[This squib/essay is currently a work in progress - what you see may be just today’s beginning - do come again until satisfied it is all done.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:53 am

{At any time this may seem too much for you - to honest yet contrary to your believed - please use site search pane to take a break with warren’s spun, however they present in backwards order, - please take a break from #PoetJPHogan “SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL!” to read of fare to be sorted by a search here by just:  RABBITS.}

[NOTE: Please cover the childrens’ ears! - send them out to play! - or send them to their rooms!  This is for mature readers, - responsible audiences!  It is best for these todays that we keep from the children how important they are, and how true such has been sung especially with “THE CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE” of “THE GREATEST LOVE OF ALL”.]

How can the Islamic State be yet a recognized organized like a Muslim Tea Party as justly to a Muslim Trinity by an effecting successful to sovereignty contrary to Levant boundaries extant as mapped for seriousness?

We must be to the incorruptible in “IT TAKES A VILLAGE” but to open minds beyond a partisan “political correctness” so to hashing out all the smoking “guns” of the Clintons’ corruptions, foreign and domestic, - global, - galactic.

“IT TAKES A VILLAGE” is a horrendous title as it is like a cancer as a bad corrupted metaphor!  “SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL!” is no “IT TAKES A VILLAGE”! - For the children we must maturely press out PROS and CONS!

NOW!  We must press forward (for the children) a better pressing of GOOD vs EVIL, - noted, - sourced, - posted, - shared “PUBLIC”!

It must be!  “IT TAKES A VILLAGE” isn’t fit to be the needed good carbons for composting kitchen waste, - isn’t fit to be of the 2/3rds said of good carbons needed for the table and counter scraps to metamorph with a catalyst to compost, - to black gold, - to then be fertilizer, for real!

It must be!  “IT TAKES A VILLAGE” should be broadcast globally, even galactically, as dangerous propaganda, as a tool to brainwash masses by a lot sized preyed upon to become, as unawares unknowing, to then like mental half mindeds goosed, somehow, to railroaded for Posterity beset to for the “THE CLINTONS” and to em owed tributes, and heralding by name, yes galactically, with loyalty supposed to a fidelity to their imperial standard, - their own “flag” for partisanship in the “CLINTON” name!

Don’t stop the presses!  Run for the PROS and CONS - a fresh POINT - COUNTER POINT, - detailed GOOD vs EVIL!  An Islamic State, if ever to be successful to an Muslim Trinity of a third way to a sovereignty pillared and bosomed in an Orthodox Islamic, must first proof it is as of Muslims, from the beginning, as for the children, too.  Right?

We should press on:  Discuss:  The Clintons’ surpluses were of a moral depravity! The Clintons cut too much too quickly!  The Clintons’ politics put unfunding/defunding ahead of helping others (in good times) (in times of plenty)! The Clintons’ politics is EVIL!

We must press on:  Discuss:  Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton is personally responsible for more dead, - more killed, than any organized responsibles of either Al Qaeda or for an Islamic State can yet today claim excesses for, or confess to!  H.R. Clinton is culpable for the years as sold as W.J. Clinton’s “better half” as FLOTUS during the years 1993 to 2001; Mrs. W.J. Clinton must be pressed beyond cartooned to being of shoulders & hips forever evermore of carrying such a load of culpas, however she postures the “THE CLINTONS’” “greater GOOD”, - and as yet ever ever for Posterity as of any “lesser EVIL” than say Da’esh!

To press on:  To press to POINT - COUNTER POINT:  To press to GOOD vs EVIL:  To press to PROS and CONS:





To press on:  To press to POINT - COUNTER POINT:  To press to GOOD vs EVIL:  To press to PROS and CONS:

The first Secretary of State to “serve” “under” President B.H. Obama inherited a warming with Middle East peoples, she did not herself figure nor affect a better relationship (potential) with the Government of Iran, nor its general population!  The President grossly erred in trying to govern with a “CLINTON DEMOCRAT” so highly placed!  President B.H. Obama is culpable but to understand how a lesser “EVIL” we should first press thoroughly at how “CLINTON DEMOCRATS” have not actually been in their machinations as for a greater “GOOD”!  President B.H. Obama inherited, like Secretary Mrs. H.R. Clinton a warming potential for with Iran from the hard choices and the sacrifices of the leadership by preceding administration of a FREEDOM AGENDA!  President B.H. Obama cannot not, it seems, ever consciously or righteously assuage an inherited ‘SUCCESS’ as to Mrs. W.J. Clinton as per Iran, as logically born from the avoidance and inaction of President W.J. Clinton and all associated as “CLINTON DEMOCRATS”!  There is no TRUTH in a supposition, for preposterous, if such supposed is of posturing Mrs. W.J. Clinton, as Secretary of State, could have been successful “against” Iran with sanctions if President G.W. Bush had not rendered “TEETH” for sanctions after near a decade of President W.J. Clinton as toothless, - all gums, - soft!, - naive (at best)!

The first strategery to consider for any deciding about todays of for an Islamic State is how to those Constitutional of these united states of the Americas they are some a natural ally, - a group a mass not to be prejudiced as of an axis of “EVIL” (devoid of concern for the “small” - devoid a concern for the children forward!  President B.H. Obama should give “Joe” his chance now to prove he too isn’t too associated with the greater “EVIL” of H.R. Clinton and to giving the Vice President now a chance to be President Joseph Robinette “Joe” Biden!  President B.H. Obama should be too embarrassed now for how proofed so wrong and as so long so wrong to have been proven wrong longer that even his endured days as President so as to be noble and RESIGN!  There is arguably now CAMELOT chivalry to save the day from the TRUTHS dire of the “governance” by B.H. Obama, and so specifically for flawed by the too associated hands of CLINTON DEMOCRATS!  It is now small fig to date these todays how the numbers are against B.H. Obama and H.R. Clinton and because it is mashable, with logic, and statistics to that Mrs. W.J. Clinton is yet still of a guilt of culpas greater (still) than of for an Islamic State by a metric of paring the responsibility to “leadership” of the full quantification of how many are dead, due to Mrs. W.J. Clinton husbandry!

Before you profess you are all about a base as politically set as against a Muslim Tea Party for a new nation in the Levant, as against for a Muslim Trinity by against Socialism and Monarchies extant of these todays, it may be considerate that the past Pope was expressant to that American Catholics were to believe they as of the galactic Catholic familial were not “called” to go into a Muslim lands to save Muslims from Muslims, and especially, it seemed, as Catholics improper to be called in, or to, as to be in the middle of a rift between of Islam, however now of a new Muslim Trinity, or to be between uncivilly the battles historic for if Shia truth was superior to Sunni truth!  We all must walk and talk a core to no child to be presumed to be left behind, or down, as it is galactically civil when all live and breath for “SMALL” is “BEAUTIFUL”!  It is that these todays are of it dastardly how now pressed sufficiently that “CLINTON DEMOCRATS” fig dated to 1993 as yet an enemy of Al Qaeda and now of for an Islamic State even by Christian rules for Justice!  The railed against abandonment in the years 1993 to 2001 by NOBEL PRIZE recipient B.H. Obama is the mantle of the woman H.R. Clinton, but not as divisible from W.J. Clinton and a sad legacy for all still siding (naively) as “CLINTON DEMOCRATS”!  President B.H. Obama was actually right with his public shaming of the Clintons with his acceptance speech as structured for a moral to a morality (only possible) in mashing from “dangers” of “inaction” and “avoidance” if to be of “leadership”!

To press on:  To press to POINT - COUNTER POINT:  To press to GOOD vs EVIL:  To press to PROS and CONS:

President Barack Hussein Obama, and since his day one, could not have proceeded, it seems, yet as more wrongly as he did and now still defensively does!  America is at risk, - a greater risk - now, because H.R. Clinton at least was a lone “CLINTON DEMOCRAT” to times served again in high office.  H.R. Clinton must be an “enemy” of an of for an Islamic State, even maybe of beyond the Levant to a global massed as “all MUSLIMS”!

Again:  The President should now RESIGN, - B.H. Obama should now give J.R. Biden his (last) chance to prove he can be a better President than at least his boss!  President “Joe” Biden! - - - I presume!

Again:  Those organized as if a “NEW HOPE” for SUNNI governance inspired and as if of an Orthodox Islamic, as now organized as if a MUSLIM TEA PARTY can, due how militantly against SOCIALISM, and monarchies extant of these todays as yet “just” as “justified” by earlier CALIPHATE(s?), now can present as a natural ally to those of allegiance to the Constituted of these united states of the Americas.

Again:  These United States of America have been going the wrong way with “OBAMA DEMOCRATS” and “CLINTON DEMOCRATS”!  No children are not, it seems, actually safer as “THANKS” to the “THE CLINTONS”!  The U.S.A. should not have gone down this path of the Democrat Party as long to decidings towards trying to defeat the defeat of SOCIALISM that was not alone the VICTORY of Americans.

UNRESOLVED:  If those organized to overlook the man made boundaries in the Levant, of the areas of failed Ba’athism, as of perversions of Socialism by Saddam Hussein and Bashar Al-Assad, as too long too secular SOCIALIST, as if in SOCIALISM there is a greater “GOOD”, and as was to be as towards the IDEAL “BA’ATHIST” as for an UNITED ARAB SOCIALIST STATE, it extant now em prove they can civilly govern those believers willing to associate as a general populace, as for the children, as for the “small”, it is remarkable how a new mass of SUNNI might succeed like AMERICAN PILGRIMS years before and but as if to an ORTHODOX ISLAMIC like a PURITANS MUSLIMS, - to a MUSLIM TRINITY?

UNRESOLVED:  As set against SOCIALISM and MONARCHIES of earlier CALIPHATES, it yet remains to be seen if these for a new sovereignty, while these todays may justify new “national” boundaries, these “BELIEVERS” still need to proof as for HUMAN RIGHTS as capable of management of at least a sizable metropolis like Raqqa - as for all?


                              *       *       *       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:53 pm

Millennials a first positive to summate:  There is no fate but what you rate:  If you want others’ “work” to be your’s for free others will be of habits to “work” any “work” yours to also be free!

Welcome to the parish of Doughty Banks - an established civil community of wards of the warren of Bunnytown long of engergized rabbits.

It is known, for it is taught like a bunnies law of science, that each individual mature rabbit GOTTA SPEND TO MAKE - TO MAKE BANK!

Bunnytown, has thanks to generations of sisters of the acts of the habit of Doughty, been so of their prides of rabbits of hares reared from such as slippery slopes of moral decay. “Moral” is not needed to modify “Capitalism.”  “Selfish” is not in their keeps of “self.”

Today we will learn more of Doughty Banks the great great granddaughter to Whoopie Banks, a most reverent whence of earlier moons.  To know enough of Doughty, yet by distant talk, it is almost necessary to learn first of her older sister Banksie Banks.  We are wise though to first introduce the legend of Whoopie - their precedent who glowed for accolades and thanksgivings for having been a she rabbit a hare most responsible for ending the cloning revolution.  These sisters are not alone of the inheritance cultural of Whoopie - all the bunnies of Bunnytown are rabbits reared respectful to much learned of her Sister acts to condemn hare cloning.  Whoopie was for natural rabbits to err to free range rabbits in lieu of manufactured too soul-less dime-a-dozen furry subjects. Whoopie defended that bunnies have souls and that any cloning is to be anathema to their natural bunny ways.  Whoopie cleared the tablets of all talk of cloning to fill their parish pews - especially the arguments footed of “by any means” as if justifiable. Whoopie was to cloning what “free oceanic” has been to their ESCARGOT celebrations.  Whoopie put her foot down to it barred that no bunny needs cloning to find a path to LOVE - to be a celebrant rabbit.

Whoopie is taught in Bunnytown so vociferously that to many her days seem their todays, and not those so history as of record as to be already weathered adorned where the adorning did become raised to adorn their parish facades and halls.  These of the family of hares Banks have made their coin for generations oddly not mostly in banking.

Though too a grammarian, like her mother a married into the Banks, Banksie has while a grammarian and of accolades as a teacher is though most notorious a rabbit as a bunny so green - “green” in the good mature ways.

There is a river that runs through it - it the parish lored of Whoopie “THE GREAT RABBIT SISTER” OF “THE CLONE SERMONS” which is needed to be known of to understand a time and place near eternal of how “THE HIGH ROLLER” Whoopie lives on today as if yesterdays nearer yesterdays than so generations precedent.

Before we move to the to be discerned of how Banksie Banks is rivaling the lore of Whoopie of a “HIGH ROLLER” as while Doughty Banks is becoming remarkable as too like Whoopie for a “HOLY ROLLER”  it is essential to know the habits of Sister Doughty are of the sect of hares secured as Christian bunnies of the order of evangelical keep long THE LITTLE SISTERS OF THE SPARE HARES.

Doughty’s order is brethren in a brotherhood of her sisterhood to the rabbits that hares brothers known for the hobbyist acumen and culinary sweetness - THE BECKET BROTHERS.  Cherished of her brethren brotherhood are their harvests of pickled escargot and too their variations on rhubarb pie fillings and chutney.

The sisters banks of green Banksie and Sister Doughty have worked out an affected synergistic of a common at core derived but made more local of Corinthians.  To them Galatians as “gal at tee’n tines” is now more by day a “Dayton” and by eve to dawn more of “Cincinnati.”

e.g.  In Bunnytown all rabbits post coital are reared to blow kisses to the town folk when ever in public, especially in a post haste, after carnal of vicissitudes incident to bunny life.  It doth vary how at least Banksie & Doughty parse when a rabbit is said to need be proper to a prudence of Corinth - and to hopefully not severely too of an “O HIGH O” of Dayton for Justice - if so how so by peer review.  The sisters like the BECKET BROTHERS do keep a metaphorical at the ready too of variants of Lot and Job of at least a WARREN for when to healing if by song possible of choruses of “O HIGH O” - “O HIGH O” …?

Bunnytown needs its grammarians especially for the years for bunny learning the root economics of a writ ecumenical too of Corinthians as GOTTA SPEND TO MAKE BANK is still firstly taught as derived from the “lessons” that a people’s capitalism need be of a “brotherhood” at least for for any economy to “sing” there must be songs the “community” must be regular as proud celebrants to roofs raised in songs that are songs song together.  The HOOK may be there at least needs to be a CHORUS that all can sing as if a significant participant in the beats of “free trading” harmonies and synergies of markets.

The “SISTER ACT” of the sisters grammarians and Banks is most cherished by the mature rabbits for how the sisters grammarians to gang up on the young bunnies to bring them to learned as to “profits” from of “prophets” as “Capitalism” is a good for it is of rabbits supposing to be doing good forward entrepreneurial of suppository positions and to “profits” if actually of having been good as to their prophetized - to their them as for markets of “work” as “service to humanity” as “the best work of bunnies” as of mission statements writ in a spirit as if a prophet or prophets.

THE BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC is also an especially favorite tool of these sisters of a “SISTER ACT” as Banks grammarians for to observe the expressants in song when stirred it works with observations as if a polygraph of the hearts called to be lifted in song.  As to any of the BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC participation there is a risk of observations as to how they handle HIS TRUTH IS MARCHING ON variants. 

THE BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC is also put forth for lessons to civic harmonics about ceremonials with an example from some the darkest years ever wafted over Bunnytown.  There is the yesterdays like live of today as taught by the videographic examples of a Second Inaugural performance for a President whom begot ways so centralized and nationalized to be very foreign to the rabbits of Bunnytown. Here is a link to such that asks of HIS TRUTH IS MARCHING ON as a polygraph to what is #FLOTUS thinking when observed:  http://www.bing.com/video/search?q=battle+hymn+of+the+republic+2nd+inaugural&FORM=VIRE10#view=detail&mid=6C58C9CA8A307E35FD436C58C9CA8A307E35FD43

There was observed that day that while the President so swearing & contrary that day did himself seemed troubled by “TRUTH MARCHING ON” that it yet fit a more easily observed of a predicament of a centralization too of the nationalism taught has having so depressed the wards of the warren of Bunnytown by the political economics at suppression as if an end justifying the too crony “redistributions” in the taught “BAD GREEN” ways.  It works as a fresh lesson when the sisters grammarians work it to do their gang up as their “SISTER ACT” though from this video it is more the FLOTUS than the POTUS caught on tape of problems with “HIS TRUTH” working as a polygraph by song singing together.

These sisters do teach this gang up as said precedent Whoopie worked it for coin to bank.  The do not teach by doing all their pupils bunnies “work” for them as it has been their methodology to assign homework of finding other videos of the SECOND INAUGURAL of this song sung when of the days of the President to as if a distant monarch too totalitarian while specifically too for centralized too “Socialism” and too much at his new nationalism economic suppression misrepresents.  This is also usually while such young bunnies are also being reared defensive against a return of such a distant “leader” with other teachers of this warren of Bunnytown of too using videography to teach of such so contrary to Constitution that in his Second swearing he did for the record do the swearing and then to the sworn negation so of oratorical bombast of declarations that he wouldn’t feel “beholden” to the very oath of office he was traditionally to have been swearing fidelity to the Constitution and the People’d people, however rabbits, to.

Whoopie Banks has lived on now as generations of rabbits begot more generations of rabbits quite naturally, though in good measure, as freed from the “THE CLONE SERMON” forever to vicissitudes incident to warren life.  It is splendid that you now have become introduced to Banksie Banks and her sister a Sister Doughty Banks of the THE LITTLE SISTERS OF THE SPARE HARES.  Her good work as His work was just begun in the days of the distant President when too caught for perpetuity by the videos of the observant of the THE BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC as performed at his Second Inaugural.

To leave you with an energized economical per the rabbits of the warren of Bunnytown, as we part for now, let us consider how much is in Corinthians that all of the lay of the “SISTER ACT” as per such is to guard from lies and liars and in keeping of a faith that the economics and social science of their Corinthians chapters are rich in them for a metaphorical grammar.  They make it “simple stupid” so “perfectly clear” that such days of economic suppression by at least that so “new nationalism” were of an attempt to bring in a “single payer healthcare entitlement” as by the book of the blueprints for “Socialism” of a BIG BROTHER GOVERNMENT too Machiavellian by being to ways at proclaiming “GOD IS DEAD” so to usher many to being reseated as if re-plumb’d to new flows from CONSTITUTIONAL to ways so of a THE LITTLE PRINCE learned as to what a monarch maybe must promise to the amassed, however, if to work them most naively to assimilated by suppression to acceptance of too totalitarian reigns, and by methodology by ways to affecting a STOCKHOLM SYNDROME.

Again:  There is no fate but what you rate:  If you want others’ “work” to be your’s for free others will be of habits to “work” any “work” your’s to also be free!

                                             *       *       *

[This blogged essay of #rabbits in series #HOGAN is merely now begun - I expect not  til morn will it reach economical maturity.]

{Seems done - note above now just “garnish”}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:52 pm

Spring is not the time of the year of the festival - the seasonal festival THE BLACK & WHITE ESCARGOT FEAST for all wards in Bunnytown.  When it happens it is a battle culinary not just of the freshest catches but too the BEST WHITE, and BEST DARK, and too a top 5 for OTHER CHOCOLATES.  The STRAWBERRY TEASE is too a battle festive of all chocolate these bunnies may sheet, dip, or barely coat of a celebrant seasonal harvest.

The four seasons may touch each ward of Bunnytown more aspecially throughout the years - it seems to many outsiders that these bunnies need little excuse to “party” - they are so well rectoried that too their partying can be very regular.  This is the legend of the warren of Art Harey a seeming naive to it bunny oddly showing tendencies to be a natural weatherman.

Art Harey is a young bunny.  He is still looking forward to his first HAREY GAMES and as he seems sporting while seeming a most likely to be a future weatherman.  This rabbit is a hare still quite green and shy to talk of so many “greys.”

The elders of all of Bunnytown this year are proudly embracing an onset of spring springing for it seems sprung from a quiet winter known that all the wards are reporting apparent civil copacetic conditions among all the generations and especially the frosty young not too young for beginning “bunny ways.”  The elders, as tradition would have it, are yet ahead of the games for the new spring and coming summer for the frisky bunnies of their entire warren;  The elders have already found a new natural metaphorical seeming deep enuf for a parental lingua code to keep hopefully near 99% of the immature bunnies from too much know’n.

Bunnytown is a literate town still proud and celebrant of oral traditions as well as full and robust expression by written word play.

Part of the mystery of Art Harey is how out of sorts it seems for he to be from his clan and so yet a seeming natural future Bunnytown weatherman - even while still so green.  The hares O Harey though musical in a proud amateurish accomplished in his parents, and grandparents generations, across the 12 & 16 rabbits begot of each so, and while their priorities were more to terra firma pragmatic grounded basics, are yet too surprised to see a general “painting” in broad brush’d heavenly interests in young Art.

Young Art has been particularly concerned around the various seasonal festivities to how the lot are to their coloring and if one pride or ward or bunny seems to be a BEST WHITE - BEST DARK - or so a top 6 of the “greys” OTHER based on weather ominous storied of their legends.  Art has been all about the dew points and quite green in a naivete on talk of pressure systems and cold fronts.  The elders cherish bunnies like Art for how easily they can be teased to a “lost in the clouds.”

Art can grow up expecting to get paid for any work however such plays out as now “predicted.”

As natural to learn math in Bunnytown is that a civility is taught from the earliest tablatures of nearly teaching an economics of a social science before the first arithmetic.  #NoFreeLunch is learned even before THE ESCARGOT & THE FROG;  An economics of for bunnies persists in a taught reared for all of:  “MUST SPEND TO MAKE” as if natural law in a surety as likewise in sciences:  “MUST SPEND ENERGY TO MAKE POWER - TO EXPEND POWER”  There have never been chocolate frogs served up celebrant at any of the season festivals of Bunnytown.

Across the wards of Bunnytown each spring an expected test question for shooled of Art Harey age specific pride is somehow always some form of question like a math question somehow about journalists while really not about math.

A form of this question is regular - please understand the posting here is short-handed as of the traditions of the elders of for talking over or around “mature” matters:

> #‎MarchMadness‬ ‪#‎millennials‬  #‎IQTest‬ • Y/N?  ‪#‎Journalists‬ smart enuf to fig press’d @ em too 2 b ‪#‎FREE‬ whom believe their words/work 2 b FREE?

For this audience it is a simple, we hope, as likewise #NoFreeLunch - and as quarded for the young bunnies like Art whom are told they do get free lunches.  Adam Smith is known to the warren of Bunnytown and all its wards - if only tradionally so by the mature hares;  Protected speech is about for a wealth of the warren in a comity so reared to mature learn some basics and too get guided locally in their wards if like showing tendencies to be a natural future weatherman - to of heavenly broad brush’d strocking erudity nuancing.

Art at the seasonal festivals and feasts has been regularly quite touchy when it comes to cooking conditions and any to be preferred expected warming and cooling and always, always, so far, of being persnickety as to relative humidity and dew points.

As spring is springing to oddly sprung of a fresh snow - these things are thought certain of Art.  Young Harey is prepped among the elders and enuf mature to as subject such that his ears should already be ringing however confused of song like but too much to understand beyond a seeming carefree and upbeat melodic.

Of Art, now as the HARE GAMES approach, and the later days to an elders fav feast wafts in as the THE BLACK & WHITE ESCARGOT FEAST, Mr Harey is quite proud of hearing of his Art:

> #‎MarchMadness‬  #‎RaceTogether‬‪#‎CitRB‬ “Art Harey” yet so green rear’d GOTTA SPEND TO MAKE! - ‪#‎Millennials‬ #‎free‬ ‪#‎news‬ to em too FREE!

To most this will at first maybe seem confused as of “mature” protected speech of bracket bunnies sorted by their numbers and statistics of predictions of 64 = 1 to 32 = 1 in a variety of confidences.

Art feels proud to be so talked about - even as his ears are barely of O hare hearing enough to make em rings.  Mr. Harey was insistent upon hearing his bride wanted Art that he as their third bunny would best be from Arturo rather than Arthur.

Mr. Harey is a bull of a bunny a first pick oft about the mid summer ELDERS FIDDLING SHOWDOWN.

Young 3rd bunny of the clan of Harey hares, Arturo “Art” Harey is a rabbit of the first order, as it seems, so far.  The “Art” of the Harey clan is still so green it yet is uncertain if to be to bearing as a bull rabbit like his father’s side or more a bear minor to such and shorter, as the genes have set, but not too petite.

In Bunnytown across all the wards and prides journalism is as good a profession as any, even the profession of weather peeps.  It is still of their ways to of Adam Smith that respect is shown (for reared in) a contrite common sense economics for a wealth of the warren of self interest feasted and contested so each to a rabbit not to be O hare doesn’t get GOTTA SPEND TO MAKE!

Stories are not seasonal to no bunny should rear up as if news or music should be their for free - that they should ever think they are being “intelligent” if thinking some more senior are not smart enuf to moderate their commentary and and sharing to however by blog or broadsides be to “editing” to give any too to #FREE as much coverage as to affect them of any efforts theirs therefore to for however long should also be made free.

For now Art is captivated of raptures precedent and anticipatory the the HAREY GAMES as those in the know have shifted from their confusing math of 64 = 1 to what simply seems to make more sense of 32 = 1.

No!  Art doesn’t have a prediction, concurrently.  He is that green - he is so green he is naturally naive & protected.  The Harey are prudently economical.  The keep of their pride is too of the adage quite well kept of their ward, especially, a pretty for its white picket fences, that too across their warren the Harey Clan is TOPS in neighborly of the example of:


And, akin to “Art” as Arturo, no one yet surprised he of teasing:


What is known is in Bunnytown Art is sure to grow up learned of Adam Smith and too wise it prudent to fig all decidings and predictions around the INVISIBLE HAND as it is blasphemy in their warren to ever be to speaking but of one’s “self interest” is to the preservation of the self - never to the gratification of a selfish as if an island in a community.  Art is in the legend of one’s self interest is smartly of the “economics” rites of social science to business science as to if to a wealth of warrens then firstly each to choose to be of a self in “community” and secondly to “choose” to be “moral” in such (chosen) community.

Art will be confused, maybe when in later years, when of sufficient maturity, he learns of an earlier “Art” of Arthur Strike who seemed called to right economic injustice and like blasphemy to Adam Smith and some too Kenneth Galbraith.

Some day Art will grow up and be expected to learn some basics of and earlier “Art” as it is a tale of the years in Bunnytown fictionalized of how economies and economics did go south for too many seasons and to such “Art Strike” and his novel story of like being the first Private Detective ever needed in Bunnytown for economic injustices from bad bunnies to at a cozy capitalism too in a materialism of gratification of selves work’d politically be really bad bunnies then of enuf power to affect a political “economics” suppression - the story is of a suppression that so moved “Art Strike” for said to be an accidental depression - yet not.

Art of the Harey Clan will have to get his learning straight if even to be yet of the success of “Art Strike” as told as good with the bunnies - as a gentleman bunny with the lady bunnies - quite.

This Art is still so green thou oft of spring predictions among those more mature, and especially his elders.  For now as spring spring and sprung yet of snows it seems the HAREY GAMES are holding their promises mostly foretold believed.

> What’s that young Art?  (Papa Harey asks.) Oh yes that is artful Art - there is a “frozen 32″ inside the bracketed.  (Papa)  Art - but remember there are a frozen 32 outside too.  (Papa too)

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Filed under: POLITICS, #MAGIC
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:51 pm

Toad Rabbit is a humble young bunny - a hare fare the well of innocence all the fluff.  Toad Rabbit isn’t a man or woman Rabbit but a child so young a hard to say when heard if a young boy or a young girl specifically. To add now may be Toad’s biggest societal challenge.

To add at this time of the year for any bunny so young is to be difficult like of A.D.D. when supposed to be adding for the smells of spring - of a renewal like a first born metaphysical.  March is a time of madness now for young Toad - a whiff of this and a whiff of that and off from adding to just live the life of his measured warren.  March is a time of madness for all young bunnies of the Rabbit’s kin and their warren as buzzing like politics wafts and wafts through its days.

Best as the Rabbit’s can tell their young Toad is not evidently of a bad A.D.D. while about normal tendency to fly off with spring fever, like bunnies ways. The Rabbit clan is long in pedigree as of a keep of cred as a humble lot of contrite spirits.  Whenever it has been that they as a lot have been of any said august yet to the one of the lot a penitent did not rate but a new high minimum.

This though is the first spring any of the Rabbit clan has been a foot of Toad and of echoes on the wind of mumblings to puzzlement of what chocolate toads could be celebrant of. It is important to this warren of the lot of Rabbits of community with the neighbor bunnies that democracy reign and no aires of regal titling or grants for Penthouse suites on their backs be otherwise contrary.  The only titles much allowed are seasonal and sporting and sporting for seasonal of at most HAREY GAMES sorts.

Long has it been in this warren that titling was as ignoble as czars to their democratic - - - Toad Rabbit is to grow up where any title must be won and merely in games of the seasonal, however of rites.  No Mayor is, however the warren’s Warden, as the People’d bunnies top guardian, against the too hairy chance, is by any means what ever to become so full of themselves to expect a post-office retirement to an Office of Trust with all the such perks as if titled by as if entitled to a Penthouse Suite and to such as with such of a math of even simple adding that should scare all hares as if “retirement” “allowance” in excess of “salary” + C.O.L.A.!

It was fig’d long ago in this warren so Constituted from titling that any math of hubris of arrogance of any “leaders” was a danger for the young at learning their numbers and math - at learning their adding.  This warren is so humble a People’d bunnies that the is seldom heard the specific name of the ancestor from whom too many clans learned that such as if “titled” begot a next gen too of A.D.D. especially when to their assigned adding.

Has the young were well reared and to be contrite souls throughout this warren near a utopia for their lots it is though that spring titles were most encouraged to be sought somehow - someway - someways to show you yet like feel the oats of your springing to spring sprung.  Toad Rabbit is at that age among such traditions that it is new to him the to fig how 64 = 1 “math.”

As 64 = 1 is “math” for Toad to join in adding to it yet is he is protected by the warren Constitutional from yet having to add up as if real math how a “retirement” to Penthouse Suites (however of “hubris”) can be of needing multiplication for faster math for the adding up to how a former Warden could be to 5X to 7X as post-office “allowance when “X” is the value of the pay of the job - the salary of the duty of office. Such does not respect the contrite in seasonal titling and the traditions, however bunny rites, of such warren of the Rabbit clan as it too begs how such to then be yet and “Office of Trust” too as if improper as yet a Titled for gains as both an “Office of Profit” and an “Office of Trust” oh so contrary to their rights and celebrant.

There are rules the the warren of the Rabbits of the lot of Toad’s kin and neighbors - that have been reset to preserve the protections from “leaders” gone astray to too as if Titled for life and entitled for Titled with “allowances” so affirming of a relevance forward sheerly for the value of the “perks” secured as if for the “retirement” to “non-partisan” and “non-political” limited activities promised promises - as the story the history goes.

As Toad Rabbit is still so young and innocent his immediate kin are most responsible for rearing him to a possible later day rising around a seeming confusing math of 64 = 1.  The standards in their rites of spring are for traditions forward to Toad someday to be encouraged and reared to be participatory in seasonal contests to those titles yet permitted.

The HAREY GAMES are not all of bushel baskets converted for sport - Toad Rabbit will have a chance to show his oats for sport when he is ripe to feel his oats in yet a variety of seasonal challenges.  If ever he yet shines bright of as a People’d bunnies beacon he may yet become the selected Warden for his ability to glow while still contrite of his lot, and their lots.

For now may it only be news of distant tyrants that stir confusion in the warren, and let pressed, and read, with some positive notes, of hope from any so a journalist, that where ever former “leaders” have been found too titled, and to regal too royal of keeps of Penthouse Suites, as a worst case scenario, that too there be news of a People’d people a foot and gaining against such excess to a expectant restoration of Constitutional democratics methodology.

By what rites these bunnies become celebrant when seasonally at least to rights kept of People’d O hares isn’t particular yet to the math of the to adds of Toad Rabbit concurrently.  There is to be magic in the air as by the traditions that to Toad Rabbit some day - God willing - may become measured and accountable of his matured rights too of a contrite and prudent knowing - a knowing of the ways of the busy bunnies as the adult Rabbits are want as his lot his kin are his primary guardians and nearest exemplars forward.

So as Toad Rabbit joins the fun of the spring springing sprung he yet is to have to worry of adding to gambling of how science and mathematics is poor judge to the contests of souls bracketed for contests seasonal of 64 to equal 1.  For now young Toad Rabbit is stirred to be traditional to contrite and humble as the hares way yet of a NOT TITLED lore of dire danger by “X” whence in their warren of a Warden whose name shall not be heard. For now the lore of the Wardens past of the Rabbit clan warren is yet of one so contrary of fig’n while in office some outrageous fig’d for post-office self gratification as if “entitled” to “TITLED” not just in the traditions of rights to rites kept to seasonal contests.

Toad Rabbit is a humble young bunny - a hare fare the well of innocence all the fluff.  Toad Rabbit isn’t a man or woman Rabbit but a child so young a hard to say when heard if a young boy or a young girl specifically.  To add now may be Toad’s biggest societal challenge.

If perchance you spot him please for now respect the talk of chocolate toads, 64 = 1, and old Mr. Warden no name now NOT TITLED is for his parents as his primary guardians to broach, by their traditions, rights, and even just seasonal rites.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:50 pm

In the daily battle between good and evil the builder bunnies…

These are days of e-stirs and e-stirrings fogs of religiosity and “American”!  Battles of the APPLE’s persist to a world more ap’d to tablets aptly in possession; Never before have so many been able to see the scrolls with such facility and ap’d aptly of at least a Bible in every e-reach. What of all these tablets now so e-read for e-stirring e-stirred to Easter?  How is it now devolutionary of so many all just e-struck of APPLE | of TABLETS | of SCROLLS | of ap’d aptly BIBLE new portability?

Bunnies still wake up bunnies to wondering if a mouse may have gotten their cheese or a goat their carrots.

Has the world just been shrunk? Has the world just gotten smaller?  Is Easter still all about the e-stirs?

Of Moses and Jesus and Muhammad it is no joke;  Tisn’t it of Jesus and Muhammad that neither is above the other and so that their God is equally above them?  What would Muhammad have heard of a world now made so small?

As bunnies still wake to whom a builder:  Whom wake stirred of jump rope rhymes like circa 1964: O from bedded happy:

“Gypsy, Gypsy please tell me
What my fortune’s going to be

Rich-man, Poor-man, Beggar-man, Thief.
Doc-tor, Law-yer, In-di-an Chief.
Tink-er, Tail-or, Cow-boy, Sail-or.”*


“Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack
All dressed in black, black, black

With silver buttons, buttons, buttons

All down her back, back, back

She asked her mother, mother, mother

For fifty cents, cents, cents

To see the elephant, elephant, elephant

Jump the fence, fence fence

They jumped so high, high, high

They touched the sky, sky, sky

And didn’t come back, back, back
Till the fourth of July, July, July”*

{* Google’d by JUMP ROPE RHYMES}

It is pertinent how these United States of America have been sluggish as heavy with a centralized socialism it was writ prophylactically from by the words and subscriptions in “the Year of our Lord…” - - - by the ordained and established People’s Order done by the founding fathers.

How wake the rabbits now if not to bed bedded happy of a ritual in community (for privacy) (and for HOPE) (for e-security)?

In the daily battle between good and evil there are builder bunnies and…

How of Easter of e-stirred Pilgrims to Puritans abroad to homes left to Oliver Cromwell and Rene Descartes pontificated?  These United States of America were writ in the experience of the Puritans (at least) as of trying an early subscription to “socialism” by “contract” and as learned from to prohibitions written to dissuade devolution by later colonial reset.

The economics of “American” are such that we are endowed to it of nation under God - under the Lord of the calendar of the New Testament - but of diversity in pluralism equality.

For the Constitution to constitute economics of growth there is an essence for democracy and the confederate republic that the people must be enough of “community” in voluntary extra state morality (rituals) as so of People’d people’s Order subscribed of the FEDERALIST PAPERS and as by President George Washington First Inaugural at least of Adam Smith fig’d WEALTH OF NATIONS of beneficence about INVISIBLE HANDS when a self first chooses community and secondly to try to be moral in “community” - - - about it in economies best interest when individuals are free to act to the preservation of their self (yet not so to being of SELF as of acting selfishly to in a gratification of their self.).

The bunnies of the Constituted People’d people’s Order “done” so as ordained and established are builders if builders but as “community” and “communities” can handle trespassers as of sugg’d #HOGAN of philosophical in “#GotCOMMUNITY = private | #GotTEAM = public | #Got_I = soul, & HOPE.”

The bunnies of the Constituted People’d people’s Order “done” so as ordained and established are builders if builders but as “community” and “communities” can handle trespassers as of the imports of PUBLIUS by Alexander Hamilton of Federalist #1 to it expressed primarily how the Constituted Constitution is to be of a confederate republic for “inducements to philanthropy” and “preservation…” of “property.”

The bunnies of the Constituted People’d people’s Order “done” so as ordained and established are builders if builders but as “community” and “communities” can handle trespassers as of it writ that bunnies are allowed “community” but not national centralized socialism of State/nation “entitlements” as for by USC Article 1 Section 9 Paragraph 8 and the spirit of Federalist #1 and the First Inaugural none are allowed to be “title” so many are not allowed to be “entitled”!

As we bed the bunnies forward their extra-State voluntary morality is to reign as of the diversity in pluralism equality yet under God - to reign still without the Congress permitted to build/make any Power by Law as if of power from “THERE IS NO GOD!” of “GOD IS DEAD!”!

Of the proper bunnies ways of these United States of America forward as hopefully dug out and reset Constitutionally these words celebrate the province of prudence where “#GotCOMMUNITY = privacy” rests:


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:49 pm

What we have here is like a Peter and the rabbits - A Moses versus the golden calf celebrants - Planned to ritual, & chaos happenstanced.

These times trials for perseverance upon the trued and upon caring for roads; - All roads - All roads are not local - All roads not in “community.”

How ever one re: cycles it is like an old adage that when in “roam” you should be wary to how the “roaming” are!  When in the “saddle” one should be re: specting of “roaming” upon others’ Sees, others’ shires, others’ warrens - especially others’ dens! Re: guarding each: beware the “hared”!

There are lines that shouldn’t be crossed - there are “rights” of ways - there are “wrong” ways - there is re: “processed” ways. Golden Rules?


But how - how re: constituted in Liberty and Posterity - how define “neighbor” and “neighbors” for the Commandments writ? On the road in the saddle however fleet of a cadence however musical and copacetic yet one to peddle prudence in Ten Cs if at least one can fig it how re: religious there are limiting principles in the principled of lying seems only forbidden fruit against your “neighbor” and your covetous is only too prescribed as wrong as per re: guarded as your “neighbor’s”!

For events of regulated times there are prescribed guardians for barbarians, and chaperones for prudent over rude; - A suspended “normal” for “sport.”


President Obama is no Peter, - his seats more saddle’d American than Sees Holy Roman ritualized.  President Obama does have a problem with the “roaming” and too of Rome for he even though Harvard Law educated and to ten years @ C proffering is crashed to the Constitutionals at least as per limiting principles and the Supremacy Clause.  His C (Constitution) isn’t our Constitution as ordained and established as the Peoples’ Order by the Founding Fathers as “done” (”done” un-capitalized in a humble “under God” submissive even though writ large as a paragraph started “done…”!) so subscribed in the “Year of our Lord…”!

His rabbits are us as our own free rabbits of rights from our Creator so Constituted.  Yet his logic is flawed and not of the writ warren/herd/tribe subscribed.  His flaws are apparent in regular order dismissed for executive order excess!  His Immigration order not Law until Congress concurs it so!

His are too of old re: cycled socialisms flat again on writ roads of Law legalisms.  Beyond his Immigration order as undermining to his Affordable Care Act it is that the Obamacare ruling sets up the very “His Immigration order not Law until Congress concurs it so!”  By the Supreme Court cycled prudence and how seated for regular order he again has “limiting principles” problematics and as for Obamacare allowed as if of a temporary war power with funding power but for a war on health it yet was spectacular for the spectacle re: specting the establishment of Congress as of not yet having exhausted itself of regular order for prudent in it to first be expected have exhausted itself of available options - all available legislative options.


President Obama is no Peter - his power is limited to jurisdictions of governed as Americans of these United States:  Delaware to Alaska & Hawaii - all 50 so of state Governments and “community” celebrants.

President Obama has been tripping over the “roaming” not in “roam” proper though maybe of a majority in Rome’s.  President Obama has an immigration problem - he has immigration problems.  President Obama was allowed his Obamacare for at the time there were still legislative options not yet of an exhausted Congress at the democratic and representative potential in the Confederate Republic writ ways.  His immigration problem is so now beyond the “executive” “over-reach” common sense concern to the “governmental” for “processed” in it ordained and established however one is of God and any See they yet are if in these United States so as American are of the rights by their Creator but too of Bill of Rights to powers to defend one’s “individual” and “community” from trespassers to the rules of the Ten Commandments.  What is one bunny’s in America is not to be presumed to be rightly that of another bunny’s just for the act of trespassing.  What is another’s bunny deserves protections afforded to protect against a too covetous intrusive’d.


How:  Re: created it Created Constitutional and yet to open roads under a Peter Principle.  Some bunnies are better to consider themselves fit to run in races and not to try to be free range hares of open roads “jurisdictions”/”turfs”!

How now:  However now to chocolate cities or states or a nation newly in a more broad enlightened copacetic of sorted in kind as sorted in linked http://bit.ly/SHAREDHUMANITY there is that brown cows do not make milk “chocolate.”  If you want for chocolate cows and they are not of your “bunny” turf it behoove yet to trod wary to too warey if trespassing wrongly to fallen by the Peter Principle.  Each road leads somewhere - a somewhere you may not be welcome or ready for.  Before you consider hitting the road however in a saddle’d becareful to consider how peddled others’ way maybe to be bristled by your rudity without erudity.  It is better to be re: “spectful” in a prophylactic from a unexpected limits to a broached to “Re:” legal’d.

How now: NOTE:  The First Amendment a Peter Principle to President Obama’s wrong ways @ the Supremacy Clause?

A Supreme Justice of the state of Alabama is rightful (even to R-E-S-P-E-C-T Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) with public displays of the Ten Cs - the Ten Commandments.  He now may be a Re:  Honorable Roy Moore vs. These United States too in the right as per bunny smarts than President Obama as expressive of a “supremacy” of the “Nation” - a “National” “Supreme’d”!





Beware your limits and the already writ adage of the Peter Principle!  And too now “WHEN IN ROAM - BE WARY OF HOW THE ROAMING ARE!”  Beware to others you may first seem a new threat to others!


                                             *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:46 pm

The rabbits - - - all the rabbits just wanna be happy - - - wanna collaborate in a happy warren.  “My country,’ tis of thee, sweet land of…”

There may be a “one nation” of rabbits - - - these though are times for free happy statists of warrens of songs of faith & state. These are rare times that try rabbits lungs as called - called up - to sing | to sing | to sing | statists first ||

It is tired how long tagged so many were boxed in - caged like - as either (rabbits) of red states or blue states.  Rabbits, they are of their warrens - they are as of their Creators “state.”  Bunny trails may be long - long even to bunnies of a parish - a community of a warren organized for rhapsodies and temperaments in jointed songs.  Any nationalist rabbit may be too full of themselves - too narcissistic; a tao of rabbits: All are created equal!

The proper care and feeding of rabbits may only be prudently known to each rabbit themselves - the exertions of each is best specifically known viscerally only to such - how much a bunny may need to “refuel” is related to how “heated” they may have become or bushing up in a ready to be as while feeling “called.”  Rabbits, it seems, are not immune to LOVE!

The greatest danger to any rabbit may be a Rabbit King or Queen of a preachy to a new nationalism - - - “…of Liberty” community busters.

Adam Smith rabbits can be to shining warrens of the hills if too for a wealth of warrendom they as individuals of a self see “self interest” as a facility in an “invisible hand” for a harmonic in rabbit economies.  Any rabbit’s self should first choose to be of community and then secondly choose to try to be moral in such “community” a warren to like a conscious herd.

In lieu of corralling rabbits of a collaborating so not to perish let us set up a copacetic not of there being red rabbits and blue rabbits but more now good Berklee Rabbits and bad Berkeley Rabbits.  Bunnies twerking?

Worser yet than a rabbit too narcissistic to wants of a hierarchy in autonomy as if crowned a Rabbit King or Queen can be a rabbit past their prime ignorant of such - or just in deep denial of being past their prime.

Worser yet than a rabbit however of trumpeting to a new nationalism, as if discordance to “community” can be good, yet contrary of e-warrens common sense: - a following from rabbits as blind mice tuned up wrong.

Where can there be a stairway to heaven for any - even for all - rabbits?  How is there a “just call out my name…” “& I’ll be there” for each rabbit of a warren as of a parish of song and jointed temperaments for rhapsodizing?  Like a wrecking ball an Emperor Obama of Immigration Park fluffed and puffed and rock’d a nationalist Obamacare way like a bad Berkeley Rabbit too as if a Rabbit King.  He came, he saw, he flummoxed!  He sorted and racked imperial as if each parish of each warren was his to be corralled as if by a Borg Queen Bee of a hive mentality that all need be assimilated.  His first contact principles seemed and seem still devoid of principled - devoid of limiting principles pertinent to Berklee Rabbits rhapsodies secured in collaborations to song and community as a prophylactic to mere perishing.

Of these American rabbits, of thee we sing, long live their rhapsodies, long live their prides.

Of these American rabbits, for which we stand, one Creator equally above, banners still wave.

Of these American rabbits, footloose and free, wild and wonderful, the children are our future.

Shake it off! Shake it off  Shake it off!  There is HOPE!  There is yet HOPE!  Beware the Berkeley Rabbits mo’ of 1984!  A time warp if only it were: Where has all the McCarthyism gone? - - - Where have all the McCarthyites borrowed? - - - Where oh where did then become here - HOW? NOW?  Shake it off?  Shake it off?  Shake it off?  Like it just 1989?  How did these become such dire straits?  Times of bloody Sundays but IRA’s of others?  Times of at least “Socialists” found and maybe too as if “Communists” sworn?  Songs of the Berklee Rabbits can raise roofs of heaven’s more than heathens - rabbits rafters on high. Beat it!  Beat it!  Beat it!  BE HAPPY - be rabbits as hatters - BE HAPPY!

Of these American rabbits, of thee we sing, long live their rhapsodies, long live their prides.

Of these American rabbits, for which we stand, one Creator equally above, banners still wave.

Of these American rabbits, footloose and free, wild and wonderful, the children are our future.

The rabbits - - - all the rabbits just wanna be happy - - - wanna collaborate in a happy warren.  “My country,’ tis of thee, sweet land of…”

There may be a “one nation” of rabbits - - - these though are times for free happy statists of warrens of songs of faith & state. These are rare times that try rabbits lungs as called - called up - to sing | to sing | to sing | statists first ||

Songs of a STRAIGHT TALK EXPRESS can rhythmically harmonize an apropos synchronicity forward in statism not of State but of states as each a state in concordance their own buffered from DANGERS upon us and growing from Nationalists to new assimilations to a new nationalism bad not just as bad for these times.

A pride of a conscious herd as a warren of rabbits is best constituted as of music as of selves as each equal under rights from their Creator.  A warren as a pride as a parish of community is best to a constitution of each for civility and peace, and, too HOPE!  A pride of a parish is best to endow and keep endowed a will of the rabbits however wholly of their warren, or sectarian and strong of voice.  As by now it should be self evident that the piping for a Rabbit Queen seems now more perilous forward than when she so long subjugated under a Black Rabbit, too a Rabbit King, of Berkeley Rabbits 1984 pride, it seems for the manuscripts yet blank and song selections evermore that TRUTH must again fill the parishes.

However merely of warrens to again more gathered for Posterity of beatings, of HIS TRUTH IS MARCHING ON, it seems for the manuscripts yet blank, and song selections evermore, that TRUTH must again fill the parishes and hearts of all e-warrens.

Beat it!  Beat it!  Beat it!  BE HAPPY - be rabbits as hatters - BE HAPPY!

Of these American rabbits, of thee we sing, long live their rhapsodies, long live their prides.

Of these American rabbits, for which we stand, one Creator equally above, banners still wave.

Of these American rabbits, footloose and free, wild and wonderful, the children are our future.

The rabbits - - - all the rabbits just wanna be happy - - - wanna collaborate in a happy warren.  “My country,’ tis of thee, sweet land of…”

There may be a “one nation” of rabbits - - - these though are times for free happy statists of warrens of songs of faith & state.  These are rare times that try rabbits lungs as called - called up - to sing | to sing | to sing | statists first ||



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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:46 pm

As any art of “Hilary” when there a “Hillary” in the “rabbits” seems at least subconsciously of a “puritanical” objection of one woman of too many “L”s?

Mustn’t a prima facia of #ItsMeHilary” be a caked to wild protestant of a Hillary of too many (political) positioned postured?  Aren’t there two Mrs. Dunhams in one a #Girls of a one “L” Hilary?  If we must talk about rabbits mustn’t we tussle a warren two as an Ann Dunham?

The future is rabbits!  There are good rabbits! there are bad rabbits! there are warrens of rabbits to posture!

As President Obama is near the age most fathers of even one daughter think to having a shotgun, and VP Biden still, we have that Sasha and Malia are of a black father who has no sons.  To be hip to Lena Dunham however as a “Princess Leah” or “Padme Amidala” we can flush out a posterity that she yet is like “Ja Ja Binks” as quite a “Gunga Din” and more the “grandmother” than Hillary.  As this will be of a brevity of a President without sons it to be of a je suis satirism of what American daughters have born witness to (too much) of a world of “rabbits”!

I know not if President Obama is a father who would allow a son to get even one tattoo.  This is not about his daughters - it though must be about President Obama’s mother figures during his administration wanton now as if tagged of too many too “rabbits”!

The future is rabbits!  There are good rabbits! there are bad rabbits! there are warrens of rabbits to posture!

Before President George Washington letter to the Jews, now still living in infamy of America as a land not to seed or grow a bigotry of tolerance, there was how is so claimed to have been he “repaired from retired” to be then from concerns of “impregnable fortitude” of their prophylactics (skins) of the day in sexual at home (with the books on sex he and Martha got from her parents library when they passed*) (*Read in a recent book about Washington) to established for the nation as best ready for governance inaugurated as Constituted for “among the vicissitudes incident to life…”!* (*See George Washington First Inaugural Speech text)

I do not recall if among Martha Washington’s parents books on sex so read of there was an original copy of a KAMA SUTRA.  The “Hillary” of too many seeming “L”s yet seems the Dunham the younger though old enough still. The “Hillary” of too many seeming “L”s seems to have been to President Obama as the older white surrogate mother figure in an Oedipal!  Lena as to a “Hilary” of a modest of one “L” seeming now an of #Girls and #ItsMeHilary yet seems the younger the older as a Dunham more like of an Ann Dunham alive and/or living on as a body guard to her granddaughters.

Secretary Hillary Clinton did amass a public record of seeming at times too emotional and too “(sexually) frustrated”!

I know not if Hillary Rodham “Dunham” Clinton has a tat - has been tattooed!  She seems of a record of envy!

Dunham - Lena Dunham - Has yet been so as if of Tatooine “star wars” as well as if a “Nubian”? How of India tao?

Lena Dunham on “puritanical” stirs the “rabbits” of Rome linqua franca respecting procreation pros #creation.  Dunham as a body guard of #Girls as if the living Ann Dunham yet now seems conflicted of #ItsMeHilary of a prudence of “L”!  Hillary - How say you (as Oedipal’d)?  Who is R. Kipling’s MUNICIPAL “Mr. Binks”?  “LL” Hillary of Tripoli been “G” hazy? “LL” Hillary of Behouins “bed o’ wins” tri-pol-i?

The future is rabbits!  There are good rabbits! there are bad rabbits! there are warrens of rabbits to posture!

There have been binders of women!  Muamar Qadhafi found of a binder of Ms. Rice but not of “LL” “Hillary”?

Who can deny that Mrs. Hillary Rodham “Dunham” Clinton hasn’t performed like a cloaked Sith Lord devilishly?

America of these United States of America Constituted have a sworn President who negated his swearing near as soon as it was orated lastly so in his Second Inaugural Speech and moments of recorded oral exposits.  In such he near as soon as swearing to be Constitutional he did posture that he wouldn’t feel “beholden” the the “oath” just taken.

I must leave it now for furtherance of any imports to the women of Ann Dunham however as if of Ann Dunham as a grandmother surrogate or as a missed older white mother figure - as a “L” or “LL” tat’d of #Eloise Dunham.  Or yet for he President so w/o sons, of an age of “guarded”!

The world is now the “bunny ranch” common to President Obama’s postured, and as well of Pope Francis’ frankness.

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is the Hillary we all must dissect metaphorically and theoretically smartly firstly!

How is Mrs. “LL” Clinton so everything of the early feminist heft? of envy? so emotional? very moody? historically (bitter)?


Is it tea time for puritanical #reset #resets?  What of the “envy” of Mrs. Clinton, however, as a public figure due dissection and however much “gutting” to delve the depths for “psycho babble” en familia of a je suis Bill “LL” Clinton committed union?  Mrs. Clinton feminism is in jeopardy for the politics reigns of her disexpected to be of truth an option for as a spouse she is like sworn of oath and vows to not betray or incriminate her spouse - she is like disallowed from truth for the history is so much was her husband’s fault and she even as President Obama’s Secretary of State had to like be President Clinton’s lawyer first and to finding lies for the truth wasn’t allowed by her to be expressed even if prudent.


Like President Barack Hussein Obama’s Vice President “Joe” Biden has spoken to as like “home” security need just a shotgun - a shotgun to just shoot off into the air - he too as stood up a parable like in “YOU CAN’T FIX IT IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT”!  Vice President Biden postured is however as also of leading from behind yet a good tat upon the failures now of his own administration.  It seems beyond where Secretary of State had to avoid the truth and try to find lies to now violate her spousal vows to the improper husbandry of President Clinton - of all his years, not just the too ignored/forgotten of 1993-2001.

The future is rabbits! There are good rabbits! there are bad rabbits! there are warrens of rabbits to posture!

There too is an observation that those of the right as so amassed too in the new “TEA PARTY” have not shown any of the signs of sexual frustration.  There is these days #forward are for #Repubs much of a new #Washingtonian more than a new “puritanical” “oppressive” too of them like liberated (but as bad #rabbits) to now beat the beats for like a Republican “Woodstock”!  Even as TEA PARTY too of some “repaired from retired” too? And, too as of “impregnable fortitude” positioned?

I must leave it now for furtherance of any political or global imports to the posturing and positioning of President Barack Hussein Obama, the 114th Congress, any now public as if to 2016 as a contender.  It does seem the record shows “LL” Hillary has been of a clean and present record of having been too emotional and publicly of envy.  It yet though is to be seen if Repubs now are actually to an American Kama Sutra to share how they have endured to still endear as Constitutional, and if such then will be just a re-printing of an original original of a copy that George and Martha begot from her parents private library.  “Vicissitudes…”?



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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:45 pm


It may be better to leave the women out of this!

No assembling now required!

Je suis rabbit?  Je suis of B.C., & pagan of a golden calf?  Je suis of institutionalized ignorance bullish horn’d?  Je suis le matador?

It matters less if President Obama jumps to the left, or leaps to the right!

He so postures as if ready & daring, of just rabbits charging - seems.

Oy! Satire! Oy satire!  OMG SATIRE!  JE SUIS CHARLIE!  OY :-(

How now begot of a new Congress to Slaughter the seeds of hope if by a “blackjack” at 21 or shy at 20?  If to be of our rights as independent to each as charged by their Creator a linqua franca need be refixed to repaired to common sense of a The Force magnetism of memory and stored energy. To be just kin et ick of slaughtering permissible of a sustaining soul is to speak to “pain” where codes and echoes are harmonizing to be of the possible Light!  It is ALIVE!  At 21 weeks she/he has “community”!

Je suis le enfant? I am but I have no “pa-a-in”! I have like “trauma” of “pressure” of in ma with no “Pa” “in” of pain before 20 by 7 of mine since thoughts of seeding fertile fertilized to seeded to Hope to of in the Light?

Je suis le enfant? I am not to be de cartean - of a cart as separated for of thoughts “ALIVE” but no original “THOUGHT”?

Je suis qui non Descartean?

Je suis “electric” of the The Force from whence seeded of a big bang polarity! Je suis to the Light of “live” wired!

What of all the charging as rabbits of President Barack Hussein Obama and he of a cape?  Bullish? Careless?  Don’t cry fo’ moi Argentina?

How co-lumbus by rabbits erred spans PBHO of a dividing think - of an eros and psyche erros prophylactical?  Vive le soldiers Christian ’tised?

Como se dice “rabbits” y “bullish”?  How by Barcelona structure so Gaudi for Posterity?  How run the rights of Spanish male/machismo passage?

/// Onward Christian soldiers…? /// Freed from “rabbits” to stand with bulls - “bullish” / but smart - in the Light? /// Onward Christian Soldier…? ||

How swimming the seeds of the Light of The Force “electric” from conception if conscious as more fertilized & warmed…. Too “soldiers”!

Beyond a “blackjack” unconscionable at 20 or 21 weeks there are still the future rights of passage for all Christian “soldiers”! To a man to “Amen!”!

For co-lumbus to discover when passing to past spooning there always the “shores” of “Tripoli” of bed oh wins beachy - - - a Coptic coded electric!

/// Onward Christian soldiers…? /// Freed from”rabbits” to stand with bulls - “bullish” / but smart - in the Light? /// Onward Christian Soldier…? ||

How now begot of a new Congress of the People’d peoples politics washing tonnage of the “business” separated from “of the Creator” divined fertiziled and warmed from “soldiers” to warmed of swimming humane of eggs and darts?  How structured the tao - a tao - a way - et tu como se dice a vive le French copacetic however too of Gaudi de Espana?  If to be of our rights as independent to each as charged by their Creator a linqua franca need be refixed to repaired to common sense of a The Force magnetism of memory and stored energy.  By 21 weeks at least a soul is extant - seems?  A rights of passage otherwise has commenced and inviolate of impropriety if to a slaughtering of a welcomed Christian “soldier”?

To be just kin et ick of slaughtering permissible of a sustaining soul is to speak to “pain” where codes and echoes are harmonizing to be of the possible Light!  It is ALIVE!  At 21 weeks she/he has “community”!

Je suis a “Serious Black”? a godfather? a leading citizen, at least?

“Religion” but everwas & evermore a human attempt to explain the “electric” universal of all things all so too of Jesus nor Muhammad above the other - of Jesus and Muhammad of their God equally above them?  Christian “soldiers” from unleashed devoid of “rabbits” “free” however by temperate to timed of rythms for “prophylactical” to separate from the Light while of vessels and reseviors of the charged of the The Force are like of the trespasses to discern for “bullish” check civilities in “immigration” “politics.”

Oy! Satire! Oy satire!  OMG SATIRE!  JE SUIS CHARLIE!  OY :-(

/// Onward Christian soldiers…? /// Freed from “rabbits” to stand with bulls - “bullish” / but smart - in the Light? /// Onward Christian Soldier…? ||

No assembling required - - - this is more a matter of “faith” in “religion” as a indivisible “of the all of all” - - - of “think” & maybe “speech”!

Como se dice et tu je suis of Muhammad for a man should fig “the straw the broke the camels back” to a serial of God’s tested of desert trespassers and dwellers so so so a comsi comsa asi asi of the “oy” & “oys” of how temperate of deserst of the Tigris and Euphrates, as too of Arabia were at least lucky for Muhammad to how he dated for Posterity that Christianity was if regular to all so then inadequate to people so God’s more severely tested of the environs of his deserts, and which ever hills of lava rocks potential Tranquility.


Je suis rabbit? Je suis of B.C., & pagan of a golden calf?  Je suis of institutionalized ignorance bullish horn’d?  Je suis le matador?

It matters less if President Barack Hussein Obama jumps to the left, or leaps to the right?

He so postures as if ready & daring, of just rabbits charging - seems?

Oy! Satire! Oy satire!  OMG SATIRE!  JE SUIS CHARLIE!  OY :-(

                                           *       *       *
As by a #SOTU #socialmedia http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan & @jphoganorg http://CitizenRosebud.mobi share:

‪#‎SOTU‬ • Doesn’t ‪#‎Obama‬ ‪#‎immigration‬ ‪#‎pen‬ undermine @Pontifex ‪#‎Pope‬ ‪#‎Francis‬ bridge building mission for ‪#‎SouthAmerica‬ ‪#‎LatinAmerica‬ by decreeing some their best souls otherwise ‪#‎Christian‬ ‪#‎soldiers‬ to be reassigned as ‪#‎Americans‬ as O’s official people?

Can Pope Francis give hope at least to such’s native sovereign parishes if they cannot be like not of ‪#‎deportations‬ but of exporting of ‪#‎freedom‬?

Can there be hope to rival the The Uunited States in the other nations of ‪#‎Americas‬ without so many as “illegals” to USA as ‘et their own people’s best hopes at home?”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:44 pm

There comes a time in the life of Pi Rabbit’s warren when at least a gaggle is about as to:  3-14 — NOW WHAT?!

These United States of America are now circumspect of a radial rolling out gaggles pied - and pied uncertain forward.

The American pie is now most dependent on Pi!  We cannot know how much American pie we have to split/portion if we haven’t not yet accurately gotten round the proper mass of a reality to how large or small our pie actually is, mathematically for necessary and proper accountability.

Should we think of us as of U.S. of American pie forward, for now as to consumption of rhubarbs - of rhubarbs pied?

{Please, upon as usage of rhubarb to forthwith to Yahoo by Googling now learned in a most basic, behooved not to feed rabbits rhubarb leaves for what makes the wood bleach I know as oxalic acid is of a toxicity to so harey in its leaves. Please, as it seems rhubarb now even better as an apropos metaphoric do bewares that it can be deadly while too a discouragement to bunnies.}

To get to the roots of the problems. of how Obamacare came to be so removed from the noble, as once of it as born a Republican Heritage dream, to stemmed too obtuse. and some for how stalked partisan in a poisonous divisive politics, let us become refreshed to a more measure of our pie by Pi - - -  by a Pi Rabbit’s unearthed possessive mass.

How e-stirred the bad bakers Democrats engorged on the Federal teets phat.as if an Easter Bunny could be vibrant for all, as a Queen Esther, and for like a never ending sunday of a Christmas everyday consumption, is now only partly evidential to the shortened dough problema of an unaffordable AFFORDABLE CARE ACT.

{I have not - I have never fed a bunny rhubarb or rhubarb leaves! Nor if I recall have I ever myself but been teased by rhubarb pie - however tempting it then seems recalled. I have used oxalic acid as a wood bleach at least in my boatwright work.}

To Israel now however democratic forward it seems of a DANGER DANGER O’HARE ALARMIST too perchance of these United States President as possibly of poisoning them from their Queen Esther consummate togetherness.  It is perchance a DANGER to abide or just even break bread e-stirred of President Barack Hussein Obama as if good for inside the belts of Israeli spirited. A President Obama as if a baker for Israel too seems hairy to DANGER prudent as if a PEACE PIE can be made as if leaven bread without the leavening.

President Obama may be to hops in his steps and suds on his beers, however honied, but as for American Pie or e-stirred Israel it seems his rising has been too of an ignorance of yeasts’ particular historical valued. Isn’t President Obama at cooking up a storm more than a WELCOME pie as if their can still be an EASTER or legend of Queen Esther without a regional to global we all together in a #HOLOCAUSTWASREAL precedent to each & their measured serving(s)?

So, now back to bunnies and a Pi Rabbit’s warren to the errs of the ways, however O a tao O Obama O O’Hare, #FORWARD #FORWARD #FORWARD!!!  It behoove us to look back and finally fig out how much pie there actually is to divide/portion.

NOW WHAT?  This is something else!  As fraught of the old “BOOK OF BARACK” of the public shared of http://CitizenRosebud.org #HOGAN fit for fig’n #StrongForTruth #EvolveTheLaw & #GiveTruthAChance as too measured and portioned by so lyrical and satirical traditionals of the base root “e” of http://www.JPHogan.org e-stirred - - - NOW:  What?  What is the proper mass for such portioning if such apportioned as Law to be Constitutional and not even smitten of a partisan poisoned?

Can President Obama be circumspect of a mass reality yet?  Can he be of or for the prudent of Queen Esther for an Israeli reset however forward democratic still?  How did he socialize so much for the Pilgrims descendent where in these United States of their America it was writ by the founding fathers as to be un-Constitutional to be so centralized as to a new nationalism as the rap of Socialism to Communism rests embedded in the difficult to parse a diff about between HillaryDemocrats and ObamaDemocrats?

Can President Obama survive a rap of having worked to edicts to divide and conquer by dividing a mass of “pie” he yet hadn’t properly fig’d an apropos mass fig’n by being considerate enough to first prudence in democratic first steps at a calculable as to the radial of the mass for the mass of the divisible by Pi of the actual pie?  Has that said to be heralded as Obamacare become spoiled of lots too of lots never prudently accounted or measured to apportioned for workable dough?

#RABBITS!!! NOW:  It is that the AFFORDABLE CARE ACT is to be phased out after Justices, 9, of the #SCOTUS benched Supreme Court tweetable, stand tall to a ruling, maybe unanimous, that it is for Congress, not them to legislate a “fix” to it so served for consummation before ever being cooked enough, however, to even be safe fodder for rabbits?

Descendents, metaphysical and physical, of Pilgrims of Plymouth stay the BUNNIES PURITANICAL studied.  The FREEDOM BUNNIES of today, however e-stirred so of these United States of America set forward by President George Washington’s letter to the Jews that discerned “American” as not to be of a “bigotry of tolerance” as to be a preserve for freedom in a Constituted under God but protective as from theocratic rule by “Nationals” and beset in foundations for diversity in pluralism.

{Of rhubarb - rhubarb pie & rabbits - - - These United States of America are Constituted still for FREEDOM BUNNIES not as threatened domestically by those rushed to AFFORDABLE CARE ACT particulars without guile for Constitutional as relevant as a bar from Socialism - originally baked for all.  Americans’ however of their Easter Bunnies and Queen Esther defensive prudence are yet pied to be only of a mass measurable by Pi natural law reality of scientific standards of portioning propriety.  In these United States of American where FREEDOM BUNNIES roam regular’d the #ACA has been like a poisoning as if the Constitutional was under attack from domestic’d threats.  It as warren’d of President Obama, however of O’Hare aires, has been to by being inadequately of apportioned measured Constitutionals to rendering pie not proportioned by Pi.}

As rhubarb leaves of a oxalic acid toxicity to rabbits - - - any know already if a global regional pie by Obama to poisoned to a new democratic biased for Israel forward as if devoid of leavening while to said baking as if to serve up leavened fare?  Is that of Obama’s baking to as if feeding even of O’s hares raw rhubarb leaves as if not to a consummate politics of a defense like offered whence by Queen Esther?  Has this “rabbit” President been too as a bad baker afraid of FREEDOM BUNNIES?

Has this “rabbit” President been too, as a bad baker, so afraid of FREEDOM BUNNIES, and not apportioned for any caring AFFORDABLE for being inconsiderate of mass and volumes long of the “American” as for American pie as supposed forward always to be respectful of the past and measured always even if by Pi Rabbit’s warren’s officers, at least?

There comes a time in the life of Pi Rabbit’s warren when at least a gaggle is about as to:  3-14 - - - NOW WHAT???

How do we now together reapportion the available pie?  How is it that which started as noble from Republicans of Heritage did so become this mess of a unaffordable AFFORDABLE CARE ACT - an Act of Pie not measured by Pi?

[Originally posted
June 26, 2015 @ 15:44]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:54 am

To double rabbit a justice about so many crossroads we’ld be cross, maybe, to not discern risings, and raisings, of the ups and downs footed at so many intersections, and there how so of overlay pathology, as to locking in a well joined apropos civility;

To a fitting justice, still set in joined civility of innocence until proven of specific guilt, we are still best to chisel lately at the rabbits’ overlays inaugural of George Washington’s prudent import at “…vicissitudes incident to life” immaturity prima facia.  To avoid even a smidgen of guilt (for a crucifying cross) one needs to consider their footing and their words, and well: 

May you be to lapping ups the joints to such, however, now firstly suggested, as if of two rabbits over-laid, to this joined raising for issues plus’d to capital punishment and apropos premeditation for avoidance from innocence lost.

Where any may be critical of mass it behoove any to see to having enough critical mass - in shared humanity.

Right?  In U.S.A. U.S.C. no freedom FROM religion as such not humanly possible.  Freedom OF religion as RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity?

Is it of genesis of APPLE that #Jobs struggle was firstly & always to bringing tablets & Bible into the palms of everyone #app’ly?

Prove “Order” so capitalized in preamble is a NOUN as @ The Constitution is a People’s Order — Dems “legality” falls!  To be high with the Founders and their Lord now in a newer Year so of such God of the New Testament you may be prudent to be as engirthed in lines of Noah however so set so natural in hemp;  Joseph as a carpenter, wherever of his Jobian struggles, needed like Noah to be good at rabbits and very stoked in joints, however.

Freedom OF religion as:  RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity?  When open the Ground Zero Museum of the September 11 Memorial keep will be charged to a keep for truth - and curiosity.  When open at Ground Zero it will be devilish to some, and cross’dly so, how God is to be seen in capital punishment tool’d.  To atheists however grounded, it, a cross, could be a cross as but a rabbited tool for justice as replaceable as by a noose or an electric chair - or guillotine.  Rabbit holes of those among the vicissitudes incident to life can, and have, led many to God - not all, though. Tolerance too is chiseled, at least by a precedence set by U.S.A. Constituted first President under the People’s Order and so humbly under the subscribed set Lord, whence then in that Year as “done” so boldly as per modifying “to form a more perfect Union” ordering.

Though the joints of Noah and Joseph may have been long set in hemp, and more naturally than today’s, the parsed meants of the Founders’ parchment poetry as Law do not set asunder rabbiting writs for heaven on earth through believing in their highs. As established and ordained and set in writs cautiously to forewarn, to avoid yet, to pitfalls from (fogged) stumbles on paths however golden.  It seems impossible for there but to be a freedom of religion as it seems, objectively, that there can be no freedom from religion, though a freedom from a religion is yet plausible - though if only by a stature of another.  RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity;  By an objective definition of RELIGION it seems impossible as it as of all humanity that any human can yet be free of RELIGION;  It seems any can only be of it and not ever from it, objectively.  It is but an old or new - good or bad - best poetry of shared humanity, to be judged - but not escaped from, wholly.

ART!  Art, objectively, can be a great and grand tool, at least, to a better and broader crossroads and bridging for latitudes and attitudes better joined for a preservation and practice of prudence in a rectal sui juris akin to Sodom and Gomorrah curriculum to bestow benevolence in habeas corpus prophylactic governance bedded in innocent until proven guilty clausals.  However your persuasion and choice natural biases it behoove yee to be a booster of ART as ART may help you when best to avoid innocence as lost to a cross’d crucifying, however — by ART there can be more room for a preserve of innocence.

There are Bishops on the boards of CHESS everywhere!  It is as obvious an objective statement, it seems, as to suggest there cannot be a freedom from RELIGION - anywhere.  Without a Rorchach, ever, however, most will see an intersections of the laid squares at times cross’dly, however their paths hopeful or hopeless whence.  What though may yet be modern (ART) more as if at surgical strikes as yet moves meant to be less as at marbles and prudently at least as at CHESS?  Did the Clintons’ lose their marble when graphically so to a standard as to stoked as if an “up yours” earthly to the European Union celestial’d circle in a rectangle;  Didn’t the Clintons’ only think marbles while putting a circle in a rectangle anew as the Swastika had been in the fields of red of the Nazi of Hitler and The Third Reich?

(Note to self:  Confirm that no Republican past President, is though like President Obama, also of a flag, as a standard their own as well, and also too that like the Clintons’, so as like Barack Hussein Obama’s, isn’t also like the Nazi flag as graphically imperialistic, objectively (in ART), as an earthly circle, not like the Europeans’ Union. nor Japan’s as humble in a celestial.).

Where any may be critical of mass it behoove any to see to having enough critical mass - in shared humanity.

Crimea, like Syria, however of Russia, is now hardly but a smidgen on the boards of shared humanity;  Crimea it seems isn’t to be stoked as if President Vladimir Putin has somehow lost his marbles, and while only playing marbles.  It seems this may be us of an intersection to be timed as too about a resurgent Russian Christian Orthodoxy.  It seems this is among the vicissitudes incident to life expectant in the existential of the newly Constituted United States of President George Washington’s rabbiting for inescapable humanity by his orations firstly inaugural whence.

Does Vladimir Putin have a holy excuse so about Crimea however too as a strategic CHESS move?  Does the Russian President have the words, even if a prudence to be covert and clever in strategery, to match the word of his Orthodox Christianity so Russian?  How cross’d be he if the Ukrainian (and Crimean) people are not too cross’d?  Is he about helping in their own jurisdictional rabbiting of consent more than terror?

Who is President Vladimir Putin - as per Syria and Crimea is he a TERRORIST or PEACEMAKER?

What are the particulars most prescient (in a divine) for those not themselves of a cross’d innocence lost joined, however, in ups and downs footed and rabbited?  What are the particulars for those yet not cross’d yet of he that is cross’d?

Where there is a smidgen of guilt there may be a mountain of thought buried too taxing scandals.

By the words about the cross soon set commemorative we are gathered about Crimea as of new valleys to reason about before it maybe be too late for risen.  Alfred Lord Tennyson, I presume, hadn’t lost his marbles, not a smidgen worth.  President Obama may now be getting CHESS moves he hoped for without an apriori appreciation of a Russian potential about Syria policing maybe firstly wisely pre-staged by better defensive (naval) depths about the Crimean shores.

As President Barack Hussein Obama is past a smidgen worth of tagging as at only being of playing marbles isn’t it if President Vladimir Putin is a rising in the establishments of Russian Christian Orthodoxy maybe being preparatory to better crusading joined defensive new suppositions of naval deposits about the Crimea?  If we are to expect a Russian responsibility for its (guilt) of years in enabling just President Bashar al-Assad as a Russian compassionate conservativism shouldn’t we think it may be safer for Ukrainian if Crimean only seen as the home port of the Russian Crusades?

Where there is a smidgen of guilt there may be a mountain of (thought) buried too taxing scandals.

Who is President Vladimir Putin - as per Syria and Crimea isn’t he also @ a/also TERRORIST or PEACEMAKER?

Where any may be critical of mass it behoove any to see to having enough critical mass - in shared humanity.  Right?  In U.S.A. U.S.C. no freedom FROM religion as such not humanly possible.  Freedom OF religion - ONLY - as RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity?

Isn’t it to atheists that a cross’d just as well if displayed, displayed otherwise by a noose, an electric chair, syringe, or a guillotine?  As ART yet of helping latitudes of attitudes for the preservation of realms of innocent until proven guilty?  We are, where ever, yet, however, Constituted much about the rabbiting joined in the “Among the vicissitudes incident to life…” as the word of US by the first white President George Washington and his orations in New York City. 

We are always at a crossroads - a cross’d - as of our walks and net mobility.  Be careful, and forewarned yet to stay even, tall and from even a smidgen + of guilt!  Long live a carpe diem Miranda’d established, ordained, subscribed boldly writ “done” more perfect Union!

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[Yes, though as much about dadoes, or a dado paired pared, such here so chiseled sketchy of rabbits and rabbets.]

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